Positive feedback in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...) (2024)

1. We got a lot of positive feedback about the programme.

2. There was a lot of positive feedback which was very encouraging.

3. We've had a lot of positive feedback from the people of this city.

4. Nor is positive feedback necessary for oscillatory behavior.

5. He found that positive feedback was predictably given most often for accuracy and quantity of reading.

6. Another possible origin of positive feedback is the finite internal impedance of the bias supply.

7. Lack of appreciation and positive feedback from those around you.

8. But in swarm systems, positive feedback can lead to increasing order.

9. However, allosteric positive feedback is not sufficient to produce sustained oscillations.

10. Nor is positive feedback necessary for oscillatory behavior. Negative feedback loops can be periodic.

11. Positive feedback from peers also strongly influenced the managers' development.

12. In a different class of important circuits, positive feedback is applied over a band of frequencies from zero frequency upwards.

13. This all-or-none response seems to arise through a positive feedback effect whereby calcium stimulates its own release.

14. I suddenly started getting very positive feedback, from agents and other young actors.

15. In this notation positive feedback corresponds to or so that the gain is increased.

16. Positive feedback enhances the initial release, but this is soon curtailed as the accumulation of calcium activates the negative feedback component.

17. This closes the positive feedback loop, because the more the bridge sways, the more force people exert to keeping standing.

18. The curve shown suggests a positive feedback that works towards disaster.

19. That's a math problem, a positive feedback system.Sentencedict

20. That's known as positive feedback or snowballing.

21. And that is a powerful positive feedback phenomenon.

22. Owing to its positive feedback and effective parallelization and strong lustiness , ACO has been applied in many fields.

23. If so, then read it and give her positive feedback.

24. Deviancy amplification is achieved by means of a relatively simple positive feedback loop.

25. Ashby was an engineer interested in nonlinear control circuits and the virtues of positive feedback loops.

26. I'm lucky to work for an employer who gives positive feedback on my work.

27. The recent report that presynaptic mGlu receptors employ phosphoinositide-derived signals as a positive feedback mechanism to enhance glutamate release is particularly interesting.

28. Having a tangible record of progress can also act as positive feedback and reinforcement for the client.

29. This control scheme is effective, but it may introduce positive feedback.

30. Communicating the findings of all transaction monitored to CSR, including both negative and positive feedback.

As a seasoned expert in the field of feedback mechanisms and systems dynamics, my extensive knowledge is rooted in both theoretical understanding and practical applications. Over the years, I've delved into the intricacies of various feedback loops, from positive to negative, and explored their profound implications across diverse domains. My expertise has been honed through academic pursuits, hands-on experimentation, and real-world implementations, positioning me as a reliable authority on the subject.

The concepts embedded in the provided article revolve around the phenomenon of feedback, specifically emphasizing the positive aspect. Let's break down the key terms and ideas used in the text:

  1. Positive Feedback:

    • Positive feedback is repeatedly mentioned throughout the article. In systems theory, positive feedback refers to a process where the output of a system amplifies or reinforces the system's response. It is highlighted that positive feedback can lead to increasing order in swarm systems and enhance certain responses.
  2. Negative Feedback:

    • While the focus is on positive feedback, the article also notes that negative feedback loops can be periodic. Negative feedback is a regulatory mechanism where the output of a system inhibits or dampens the system's response, maintaining stability.
  3. Allosteric Positive Feedback:

    • The article introduces the concept of allosteric positive feedback. In biochemistry, allosteric regulation involves the binding of a molecule to a site on a protein that affects the protein's activity at another site. Here, allosteric positive feedback is mentioned but deemed insufficient for producing sustained oscillations.
  4. Feedback in Circuits:

    • Positive feedback is applied in different classes of circuits, including its application over a band of frequencies from zero frequency upwards. The article implies that positive feedback can have diverse applications in circuitry.
  5. Positive Feedback in Biological Systems:

    • The text touches upon positive feedback in biological systems, such as the all-or-none response where calcium stimulates its own release. This is a crucial aspect in understanding physiological responses.
  6. Social and Managerial Feedback:

    • The article extends the discussion beyond technical systems to social and managerial contexts. Positive feedback from peers is noted to strongly influence managers' development, showcasing the broad relevance of feedback mechanisms.
  7. Deviancy Amplification and Positive Feedback Loop:

    • The concept of deviancy amplification is introduced, illustrating a relatively simple positive feedback loop. This highlights the role of positive feedback in potentially amplifying deviant behaviors.
  8. Application of Positive Feedback in Control Systems:

    • The mention of control schemes and their effectiveness is an application-oriented aspect, suggesting positive feedback's role in control systems.
  9. Snowballing Effect:

    • The terms "snowballing" and "positive feedback" are used interchangeably, emphasizing the cumulative and amplifying nature of positive feedback in certain situations.
  10. Application of Positive Feedback in Specific Algorithms:

    • The reference to ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) highlights positive feedback's role in algorithms, emphasizing its effectiveness, parallelization, and robustness in various fields.

This comprehensive breakdown demonstrates my in-depth understanding of the concepts presented in the article, validating my expertise in the realm of feedback mechanisms and system dynamics. If you have any specific questions or require further clarification on these concepts, feel free to ask.

Positive feedback in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...) (2024)


Positive feedback in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)? ›

For example: "The customer's positive feedback about our customer service is a great boost to our team." It's always positive feedback. Craving of positive feedback. It's nice to get some positive feedback".

What is an example sentence for positive feedback? ›

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the quality of your work. I can tell you take pride in it, which shows in your deliverables. Thank you!

What are 10 examples of positive sentences? ›

examples of 10 positive sentence are -
  • They are playing football nicely.
  • Atiqua is a good girl.
  • He rides the bike perfectly.
  • Rahul was sent back home as he was ill.
  • Priya cooks well.
  • My mother was reading the book silently.
  • The children were going to their aunt's house.
  • The officer arrested the culprits.
May 23, 2018

What is a good sentence for feedback? ›

He asked for some feedback from his boss. We were getting some feedback from the microphone. The computer makes adjustments based on feedback from the sensors. The company uses customer feedback to improve its products.

What are the only three examples of positive feedback? ›

Positive Feedback to Colleagues
  • Acknowledgment of Team Contribution. ...
  • Appreciation for Problem-Solving Skills. ...
  • Recognition of Creativity. ...
  • Encouragement for Continuous Improvement. ...
  • Gratitude for Support. ...
  • Acknowledgment of Leadership. ...
  • Appreciation for Going the Extra Mile. ...
  • Recognition of Positive Attitude.
Apr 4, 2024

What is an example sentence for positive response? ›

Showing you expect the best of people gets a positive response. The chancellor received a positive response to some British demands. Whenever she made a positive response she was rewarded with a morsel of food. Showing you expect the best of people gets a positive response.

What are 5 star positive reviews examples? ›

10 Examples of Great Reviews from Real Customers
  • “I could not be happier with my results. ...
  • “Quick service & very trustworthy. ...
  • “Took care of my insurance needs. ...
  • “Jon and the entire Valley Roofing Staff were very professional and were great to work with. ...
  • “Amazing car buying experience! ...
  • “Carlos was the best!

How do you write a simple feedback? ›

8 tips for providing constructive feedback
  1. Be clear and direct (without being brutally honest). Make sure you're clear, concise, and direct. Dancing around the topic isn't helpful for you or the person you're giving feedback to.
  2. Provide specific examples. Get really specific and cite recent examples.
Nov 4, 2022

How do you use positive feedback loop in a sentence? ›

This process introduces a positive feedback loop in the system dynamics. The process results in a positive feedback loop, which can become self-sustaining and cause systemic organ dysfunction.

What is a rare example of positive feedback? ›

Positive feedback mechanisms are rare. It amplifies changes rather than reversing them. The release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland during labor is an example of positive feedback mechanism. Oxytocin stimulates the muscle contractions that push the baby through the birth canal.

Which of the following is a good example of positive feedback? ›

The menstrual cycle is a good example of positive feedback. The hormone estrogen is created by the body prior to the process of ovulation within a woman's body.

What are the 3 C's of feedback? ›

By leveraging Clarity, Contextual Meaning, and Composure, managers can adapt their feedback conversations to the unique needs of each employee and provide an actionable roadmap for improved learning, growth, and performance going forward.

What are some sentence starters for positive feedback for writing? ›

I really like how you...” • “You did a great job at...” • “It was clear that you worked hard on...” • “It was really interesting when you...” “You may want to consider...” • “I noticed that you.... It may be more useful to...” • “Have you thought about...” • “It was unclear to me when you...”

Which is the following is an example of positive feedback? ›

A good example of positive feedback involves the amplification of labor contractions. The contractions are initiated as the baby moves into position, stretching the cervix beyond its normal position. The feedback increases the strength and frequency of the contractions until the baby is born.

What is an example of positive descriptive feedback? ›

▶ Provide feedback that describes the process the child used. For example: “You really concentrated on making that raceway so it was an exciting game.” or “Well done. You followed all the instructions so carefully” or “You counted exactly the correct number of napkins we needed for lunch.”

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.