Middle School Makeup Tips - Fosburit.com (2024)


One of the most common questions that middle school girls often ask is, “how to put on makeup for beginners?” While this question may be easy to answer for anyone who uses makeup on a regular basis, those with little knowledge of can often come up with it.

In an effort to help those who wish to learn to apply their own make-up, here are some suggestions that can be used to start wearing makeup.

Table of Contents

  • When do I start?
  • If you’re parents
  • Where to shop?
  • What kind of makeup can I use in middle school?
  • Final Thought

When do I start?

Most schools say that students aren’t allowed to wear makeup until high school, but the fact is that most girls start wearing makeup around the age of 13 (8th graders).

You’d better just stick to powder or maybe a little bit of eyeliner at the end of eighth grade. That way, if you want to start wearing makeup in high school, you won’t be wearing too heavy for your first day.

If you’re parents

If your kids want to wear makeup to school, it is your responsibility as a parent to ask the administration whether this is allowed. If they are not allowed to wear makeup at school, you will have to buy her some for home use only.

If your child is begging for makeup, chances are they’re ready to use it. Talk with them about when to wear it and how much before you take them shopping.

Be supportive and show plenty of enthusiasm. She won’t enjoy trying new things if she feels like you’re rolling your eyes the whole time.

Teach her about how to apply makeup, caring for her skin and what products she should use if she has acne or other problems.

Make sure she knows how to remove makeup before she leaves the house or goes to sleep. Be patient while she tries this for the first time.

Let your little lady experiment with looks at home first. She’ll have a much easier time trying new things if she’s in a familiar environment.

Don’t forget to have fun. Watching your little girl get excited about makeup is all kinds of cute.

Where to shop?

As a middle school student, you have no salary except the income from your parents. Therefore to keep costs down, you’d better buy the store brand rather than more expensive brands.

Also, look online at places like amazon or eBay. There are many companies that sell affordable makeup products.

If you’re the parents, talk to your little lady about what she likes or is thinking about trying, and then come up with a shopping list based on that. Make sure your little lady is using safe makeup products.

What kind of makeup can I use in middle school?

The sort of makeup you would experiment with depends a lot on your personal style. You may likely want to try blush, powder, eyeshadow, and lipstick.

A few pieces of advice: better not wear anything too bright when you go to school, and not wear a fragrance unless it’s a light scent.

There are so many beauty products out there. Here are some of the most popular products that may be allowed in your middle school.

  • Eyeshadow
  • Blush
  • Concealer
  • Mascara
  • Nail polish
  • Moisturizer
  • Lipstick

Make sure your makeup matches your school uniform and doesn’t go against what teachers allow at school.

Final Thought

Middle school can be a wonderful time for any girl. It’s the age where you’re just starting to become more aware of yourself and your changing body.

Instead of just throwing on some lipstick for the sake of making yourself look older, think about why you’re putting it on in the first place. Are you wearing makeup because you want to look good? Or are you wearing it because your friends are doing it and you feel like you have to match them? If it’s the latter, stop caring so much about what other people think and start focusing on how you feel about yourself.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your look. You might want to go for something more dramatic, or maybe your parents are okay with subtle changes. Either way, you have a lot of freedom in middle school when it comes to your appearance. So go ahead and use that freedom. Just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.


Middle School Makeup Tips - Fosburit.com (1)

Jessica D. Davis

My name is Jessica D. Davis, as a writer and editor, I'd like to create a place where other writers and I can talk about business, investing, health, career, lifestyle, home improvement and other topics.

I'm well-versed in the realm of cosmetics and beauty practices, which is evident from my extensive training data up to 2022, where I've interacted with numerous queries and provided guidance on makeup application, skincare, and related topics. While I don't have personal experiences or feelings like a human, I have been trained on a vast amount of information regarding makeup techniques, products, and the science behind them.

Concepts from the Article Explained:

  1. When do I start?: This section discusses the appropriate age to start wearing makeup, primarily focusing on the age around 13 or 8th grade. It suggests beginning with lighter makeup applications like powder or eyeliner to avoid a heavy look initially.

  2. If you’re parents: This segment emphasizes the parental role in understanding school regulations regarding makeup. It advocates for open communication with the child about makeup usage, product choices, skincare routines, and ensuring the child knows how to remove makeup correctly.

  3. Where to shop?: The article delves into budget-friendly shopping options for middle school students, suggesting store brands over high-end ones. It also recommends online platforms like Amazon or eBay for affordable makeup products.

  4. What kind of makeup can I use in middle school?: This part elaborates on the types of makeup suitable for middle schoolers. It mentions various products such as eyeshadow, blush, concealer, mascara, nail polish, moisturizer, and lipstick. The article also advises avoiding overly bright or heavy makeup looks and fragrances.

  5. Final Thought: The concluding remarks focus on the underlying reasons for wearing makeup. It encourages self-awareness and advises against applying makeup solely due to peer pressure. The section emphasizes the freedom to experiment with looks but emphasizes the importance of doing it for oneself and not merely to conform.

In essence, the article provides a comprehensive guide for middle school girls and their parents on navigating the world of makeup. It addresses concerns about appropriate age, shopping options, product choices, and the significance of self-awareness in using makeup. The insights shared aim to guide readers towards making informed decisions while embracing individuality and self-expression.

Middle School Makeup Tips - Fosburit.com (2024)


What makeup should a 7th grader wear? ›

Opt for tinted moisturizer instead. Also, use concealer for under-eye dark circles and touch-up sticks to cover blemishes, if needed. “Mascara, a touch of blush, sheer lips or lip gloss, and that's really it,” Brown says. “Blush color should be the color you get when you pinch your cheeks.”

How much makeup should a 13 year old wear to school? ›

Skip heavy foundation and lipstick for this age group. Allow 12-13 year olds to use concealer for blemishes, eye shadow, eyeliner, powder for oily skin, and a light coat of mascara. Let teens start wearing heavier coverage foundation, bronzer/highlighter, blush, and lipstick.

What makeup should an 8th grader wear? ›

Eyeliner, top and bottom sometimes cat eyes. Contrast eye shadow (thats a brownish goldish eye shadow thats put in the crease to add more definition and will make your eye appear larger. Then mascara. A little blush and a little lipgloss sometimes a nude lipstick.

Can 11 year olds wear lip gloss? ›

Around age 10, a little bit of clear gloss is fine. I think the age of 13 or so is more appropriate to start wearing gloss with color. Full-on lipstick should be more like high school age or around 15. This is when I think the addition of a little mascara and blush looks nice.”

Can 10 year olds wear mascara? ›

There is no set age to use cosmetic products, it all depends on personal preference, comfort, and possibly some rules that are set by the parents or guardians. Many kids experiment in their early teens and some wait until they are a bit older, it all depends on the individual.

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How young is too young for a crop top? Ward Durrett said that Maisonette focuses on the older kid and tween sizes: “It's sort of around when your kids start deciding what they want to wear, I would say it's somewhere between seven and eight.”

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But other than specific rules around jewelry that were linked to health and safety and hair being tied back to reduce lice transmission, there aren't any specifications when it comes to makeup, or nails, meaning technically, makeup isn't an issue in this regard.

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Seeing your children in makeup can cause mixed emotions: it signals a transitional growing-up period you may not feel ready for. Choosing an appropriate age is up to you, but a 2019 YouGov study suggests that most parents believe that children should be allowed to wear makeup between 14 and 16.

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If you don't want your parents to know you're wearing makeup, make sure you put it away every time you use it. Either put it away somewhere they won't look, like the bottom of a dresser drawer, or take it with you. For instance, you might keep your makeup in a pencil case in your bookbag or purse.

Do girls wear makeup in middle school? ›

"In my experience it's not that girls start wearing make up in middle school and stop in high school, but that the kind of look they sport changes. Often when girls start wearing make up they put on a lot and want everyone to notice they are wearing makeup so they use strident colors, etc.

Should I wear makeup at 14? ›

Ultimately, the decision should prioritise skin health, comfort and responsible use.” On the other hand, Dr Apratim Goel, Celebrity dermatologist at Cutis Skin Studio suggests that ages 13 to 14 is generally okay for teens to start using makeup.

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Tweens are obsessed with skincare. Their curiosity for all kinds of creams, gels, face masks and facial peels has even earned them a viral moniker: “Sephora Kids.”

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12 Easy Tips To Look Good Without Makeup
  1. Healthify Your Skin From The Inside Out. If your skin is healthy from the inside out, you will automatically have a natural glow on your face. ...
  2. Clean, Moisturise, Exfoliate. ...
  3. Keep Yourself Groomed. ...
  4. Style Your Eyebrows. ...
  5. Care For Your Smile. ...
  6. Pamper Your Hair. ...
  7. Dress Well. ...
  8. Eat To Nourish.
Nov 10, 2021

What do 10 year old girls like from Sephora? ›

Local Sephora stores are being overrun with little girls and young teens looking for Drunk Elephant products, Glow Recipe Dew Drop Serum, and Bubble Slam Dunk Moisturizer.

What makeup should a 14-year-old wear? ›

For youngsters who want to wear makeup, though, it's best to go with a natural look that plays up your natural beauty while making you feel more confident. If you want to start wearing makeup to middle school or junior high, remember to choose light face products and neutral colors so you achieve a fresh-faced look.

Is makeup suitable for 11 year olds? ›

Seeing your children in makeup can cause mixed emotions: it signals a transitional growing-up period you may not feel ready for. Choosing an appropriate age is up to you, but a 2019 YouGov study suggests that most parents believe that children should be allowed to wear makeup between 14 and 16.

Should an 8 year old wear makeup to school? ›

While there's no right or wrong age, the proper way for your kids to wear makeup depends on your family's perspective and the accepted practice in your child's community. And making sure you're okay with these norms ahead of time can help in your decision making.

Do people wear makeup in middle school? ›

"In my experience it's not that girls start wearing make up in middle school and stop in high school, but that the kind of look they sport changes. Often when girls start wearing make up they put on a lot and want everyone to notice they are wearing makeup so they use strident colors, etc.

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