Modesty Matters (2024)

Dressing modestly is a challenge in today’s world. Here, Church members share their responses to the following questions: How do you ensure that your clothing is modest? How have you promoted modesty in your family, ward, or stake (or branch or district)? What insights have you gained about the importance of modesty?

Who Did I Want to Be?

An event some years ago changed my attitude toward modesty. As I got ready to go to a Mutual activity, I put on some short shorts; it never occurred to me that they were inappropriate. The activities planned for that Tuesday included having the missionaries give us some practical advice about missionary work. One of the last empty seats was next to me. For a brief moment the elders began to argue, as discreetly as they could, over who had to sit next to me. Though they never said so specifically, I understood they were uneasy because of the way I was dressed.

At that moment, notwithstanding my embarrassment, I began to understand what it meant to be modest. I realized that I was making virtuous young men feel uncomfortable—and that I could also be making unvirtuous men feel too comfortable. I began to better understand what type of person I wanted to be with and, more important, what type of person I wanted to be. From that moment on, I was not only prepared for the changes I was about to make, but I looked forward to making them.

Chelsea Anderson, Ohio, USA

A Modesty Fashion Show

In October 2004 the Young Women and Young Men organizations in our stake had an event called “Modesty in Dress,” based on the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. It consisted of a fashion show divided into three parts: casual wear, sportswear, and formal wear. We asked each of the young men and young women to select three changes of clothing, and we helped them choose which clothes were suitable. We invited their leaders and parents to this activity. We emphasized scriptural verses about the body being a temple (see 1 Cor. 6:19–20) and the counsel of our prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. The activity had a positive effect; the young people in our stake are more concerned now about grooming and dressing in an appropriate way.

Teresa de Jesús Contreras de Ramírez, Mexico

Modesty Tips

Modesty is definitely a challenge in today’s world, especially for teenage girls. I know—I am one. But you can be modest all the time and still wear what’s in style. Here are some tips I have found helpful:

A lot of girls give up on being modest because they think it is just too hard. But I can tell you that it can be done!

Jami Elsmore, Nevada, USA

A Daily Reminder

I have a picture of the Savior and a picture of the London England Temple in my wardrobe. When I open it to get my clothes, I am always reminded to keep myself clean and modest so that I can one day go to the temple and worship there.

Carolyn Bailey, England

Tight Fit Is Also Immodest

Many people think immodest dress relates only to an insufficiently covered body. But a tight fit is also immodest, even when the body is fully covered. This applies to men as well as women. Many do not realize that tight clothing draws attention to the anatomy, which distracts from the purpose of education, business, leadership, or worship. Adequate ease in the fit of our clothes allows the viewer’s attention to go to the other person’s face for more effective communication.

Judith Rasband, Utah, USA

The Body Is a Temple

Bahia, Brazil, where I live, has a very hot climate, which makes it a little hard for people to dress modestly. But I feel something special when I dress in a way that invites the Spirit to be with me. I know that the body is a temple of God and that it should be treated with respect.

Stephan Cerqueira Levita, Brazil

A Matter of Prayer

After a discouraging day of prom-dress shopping with two of my daughters, we returned home in weary tears. We had not found one modest dress. I encouraged my daughters to take their desires to the Lord in prayer. They looked at me quizzically, not at all certain that a wardrobe concern was prayer-worthy. I promised them that Nephi’s conviction in 1 Nephi 3:7 applies to the mundane as well as the monumental: “I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” My daughters agreed to pray about the problem, and within a week we found beautiful dresses in unexpected places that we could alter to be perfectly appropriate.

We continue to make modesty a matter of prayer. I have learned to follow small promptings from the Spirit, even if it means driving a distance, searching through sample racks, or making substantial alterations. I want my daughters to know that I value modesty enough to go out of my way.

Jerie Jacobs, California, USA

A Panel Discussion

One possibility for promoting modesty among young women is a panel discussion with the young men. This approach drew together the young people of our ward in serious consideration of this gospel principle.

Some of the priests we invited to participate were less than enthusiastic at first because they did not want to offend the young women who would be their audience. To help set the young men at ease, we met beforehand to talk about what they could say about modesty and how to present their ideas properly.

We felt the Spirit during the panel discussion. The young women joined in the discussion and listened closely to what the young men had to say. One of the panel members told them, “Could we start by not seeing any immodesty at Church meetings?” The young women responded very positively to the advice from their friends.

John Wilkinson, Utah, USA

The Body Is a Gift

During my last year of high school, I decided I had to strengthen my testimony before I left for college. I studied all I could about the Savior’s life and His atoning sacrifice. As I did so, the reality of His love struck me so powerfully that it brought me to tears. I realized that I am indeed a beloved daughter of God. As the magnitude of this sank deep into my very being, I realized that dressing modestly is not just to prevent the boys from thinking bad thoughts. It is a way to show our appreciation for one of the most wonderful gifts God has given us: a body.

May I suggest that Church members be taught to be modest because they love and respect themselves and the Lord and they want to honor His gift. I never had a strong testimony of modesty until I learned to love Heavenly Father and the Savior more deeply.

Brenda Petty, Idaho, USA

Try Shopping Online

Coming out of the Los Angeles California Temple one day, I was dismayed to notice that some bridesmaids were wearing immodest dresses. I then saw that the bridesmaids in another group were wearing dresses that were modest yet very pretty. I asked where they had found such lovely dresses, and they enthusiastically chorused, “Online.” The Internet can be a good source of modest clothing.

Anne Elwell, California, USA

Modest and Fashionable

When I was younger I wanted to dress just like my peers at school. I unwillingly obeyed my mother’s wishes for me to be modest. Today I am grateful to my mother for the clear line she drew and for her example. I now have my own testimony about the importance of modesty. It truly is possible to dress both modestly and fashionably.

Roberta Eggenberger, Switzerland

Testimonies of Modesty

My understanding of why I should dress modestly came gradually after I joined the Church. I now look with great respect upon modestly dressed people whose eyes shine with the light of chastity. Dressing modestly is not always easy, but if we make the effort, God is bound to help us.

Olga Khripko, Ukraine

I believe we show our humility and respect to our Heavenly Father when we look decent and clean and are appropriately covered.

Sharlene Cherry, Philippines

Beauty Within

I did not understand the concept of modesty before I was a member of the Church. Within a few months of my baptism, I learned that a piece of clothing would not make me more beautiful—rather, beauty comes from within. I am striving to serve the Lord in the way He asks us.

Roseangela Barreto, Brazil

Your Dress Is a Reflection of Who You Are

“Prophets of God have always counseled His children to dress modestly. The way you dress is a reflection of what you are on the inside. Your dress and grooming send messages about you to others and influence the way you and others act. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and can exercise a good influence on those around you.…

“Immodest clothing includes short shorts and skirts, tight clothing, shirts that do not cover the stomach, and other revealing attire. Young women should wear clothing that covers the shoulder and avoid clothing that is low-cut in the front or the back or revealing in any other manner. Young men should also maintain modesty in their appearance. All should avoid extremes in clothing, appearance, and hairstyle. Always be neat and clean and avoid being sloppy or inappropriately casual in dress, grooming, and manners. Ask yourself, ‘Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in the Lord’s presence?’”
For the Strength of Youth (pamphlet, 2001), 14–16.

A Protection against Temptation

Modesty Matters (1)


President Gordon B. Hinckley

“Modesty in dress and manner will assist in protecting against temptation. It may be difficult to find modest clothing, but it can be found with enough effort. … You can be attractive without being immodest. … Draw some rigid parameters, a line in the sand, as it were, beyond which you will not go.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Stay on the High Road,” Liahona and Ensign, May 2004, 114.

Modesty Matters (2024)


Why does modesty matter? ›

To dress in a modest manner is about believing our bodies are precious and worth protecting for what is intimate. We can train our children to respect their own bodies with proper boundaries as we affirm their dignity, value and worthiness as Jesus has.

What is the true meaning of modesty? ›

Modesty is an attitude of humility and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If you are modest, you do not draw undue attention to yourself. Instead, you seek to “glorify God in your body, and in your spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:20; see also verse 19).

What are modesty issues? ›

Modesty in a medical setting refers to a person's shyness or fear of exposing their body to someone else. There are many reasons some people feel inhibited about revealing their bodies to healthcare providers, including: Embarrassment. Fear of being judged.

What are some examples of modesty? ›

If you blush, you've got some modesty. Modesty comes from the Latin modestus, which literally translates as “keeping due measure.” Knowing the correct measure of yourself is modesty, and when someone praises you too much, your modesty might kick in and make you want to tell them to be quiet.

What is the rule of modesty? ›

Standards of modesty discourage or forbid exposure of parts of the body, varying between societies, which may include areas of skin, the hair, undergarments, and intimate parts. The standards may also require obscuring the shape of the body or parts of it by wearing non-form-fitting clothing.

Why is modesty powerful? ›

Modesty can be a powerful concept when we believe we are more than bodies. And when you believe that you are capable of more than looking hot, then you might dress differently than someone who perceives her value comes from her appearance, or the amount of attention she gets from men.

What is modesty of a woman? ›

If someone, especially a woman, shows modesty, they dress and behave in a way that is intended to avoid causing sexual feelings in other people. There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty. Synonyms: decorum, virtue, decency, delicacy More Synonyms of modesty.

Where in the Bible does it say to dress modestly? ›

In 1 Timothy 2:9-10, Paul says, "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." He goes on to say in verse 11 that a woman's adornment should be "not with outward ...

What does the Bible say about covering your body? ›

[6] For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. [7] For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

What is lack of modesty? ›

exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous. Antonyms: modest. marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself. retiring, unassuming.

Is modesty being humble? ›

Modesty often poses as humility, but, unlike true humility, is skin-deep and external rather than deep and internal. At best, modesty is no more than good manners.

Why should a woman dress modestly? ›

Modest fashion is about being comfortable in your skin. It's about allowing your natural self to come out and shine. People who dress modestly are often surprised by how comfortable their attire makes them feel. From your innermost being, you'll feel confident and secure.

What are the core values of modesty? ›

Modesty is a virtue necessary for purity. It flows out of the virtues of temperance, chastity, and self-control. A modest person dresses, speaks, and acts in a manner that supports and encourages purity and chastity, and not in as manner that would tempt or encourage sinful sexual behavior.

How do I show modesty? ›

A modest person is defined by his or her humility.
Seek out advice and constructive criticism.
  1. Accept that you may be wrong from time to time. ...
  2. Don't interrupt when someone is criticizing you or giving you advice. ...
  3. Don't dismiss the criticism others offer you, but don't accept or believe it all at face value.

What would a modest person do? ›

A person who is modest does not talk much about their accomplishments, possessions, or abilities. They are usually quiet about their successes. Is being modest valued in your culture, or are people encouraged to share and discuss their abilities and accomplishments?

What is too much modesty? ›

It means not boasting or trying to get others to admire or recognize you, as well as not minimizing or making yourself invisible. When you're too modest or arrogant, you place disproportionate importance on other people's views.

What does dressing modestly look like? ›

One way to dress modestly is to choose clothing that covers your skin but is still comfortable and stylish. Another way to dress modestly is to choose clothing that is loose-fitting and doesn't hug your body too closely. Additionally, you can dress modestly by avoiding low-cut tops and short skirts.

What are the modesty laws in us? ›

American laws compel sexually modest behavior: first, by restricting nudity on the streets, on beaches and in places of public accommodation; second, by prohibiting modes of public undress that could be character- ized as obscene, lewd or indecent; and third, by restricting the time, place and manner of sexually- ...

Is it OK to be too modest? ›

Modesty is a universally admired trait. No one wants to be perceived as a braggart. Surprising research from Ovul Sezer, an organizational behavior professor at UNC Kenan-Flagler, suggests that not sharing your achievements and successes hurts you more than it helps.

What are attributes of modesty? ›

Modesty is often used as synonym of humility and an antonym of boastfulness; a modest person does not draw attention to their own real or supposed accomplishments and desirable attributes. Terms related to "modesty" in this sense include "shyness", and "simplicity".

What kind of person does modesty make you? ›

The passage states that modesty is a virtue that over-confident people lack. It further says that modesty makes one a realist and a person who is 'cut down to size'. Modest people are very cautious and assess the entire situation before taking any step. They adopt a realist approach.

What is insulting modesty? ›

Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any words, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, 1 [shall be punished with simple ...

When the modesty of woman is outraged? ›

Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will there by outrage her modesty, 1 [shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to ...

What clothes are considered modest? ›

As a general rule of thumb, modest clothing rules include longer sleeves and hemlines, as well as bottoms that reach below the knees. There's also a lot to be said on how to make a short dress more modest, which also includes layers and more relaxed fits.

Where in the Bible does it say a man should not dress like a woman? ›


The text originally reads thus: There shall not be an article (keli) of a man upon a woman, and a man shall not put on a wrapper of (simlat) a woman, because everyone doing (who does) these (things) is an abomination of (unto) the Lord your God.

What is considered modest clothing? ›

A good rule to go by if you are aiming for a modest look is to keep shorts and skirts around the knee. If you can put your arm straight down to your side and the hem of your pants is shorter than your arm's reach, they are probably too short.

What does the Bible say about nakedness? ›

[6] None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. [7] The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

Is it a sin not to cover your hair? ›

To be covered he then only forbids, when a man is praying; but the wearing of long hair he discourages at all times. John Chrysostom held that to be disobedient to the Christian teaching on veiling was harmful and sinful: "… the business of whether to cover one's head was legislated by nature (see 1 Cor 11:14–15).

What does God say about our physical bodies? ›

Our bodies are so important that the Lord calls them temples of God (see 1 Corinthians 3:16–17; 6:19–20). Our bodies are holy. Because our bodies are important, our Father in Heaven wants us to take good care of them. He knows that we can be happier, better people if we are healthy.

What is the opposite of modestly? ›

We have listed all the opposite words for modestly alphabetically. boastfully. airily. arrogantly. conceitedly.

Is modesty a chastity? ›

Modesty is derived from a Latin word “Modestus” meaning being modest in behavior and clothing. Like chastity, modesty is also considered in our culture as a restraint sudden urge shown by someone for modesty is considered psychological imbalance. Modesty is a forerunner or is a representation of our chastity.

Who is the most modest person? ›

10 Influential People Showed The World That Humility Is All That...
  • Jose Mujica.
  • 3 Joyce Banda.
  • Sushil Koirala.
  • Warren Buffett.
  • 6 . APJ Abdul Kalam, Former Indian President.
  • PM Narendra Modi.
  • Dutch PM Mark Rutte.
  • Azim Premji.
Oct 2, 2019

Is modesty no longer a virtue? ›

Modesty is clearly a gendered notion. The word means both self-effacing and sexually chaste, neither of which is inherently virtuous, and both of which are applied to women more than men.

What kind of virtue is modesty? ›

Dependent Virtue: Slote (1983, 61ff) notes that modesty is a dependent virtue. One is modest about something else that is good, about their success or intelligence. In this sense, modesty requires the existence of another good quality.

Does Christianity have a dress code? ›

As such, dressing in fine clothing for religious services was often dictated by a need to project status and influence among peers. Many Christians reject this practice and instead encourage modest, respectful dress not only for Sunday worship, but in everyday life (cf. outward holiness).

How do you dress cute but modest? ›

How to Dress Modestly and Attractively (Girls)
  1. Layer a cute cardigan on top.
  2. Go for midi and maxi skirts.
  3. Try on an A-line dress.
  4. Throw on leggings under skirts and dresses.
  5. Put on a sophisticated turtleneck.
  6. Cover your neckline with camisoles or tank tops.
  7. Play with sleeve styles.

Should we have the right to dress freely? ›

The way people dress can be an important expression of their religious, cultural or personal identity or beliefs. As a general rule, the rights to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression entail that all people should be free to choose what - and what not – to wear.

How is modesty a strength? ›

Modesty is a strength which is closely related to other strengths of Temperance, including Self-Control and Forgiveness. These strengths are about tackling temptation and managing emotions and behaviour. What does a focus on Modesty look like in your world today?

Is being modest a good trait? ›

Modesty is a great virtue, linked with important human values such as simplicity, humility, and temperance. It's opposite to vanity and conceit, two character traits that have gained a lot of ground in our current world. A modest person neither needs nor wants to go out boasting about something.

Is it better to be modest or humble? ›

Belittling one's achievements is also another quality that falls under false modesty. If a person speaks of his achievements as of little significance for the sole purpose of being praised by others, this is not a positive quality. This highlights that of the two qualities it is better to be humble than to be modest.

Why is modesty an important virtue? ›

Statman (1992, 435) calls modesty a “will-power” virtue and likens it to courage, self-control, and patience. These virtues help one to overcome inclinations that are contrary to virtue and so serve to help one overcome moral obstacles.

What does modesty make a person? ›

The passage states that modesty is a virtue that over-confident people lack. It further says that modesty makes one a realist and a person who is 'cut down to size'. Modest people are very cautious and assess the entire situation before taking any step. They adopt a realist approach.

What are the effects of modesty? ›

1. A modest person will be happy with the achievement of others, instead of being too proud about theirs. 2. A modest person will avoid unnecessary spending, extravagance and wastage.

Is modesty being Humble? ›

Modesty often poses as humility, but, unlike true humility, is skin-deep and external rather than deep and internal. At best, modesty is no more than good manners.

What is false modesty example? ›

/ˌfɑːls ˈmɑː.dɪ.sti/ uk. /ˌfɒls ˈmɒd.ɪ.sti/ behavior in which a person pretends to have a low opinion of his or her own abilities or achievements: He shows great pride in his work and has no false modesty about his success.

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