Popular but Discontinued Snack Foods We Really Miss – 24/7 Wall St. (2024)

Special Report

April 16, 2021 3:00 pm

Major food companies employ virtual armies of chefs, food scientists, and marketing gurus dedicated to developing, test-marketing, and (if all goes well) eventually rolling out new products. Both salty and sweet, and sometimes both at once, these items tend to tempt consumers into eating more sugar, salt, and/or fat that is good for them.

Along the way, though, they also please us with their vivid flavors and attractive textures — and when they eventually disappear from the shelves, as many of them do, we end up missing them, even though we realize that they’re not exactly constituents of a healthy diet. (Sometimes, though, there are healthy versions of old-school junk-food snacks.)

While some of these products might seem like innovations, most are simply variations on existing ones, imbued with new flavorings or produced in different shapes or sizes.

Why do such snack foods get discontinued? In most cases, it’s simply a matter of sales. They just don’t generate the revenue that projections called for, and so are phased out in favor of the tried-and-true, or of other new introductions that might end up doing better.

24/7 Tempo consulted numerous snack food fan pages, company histories, and rating sites to compile this list of chips, candies, and other such items that we wish we could eat again right now.

Sometimes we get the chance. Scrapped products may be brought back in some cases, either in their original form or with slight variations (or new names). Consider, for example, the saga of the Mars candy company’s Peanut Butter Twix — which has been on and off the market numerous times since its debut in the 1980s.

Click here to see 40 discontinued snack foods we really miss

Fans of discontinued snack foods have several options: Sometimes the products are still made in other countries, such as Mexico, Canada, or Australia, and these may be available by mail order. On the other hand, there are numerous products you can’t find outside of America.

Collectors also sell unopened packages of the original on eBay and other sites — and some aficionados turn to crowd-sourcing platforms like change.org and ipetitions.com to beg companies to gear up production of their favorites again.

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Read more:Special Report, Food

Popular but Discontinued Snack Foods We Really Miss – 24/7 Wall St. (2024)


Why are popular foods discontinued? ›

Every year, food distributors pull products due to poor sales, health concerns, ingredient scarcity, and many other factors. After winning us over with novel new flavors and textures, our favorite treats can vanish as quickly as they appeared.

Are Handi snacks discontinued? ›

Kraft Foods Inc., the nation's largest food maker, will no longer sell Handi-Snacks pudding to retail customers. At the same time, it's pushing new flavors of its more lucrative Jell-O pudding.

Is SoyJoy discontinued in the US? ›

But if you're used to munching on chocolate chip cookies like Cookie Monster, then your first SoyJoy is going to taste like sawdust-flavored cardboard. Unfortunately, their website says that the brand has been discontinued in the US.

What food is being discontinued in 2023? ›

12 Foods You May Not Be Able To Buy In The Grocery Store In 2023—Stock Up Before They're Gone
  • Bread. ...
  • Sunflower & Palm Oil. ...
  • Champagne. ...
  • Beers, Canned Food & Pet Food. ...
  • Lettuce. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Oranges/ Orange Juice. ...
  • Beef.
May 10, 2023

What chips did they discontinue? ›

Four discontinued chips we'll never crunch again – and fans are...
  • PRIVATE SELECTION SWEET SOUTHERN HEAT BBQ KETTLE CHIPS. Kroger axed the snack despite customers' claims that it was the "best on the market." ...
  • 3D DORITOS. ...
Mar 7, 2023

What is the most unpopular food in America? ›

The most hated food in the US is Olives, being named the worst by 13 states. Anchovies are also unpopular, with 12 states saying it's the worst food. There are only 10 foods collectively despised by different states: olives, anchovies, eggplant, beets, turkey bacon, bologna, sushi, well-done steak, carrots and pickles.

What old snacks are coming back? ›

Fan-favorite nostalgic snacks like DunkAroos, Fritos Bar-B-Q chips, Yodels, Oreo Cakesters, and Count Chocula Monster Cereal are back by popular demand.

What is being discontinued? ›

If a product is permanently discontinued, this means that it will never be sold on your online store ever again. This could be due to a lack of stock on your part, which you will not renew, or because it's no longer being made by its manufacturer.

Why was Le snack discontinued? ›

Production ceased in 2008, again due to a lack of consumer demand.

Are chocolate goldfish discontinued? ›

This product has not been discontinued.

Is Lance peanut bar being discontinued? ›

The Charlotte-based food broker began selling roasted peanuts. He then produced peanut butter, which led to the peanut butter-and-crackers snack sandwich and, eventually, the sweet, crunchy Lance Peanut Bar — a fan favorite. Unfortunately for reader Robin Stone, the Lance company has discontinued the Peanut Bar.

Is Beyond Meat sold in Japan? ›

United Super Markets Holdings Inc. announced on Sept 2nd, 2022, that they are officially signed an exclusive sales agreement with American company BEYOND MEAT, INC., to distribute plant-based meat alternatives, “Beyond Meat” for Japan market.

Is Beyond Meat available in Japan? ›

Beyond Meat Enters Japan Through Exclusive Agreement With USMH.

What food shortage is coming? ›

  • Corn. Historically, Ukraine has been one of the world's leading providers of corn, but that's all changed since Russia's invasion — which has no end in sight. ...
  • Bread. ...
  • Vegetable Oil. ...
  • Baby Formula. ...
  • Champagne. ...
  • Canned Pet Food.
Jun 3, 2023

Is there really going to be a food shortage 2023? ›

The food outlook for 2023 looks rocky. Supplies of everything from corn to tomatoes may be lower than usual, meaning prices will likely be higher. What's more, the quality of crops may be impacted.

Will there be no food in 2050? ›

World population too big to feed by 2050

The world population could be too big to feed itself by 2050. By then, there will be almost 10 billion people on the planet and food demand will have increased by 70 percent compared to 2017. Scientists put the limit on how many people Earth can feed at 10 billion - max!

What chips did Walmart recall? ›

The recall includes restaurant style white corn tortilla chips from Walmart's Great Value brand. The FDA says they were distributed in Illinois, Missouri, New York, Wisconsin and Wyoming. If you have any at home, look for a best-by date of May 23. If that's the date on them, return those chips for a refund.

Are Fritos being discontinued? ›

Don't worry - Fritos haven't been discontinued (although certain flavors aren't coming back). They are just in high demand! According to Consumer Reports, products with limited availability include everything from cat food to sports drinks and snack crackers.

Why did US ban Chinese chips? ›

Most of all, the United States hopes to stop Beijing from using chips to enhance its military—and potentially preempt an invasion of Taiwan, where the vast majority of the world's semiconductors and microprocessors are produced.

Are they discontinuing munchies? ›

Hi Danielle – Sadly we're no longer producing that flavor. We know it's a bummer, but we'll be sure to pass your note on to our team so they know they have fans who miss the snack.

Why are so many products discontinued? ›

Common reasons for discontinued items: The vendor restricts sales of their products to certain countries. The vendor has insufficient inventory. The vendor has discontinued the production of the item.

Why did Dunkaroos get discontinued? ›

There was problem with Dunkaroos' advertising to children

That changed around 1996, though, when Betty Crocker announced a competition to switch things up. Sydney was replaced by the more sporty Duncan, and many of us agree with Food52 in saying that things just weren't the same.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.