How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? (2024)


How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? (1)

byMohiuddin AhmedJanuary 23, 2020

Sewing Line Efficiency

In the garments industry, efficiency is the ratio of produced minutes to spentminutes multiplied by 100. The formula to calculate Operator Efficiency, SewingLine efficiency, Sewing Floor or Unit Efficiency and entire Factory Efficiencyare the same. Just have to change some value to calculate the specific type ofefficiency. In this article, we will learn how to calculate a Sewing LineEfficiency.

How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? (2)
Figure: Sewing Line Efficiency

Sewing Line Efficiency Calculation

The common formula to calculateefficiency is-

How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? (3)


Output = Number of garments piecesproduced in the line

SMV =Standard Minute Value of the garment

Manpower = Number or the worker worked (Operator + Helper + ironman)

Working minute = Total minute work to produce thegarments.


A sewing line output is 1600 pcs in 9 hours. The operator was 32, the helper was 4 and the ironman was 2 and the garment SMV is 7.32. What is the efficiency of the sewingline?


Output = 1600 pcs

SMV =7.32

Manpower = 32+4+2 =38

Working minute = 9 hours = 9 × 60 = 540 minutes

Ifwe put all the value in the efficiency formula we will find the efficiency ofthat sewing line.

So, Sewing Line Efficiency = [(1600 × 7.32)/(38 × 540)] × 100 = 57.08%

How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? (2024)


How to Measure Sewing Line Efficiency? ›

To calculate the efficiency of a line for a day, you will need the following data (information) from the line supervisor or line recorder. b. Total minutes attended by all operators in the line: Multiply the number of operators by daily working hours and convert total hours into total minutes (multiplying by 60).

How do you calculate line performance? ›

To calculate the efficiency of a line for a day, you will need the following data (information) from the line supervisor or line recorder. b. Total minutes attended by all operators in the line: Multiply the number of operators by daily working hours and convert total hours into total minutes (multiplying by 60).

What is the efficiency of sewing? ›

Sewing efficiency refers to the total minutes produced by the operators divided by the total minutes attended by all workers [equation (5)].

What is the formula to calculate efficiency? ›

Efficiency can be expressed as a ratio by using the following formula: Output ÷ Input. Output, or work output, is the total amount of useful work completed without accounting for any waste and spoilage. You can also express efficiency as a percentage by multiplying the ratio by 100.

What is the average line efficiency? ›

At the factory level, the world-class value for line efficiency is equal or superior to 65 percent. This is an average for all assembly lines operated by a factory, with high-volume lines achieving above 80 percent efficiency and high-mix lines in the 60 percent range.

How do you calculate productivity of a production line? ›

You can measure employee productivity with the labor productivity equation: total output / total input. Let's say your company generated $80,000 worth of goods or services (output) utilizing 1,500 labor hours (input). To calculate your company's labor productivity, you would divide 80,000 by 1,500, which equals 53.

What is the efficiency of line balance? ›

- Line efficiency is the ratio of work stations time to the cycle time multiplied by the number of stations and - Smoothness index is an index that becomes the relative refining index of an assembly line balance. The minimum value of the smoothness index is 0 which indicates a perfect balance.

How can we increase line efficiency? ›

How to improve production efficiency in a manufacturing setting
  1. Analyze workflow in the factory. ...
  2. Invest in advanced technology. ...
  3. Organize the factory floor layout. ...
  4. Upskill the workforce. ...
  5. Adopt preventive maintenance. ...
  6. Cut down on material waste.
Dec 7, 2021

How do you calculate productivity in garment industry? ›

Most simply, productivity is the ratio between output and inputs. So, Labor productivity per 10 hours is =Total pieces produced/ total labor input = (1200/37) Pieces =32.4 pieces.

How can I sew more efficiently? ›

10 Tips for Faster Sewing
  1. Organize your sewing projects.
  2. Cut multiples at the same time.
  3. Use pins or clips sparingly ( substitute pattern weights when cutting the patterns)
  4. Group your sewing tasks.
  5. Use gray thread for interior seams.
  6. Chain stitch.
  7. Use flat construction methods.
Nov 4, 2021

How do you measure effectiveness and efficiency? ›

5 Tips to Measure the Effectiveness of Performance Management System
  1. Benchmark best performance management system practices. ...
  2. Define organizational goals and objectives. ...
  3. Establish Your Success Measures. ...
  4. Evaluate the Results. ...
  5. Take Action on the Results.
Mar 2, 2020

Which of the following is an example of an efficiency measure? ›

Answer and Explanation: Explanation: Efficiency of the company can be measured using the various type of activities but in this particular question the example of an efficiency measure is the number of the claim for insurance that are processed per day.

What does an efficiency of 40% mean? ›

40% efficiency means that. 40% of the heat given is used to do useful work and the 60% was not useful to the device or system.

What is a good efficiency rate? ›

An efficiency ratio of 50% or under is considered optimal.

How do you calculate line balancing? ›

According to the Formula (1), (2) and (3), line balance efficiency is calculated as follows. η=[the total process time/CT*operation number]*100% =[50.4+63+63+61.95+57.75+36.75+42/(63*7)]*100%=85% Balance delay rate is calculated as follows.

What is the difference between productivity and efficiency? ›

The difference between efficiency and productivity. Productivity refers to the amount of work you can get done in a certain amount of time, while efficiency measures how well you use your resources (such as time) to get a task done. To track productivity, you hold time constant and look at the total level of output.

What is productivity in assembly line? ›

Assembly lines are one of the most widely used production systems. Productivity of a manufacturing system can be defined as the amount of work that can be accomplished per unit time using the available resources.

What affect the efficiency of the line? ›

If you are having assembly lines and workload are not balanced in a line between workers, some workers will not get enough work for the day. And a few workers will have a pile of works. This situation causes the utilization of standard hours which in turn affect the line efficiency.

Why is it essential to ensure that the efficiency of a line nears 100%? ›

If a production line runs at or near 100% utilization, that production line may be a bottleneck. If it runs low, the company can theoretically increase output without adding more equipment.

What are the 5 steps for line balancing? ›

How can you achieve line balancing?
  1. Calculate takt time. Since the goal of line balancing is to match the production rate to takt time, being aware of your takt time is essential. ...
  2. Perform time studies. ...
  3. Identify bottlenecks and excess capacity. ...
  4. Reallocate resources. ...
  5. Make other improvements.

What are 3 ways we could increase our efficiency? ›

Here are some strategies to get you started:
  • Set reasonable goals. Setting goals is critical to success. ...
  • Tweak your time management practices. ...
  • Ditch your digital devices. ...
  • Learn to say “No” ...
  • Take breaks. ...
  • Create a routine you love. ...
  • Let go of perfection. ...
  • Improve your environment.

How do you calculate KPI in garment industry? ›

This indicator is calculated as = Total order quality/ Total shipped quantity. The target of Order to Ship ratio is always 1. It is good if the factory can ship higher than order quantity (only if the buyer accepts extra quantity).

How do you calculate line capacity in garment industry? ›

To get it, divide total capacity (in minutes) by SAM of the garment to be made on the floor. Suppose a factory produces basic full sleeve shirt of SAM 20. The shirt production capacity of the floor will be 1463 pieces per day (29268/20). Also read: How to calculate the production capacity of garment factory?

How do you calculate cutting efficiency in garments? ›

How to Calculate Cutting SAM?
  1. Do cycle time of Jobs (time study for 5 – 10 cycles)
  2. Do performance rating ( Assess how fast or slow the operator doing the job in 1-100 scale)
  3. Calculate Basic time (Basic time = cycle time X performance rating)
  4. Add allowances (machine allowance + personal fatigue)
Aug 12, 2012

What is the most difficult thing to sew? ›

3 Most Difficult Materials To Sew With And Tips To Make It Work
  • Leather. One of the toughest things about working with leather is that it is. ...
  • Sheers. In sharp contrast to leather, sheer fabrics like chiffon, georgette, voile, organdy, and organza are tricky to work with because they're so soft and delicate. ...
  • Knits.
May 19, 2017

What are the hardest fabrics to sew? ›

Organza, Voile, Chiffon, Pleated and stretch lace are difficult fabrics because they are very thin and do not keep well in shape during cutting and sewing. Provide extra weights on the fabric while cutting and thin pins for the fabric.

What is the simplest measure of efficiency? ›

The simplest measure of efficiency is the quantity of inputs that it takes to produce a given output; that is, efficiency = outputs/inputs. The more efficient a company, the fewer the inputs required to produce a given output, and therefore the lower its cost structure.

What is efficiency measured in? ›

Calculating efficiency

The efficiency can be calculated as a decimal or a percentage. Both useful energy transferred and total energy supplied are measured in joules (J).

What are the four measures of effectiveness? ›

Measures of Effectiveness should use assessment Indicators that are relevant, measurable, responsive, and resourced so there is no false impression of task or objective accomplishment.

What are efficiency metrics? ›

Efficiency metrics is also known as activity ratio. It is used for measuring a company's ability to use its resources efficiently. These metrics or ratios are at times viewed as measures of management effectiveness.

What is one way to measure efficiency? ›

A quantitative measure of technical efficiency of the budget output is the ratio of the output to the maximum possible output. If in a given time 100 units can be delivered per dollar of expenditure and only 80 units are delivered, then the efficiency is 80%.

What is a common measure of efficiency? ›

A common efficiency ratio is the operating efficiency ratio, or operating ratio, which compares company operating expenses to net sales.

What is the most common measure of efficiency? ›

Employee productivity is a common measure of efficiency.

What does 80% efficiency mean? ›

AFUE measures a furnace's efficiency in converting fuel to energy. For instance, 80% AFUE for a gas furnace means it uses 80% of the gas energy it consumes and turns it to heat.

What is 80% efficiency? ›

An 80% AFUE for a gas furnace, for example, means the furnace outputs 80 BTUs of useful heat for every 100 BTUs of natural gas it burns. The remainder may be wasted heat in the exhaust. Furnaces with 90% or higher AFUE are considered high-efficiency in the HVAC industry.

What does 60% efficiency mean? ›

If the machine is 60% then that means machine is capable of converting 60% work from input to output. For better understanding we take an example like we apply 100 J work as input in machine and machine efficiency is 60% then we will get only 60 J work as output.

What does the efficiency is 75% mean? ›

If a machine is 75% efficient, it means that 75% of the work input to the machine is obtained as the useful work output. The remaining 25% of the work input has been lost in overcoming the friction.

What does 20% efficiency mean? ›

If a solar panel has 20 percent efficiency, that means it's capable of converting 20 percent of the sunshine hitting it into electricity. The highest efficiency of solar panels can reach almost 23 percent efficiency, which is impressive considering the first solar modules were only 6% efficient.

What does 15% efficiency mean? ›

For example, if a panel has 15 percent efficiency, that means that 15 percent of the light that hits the panel will be turned into energy.

What is bottleneck in line balancing? ›

Bottleneck is an operation having longer cycle time and where process goes slow within the stitching mechanical system. This process that have bottleneck problem, is that the main reason for reducing the efficiency of the assembly line. Line balancing is one quite technique for balancing the assembly line.

What is the problem of line balancing? ›

The assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) involves distributing the tasks needed to manufacture any unit of the products to be assembled among the work stations along a manufacturing line. It is usually assumed that the required tasks cannot be split, that is, each must each be performed at a single station.

What is line balancing ratio? ›

The line balance rate (LBR), and the related line balance loss rate (which is simply 100% minus the LBR), quantifies how well or poorly the line is balanced. A lack of line balance routinely causes the waste of waiting and/or overproduction.

How do you calculate line formula? ›

The general equation of a straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the gradient, and y = c is the value where the line cuts the y-axis. This number c is called the intercept on the y-axis. The equation of a straight line with gradient m and intercept c on the y-axis is y = mx + c.

What is a line calculation? ›

Definition. The equation of a straight line is y=mx+c y = m x + c m is the gradient and c is the height at which the line crosses the y -axis, also known as the y -intercept.

How is line calculated? ›

The standard form of equation of a line is ax + by + c = 0. Here a, b, are the coefficients, x, y are the variables, and c is the constant term. It is an equation of degree one, with variables x and y. The values of x and y represent the coordinates of the point on the line represented in the coordinate plane.

What are the three formulas of a line? ›

There are three major forms of linear equations: point-slope form, standard form, and slope-intercept form.

How do you calculate a line on Excel? ›

The equation of a straight line is y = mx + b. Once you know the values of m and b, you can calculate any point on the line by plugging the y- or x-value into that equation. You can also use the TREND function. where x and y are sample means; that is, x = AVERAGE(known x's) and y = AVERAGE(known_y's).

How do you calculate effective flow? ›

If you can see the fluid flowing, you can measure its velocity, and that means all you need is the area through which the fluid is flowing to calculate the flow rate using the formula ​Q​ = ​A​ × ​v​.

What is the basic flow formula? ›

The flow rate formula is the velocity of the fluid multiplied by the area of the cross-section: Q=v×A Q = v × A . The unit for the volumetric flow rate Q is m3/s m 3 / s .

What is the formula for flow rate per minute? ›

IV Flow Rate Formula

The IV flow rate (drip rate) is calculated using expression given by the following formula: total volume (in mL) divided by time (in min), multiplied by the drop factor (in gtts/mL), equals IV flow rate in gtts/min.

What is the formula for the length of a line? ›

When dealing with horizontal lines, the length of the line is simply the difference between the two points' x-coordinates. In a similar fashion, a vertical line's length can be found by subtracting one of the y-coordinates with the other.

What is the first step to determine the equation of a line? ›

Identify the slope. Identify the point. Substitute the values into the point-slope form, y−y1=m(x−x1). Write the equation in slope-intercept form.

What is the line plot formula? ›

y = mx + c

The general equation for a straight line is y = m x + c y=mx+c y=mx+c, where m is the gradient and c is the y intercept. We can find the equation of a straight line by finding the gradient and the y intercept and then using these values in the equation.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.