What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal (2024)

Responsible for developing external partnerships for your organization? Whether you are brand new to sponsorship sales or a few years in and simply looking for new tips on how to improve your proposal technique, check out How to Craft and Pitch a Sponsorship Proposal.

Getting an event sponsorship proposal is a great way to fund your event, but you must convince your potential sponsors to invest by providing them with a clear proposal with specific details. Write a preliminary proposal to your potential sponsors and be sure to include these five important points.

What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal (1)


You should seek outsponsors who align well with your event-goers. Sponsors support events to promote and build their brand, so make sure the attendeesare in your sponsor’s target demographic. Your relationshipwith a sponsor should be a logical one, such as a health food store sponsoring a marathon or a hospital supporting a cancer walk. Avoid odd or contradictory pairings. For example, if your event is a beer festival, you probably wouldn’t want to attempt getting sponsorship from a brand that markets their products primarily to children.


A sponsor will want to know how many people will be attending your event. They may be less willing to pay a lot of money for advertising at your event if your attendance is projected to be low. It’s important for you to be realistic in your estimation of attendees, because your sponsors will expect you to deliver on the number of people who will see their brand. Have a number of contingencies based on events outside your control. If your event would be affected by bad weather conditions, you should have alternate projections for that. The best way to gauge potential traffic is by selling tickets in advance. However, for many events that could be affected by the weather, patrons will often delay buying a ticket until the day of the event.

Sponsorship Exposure

Make your potential sponsors aware of the type of exposure they will receive by investing in your event and give them the most exposure possible:

  • Sponsor a booth at the event
  • Serve as a presenting sponsor of the event
  • Sponsor an award
  • Provide in-kind products or services

Location ofSponsorship Material

Just like the old real estate adage, it’s all about location, location, location. While you might want to squeeze as many sponsors into your venue as possible, not all locations are attractive. For instance, if your event is an outdoor concert, sponsors will be less likely to pay for a location next to the port-a-potties than they will be to drop money for a prime spot next to the beverage stations.

Cost and Benefits

Break down a simple analysis of what your sponsors will pay or provide and how their sponsorship will benefit them. Emphasize how they will receive name recognition and access to a specific, niche market in their target demographic. You can also offerthem other advertising benefits they can exploit, such as discounts to event attendees and getting people to sign up for mailing lists.

Testimonials From Past Sponsors

According to sources, 87% of clients are willing to provide a testimonial, but only 10% of companies ever ask for one. Advocacy is one of the most powerful forms of selling sponsorships, and adds value to a proposal based on a third party speaking on the positive experience they had.

Sponsorship and marketing decision-makers do not want to feel like they are being sold, so outside endorsem*nts make for a great workaround. Keep in mind the strength of these testimonials relies on specific details around actual results of the event and ROI.

Sample Activations

When reaching out to a prospect, present a menu of options that will help achieve them achieve business goals through the partnership. It’s important to clarify that these options are simply suggestions and that you are flexible.

The most effective way to determine the best suggestions is to conduct research on your prospects in order to find commonalities between your organization and the space they work within. When researching, attempt to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What perceptions are they trying to change about their brand?
  2. What behaviors are they trying to encourage or diminish?
  3. Do they stand for something or do they stand against something?
  4. What markets are they trying to influence or get in front of?

What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal (2)

If you liked this blog post, check out:

  1. 16 Sports Sponsorship Spenders Planning in Q1
  2. 6 Brands Investing in Esports Now
  3. FestForums Wrap-Up: The Lifecycle of a Sponsorship

What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal (3)

What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal (2024)


What should be included in an event sponsorship proposal? ›

What should be in an event sponsorship proposal
  • Your primary audience data online and off, including numbers from past events. ...
  • A list of specific contributions (beyond just funding) that you're looking to obtain from sponsor relationships.
  • A clear explanation of sponsorship benefits.

What are three types of information included in a sponsorship proposal? ›

List three types of information included in a sponsorship proposal. Sponsorship costs, marketing opportunities at the event, and list of committed sponsors.

What should be included in a sponsorship report? ›

  • TITLE PAGE. The title page should include your logo, the name of the sponsorship property/event/opportunity, the location, and also the sponsor's logo.
  • ABOUT YOU. Describe, in brief (3-5 sentences), your organization. ...
Feb 13, 2020

How do you write a detailed sponsorship proposal? ›

Use the following template for your sponsorship proposals:
  1. Cover page. ...
  2. Cover letter. ...
  3. Event date, location, and introduction. ...
  4. Attendee profile. ...
  5. Event purpose. ...
  6. Event video. ...
  7. Sponsorship packages. ...
  8. Terms and conditions.

What are the 6 elements of sponsorship? ›

The Elements of a Sponsorship Pitch Deck:
  • Event/Property Overview. This is where you make your first impression and share your story. ...
  • Audience Insights. Next up is audience insights. ...
  • Sponsorship Benefits. ...
  • The Partnership. ...
  • Investment. ...
  • Testimonials.
Mar 21, 2022

What are the 5 pillars to sponsorship? ›

To keep sponsors satisfied, focus on five pillars of establishing a worthwhile connection which resonates on both sides of the relationship:
  • Communication. ...
  • Brand visibility. ...
  • Recognition. ...
  • Creative approval. ...
  • Metrics.
Jan 14, 2020

What are the ABCs of sponsorship? ›

You may already know the ABCs of sponsorship—Active and visible participation, Building a coalition, and Communicating support to promote the change.

What do sponsorships include? ›

A sponsorship is when a company commits money or resources to a nonprofit event or program in exchange for specific promotional benefits. In exchange for supporting the nonprofit, the company gets their name and logo on things like: Banners. T-shirts or wearable swag.

What should be included in a sponsorship strategy? ›

What is a Sponsorship Strategy?
  1. Determine Goals Associated with Sponsorship. ...
  2. Get to Know Your Target Audience. ...
  3. Allocate a Budget. ...
  4. Search for Sponsorship Opportunities. ...
  5. Develop a Proposal. ...
  6. Put Sponsorship in Place. ...
  7. Evaluate Sponsorship Results.
Jul 3, 2022

How do you write a good proposal example? ›

  1. Introduce yourself and provide background information. ...
  2. State your purpose for the proposal. ...
  3. Define your goals and objectives. ...
  4. Highlight what sets you apart. ...
  5. Briefly discuss budget and how funds will be used. ...
  6. Finish with a call to action and request a follow-up. ...
  7. Close the letter and provide contact details.
Mar 10, 2023

How long should a sponsorship proposal be? ›

Page 3: Sponsorship letter (optional) ✍️

You can use a template for this, but always personalize it to the individual. Your proposal letter doesn't need to be long — 150-300 words should do the trick.

How do you ask for sponsorship money for an event? ›

To obtain a corporate sponsorship, make sure you do the following:
  1. Choose companies with values more aligned to yours.
  2. Give something back to them.
  3. Have a strong, clear, engaging proposal.
  4. Don't wait until right before your event to ask for a sponsorship.
  5. If you know how much money you need, ask for it outright.

What are the three most typical levels of sponsorship? ›

The standard gold, silver, and bronze sponsor packages are a common approach that's well-known in the industry. Offer at least three sponsorship levels or tiers to give brands some flexibility to choose what serves them. Some might not need all of the benefits of your highest tier, but they still want to get involved.

What are the three most important or critical roles of a sponsor? ›

There are 3 key roles that participants of Prosci's Best Practices Research have identified for sponsors. They are: active and visible sponsorship, communicating directly and building a coalition.

What is a sponsorship example? ›

In-kind sponsorship: With an in-kind sponsorship, a company can provide goods or services free of cost to sponsor an event or organization. A restaurant donating food to a charity event is an example of an in-kind sponsorship.

What are 3 ways that you can maximize the value of your sponsorship? ›

4 Keys to Maximizing Your Sponsorship Strategy
  • Keep sponsorship a focus. The biggest reason organizations fall short in obtaining their sponsorship goals is having a lack of focus. ...
  • Create easy-to-sell packages. ...
  • Don't overthink it. ...
  • Leverage your partners.

What do event sponsors want in return? ›

What do event sponsors want? At a high level, event sponsors want their brand to be associated with an event “ either because the event is for a good cause that the sponsor wants to publicly support, or because the event is hosted by a business that can promote the sponsor's brand in some way.

What are the 8 benefits associated with sponsorships? ›

Before you sign any contracts, make sure the agreement gives you the level of exposure you want.
  • Brand Visibility. ...
  • Consumer Perception. ...
  • Conduct Targeted Marketing. ...
  • Foster Business Relationships. ...
  • Efficient Lead Generation and Sales. ...
  • Community Goodwill. ...
  • Boost Your Social Strategy. ...
  • Return on Investment.

What are the biggest sponsorship categories? ›

Top Sponsorship Categories in the NFL 2022

Technology is the most lucrative industry for football, with nearly $400 million in sponsorship revenue, per IEG. Sports betting ($260 million), beer ($211 million), telecom ($163 million) and insurance ($133 million) also cracked the top five.

What are the keys to successful sponsorship sales? ›

  • Keep Your Sponsor Aligned with Your Target Audience.
  • Offer Customizable Sponsorship Packages.
  • Use a Sponsor Again If It Makes Sense.
  • Never Go Without Fulfillment Reports.

What is the key responsibility of a sponsor? ›

They are responsible for the overall success of the project, and they typically define and ensure the project's success. Depending on the project, a sponsor will also frequently act as a mentor to the project manager.

What is a sponsorship activation strategy? ›

A sponsorship activation is a type of brand activation that involves partnering with another organization to appear at their event. Usually, brands pay a sponsorship fee to have access to the event organizer's attendees, but sometimes sponsorships may take the form of in-kind considerations.

What is the most popular form of sponsorship? ›

To most, shirt sponsorship is the most obvious form of advertising in sport.

What does sponsorship have to do with the first step? ›

Some of the most important things you can do when working the first step can include the following: Get a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who has accomplished several or all of the 12 steps. They will be able to provide you guidance and support as you begin your own personal journey with the steps.

What are deliverables to sponsors? ›

After a company has agreed to sponsor your event, you're on the hook for providing everything you promised in your proposal. Those are the deliverables. Make sure you've budgeted for all the costs associated with them! And get them in a contract.

What do event sponsors offer? ›

A corporate event sponsor is a company that supports an event by providing funds in exchange for something of value. Event sponsorships can include in-kind contributions (e.g., providing a venue, food, or raffle prizes), media sponsorships, and promotional partnerships.

What do you write when asking for sponsorship? ›

The letter should include information about the benefits of sponsorship, such as how it helps the sponsor increase visibility and build their brand. It should also provide details about how much money the prospective sponsor will receive for their support and how long the sponsorship will run for.

What qualities are you looking for in a sponsor? ›

7 Things to Look for when Choosing a Sponsor
  • They have more time than you… a lot more time. ...
  • They have completed the 12 steps… a few times. ...
  • They have what you want… and you're willing to work to get it. ...
  • They have a sponsor… and they still talk to them. ...
  • They attend meetings… and encourage you to go.

What are deliverables in a sponsorship event? ›

Sponsorship deliverables are items that the event needs to make sure they follow through on, like putting up a banner or making a post on social media. To start, it is helpful to make a list of all of an event's assets. This is also considered its sponsorship inventory.

What are the 4 C's in proposal? ›

An effective grant application will be clear, concise, comprehensive, and compelling. These four “C”s may help you focus the drafting and revision process for any application.

What are the five 5 steps in writing your proposal? ›

The 6 Steps To Writing a Project Proposal
  • Step 1: Write the Executive Summary. ...
  • Step 2: Explain the Project Background. ...
  • Step 3: Present a Solution. ...
  • Step 4: Define the Project Deliverables. ...
  • Step 5: Request Your Needed Resources. ...
  • Step 6: State Your Conclusion.
May 4, 2023

What are the 8 steps to writing a proposal? ›

8 Tips for Writing a Project Proposal
  1. Understand What the Client is Looking For. ...
  2. Know Your Costs. ...
  3. Know Your Team's Capabilities. ...
  4. Be Specific. ...
  5. Avoid Excessive Jargon. ...
  6. Include Persuasive Proof. ...
  7. Provide a Call to Action. ...
  8. Include Your Contact Information.
Mar 19, 2020

What is a reasonable amount to ask for sponsorship? ›

Don't sell yourself short. Ask for $10,000 to $100,000 from each sponsor.

How long are you responsible for someone you sponsor? ›

How Long Is a Sponsor Liable for a Person? A sponsor is liable for an immigrant family member until they earn forty work quarters credited toward Social Security. Also, they remain liable until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen or terminates the Form I-864 financial obligation.

How many pages is a sponsorship proposal? ›

Data from millions of proposals shows that the most successful sponsorship proposals are around 11 pages long. Those 11 pages are then best organized into 7 sections. Each section serves a purpose in telling your story, and they're all included in this free sponsorship proposal template.

How much do sponsors usually pay for events? ›

Most live event sponsorships cost anywhere from $4,000 to $100,000 and in some extreme cases, up to $1,250,000. Virtual sponsorships, on the other hand, usually top out at around $15, 000.

How do you approach a company to sponsor an event? ›

Learn how to make a pitch.

Tell them who you are and introduce our mission. Summarize when your event started, the number of attendees, and other unique facts about your event. Point out specifically why their company would be a good fit to sponsor your event. Describe what they'll get out of it.

What information should event proposal include? ›

Information including the date, time, and location, as well as the cost, are the fundamentals that you need when writing an event proposal. If it's a virtual event, describe the event's type and how you will deliver it online.

What should be included in a sponsorship deck? ›

Sponsorship Deck
  • The most relevant success stories to your region and event.
  • The most recent information about your event, like the name, date, and location.
  • Sponsorship level information, including what the sponsor receives in return for each level, if applicable.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.