Oakheart (2024)

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

"They can have a father if you want. I'll be here if you need me. I love you, Bluefur. Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too!"
— Oakheart after Bluefur decides to raise their kits alone in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 454

Oakheart is a dark,[13] reddish-brown tom[8] with amber eyes.[14]

Oakheart was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships respectively in the forest territories. He was born as Oakkit to Rainflower and Shellheart, along with his brother, Stormkit. He and his brother were very close, but when Stormkit broke his jaw, Oakkit was suddenly favored by their mother. Oakkit became an apprentice known as Oakpaw with his father as his mentor, and later earned his warrior name, Oakheart. Oakheart grew very close to a ThunderClan warrior, Bluefur, and they met at Fourtrees one night. Bluefur ended up pregnant with his kits, and when she decided to give them to RiverClan, he supported her lovingly and took Mistykit and Stonekit to Graypool to foster, and mourned the loss of his third kit, Mosskit.

During a battle between RiverClan and ThunderClan over Sunningrocks, he was crushed by a rockfall, but ended up in a conspiracy that Tigerclaw made up, where Oakheart killed Redtail and Tigerclaw killed Oakheart to get revenge. Oakheart went to StarClan, and when Bluestar died, he guided her to StarClan where they became mates again. He later granted Leopardstar and Mistystar one of their nine lives.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 The Prophecies Begin
    • 1.2 The New Prophecy
    • 1.3 Super Editions
  • 2 Detailed description
  • 3 Character pixels
    • 3.1 Main images
    • 3.2 Alternate images
  • 4 Official art
  • 5 Ceremonies
    • 5.1 Lives granted
  • 6 Relationships
    • 6.1 Shellheart and Rainflower
    • 6.2 Crookedstar
    • 6.3 Bluestar
    • 6.4 Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit
  • 7 Family
  • 8 Appearances
  • 9 Trivia
  • 11 External links
  • 12 Notes and references


Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!

The Prophecies Begin[]

Mistyfoot: "Oakheart? Oakheart was my father; did you know that?"
Fireheart: "No, I didn't. I'm sorry. I never met him, but they say he was a brave warrior."
Mistyfoot: "He was the best and the bravest."
—Mistyfoot telling Fireheart about her father Forest of Secrets, page 56
Oakheart is the deputy of RiverClan. He leads his Clan into battle against ThunderClan over Sunningrocks. When Redtail attacks Oakheart's son, Stonefur, Oakheart snarls that no ThunderClan cat would harm him. While fighting with Redtail, Oakheart is killed in a rockfall. Redtail realizes that ThunderClan is outnumbered and calls a retreat. Tigerclaw forces Ravenpaw to lie about what occurred, and he says that Oakheart killed Redtail and Tigerclaw killed Oakheart in revenge. Later, Fireheart asks Ravenpaw to retell the story, and he amends that Oakheart was killed by a rockfall but Redtail was not.
In a flashback, Oakheart brings two unknown kits to RiverClan on a snowy night. He brings them to the nursery for Graypool to nurse. Oakheart insists he found them in the forest abandoned, and Graypool agrees to take care of them but detects a familiar scent. In the present, Graypool confirms to Fireheart the she scented ThunderClan on the kits, but didn't tell any cat. Fireheart speaks to Mistyfoot who tells him how her father was a brave warrior, and their medicine cat confirmed that he was killed in a rockfall, solidifying Ravenpaw's story. Bluestar also reveals that Mistyfoot and Stonefur are her and Oakheart's kits but she gave them up to become deputy instead of Thistleclaw.

The New Prophecy[]

"I thought that choice would please you, Bluestar. Do you not think she was well mentored?"
―Oakheart to Bluestar about choosing Feathertail Midnight (book), page 3
In StarClan, Oakheart chooses Feathertail as the representative of RiverClan to go on a journey to the sun-drown-place. He teases Bluestar if he approves because she was mentored by their daughter, Mistyfoot. He speaks with Bluestar once again when the Clans arrive at the lake and insists the Clans are strong enough to face whatever challenges ahead.

Super Editions[]

This section summarizes Oakheart's significant Super Editions appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

"Thank you. I hope we get to train together soon. You're my littermate and I'll always be there for you."
―Oakpaw to Crookedkit Crookedstar's Promise, page 61
In Crookedstar's Promise, he is born in a storm to Shellheart, the Clan deputy, and Rainflower alongside his brother, Stormkit. When he and Stormkit sneak out of camp to Sunningrocks, they disturb Goosefeather who is out collecting herbs. Goosefeather chases them back to the stepping stones, and along the way, Stormkit slips and falls, breaking his jaw. Oakkit stays very close to his brother during his recovery, but when Hailstar renames Stormkit to Crookedkit, Oakkit gets named an apprentice Oakpaw, and receives his father, Shellheart, as a mentor.
When Crookedkit returns from living away from RiverClan with loners, Oakpaw receives his warrior name, Oakheart, for defeating dogs on a patrol. He tells Crookedpaw that he'll get his name next, and Rainflower pulls Oakheart aside, cruelly telling him that Crookedpaw will never be as good as him due to his injury. When Crookedjaw receives his warrior name, Oakheart congratulates him, and says that it's Rainflower's loss if she can't be proud of Crookedjaw. He also gains an apprentice, Loudpaw. Crookedstar offers the position of deputy to him, but Oakheart turns it down.
He becomes close with the ThunderClan warrior Bluefur, and she later becomes pregnant with his kits. Bluefur gives her kits to Oakheart to raise in RiverClan. Oakheart gives the kits to Graypool to nurse, and Crookedstar confronts Oakheart about the truth about the kits. Oakheart doesn't hide his identity from them. After Willowkit and Minnowkit die, Oakheart accuses Crookedstar of behaving distant like Rainflower to Silverkit.
In Bluestar's Prophecy, Bluefur finds Oakheart resting on Sunningrocks and he flirts with her. She agrees to meet in secret with him at Fourtrees resulting in Bluefur becoming pregnant with his kits. Oakheart insists he could join ThunderClan, but Bluefur wants to raise their kits as pure ThunderClan cats. She gives birth to Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit. When Tawnyspots falls ill and Thistleclaw poised as the next deputy, Bluefur gives up her kits to Oakheart but Mosskit dies in the cold. The two mates never speak again at Gatherings out of fear of some cat piecing it together.

Detailed description[]

Oakheart is a large,[15] thick[16] and sleek-furred,[17] plump,[18] dark[13] reddish-brown tom.[8] He has a broad head[19] and shoulders,[1] massive paws,[20] and clear[21] amber eyes.[14]

Character pixels[]

Main images[]

The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description;

undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation.

Oakheart (1)

Kit Version

Oakheart (2)

Apprentice Version

Oakheart (3)

Warrior Version

Oakheart (4)

Deputy Version

Oakheart (5)

StarClan Version

Alternate images[]

The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description;

undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation.

Oakheart (6)

Alternative Kit Version

Oakheart (7)

Alternative Kit Version

Oakheart (8)

Alternative Apprentice Version

Oakheart (9)

Alternative Warrior Version

Oakheart (10)

Alternative Warrior Version

Oakheart (11)

Alternative Warrior Version

Oakheart (12)

Alternative Deputy Version

Oakheart (13)

Alternative Deputy Version

Oakheart (14)

Alternative StarClan Version

Official art[]

Please do not edit this gallery

Oakheart (16)

Oakheart in The Ultimate Guide

Oakheart (18)

Oakheart's Warriors website fact sheet

Oakheart (19)

Oakheart's icon on the Warriors family tree

Oakheart (20)

Oakheart's icon on the Warriors website


Oakpaw's apprentice ceremony
Hailstar:Shellheart and Oakkit share courage, strength, and loyalty. Strengthen those talents in your apprentice, Shellheart, and make Oakpaw a warrior who will lead RiverClan to greatness.
Everyone:Oakpaw! Oakpaw!
Reference: Crookedstar's Promise, pages 60-61
Oakheart's warrior ceremony
Hailstar:Oakpaw. From this moment on you shall be known as Oakheart. StarClan honors your courage and your quick wits, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. Serve your Clan well.
Everyone:Oakheart! Oakheart!
Reference: Crookedstar's Promise, pages 153-154

Lives granted[]

The following is a list of gifts Oakheart has granted during nine lives ceremonies:

Lives granted
Courage to follow her heart[23]


Shellheart and Rainflower[]

"Does that matter now? [Crookedpaw] will never be as good as you."
―Rainflower to Oakheart after the latter's warrior ceremony Crookedstar's Promise, page 102
Both of Oakheart’s parents love him, but after Stormkit, later Crookedkit broke his jaw, Rainflower shows blatant favoritism toward Oakheart. She calls him handsome, directs all her attention to him, and requests that his own father, Shellheart, be made his mentor.[9] Rainflower even went as far to demean his brother by claiming that Oakheart will always be the former's better, much to the chagrin of Shellheart, Crookedpaw and Oakheart himself.[24]


"I'll make you deputy when I'm leader."
―Stormkit playing with Oakkit Crookedstar's Promise, page 27
Coming Soon


"I've waited so many moons for this. For you. Every cat in my Clan’s been telling me to get a mate, but I want no other mate but you."
―Oakheart to Bluestar Bluestar's Prophecy, page 283
Coming Soon

Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit[]

"I'll be here if you need me. I love you, Bluefur. Whatever happens, they will always be my kits, too!"
―Oakheart to Bluestar about the kits she is expecting with him Bluestar's Prophecy, page 295
When Oakheart learns that Bluefur is expecting kits, he is ecstatic and willing to become a ThunderClan warrior to be with them. However, Bluefur knows that he wants to become deputy and then leader of RiverClan someday, and that she couldn’t go to RiverClan with him because her Clan needed her.[25] Bluefur instead takes the kits to ThunderClan, and everyone assumes that their father is Thrushpelt, a ThunderClan warrior who has shown interest in Bluefur before and is a good cat, but Bluefur has never felt for him as she does for Oakheart.[26] Bluestar then realizes that she has to become deputy of ThunderClan instead of Thistleclaw, so she brings her kits to Oakheart in secret and tells him to raise them in RiverClan, and pretends that the kits she supposedly had with Thrushpelt were stolen by a badger. However, during the journey, one of the kits, Mosskit, dies in the snow.[27] Oakheart gives the remaining two kits to a RiverClan queen named Graypool to raise, and says that he found them in the cold and that they were abandoned by a rogue she-cat. Oakheart is proud of his kits, and watches over them in RiverClan.[28]


Main article: Oakheart/Family
Oakheart's parents are Shellheart and Rainflower, and his brother is Crookedstar. His mate is Bluestar, and Mistystar, Stonefur and Mosskit are their children. For more of Oakheart's family, click here!



Main article: Oakheart/Trivia
Did you know Oakheart's mother was originally a she-cat named Lilystem? However, this could have been changed to prevent an inconsistency in a scene in Crookedstar's Promise where Lilystem appears in the camp after Oakheart's mother is supposed to have died. For more trivia about Oakheart, click here!


"We are a Clan and when one cat fights, he fights for the whole Clan."
―Oakheart talking to Beetlenose and Crookedjaw Crookedstar's Promise, page 265
Oakheart: "Why don't you go in and see her?"
Crookedstar: "I've got other things to worry about."
Oakheart: "Really? You can't avoid her forever, you know. She's going to be racing around camp playing hunt the frog before you know it. Don't you want her to know who her father is?"
Crookedstar: "What? Like your kits knew who their father was?"
Oakheart: "That was different. I was always there for them, hunting for them, playing with them. Silverkit hardly knows you exist."
Crookedstar: "Leave me alone. It's none of your business."
Oakheart: "Actually it is my business. You're my littermate! Silverkit is my kin, too! You're being a fish-brain and every cat knows it. I'm just the only cat brave enough to tell you!"
Crookedstar: "Brave? You? You couldn't even tell me that Bluestar was expecting your kits. If she hadn't dumped them on you so she could be deputy, it'd still be a secret. [...] Don't pretend you understand how I feel, because you don't!"
Oakheart: "No, I don't! But I do understand there's a kit in there whose father doesn't want anything to do with her. How can you lead a Clan when you won't even take responsibility for your own kit?"
Crookedstar: "Like you did?"
Oakheart: "Like I've done! I don't know how you can let her grow up thinking you don't love her. You, more than anyone, should know how terrible that feels. But you're doing it to your own kit."
Crookedstar: "How dare you accuse me of that? [...] How can I love her when every cat I love dies?"
Oakheart: "I'm still here."
Crookedstar: "You're here for now."
Oakheart: "It's a risk every cat has to take. Would you rather have no feelings at all? Do you wish you'd never loved Willowbreeze? Where's your courage, Crookedstar?"
—Oakheart and Crookedstar about Silverkit Crookedstar's Promise, pages 488-490

See more

Oakheart: "But I want to know you. Everything about you-your favorite fresh-kill, your earliest memory, what you dream of..."
Bluefur: "You can't! The warrior code!"
Oakheart: "This isn't about the code. This is about us. Meet me tomorrow at moonhigh at Fourtrees."
Bluefur: "I can't!"
Oakheart: "Just meet me. Give me a chance!"
—Oakheart to Bluefur Bluestar's Prophecy, pages 420-421
Oakheart: "Bluefur! Crookedstar is about to send a patrol."
Bluefur: "Oakheart, I'm going to have kits."
Oakheart: "It'll be all right. Our kits will be great. Brave and strong and clever, good at swimming and climbing trees!"
—Bluefur tells Oakheart that she is going to have his kits Bluestar's Prophecy, page 452
Bluefur: "It's not that. My Clan needs me."
Oakheart: "I need you, too."
Bluefur: "No, you don't. I'm going to raise these kits as ThunderClan. My Clanmates will assume that a ThunderClan cat is the father."
Oakheart: "Any cat in particular?"
Bluefur: "No! But this is the only way it can be. Don't you see that? To give our kits the best chance, I must raise them as if they were pure ThunderClan."
Oakheart: "What about me?"
Bluefur: "It's my problem. I'm the one having these kits. I'll be the one raising them without a father!"
Oakheart: "They can have a father if you want. I'll be here if you need me. I love you, Bluefur. Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too!"
—Bluefur telling Oakheart about her decision Bluestar's Prophecy
Tigerclaw: "Oakheart! How dare you hunt in our territory? The Sunningrocks belong to ThunderClan!"
Oakheart: "After tonight, Tigerclaw, this will just be another RiverClan hunting ground!"
—Oakheart to Tigerclaw, fighting at Sunningrocks Into the Wild, page 1
Mistyfoot: "Oakheart? Oakheart was my father; did you know that?"
Fireheart: "No, I didn't. I'm sorry. I never met him, but they say he was a brave warrior."
Mistyfoot: "He was the best and the bravest. And he should never have died. It was an accident."
Fireheart: "Are you sure? No cat killed him?"
Mistyfoot: "He was wounded in the battle, but not enough to kill him. Afterward, we found his body under some fallen rocks. Our medicine cat said that was what killed him."
Fireheart: "So no cat was responsible...Ravenpaw was right."
—Mistyfoot telling Fireheart about Oakheart Forest of Secrets, pages 56-57
Oakheart: "I will begin. Crookedstar, do I have your permission to speak for RiverClan?
Then I invite you all to see and approve my choice.
Bluestar: "That one? Are you sure, Oakheart?"
Oakheart: "I thought that choice would please you, Bluestar. Do you not think she was well mentored?"
Bluestar: "She was excellently mentored."
—Oakheart chooses Feathertail to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place Midnight, pages 2-3

End of spoiler warning

External links[]

  • Featured

  • Author Composed

  • Book Specific

  • Character Specific

  • Themes and Concepts

  • Merchandise and Website

  • Fan Content

  • Blood Isn't Everything on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
  • A Weakened Code? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Indirect mention only)
  • The Warrior Code: An Outdated Relic? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
  • Clan or Kin? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Indirect mention only)
  • A Mistake That Should Never Be Made? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
  • More Than Life Itself on the Warriors official website (backup link)
  • Asking a Great Deal on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Indirect mention only)
  • True warriors? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
  • The Forest Map: ThunderClan on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
  • The Forest Map: RiverClan on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Indirect mention only)
  • Notes and references[]

    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in Midnight, page 2
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 8
    3. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 40
    4. Revealed in Redtail's Debt, chapter 10
    5. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 57
    6. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 61
    7. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 153
    8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Into the Wild, allegiances
    9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, pages 60-61
    10. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 338
    11. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 454
    12. Revealed in Fire and Ice, allegiances
    13. 13.0 13.1 Revealed in A Dangerous Path, page 74
    14. 14.0 14.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 408
    15. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 1
    16. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 338
    17. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 336
    18. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 83
    19. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 337
    20. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 4
    21. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 458
    22. Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 424
    23. Revealed in Mistystar's Omen, chapter 3
    24. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 102
    25. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 294
    26. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 296
    27. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, chapter 41
    28. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page prologue
    1. Redtail's Debt depicts Oakheart's death being caused by Redtail.[4] However, one of the foundational aspects of The Prophecies Begin was that he did not die that way, and instead was confirmed to be killed by a rockfall.[5]

    Major Warriors characters
    The Prophecies BeginFirestarGraystripeYellowfangCinderpeltSpottedleafSandstormCloudtailBluestarTigerstarScourge
    The New ProphecyBrambleclawFeathertailStormfurSquirrelflightCrowfeatherTawnypeltLeafpoolHawkfrostMothwing
    Power of ThreeLionblazeJayfeatherHollyleafBreezepeltHeathertailRockSolAshfur
    Omen of the StarsDovewingIvypoolLionblazeJayfeatherCinderheartHawkfrostTigerstarFirestarFlametailBrokenstar
    Dawn of the ClansGray WingClear SkyThunderTall ShadowWind RunnerRiver RippleTurtle TailJagged PeakStormBright StreamOne EyeSlash
    A Vision of ShadowsAlderheartNeedletailTwigbranchVioletshineDarktailTreeRowanclawTigerstarLeafstarFinleap
    The Broken CodeBristlefrostRootspringShadowsightBramblestarSquirrelflightAshfurStemleafSpotfurGraystripe
    A Starless ClanFrostpawSunbeamNightheartBerryheartSplashtail
    Changing SkiesLeafstarTawnypeltMoonpaw
    Super EditionsFirestarSandstormLeafstarSkywatcherBluestarThistleclawSnowfurGoosefeatherCrookedstarOakheartRainflowerMapleshadeSharpclawEchosongStickYellowfangSagewhiskerBrokenstarRaggedstarTallstarJakeSparrowBramblestarSquirrelflightJessyMoth FlightMicahHawkwingTigerheartDovewingSpireCrowfeatherBreezepeltNightcloudAshfootMoonlightGraystripeGremlinFangLeopardstarMudfurTigerstarOnestarDarktailRiverstarNightSkystarSlash
    NovellasHollyleafFallen LeavesMistystarMothwingCloudstarTigerclawLeafpoolSquirrelflightDovewingBumblestripeMapleshadeGoosefeatherRavenpawPinestarSpottedleafThistleclawThunderstarLightning TailRedtailTawnypeltShadowstarPebbleshineTreeMothwingDaisySmokySpotfurStemleafBlackfoot
    Graystripe's AdventureGraystripeMillie
    Tigerstar and SashaSashaKenJeanPineShnukyTigerstar
    Ravenpaw's PathRavenpawBarley
    SkyClan and the StrangerLeafstarBillystormSol
    Stand-alone graphic novelsScourgeFeathertailSashaMudclawHawkfrostOnewhiskerNightpeltBrokenstarBrightheartCloudtail
    Oakheart (2024)
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    Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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    Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.