Quirk (2024)

Quirk (1)

Quirks are peculiar traits possessed by heroes, gained through activities in the Hamlet or during expeditions. Quirks are semi-permanent modifiers that affect the hero in various ways, both positive and negative, either altering their stats or forcing particular behaviours.


  • 1 Acquiring and managing quirks
  • 2 Notes
  • 3 Chance of Acquiring Quirks
  • 4 List of Quirks
    • 4.1 Comparable Quirks
    • 4.2 Independent Positive Quirk
    • 4.3 Treatment Quirks
    • 4.4 Independent Negative Quirks
    • 4.5 Forced Interaction Quirks
    • 4.6 Corvid's Quirks
    • 4.7 Prismatic Quirks
  • 5 Trivia

Acquiring and managing quirks[ | ]

Quirk (2)

Heroes recruited from the Stage Coach will possess a random set of quirks - at least one positive and one negative.

Additional quirks, positive and negative, are gained during expeditions by interacting with curios, and after expeditions in the post-expedition screen. Quirks may also occur as a result of partaking in stress relief buildings in the Hamlet via the Tavern and Abbey.

A character can possess a maximum of ten quirks - five positive and five negative. After this, if a hero gains an additional quirk, a random existing quirk will be replaced, denoted by two spiralling arrows next to the new quirk (these arrows may be hovered over to see what quirk got replaced).

Quirks may be modified by using the Sanitarium in the Hamlet, which allows you to expend gold to either remove a quirk (positive or negative), or to permanently "lock in" a positive quirk, which prevents it from being replaced when new quirks are earned. Removal and reinforcement of quirks at the Sanitarium must be done one at a time, per type of quirk - you may not remove more than one negative quirk per week, nor can you reinforce more than one positive quirk per week, though you can do one of both. A total of three positive quirks may be reinforced. Using the Sanitarium for quirks tends to be expensive, and like all other Hamlet facilities is a factor of the hero's level - overall, positive quirk treatment is more expensive than negative quirk treatment.

If a negative quirk is left untreated for long enough over the course of several expeditions, it also has a chance of becoming reinforced and locked in. Like reinforced positive quirks, these quirks will not be replaced when new quirks are earned.

All reinforced quirks may be removed at the Sanitarium, but at a much higher expense.

Several curios found in the dungeons will remove random negative quirks on the Hero interacting with the curio. The most reliable of these require the correct supply item to be used on the curio for the desired effect:

  • Eldritch Altars can be found occasionally in rooms in any of the four major regions, and remove a negative quirk when Holy Water is used on them.
  • Piles of Scrolls are found in hallways in the Warrens, and remove a negative quirk when they are burned with a Torch.
  • Eerie Coral is found in hallways in the Cove, and removes a negative quirk when Medicinal Herbs are used on it.
  • The Confession Booth, found in hallways in the Ruins, has a 25% chance to remove a negative quirk if activated with no items.
  • The Sacrificial Stone, found in rooms in the Warrens, has a 25% chance to remove a negative quirk if activated with no items.

Notes[ | ]

  • It is possible to acquire two opposing quirks (e.g. Skilled Gambler and Bad Gambler), which effectively nullifies the effect of both quirks.
  • It is possible to acquire quirks that prevent Heroes from using any Hamlet de-stressing facilities (e.g. Love Interest and Deviant Tastes)
  • On rare occasions, if a Hero interacts with a curio and receives a quirk they already have, the quirk will be reinforced even if the hero already has three locked quirks. This allows the hero to bypass the normal lock-in limits and have more than 3 permanent positive quirks. For example, the Ruins Tactician quirk may be reinforced upon interacting with the Suit of Armor curio.
  • The PrismaticQuirk (3) and Twilight DreamerQuirk (4) positive quirks from the Color Of Madness DLC are automatically reinforced, and can only be removed in the Sanitarium.
  • The Shard MercenaryQuirk (5) negative quirk, also from the Color Of Madness DLC cannot be removed or replaced by new quirks, though it can become reinforced.

Chance of Acquiring Quirks[ | ]

Whenever an expedition is completed, your surviving Heroes have a chance to gain negative or positive quirks, calculated as a percentage. The precise percentage is based on successful completion of the quest objective, and each hero's current stress, up to a maximum of 100, as detailed below.

  • Quest Success:
    • % Chance of Positive Quirk: 50 - (0.10 × Current Stress)
    • % Chance of Negative Quirk: 30 + (0.20 × Current Stress)
  • Quest Failure:
    • % Chance of Positive Quirk: 40 - (0.15 × Current Stress)
    • % Chance of Negative Quirk: 40 + (0.30 × Current Stress)

Stress values over 100 are rounded down to 100.

Additionally, each hero has a 25% chance of having one existing negative quirk locked after each mission, regardless of quest success and current stress.

List of Quirks[ | ]

Comparable Quirks[ | ]

Comparable Quirks are a pair of quirks, one negative and one positive, that alter the same state but in opposite ways. For example, Clumsy reduces a hero's DODGE by 5, while Evasive increases the hero's DODGE by the same amount. However, not all comparable quirks have even values. For example. Clotter increases a hero's Bleed Resist by 15%, whereas its counterpart Anemic reduces it only by 10%.

Quirk (6)Positive QuirksNegative QuirksQuirk (7)
Beast Hater+15% DMG and -15% Stress vsBeastFear of Beasts+15% Stress and -10 ACC vsBeastvs Beast
Beast Slayer+10 ACC and +5% CRIT vsBeastZoophobia+20% Stress vsBeast
Clotter+15% Bleed ResistAnemic-10% Bleed ResistBleed Resist
Clutch Hitter+5% CRIT if HP below 50%Dud Hitter-5% CRIT if HP below 50%Low Health CRIT
Cove Adventurer-20% Stress in CoveCove Phobe+20% Stress in CoveStress in Cove
Deadly+2% CRITMisses the Spot-2% CRITCRIT
Eagle Eye+5% CRIT Ranged SkillsFlawed Release-5% CRIT Ranged SkillsRanged CRIT
Early Riser+2 SPD if Torch above 75Nocturnal-2 SPD if Torch above 75Radiant Light SPD
Eldritch Hater+15% DMG and -15% Stress vsEldritchFear of Eldritch+15% Stress and -10 ACC vsEldritchvs Eldritch
Eldritch Slayer+10 ACC and +5% CRIT vsEldritch
Evasive+5 DODGEClumsy-5 DODGEDODGE
GiftedQuirk (8)+20% Healing ReceivedInfirmQuirk (9)-20% Healing ReceivedHealing Received
GothicQuirk (10)Wyrd Reconstruction: +25% Healing Received AsceticQuirk (11)Wyrd Reconstruction: -20% Healing Received Healing Received
from Occultist
Hard Noggin+15% Stun ResistShocker-10% Stun ResistStun Resist
HippocraticQuirk (12)+20% Healing SkillsBad HealerQuirk (13)-20% Healing SkillsHealing Done
Irrepressible+5% Virtue ChanceMercurial-5% Virtue ChanceVirtue Chance
Last Gasp+1 SPD if HP below 50%Winded-1 SPD if HP below 50%Low Health SPD
Lurker+10% DMG if Torch below 26Night Blindness-10% DMG if Torch below 26Dark/Black as Pitch DMG
LuminousQuirk (14)+2 SPD, +5 DODGEFadingQuirk (15)-2 SPD, -5 DODGESPD/DODGE
Mankind Hater+15% DMG and -15% Stress vsHumanFear of Mankind+15% Stress and -10 ACC vsHumanvs Human
Man Slayer+10 ACC and +5% CRIT vsHumanAutomatonophobia+20% Stress vsHuman
MusicalQuirk (16)Inspiring Tune: +25% Stress Heal Received Tone DeafQuirk (17)Inspiring Tune: -20% Stress Heal Received Stress Heal Received
from Jester
Natural Eye+5 ACC Ranged SkillsLazy Eye-5 ACC Ranged SkillsRanged ACC
Natural Swing+5 ACCThe Yips-5 ACCACC
Night Owl+2 SPD if Torch below 26Diurnal-2 SPD if Torch below 26Dark/Black as Pitch SPD
On Guard+4 SPD and +5 DODGE on First RoundOff Guard-4 SPD and -5 DODGE on First RoundFirst Turn SPD/DODGE
Photomania-20% Stress if Torch above 75Phengophobia+20% Stress if Torch above 75Radiant Light Stress
Precise Striker+5% CRIT Melee SkillsWeak Grip-5% CRIT Melee SkillsMelee CRIT
Quickdraw+4 SPD on First RoundSlowdraw-4 SPD on First RoundFirst Turn SPD
Quick Reflexes+2 SPDSlow Reflexes-1 SPDSPD
Resilient+10% Stress Heal ReceivedRuminator-10% Stress Heal ReceivedStress Heal Received
Robust+15% Disease ResistSickly-10% Disease ResistDisease Resist
Ruins Adventurer-20% Stress in RuinsRuins Phobe+20% Stress in RuinsStress in Ruins
Second Wind+10% DMG if HP below 50%Tuckered Out-10% DMG if HP below 50%Low Health DMG
Skilled Gambler+12.9% chance of winning money and +13.3% chance of winning trinkets while GamblingBad Gambler+11.4% chance of losing money and +13.3% chance of losing trinkets while GamblingGambling
Slugger+10% DMG Melee SkillsTorn Rotator-5% DMG Melee SkillsMelee DMG
SpiritualQuirk (18)Divine Grace, Divine Comfort: +25% Healing Received ScientificQuirk (19)Divine Grace, Divine Comfort: -20% Healing Received Healing Received
from Vestal
Steady-10% StressNervous+10% StressStress
Stress Faster-100% Food Consumed if Stress above 50Stress Eater+100% Food Consumed if Stress above 50Food Consumed at high Stress
Thick Blooded+10% Blight ResistThin Blooded-10% Blight ResistBlight Resist
Tough+10% MAX HPFragile-10% MAX HPMAX HP
Hard Skinned+10% PROTSoft-5% MAX HP
Unholy Hater+15% DMG and -15% Stress vsUnholyFear of Unholy+15% Stress and -10 ACC vsUnholyvs Unholy
Unholy Slayer+10 ACC and +5% CRIT vsUnholySatanophobia+20% Stress vsUnholy
Unerring+10% DMG Ranged SkillsScattering-5% DMG Ranged SkillsRanged DMG
Unyielding+10% Death Blow ResistWeak Grip on Life-10% Death Blow ResistDeath Blow Resist
Warrens Adventurer-20% Stress in WarrensWarrens Phobe+20% Stress in WarrensStress in Warrens
Warrior of Light+10% DMG if Torch above 75Light Sensitive-10% DMG if Torch above 75Radiant Light DMG
Weald Adventurer-20% Stress in WealdWeald Phobe+20% Stress in WealdStress in Weald

Independent Positive Quirk[ | ]

Independent Quirks have no comparable opposite, and thus are unique to themselves. Independent Positive Quirks mainly deal with area specific bonuses, camping and reducing gold costs in town.

Quirk (20) Positive Quirks Quirk (21)
Armor Tinker-20% Armor Upgrade Cost at the Blacksmith
Back TrackerNo Stress penalty when walking backwards
Balanced+15% Move Resist
Cove Explorer+10% Scouting Chance in Cove
Cove Scrounger+5% Scouting Chance in Cove
Cove Tactician+15% DMG in Cove
DaredevilQuirk (22)+15 DODGE if HP below 25%
Fairweather FighterQuirk (23)+20% DMG if HP above 99%
Fast Healer+10% Healing Skills while Camping
Fated10% chance to turn any MISS into a HIT
Healer's Gift+20% Healing Skills while Camping
Hot to TrotQuirk (24)+25% DMG, +20 ACC, +5% CRIT on First Round
Meditator+20% Stress Heal Received from Meditation
(Does not actually increase Stress Heal Received while Camping)
NaturalQuirk (25)+20% MAX HP, +20% Healing Received,
and +3 SPD while wearing no trinkets
Nymphomania+20% Stress Heal Received from Brothel
Ruins Explorer+10% Scouting Chance in Ruins
Ruins Scrounger+5% Scouting Chance in Ruins
Ruins Tactician+15% DMG in Ruins
Stout+15% Healing Skills while Camping
Twilight DreamerQuirk (26)Ignores Stealth (One per roster)
Warrens Explorer+10% Scouting Chance in Warrens
Warrens Scrounger+5% Scouting Chance in Warrens
Warrens Tactician+15% DMG in Warrens
Weald Explorer+10% Scouting Chance in Weald
Weald Scrounger+5% Scouting Chance in Weald
Weald Tactician+15% DMG in Weald
Weapon Tinker-20% Weapon Upgrade Cost at the Blacksmith

Treatment Quirks[ | ]

These quirks affect which treatments a hero may use to relieve stress in the hamlet.

Treatment Quirks
CloisterEnlightenedIn Town, will only Meditate for stress reliefUnquiet MindIn town, will not meditate in the Cloister for stress relief
TranseptGod FearingIn Town, will only Pray for stress relief.WitnessWill not take part in Prayer activity in town, after certain traumatic events
Penance HallFlagellantIn Town, will only Flagellate for stress reliefFaithlessWill not Pray or Flagellate for stress relief.
BarTipplerIn town, will only visit the Bar for stress reliefResolutionIn town, will never Drink
Gambling HallGamblerIn town, will only Gamble for stress reliefKnown CheatIs not allowed to visit the Gambling Hall
BrothelLove InterestIn town, will only visit the Brothel for stress reliefDeviant TastesIs not allowed to visit the Brothel

Independent Negative Quirks[ | ]

As with Positive Quirks, Negative Quirks have their own set that are independent with no positive counterpart.

Quirk (27) Negative Quirks Quirk (28)
AntsyQuirk (29)+20 Stress when left Idle for the week
AshenQuirk (30)-10% Bleed Resist
-10% Blight Resist
Calm-15% DMG on First Round
Claustrophobia+20% Stress in Hallways
GermophobeQuirk (31)-10 ACC vsBlighted
Imposter SyndromeQuirk (32)"Consumed by thoughts of inadequacy"
4% chance to pass turn
Lygophobia+20% Stress if Torch below 26
Nervous BleederQuirk (33)-10 ACC while Bleeding
PerfectionistQuirk (34)+5 Stress when attack misses
RisktakerQuirk (35)+10% DMG
Thanatophobia+20% Stress if HP below 50%

There is another unique independent negative quirk called Shard Mercenary. It cannot be removed or gained, and is instead found on special mercenary heroes in the Stage Coach after the Endless Mode in the Farmstead is unlocked.

Shard MercenaryQuirk (36)10% Shard loot taken. Hero will only undertake
Endless Harvest quest in the Farmstead. (Cannot be removed)

Forced Interaction Quirks[ | ]

A subset of independent negative quirks. These quirks cause heroes to activate Curios without the player's consent. Each Quirk has a type of Curio that it has a chance to interact with. Also because Heroes will never use items with these interactions, they can easily hurt themselves or acquire diseases. Additionally, some quirks will cause the Hero to steal the items they loot, meaning that the player loses those items forever.

Not all Forced Interactions are based on Quirks. For a full list, look here.

Quirk (37) Negative Quirks Quirk (38)
NameDescriptionCurio TypeChanceSteal?Bark
AblutomaniaObsessed with cleanlinessFountains40%-"Out of my way! I must cleanse myself..."
BloodthirstyFascinated with injury, wounds, and tortureTorture35%-"Such carnage...yes..."
CompulsiveSuffers intense need to do specific actionsAll20%-"Nothing must be left untouched/unopened/undisturbed."
CuriousObsessed with the acquisition of knowledgeAll20%-"I simply MUST know what is within..."
"Hmmm, what have we here..."
"I wonder how this works..."
DacnomaniaObsessed with killingTorture40%-"What a fantastic way to inflict death on someone!"
Dark TemptationProne to investigating the Dark ArtsUnholy40%-"Finally, I get my hands on an authentic eldritch sample!"
DemonomaniaBelieves is possessed by demonsUnholy40%-"The spirits command me to do this!"
DipsomaniaIntense craving for alcoholDrink40%-"By gods light and dark, I hope this liquid has some kick..."
EgomaniaObsessed with self-worshipReflective40%Yes"Look! I cut quite the heroic figure, do I not?"
Guilty ConscienceBears the crushing guilt of deeds real and imaginedWorship35%-"I have sinned so very much...Light guide me."
HagiomaniaObsessed with sainthoodWorship40%-"Yes, Divine Lords! I am here..."
HieromaniaExperiences religious visions and delusionsWorship35%-"This is a call. I am prepared to accept it!"
HylomaniaObsessed with material thingsTreasure40%-"I came from nothing, but I'll not end with nothing!"
KleptomaniacProne to stealingTreasure35%Yes"<whistles>"
NecromaniaFascinated with corpsesBody40%-"Let me see! I must see!"
ParanormaniaObsessed with the paranormalHaunted40%-"Let me investigate. I sense the work of spirits!"
PlutomaniaManic for moneyTreasure40%-"Is that the sparkle of coin I see?"
SitiomaniaObsessed with foodFood40%-"Let me by... I am famished!"

Corvid's Quirks[ | ]

As of the Radiant Update, heroes who survive against a new boss known as the Shrieker have a chance of acquiring new quirks unique to the quest. Both the positive and negative quirk are stronger than ordinary quirks.

Quirk (39)Positive QuirksNegative QuirksQuirk (40)
Corvid's Eye+8 ACC
+8% Scouting Chance
Corvid's Blindness-10 ACC if Torch above 50
Corvid's Grace+6 DODGE
+25% Move Resist
Corvid's Appetite+100% Food Consumed
33% chance of interacting with "Body" curios
Corvid's Resilience+33% Disease ResistCorvid's Curiosity27.5% chance of interacting with all curios

Prismatic QuirksQuirk (41)[ | ]

In The Color of Madness DLC, heroes who survive against the new miniboss known as the Thing from the Stars may acquire new quirks that cannot be obtained elsewhere. These quirks are immensely potent, but are unique; they can only be on one hero in your whole roster. Only one hero will receive a quirk at the end of the mission, and gaining more requires defeating the Thing once again. They are automatically locked, and the Sanitarium will only offer the option to remove them. Removing Prismatic quirks allows them to be obtained again the next time the Thing is defeated. Prismatic Quirks will not count towards the limit of locked quirks on a Hero, so it's possible to have a Hero with three normal locked quirks and two Prismatic ones.

The quirks will be obtained in the order below:

Quirk (42)Positive Quirks
Prismatic Isolation+25% Debuff Resist
Prismatic Stability+25% Move Resist
Prismatic Solidity+25% Stun Resist
Prismatic Coagulation+25% Bleed Resist
Prismatic Purity+25% Blight Resist
Prismatic Calm-30% Stress
Prismatic Force+15% DMG
Prismatic Speed+3 SPD
Prismatic Precision+4% CRIT
Prismatic Eye+8 ACC
Husk Slayer+10 ACC and +5% CRIT vsHusk
Scythemaster+15% DMG vsHusk

Trivia[ | ]

When Skilled Gambler was originally released, it was accidentally programmed as a negative quirk.

I have a deep understanding of the topic you've presented. The article discusses the concept of "quirks" in the game setting, specifically in a game reminiscent of "Darkest Dungeon," a popular roguelike RPG. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:


Quirks are traits or characteristics gained by heroes through their activities in the Hamlet or during expeditions. These quirks can either positively or negatively affect the hero by changing their stats or behaviors.

Acquiring and Managing Quirks:

  1. Acquisition:

    • Heroes recruited from the Stage Coach come with at least one positive and one negative quirk.
    • Additional quirks can be gained during expeditions by interacting with curios or through post-expedition screens.
    • Stress relief buildings in the Hamlet, like the Tavern and Abbey, can also induce quirks.
  2. Management:

    • A hero can have a maximum of ten quirks, with a cap of five positive and five negative quirks.
    • The Sanitarium in the Hamlet allows players to modify quirks. This includes removing quirks (at varying costs) or locking in positive quirks to prevent them from being replaced.

Types of Quirks:

  1. Comparable Quirks: These are paired quirks that have opposite effects on a hero's stats.
  2. Independent Positive Quirk: These are unique quirks that offer specific benefits without a corresponding negative effect.
  3. Treatment Quirks: These dictate how a hero can relieve stress in the Hamlet. Each quirk specifies a particular activity or facility.
  4. Independent Negative Quirk: These quirks don't have a positive counterpart but instead introduce specific detrimental effects on the hero.
  5. Forced Interaction Quirks: These compel heroes to interact with curios without player consent, often leading to unpredictable outcomes.

Chance Mechanics:

The chance of acquiring positive or negative quirks post-expedition depends on the quest's success, the hero's current stress level, and other factors.

Special Quirks:

  • Corvid's Quirks: Unique quirks acquired by heroes after surviving encounters with a boss called the Shrieker.
  • Prismatic Quirks: Exclusive quirks obtained after battling the Thing from the Stars in the "Color of Madness" DLC.

Notes and Trivia:

  • Heroes can acquire two opposing quirks, which negate each other's effects.
  • Some quirks can limit a hero's interaction with specific Hamlet facilities.
  • There are rare instances where quirks can be reinforced beyond the usual limits, providing exceptions to standard quirk management rules.

Given the intricacy of quirks and their management, understanding these mechanics is crucial for optimizing hero performance and gameplay strategy.

Quirk (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.