One Piece: Does Zoro have a love interest? (2024)

Ever since Eiichiro Oda gifted his masterwork, One Piece, to the world, Zoro grew to be one of its most popular characters thanks to his undying loyalty to the main protagonist. However, like every crew member of the Straw Hat pirates, Zoro has his own set of goals and ambitions.

Shonen anime tends to prioritize goals over personal relationships and Zoro's story is no different. He strives to be the world's greatest swordsman, leaving no time for distractions, but Oda has left slight hints throughout the runtime of One Piece which indicates the opposite.

Follow along as this article attempts to answer the age-old question, does Zoro from One Piece have a love interest?

Tashigi or Hiyori, who is Zoro's love interest in One Piece?

Zoro x Tashigi

Zoro's past is riddled with a seemingly endless pursuit of strength and sorrow. This is how he was brought up, among the constant competition and training. Thanks to Koushirou, Zoro grew up to be the calm, collected and wise swordsman he is today. Besides teaching him how to wield a sword, Koushirou bestowed the wisdom Zoro needs to achieve his ambitious goal.

He considered himself a rival to Kuina, the daughter of Koushirou, but tasted bitter defeats in 2001 straight duels. However, his determination didn't take a hit and he pushed himself to match Kuina's strength. They vowed to attain the title of the best swordsman in the world. It didn't last long though, as it was revealed that Kuina passed away after an accident involving the "stairs" of their dojo.

However, a lot of fans seem to disregard this event as Kuina is impressively tough for her age and dying from falling down the stairs seems too far-fetched for someone like her. Furthermore, Zoro was baffled when he saw the undeniable similarity between Kuina and Tashigi back in Loguetown.

For this very reason, Zoro seems to have a soft spot for Tashigi and claims that she is the only person he cannot face in battle. Her impeccable resemblance to Kuina might have left a soft spot in Zoro's heart which gave birth to their bittersweet relationship. Nevertheless, Tashigi may not be the one for Zoro as their opinions and morals differ a lot.

Zoro x Hiyori

The Wanokuni arc of One Piece gave Zoro the spotlight he deserved but fans were more gravitated toward his scenes with Hiyori. It wouldn't surprise fans if Hiyori reveals her feelings for Zoro, her savior. They shared intimate moments and Zoro might even find a sense of belongingness when he's with her.

Throughout his tedious journey, Zoro met a lot of potential partners but the connection he seems to have with Hiyori seems special as Wanokuni has immense influence over Zoro's life. Hiyori also gifted her father's heirloom sword, Enma, to Zoro, which could refer to his potential future as the next 'daimyo.'

With Enma in his possession, Zoro's path to being the daimyo is free of obstacles if he chooses to take responsibility. Hiyori and Zoro would be a match made in heaven for some fans as it's almost too convenient for the story. A swordsman like Zoro and a samurai's daughter would be a traditional and wholesome pair for the people of Wanokuni.

Final Thoughts

Although every prediction made in this article is based upon speculations from the One Piece community, no one knows what the future has in store for Zoro. Eiichiro Oda has confirmed that he will not make couples among the Straw Hats and thus, Tashigi and Hiyori can be amazing partners for Zoro.

Some honorable mentions for characters who can end up as Zoro's love interest include Yamato or Perona, but even fans deem it unlikely.

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Edited by Adelle Fernandes


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One Piece: Does Zoro have a love interest? (2024)
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