New Millennial Fashion Trend Borrows A Senior Citizen Accessory (2024)

Staff Reporter, Tech Times

New Millennial Fashion Trend Borrows A Senior Citizen Accessory (1)
New Millennial Fashion Trend Borrows A Senior Citizen Accessory (2)

Ask any young person and they'll tell you flat out that they wouldn't be caught dead wearing clothing or accessories a typical senior citizen would wear. They actually strive to separate themselves from older generations with their taste in music, movies, and even politics.

But there's one particular senior citizen accessory Gen-Xers and Millennials are starting to make their own - the walking cane. That's right, younger generations are now using canes, thanks to a few Hollywood elites and professional sports stars who use them. What's particularly surprising is that it's more than a millennial fashion trend: it's pragmatic.

You may be thinking, "canes, seriously?" Yes, it's true! Canes are now not just symbolic of old-age but of youth. They can also symbolize virility and vigor rather than weakness or handicap and can be used by differently abled individuals, along with young people suffering from injuries.

Canes are also often a better choice than crutches for assistance, especially when an injury is not severe enough. A stylish cane will draw positive attention to the user, rather than the negative attention one must suffer through while using hospital looking crutches or canes. Not only that, but canes are easier to carry around and are less bulky. They allow more freedom than crutches since they can be used sparingly, and they are generally much easier to use. If people are going to be looking regardless, why not make it for a fun reason?

This enthusiasm for canes may have started back in 2012 when Brad Pitt carried a fashionable caneas part of his ensemble at the Golden Globes. This wasn't just a fashion statement. Pitt used the cane to assist him with his ACL injury, which he suffered when he fell while carrying his daughter Vivienne. George Clooney, not to be outdone, famously swiped Brad Pitt’s caneand sported it on stage as well. Dr. House, the grumpy but well-liked doctor uses a derby cane adorned in flames to assist with his injury.

Madonna also used a stylish cane two years later at the Grammys. The glittering crystal ball cane made headlines for its glamorous style. She was spotted again with the cane making her way to a restaurant a week later. It was revealed that the singer, 55 at the time, had a bruised foot and used the cane for assistance. After Madonna used her cane for her injury she made it a point to use the cane in her photoshoot with Vogue magazine even though she her injury already healed.

Other celebrities who used a stylish cane include Ruby Rose, who walked with a cane while recovering from back surgery, and JJ Watt, who appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon with a cane after badly injuring his leg during a Monday Night Football game. JJ Watt's cane featured a gold lion head crusted with glittering stones - a far cry from anything you might see a senior citizen carrying.

Those are just some of the reasons why canes are more popular with millennials and other young people. Today, canes are starting to be known as a cool fashion accessory than just a mobility device. Modern canes come in many unique styles, with almost any design feature one can imagine such as the knife or sword canethat utilizes a built-in blade or 1 million volt stun gun for self-defense.

They are now being known as fashion accessories complement and enhance a look, not detract from it.

You can find a cane that matches or accentuates your style. One that has a personality, instead of a dry, boring crutch. Many walking canes come with unique stylish patterns, similar to what you would find on a Lilly Pulitzer dress, Designer canes featuring brass handles, floral, or other decorative designs, like a flame cane to make your stride a little faster, can actually upgrade your look.

Some of the most common sports injuries that are the cause for younger people using walking canesare ankle and knee sprains, foot injuries, hip injuries and Patellofemoral Syndrome or "runner's knee," which is caused when the kneecap repetitively grinds against the thigh bone. All of these injuries make walking difficult. No wonder one would pick a cane with style over any other type of walking assistance to help with an injury. Especially since they are also available in so many chic and trendy styles.

With so many reasons to own a cane that makes a statement, it's no wonder they are becoming popular with the younger generation.

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New Millennial Fashion Trend Borrows A Senior Citizen Accessory (2024)


Do people still carry canes? ›

They are now used interchangeably among some people, but the walking stick is associated more with such active pursuits as hiking, whereas the cane is usually for the elderly or for anyone with a prolonged leg injury.

Are canes a trend? ›

With the rise of fashion and luxury, walking canes are now a stylish accessory that can enhance any outfit. Young men and women are embracing the trend, and brands are responding with a wide range of stylish and luxury walking canes to choose from.

What is millennial fashion? ›

Think slip dresses, tube tops, low-rise jeans, cargo pants, and claw clips. And while the millennial thought process is “been there done that” I love that Gen Z is revisiting this aesthetic that was so iconic to our generation. And yes, they're doing it so much better than we ever did in the early 2000s, ha!

Can you use a cane for style? ›

Whether you are a traditionalist or a trendsetter, you can find styles for canes that will express your personality. Think about what colors you prefer, and coordinate a cane to go with different outfits.

When should you stop using a cane? ›

The best time to stop using your walking cane is when you have stop limping and no longer having pain without it. Waiting until this time before doing away with the stick will give the injured leg the proper strength required to carry you effortlessly and painlessly.

What is the number one selling cane in America? ›

1. HurryCane Freedom Edition Folding Cane. The manufacturer says this is the top-selling cane in America.

What type of people use canes? ›

A cane can be helpful if you have minor problems with balance or stability, some weakness in your leg or trunk, an injury, or a pain. If you are elderly, using a single point cane may help you to walk more comfortably and safely and, in some cases, may make it easier for you to continue living independently.

Why do people carry canes? ›

A walking stick or walking cane is a device used primarily to aid walking, provide postural stability or support, or assist in maintaining a good posture. Some designs also serve as a fashion accessory, or are used for self-defense.

Why do fancy people use canes? ›

In late 17th century and early part of the 18th century, the cane began replacing the sword as the accessory of choice for gentlemen about town in Europe and in the colonies. The more decorative a cane was, the more wealthy the gentleman was and it could still be use as a weapon in dire circ*mstances.

What do Millennials look for when shopping? ›

Millennials prefer brands that offer a unique experience, value for their money and great customer service. Although many brands have credited millennials for a downturn in business, 60 percent of millennials stay loyal to brands they purchase from.

When did canes fall out of fashion? ›

It wasn't until the 20th century that the walking cane itself started to fall out of favour and was slowly replaced by the umbrella (although there are still walking sticks that double as a brolly!)

When did men stop using canes? ›

“The motor car era of 1915 negated the daily walk where one usually sported a cane, and the umbrella became king,” he explains.

Why did rich people carry canes? ›

They were used as important aids in balance and as fashion statements as well. Canes were a symbol of social status, wealth and refinement. For the better part of three centuries, walking canes played an important role in men's fashion.

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