Major Factors Affecting Factory Efficiency (2024)

byPrasanta Sarkar-0

One of the OCS readers asked this question - What are the major factors that affect factory efficiency directly?

The right answer to this question depends on the current factory practices. Depends on the production systems, workflow and effectiveness of the managerial team. The direct reason may vary from one company to another.
Major Factors Affecting Factory Efficiency (1)
In general, the following are the key factors that may cause maintaining and improving factory efficiency in garment manufacturing.

1. An imbalance production line

If you are having assembly lines and workload are not balanced in a line between workers, some workers will not get enough work for the day. And a few workers will have a pile of works. This situation causes the utilization of standard hours which in turn affect the line efficiency.

2. Unmeasured lost time and no action on lost time reduction

The time when workers are not doing standard work and waste their time being idle is called as lost time. Many times in a day, operator wait for work (feeding). Sometimes they wait for trims. Operators wait for the line to set up. Factory loses productive time that affects the factory's efficiency.

3. Unskilled employees

The production rate of a highly skilled worker is higher. An unskilled operator works at a low production rate compared to skilled employees. Secondly, unskilled operators make mistakes and produce defective pieces.

4. Not using time-saving equipment, folders and attachment

This kind of time-saving tools can reduce operation cycle time and can help to improve the operator's efficiency.

5. Demotivated workforce

Production speed in the shop floor in a factory also depend on the workers' mood. Demotivated workers can reduce the factory's performance. Untimely payment and low wages may demotivate workers.

6. Stitching quality issues

When quality issue is there, the operator needs more explanation and training, which in turn reduce the operator's production rate and cause efficiency fall of the given line. Secondly, if the garment quality is not made right the first time, there will be repair work, rejection and requirement of additional manpower.

7. Wasting productive time during style changeover

Excess waiting time for line set-up during style changeover cause factory's efficiency fall. This mostly happens when line supervisors, production and engineers are not pro-active and not ready with manpower and machine allocation, line layout, work aids, and pilot run.

8. Failing to monitor production

No monitoring of hourly production and not chasing the operator for target quantity and efficiency.

9. Employee absenteeism

When some of the employees do not come to work, it causes production loss, creates an issue in the workflow. If the workers leave or absenteeism is not planned, it reduces line and factory efficiency.

10. Machine breakdown and maintenance delay

Machine breakdown is a common fact. It may happen. But if the machine maintenance team takes a longer time to resolve the machine issue, line efficiency will fall.


The factory efficiency is one of the many business performances measuring tool in the manufacturing sector. Factory's growth and earning is directly linked with factory efficiency. That is why every business owners must take care of improving and maintaining factory efficiency.

About Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is the founder and editor of Online Clothing Study Blog. He is a Textile Engineer and a Postgraduate in Fashion Technology from NIFT, New Delhi. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing.

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Major Factors Affecting Factory Efficiency (2024)


What are the factors affecting production efficiency? ›

The factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The state of technological progress can influence the total factors of production and account for any efficiencies not related to the four typical factors.

What are factors determine industrial efficiency? ›

The 6 important factors which are affecting the industrial productivity are 1) Government Policy 2) Quality of Human Resources 3) Availability of Finance 4) Technological Development 5) Natural Factors 6) Managerial Talent.

What is factory efficiency? ›

Manufacturing efficiency is achieved when you create products with the lowest possible total cost. It's all about creating as much as you can with the resources that you have while reducing the time, materials, and energy you waste.

How to increase production efficiency? ›

How to improve production efficiency in a manufacturing setting
  1. Analyze workflow in the factory. ...
  2. Invest in advanced technology. ...
  3. Organize the factory floor layout. ...
  4. Upskill the workforce. ...
  5. Adopt preventive maintenance. ...
  6. Cut down on material waste.
Dec 7, 2021

What are the 4 factors affecting efficiency? ›

The factor influencing are: 1. Personal Qualities 2. Working Conditions 3. Social, Political and Economic Conditions 4.

What are the 6 factors affecting the efficiency of Labour? ›

Factors influencing the efficiency of labour

(2) Specific factors: General and technical education; Personal qualities and character; Experience; Machinery and equipment; Factory environment; Duration of work; Proper and prompt wages; Efficiency of employer; Social and political conditions.

What are the 4 factors of industrial growth? ›

Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What are the 7 most important factors of industrialization? ›

Reader view
  • Natural Resources.
  • Capital.
  • Labor Supply.
  • Transportation.
  • Consumers.
  • Technology.
  • Government.

Are there 3 types of efficiency? ›

Economists usually distinguish between three types of efficiency: allocative efficiency; productive efficiency; and dynamic efficiency.

What are examples of production efficiency? ›

It's about the quality rather than just the speed of your work. So if your business increased its productivity from 1,000 bags to 1,500 coffee bags with less waste, spending less money, and using fewer resources, then you have reached improved production efficiency.

How do you measure efficiency in manufacturing? ›

Manufacturing efficiency can be calculated using different sets of numbers relevant to efficiency, but the overall concept remains the same. In order to find your manufacturing efficiency, you simply divide your standard output by your actual output, then express this number in percentage form.

What are the five steps to greater efficiency? ›

Use the “5S” method from lean manufacturing to ensure your workstations are as organised as possible. It consists of: Sort; Set in order; Shine; Standardize; and Sustain — all techniques designed to keep clutter at bay, reduce errors, and improve safety and organisation.

What are 3 ways we could increase our efficiency? ›

Here are some strategies to get you started:
  • Set reasonable goals. Setting goals is critical to success. ...
  • Tweak your time management practices. ...
  • Ditch your digital devices. ...
  • Learn to say “No” ...
  • Take breaks. ...
  • Create a routine you love. ...
  • Let go of perfection. ...
  • Improve your environment.

What are 3 ways a business can increase efficiency? ›

Here are six ideas that can help your business become more efficient.
  • Automate Operations. One of the best ways to boost efficiency is to automate as many tasks as possible. ...
  • Delegate and Consolidate Tasks. ...
  • Improve Time Management. ...
  • Look for Outsourcing Opportunities. ...
  • Listen to Your Team. ...
  • Never Stop Improving.

What affects efficiency in the workplace? ›

There are several factors that affect employee efficiency and productivity in the workplace, such as work environment, job satisfaction, training and culture.

What leads to efficiency? ›

Efficiency occurs when you reduce waste to produce a given number of goods or services. You can measure efficiency by dividing total output by total input. There are a number of different types of efficiency, including economic efficiency, market efficiency, and operational efficiency.

What are the 4 types of efficiency? ›

Here are the six main types of economic efficiency:
  • Allocative efficiency. This occurs when the price of a good or service equals the marginal cost of producing it. ...
  • Productive efficiency. ...
  • Technical efficiency. ...
  • Dynamic efficiency. ...
  • Social welfare efficiency.
Feb 3, 2023

What 3 factors are most likely to improve labor productivity? ›

Growth in labor productivity depends on three main factors: saving and investment in physical capital, new technology, and human capital.

What are 3 select factors that increase labor productivity? ›

Output per hour can increase over time due to:
  • Technological advances.
  • Improved worker skills.
  • Improved management practices.
  • Economies of scale in production.
  • Increases in the amount of non-labor inputs used.

What are the four factors of production? ›

The factors of production are the inputs used to produce a good or service in order to produce income. Economists define four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. These can be considered the building blocks of an economy.

What are the 10 key factors affecting employee productivity? ›

In this article, we will share with you the ten factors that affect employee productivity at work.
  • Work Environment. ...
  • Workplace Culture. ...
  • Workload. ...
  • Training and Development. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Health and Wellness. ...
  • Technology and Equipment.
Feb 4, 2023

What are the 4 most important determinants of productivity? ›

The four determinants of a nation's productivity are physical capital, technology, human capital, and natural resources. Technology is a decisive factor in productivity, along with physical capital (equipment used to produce products), human capital (the knowledge of laborers), and natural resources.

What were the 5 causes of the growth of industry? ›

Factors of Production
  • Land.
  • Labor.
  • Capital.
  • Technology.
  • Entrepreneurship.

What are the 3 main factors in the Industrial Revolution? ›

29.390) The most important of the changes that brought about the Industrial Revolution were (1) the invention of machines to do the work of hand tools, (2) the use of steam and later of other kinds of power, and (3) the adoption of the factory system.

What are the three 3 factors that influence industrial location? ›

The factors affecting the location of industries are the availability of raw material, land, water, labour, power, capital, transport and market.

What 5 factors caused the Industrial Revolution? ›

The new inventions, access to raw materials, trade routes and partners, social changes, and a stable government all paved the way for Britain to become an industry-driven country.

What are the six factors needed to industrialize? ›

  • 1st factor. better transportaton.
  • 2nd factor. stable govt.
  • 3rd factor. stable economy.
  • 4th factor. human resources.
  • 5th factor. natural resources.
  • 6th factor. new technology.

What are 4 characteristics of industrialization? ›

There are several defining characteristics of industrialized societies, including large urban centers, the tertiary sector (the service sector) of their economies, large-scale organizations (companies and corporations), and mass production.

What are the keys to efficiency? ›

I always remind myself of four key factors: resources, time, quality and completeness. While keeping these in mind, I can assess if my goals have been achieved; if I underestimated the tasks at hand; and how well my team accomplished our goals, or unduly stretched ourselves.

What are the two main measures for the efficiency? ›

The two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are time complexity and space complexity, but they cannot be compared directly.

What are the three aspects of efficiency? ›

assertion that economic efficiency has three components, technical or productive, allocative and dynamic.

What is production efficiency in manufacturing? ›

Production efficiency is an economic term describing a level at which an economy or entity can no longer produce additional amounts of a good without lowering the production level of another product.

What is the difference between productivity and efficiency? ›

The difference between efficiency and productivity. Productivity refers to the amount of work you can get done in a certain amount of time, while efficiency measures how well you use your resources (such as time) to get a task done. To track productivity, you hold time constant and look at the total level of output.

Why is production efficiency important? ›

Production efficiency is important to help manufacturing and production companies determine the maximum capacity, or output, they can achieve with their current assets. It helps them determine if they are being the most efficient with their resources available so they can determine if they have areas for improvement.

What is the most common measure of efficiency? ›

Operating Expense Ratio

One of the most popular ways to measure an organization's financial efficiency is to track the operating expense ratio (OER). This metric measures the cost of operating your business, expressed as a percent of gross revenues. The higher the OER, the less efficient your business is.

What metrics measure efficiency? ›

Efficiency is often measured as the ratio of useful output to total input, which can be expressed with the mathematical formula r=P/C, where P is the amount of useful output ("product") produced per the amount C ("cost") of resources consumed.

What is Kaizen in warehouse? ›

In warehousing, Kaizen generally involves thinking with your team and fishing out creative ideas to solve problems. You can use this strategy with everyone, from managers to plant workers to make the most out of it.

What are the 4 steps to create operational efficiency? ›

How to improve operational efficiency
  • Identify areas of improvement. To begin, first identify areas of improvement within your workplace's current operations. ...
  • Automate processes where applicable. ...
  • Share resources among departments. ...
  • Streamline operational processes. ...
  • Ensure organization.
Feb 3, 2023

What skills increase efficiency? ›

Hand in hand with communication skills is the ability to prioritize, which also involves organizational and planning skills. Being able to look at one's tasks and break them down into mini-tasks, with clear goals and milestones, is guaranteed to enhance productivity.

How do you ensure operational efficiency? ›

9 Steps to Improve Operational Efficiency
  1. Use Performance Data to Set Benchmarks and Goals. ...
  2. Implement Automation. ...
  3. Create Open Lines of Communication. ...
  4. Adopt Digital Time Tracking. ...
  5. Encourage Employee Collaboration. ...
  6. Identify Bottlenecks in Your Processes. ...
  7. Hire the Right People and Train Them Well. ...
  8. Focus on Service.
Aug 9, 2022

What is lack of efficiency in the workplace? ›

Inefficiency means your business isn't getting enough out of what it's putting into things. One way to measure inefficient work is to take the value of outputs, divide it by the value of inputs, and then multiply times 100. In most cases, anything less than 100% after this math is not processed efficiently enough.

What are 2 basic ways to improve resource efficiency? ›

keeping waste out of drains. reducing waste outputs. reducing risk by improving waste management practices. improving recording and reporting within your business.

How do you increase efficiency in an organization? ›

Improving organizational efficiency involves establishing clear goals and a way of measuring them. Work with your employees to develop strategic processes to reach those goals and provide any necessary training. Involving your employees in the process can lead to more engagement and better output results.

What is efficiency strategy? ›

Management Efficiency

Strategic management decisions that promote efficiency tend to be aimed at reducing the use of resources through maximizing return, according to Reference for Business. Any action taken to reduce inventory waste, for example, would be a strategic management decision aimed at greater efficiency.

What are the 5 factors affecting the efficiency of maintenance? ›

Getting Started
  • The equipment must be correct for the application. ...
  • The efficiency of the pumping system is impacted by the piping design layout. ...
  • The pump must be in top condition for maximum efficiency. ...
  • A properly sized motor in new condition is essential. ...
  • Monitoring the pump and system is vital for long-term success.
Mar 6, 2015

What are the three factors that affect the efficiency of Labour? ›

Therefore, the efficiency of labour varies on the basis of factors such as education, skills, expertise, and the difference in their quality and quantity based on time.

What are three factors that affect production? ›

The factors of production in an economy are its labor, capital, and natural resources.

What factors can most likely affect your efficiency in the workplace? ›

Factors That Affect Productivity
  • Work Environment. As you can imagine, no one enjoys working in a negative or toxic environment. ...
  • Training & Career Development Opportunities. ...
  • Processes. ...
  • Pay Structure. ...
  • Employee Wellness. ...
  • Diversity. ...
  • Technology And Production Factors. ...
  • Tools.
Dec 1, 2021

What is the most important factor of the five factors of production? ›

Land is generally considered one of the most important factors of production. Certain industries rely on land more than others. For instance, a real estate developer needs it to make good on its investments.

What are the 4 main factors of production? ›

The factors of production are the inputs used to produce a good or service in order to produce income. Economists define four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. These can be considered the building blocks of an economy.

What are the 4 factors of production most important? ›

Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What are the 4 major factors of production and known examples for each type? ›

The four main factors of production are land, or the physical space and natural resources, labor, or the workers, capital, or the money and equipment, and entrepreneurship, or the ideas and drive, which are used together to make a successful attempt at selling a product or service according to traditional economic ...

What are two main factors affecting labor productivity? ›

Key Takeaways

For any period of time, the level of labor productivity is determined by two broad factors: capital equipment and applied technical efficiency.

What are the factors that affect manufacturing? ›

Factors that affect the Quality in Process Manufacturing
  • Unfitting 5S strategies:
  • Incompetent Process plan:
  • Control Plan:
  • Improper measuring equipment:
  • No Strategic planning:
  • Inefficient Teamwork & Co-ordination:
  • Experience of Labour:

What are the 3 factors of production in the Industrial Revolution? ›

These factors of production are land, labor, and capital. These describe the inputs used in the production of goods or services in order to make an economic profit.

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