Most Successful Birthdays | Play Like Mum (2024)


Most Successful Birthdays | Play Like Mum (1)

Babies born in October are most likely to be rich & famous!

What makes a successful person successful? There are plenty of factors, such as education and upbringing, but what about the time of year they were born? Does the month you’re born in have an impact on how successful you turn out to be? We’ve looked at the birthdays of some of the most successful people in the world, from billionaire business owners to wealthy warblers to find out.

So, according to our findings, which month is the best to have a baby if you’re hoping to see success in their future?

Most Successful Birthdays | Play Like Mum (2)

  • October is the most common birth month for our successful celebrities, with the likes of Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian, and Simon Cowell having October birthdays and a total of 36 out of 300 celebrities being born in this month.
  • Out of the 300 celebrities, 30 were born in June, including names such as Ariana Grande, Elon Musk, and Lionel Messi.
  • The least common month for successful birthdays is November, with just 17 of the 300 celebrities, although this includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Gordon Ramsay, and DJ Khaled.


We started with a list of 300 celebrities and billionaires, using the Forbes Billionaires List and Forbes Celebrity 100 as well as lists from Money Inc, Business Insider, and Bauer Media. Using 300 of the most successful people from these lists, we were able to find out their birth months using Wikipedia. We then counted the instances for each month to discover the most popular birth month.

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Most Successful Birthdays | Play Like Mum (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.