Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (2024)

In a forever evolving world, the expectations in the modelling industry feel like they are constantly shifting. But while many are fighting for a more diverse fashion landscape, a lot of aspects remain the same; model requirements appear to remain constant.

More curvaceous models grace the high fashion runway than ever before, but there is still a long way to go before other stereotypes are broken and we see a more diverse range of people regularly on catwalks and in magazines.

Model Requirements

A model’s height, age and measurements (bust, waist and hips) are always taken into account, no matter what niche of modelling you are in. To become a fashion model, you must be over 16. Those that are younger than 16 are classed as teen or child models.

Other modelling requirements include an attractive or interesting face and a certain ‘something’ that makes you stand out. This could be a feature (such as red hair, freckles or big eyebrows), or it could be something about you that makes you different.

As we take a look at the model requirements and statistics for each modelling division, please bear in mind that there are always exceptions to the rule. It’s important that models continue to try and break through the strict rules and encourage brands to branch out with their choices.

Different Types of Modelling


Tall, slender and beautiful models are typically hired for high fashion. The British Association of Model Agents (AMA) explains that a female model’s height should reach between 5’8” and 5’11” with a 6-8 dress size and a 34″-24″-34″ bust, waist and hip measurement. Anything above this is classed as plus-size. High-fashion brands have been criticised for their dangerously thin models and have hired token curvaceous figures to appease the masses, though unfortunately there is a long way to go before plus-size models are regularly seen modelling high-fashion garments.

The high-fashion industry has also been accused of racism, with little ethnic diversity shown. As with plus-sized models, token black or Asian models are spotted in editorials and at fashion weeks. Many are fighting to eradicate tokenism completely and have a fully-inclusive range of models seen more often.

It’s important to fight stereotypes and boundaries that make no sense. The strongest individuals are forcing change within the community; by not allowing their weight, age or race hold them back, they are able to create a path for others to follow. Examples of models breaking boundaries include trans model Andrej Pejic, short model Kate Moss and hijab-wearing model Halima Aden, who have all broken the mould and worked for top fashion designers.

Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (1)

Commercial/Catalogue Brands

A more accessible, natural look is desired by commercial brands, who aim to reflect their customers in their marketing. You will still need to be relatively tall, but not to supermodel standards; requirements are much more relaxed.

Symmetrical features, a beautiful smile and a slender figure is desired. However, some commercial brands have plus-size and petite sections that will hire accordingly to relate to their target audience.

Catalogue and commercial brands aim to sell their latest designs in-store and online. They will therefore choose models that reflect their customers. Young, fashionable brands such as New Look will be more inclined to choose a more girl-next-door model, whereas sophisticated high-street retailers such as Next and Zara will aim more towards slightly older, ladylike women.

Plus-Size Labels

Many people are frustrated over the industries relationship with size. The majority of healthy, beautiful women fit into the plus-size category and therefore do not relate to high-fashion models commonly seen in high-end magazines.

Many ‘plus-size’ models are campaigning to remove their plus-size label; they believe that, by labelling perfectly healthy women as ‘plus-size’, this may cause the public to have a negative relationship with their own bodies.

It’s important that aspiring models don’t allow body hangups to prevent them from following their dreams. Designers are always looking for a new way to shock and disrupt the ‘norm’, whether via outlandish tricks or a new fashion muse. An example of this isAshley Graham. Now considered by many to be a supermodel, Ashley broke the mould of conventional skinny models and instead showed how her curves were beautiful and relatable.She did not let her fuller figure hold her back and has inspired countless women to be proud of the skin they’re in.

Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (2)

Petite Frames

Small frames will be well suited to petite modelling. Brands who design for a smaller build will hire models who fit their clothing. This means that short girls will have plenty of opportunities for work if they are signed to the right agency.

Typically, a petite model is classed as someone with a height measuring between 5’1” and 5’7.” Again, do not be discouraged to try out for other niches and refrain from becoming stereotyped. There are always exceptions to the rule – perhaps you could be one of them.

Fitness Fanatics

A muscular, highly toned physique is required to become a fitness model. Bulging biceps, a toned six-pack and strong thighs are a must. The niche requires individuals to form a dedicated diet plan that accompanies their strict exercise routine. A strong, passionate character will be able to maintain the daily commitment needed.

If you are not passionate about your health and fitness, you will lack the stamina required to keep your body in shape all year round. Most fitness models are experts in a certain sport or exercise – for example, football or ballet. This allows them to have a specific frame that is ideal for some niche modelling opportunities, such as a football clothing brand.

Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (3)

Body Part Models

Working in the body part industry requires an attractive body part – you don’t need the whole package to be a parts model, so this opens up the opportunity to a lot more people. Demands are usually for a killer pair of legs or an elegant pair of hands.

As the focus is primarily on your best feature, you must therefore take great care of it. No bruises, blemishes, scars or rashes will suffice. A beauty regime is a must to keep your body part looking in tip-top condition.

Hand models must ensure they protect their hands from cuts, bruises and sun damage. Leg models must keep their legs toned and smooth, with regular moisturising and exercising. While there is less pressure to ensure you look great from head to toe, there is still a certain amount of pressure to look after your money-making body part. A lot of body-part models choose to have their body part insured for this reason.

For more information, watch this video by a professional hand model:

The Glamour World

To succeed in the glamour industry, a busty hourglass figure is generally required. A large chest, slim waist and pert derriere is deemed the perfect seductive temptress. Glamour models must also have the confidence and body awareness to pose provocatively. Height is not so much of an issue as the focus is more on individual body parts.

Before entering the glamour world, ensure that you are 100% comfortable posing in your lingerie exposing most of your physique. Unlike other modelling niches, glamour models can get away with having quite obvious plastic surgery done.

Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (4)

The Beauty Industry

The beauty world is similar to the body part industry in that there is a focus on specific features. Cosmetic brands will promote their latest product which could range from mascara to shampoo.

A beauty model needs to keep each feature in good condition. Striking eyes, smooth lips and healthy locks are very much desired in this niche.

Some brands are choosing to not post-edit their photos. This means beauty models must have a good beauty foundation; clear skin, healthy hair and a beautiful smile are all likely to get you work.

Qualities Required in Modelling

In addition to each niche’s model requirements, a certain type of character is required to be successful in the competitive modelling world:

  • Show confidence at each casting and modelling job, even if you’re feeling nervous. Believe in yourself and your capabilities.
  • Work extremely hard to make your career successful. Modelling is not always as glamorous as it looks; there is a lot of travelling, a lot of rejection and a lot of waiting around.
  • Resistance is key. You will get rejected regularly. It is part of the nature of the industry and you need to find a way to pick yourself back up every time.
  • A business educated mind is vital. It is not enough to just have modelling talent; it is essential to be able to understand contracts to avoid being taken advantage of. If you are unsure, find someone who can explain everything to you properly before signing anything.
Model Requirements: Do You Have What It Takes? (2024)


What should every model have? ›

If you're just starting in the industry, here's 10 absolute essentials you'll want to have with you at all times:
  • The Bag:
  • Your Modeling Portfolio (book):
  • Makeup Kit:
  • Basic Oral Hygiene Kit:
  • Clear Varnish or Spare Hosiery:
  • Extra Pads or Tampons:
  • Flat Shoes or Sneakers:
  • Cell Phone, Charger & Headphones:
Jul 29, 2021

Can you be 5.5 and be a model? ›

You don't need to be tall to become a model. While most models are typically 5'9" to 6", you can still be signed with an agency even if you fall under this height range. Tall models may dominate the high fashion world, but there are plenty of other opportunities out there.

What are models expected to do? ›

Models typically do the following: Display clothing and merchandise in print and online advertisem*nts. Promote products and services in television commercials. Wear designers' clothing for runway fashion shows.

Can you be 5 1 and be a model? ›

Runway Models

The height requirements are 5.9 and above for female models and between 5'11" to 6'2" for male models. The fashion industry is very strict and has high, and sometimes unreasonable standards. Since the requirements are not very flexible, it is a hard industry to get into.

What is the perfect body size for a model? ›

Fashion modeling

Female measurements: Female fashion models are usually at least 5'9” tall. Model waist size tends to be 10 inches smaller than the chest and hips. Male measurements: Male fashion models are usually 6' to 6'5,” wear a size 40–42 top, and have a 32-inch waist.

Can you be a model with acne? ›

The Model Coaches recommend keeping things in perspective by remembering that acne does not have to hold you back from your dreams and that even though it might be bothering you today, it might not be a hurdle forever. Keep in mind as well that the acne has no effect on the genetic gifts that make you model material.

Can I model if I'm short? ›

Shorter men and women don't have to put their modeling dreams on the shelf. While the typical fashion modeling dimensions for women tend to fall between 5'9” and 6 feet, and 5'11” to 6'2” for male fashion models, there are still lots of jobs for shorter models to book.

Can models have tattoos? ›

The good news is that tattoos are becoming more and more commonplace in the modelling industry. In the past, finding a high-profile model with tattoos was very rare, but these days, many huge names are showing off their incredible body art.

Are models well paid? ›

Models can earn anywhere from as high as $401,500 to as low as $11,000 a year according to Ziprecruiter. Model salaries are highly variable based on industry and depending on experience, appearance, celebrity factor etc.

How do I start modeling? ›

Although the path to becoming a model is different for everyone, here are the five most common steps to get started:
  1. Decide what type of modeling to pursue. ...
  2. Create a modeling portfolio. ...
  3. Practice, practice, practice. ...
  4. Attend model casting calls. ...
  5. Get signed by a modeling agency.
Nov 8, 2022

What to expect at your first modeling audition? ›

After meeting the casting team, they will quickly look through your portfolio to see your range of work. They will also look for important information such as your height and measurements. If necessary, they will also take measurements or ask questions to determine if you are a good fit for the campaign or show.

What are the 4 types of models? ›

9 types of modelling explained
  • Runway models. A runway model works most commonly on the catwalk, which is the runway at fashion shows where designers showcase their work, such as a new clothing line. ...
  • Fashion/editorial models. ...
  • Commercial models. ...
  • Photographers. ...
  • Textile designers.
Nov 30, 2021

Why are models so tall? ›

The taller the person, the easier they are to see on a catwalk or even while walking through a crowd. They're better at drawing attention from a distance, successfully attracting the audience to themselves and their products. Shorter people, it's believed, are simply more likely to be overlooked.

How tall are petite models? ›

Petite models can work in commercial, catalogue, glamour and body-part modelling just like “normal” sized models (who are around 5'8 plus). A petite model generally measures between 5'2” and 5'6” tall. Their hip, waist and bust sizes also tend to mirror their height (slightly smaller than the average male or female).

How big is a model's waist? ›

Runway models must have precise measurements so they're able to fit the clothes that designers are going to be showing to their clients. Their measurements are usually no greater than 34 inches around the bust, 23 inches around the waist, and 34 inches around the hips.

What body type are most models? ›

Ectomorphs are long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They have a hard time gaining weight. Fashion models and basketball players fit this category.

How small should a model waist be? ›

Height is typically between 5'9″-6″, bust is between 32″-36″, waist is between 22″-26″, and hips should be between 33″-35″. Of course most woman don't meet these standards and that is why fashion models generally get paid the most and work the most.

What features do most models have? ›

Here are the 5 qualities beauty models should have in order to improve their chances of success.
  • Even Facial Features. Most cosmetic brands look for a symmetrical face with even features. ...
  • Flawless Skin. It is important for beauty models to pay special attention to their skin. ...
  • Expressive. ...
  • Luscious Locks. ...
  • Confidence.
Aug 6, 2020

What are the features of a good model? ›

6 Qualities to Look for in a 'Model Candidate'
  • Confidence. Professional fashion models know their best angles and know how to use them. ...
  • Poise. Do they carry themselves well? ...
  • Headshot. Does the camera love them? ...
  • Portfolio. ...
  • Preparedness. ...
  • Dressing the part.
Mar 25, 2015

What is the most important thing for models? ›

Confidence is the most important ingredient for a successful modeling career. If you don't believe in yourself and your potential, how will anyone else? A smile, great posture, and eye contact will all give off the impression of confidence. In this industry, you may not get every part you audition for.

What are the properties of a good model? ›

This chapter introduces seven key properties, whether they already be widely accepted or have yet to be accepted at all, that a good economic model should possess: 1) parsimony, 2) tractability, 3) conceptual insightfulness, 4) generalizability, 5) falsifiability, 6) empirical consistency, and 7) predictive precision.

What kind of body does models have? ›

You know you have a straight body type if you have the same measurements for all sections of your body. This body type is popularly known as the supermodel body. It is also called a rectangular or ruler body. Since it does not have a well-defined waistline, the body tends to look straight.

How are models chosen? ›

A model is either “scouted” (picked by an agency worker) or the model applies to the agency themself. They will have to attend an interview (known as a 'casting call' or a 'go-see'). A model can choose to go freelance and represent themself, however it is usually in the model's best interest to get signed.

What do model agencies look for in face? ›

For runway models to even be considered by an agency, they must stand, preferably, 5'9 or taller, with a petite build. A striking facial structure is also sought, however overall success in the runway modeling depends on maintaining an excellent complexion, as well as a thin well-proportioned figure.

What are the four 4 components of successful modeling? ›

Effective modeling involves 4 components to mix/match depending on students and their experience: a clear GOAL, a positive DEMONSTRATION, a chance to PRACTICE, and the opportunity to REFLECT.

What are the five key benefits of requirements modeling? ›

5 Key Benefits of Requirements Modeling

Easy to create simulations. Able to automatically generate documents. Can automatically conduct tests. Allows for easy integration into development and test tools.

What makes modeling successful? ›

The modelling industry demands individuals who have a strong work ethic; this means understanding that early starts, late finishes, exhaustion and travelling are all part of the job. An ambitious character who is determined to succeed through sheer hard work will be well-suited to the modelling world.

What should a girl do to become a model? ›

How To Become A Model?
  1. Decide what kind of model you want to be. ...
  2. Start practicing at home. ...
  3. Train and exercise. ...
  4. Build your portfolio. ...
  5. Look for an agent. ...
  6. Take relevant classes. ...
  7. Look for opportunities to be noticed. ...
  8. Use social media.

What's the best age to become a model? ›

For both male and female models, sixteen is considered the ideal age. This being said, female models may find themselves more popular than their male counterparts at a younger age. This is because male models are considered to get better with age, and have more success well into their thirties and even forties.

What are the four aims of modeling? ›

Through modeling, we achieve four aims: Models help us to visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be. Models permit us to specify the structure or behavior of a system. Models gives us a template that guides us in constructing a system.

What is a good model performance? ›

But in our opinion, anything greater than 70% is a great model performance. In fact, an accuracy measure of anything between 70%-90% is not only ideal, it's realistic. This is also consistent with industry standards.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.