Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (2024)

How would you rate Shop LC?

Top Positive Review

“Great auction”



I used to spend more time on there than I do now. Which should be taken as good due to the fact that I was winning so many auctions I couldn't afford them all. But if you choose NOT to use the autopsy option, you have 24 hrs to decide to keep the win or let it go and pay nothing, which I LOVE about this site. You can set specific parameters in searching for the items you are interested in both to purchase or bid on. I've won many jewelry auctions, and I do love they're jewelry because the price is always good even if you choose not to go through the auction house. I have found so many useful, neat and beautiful pieces here. If you like the auctions, then you probably already know of them and if not "if you don't know, well now you know".

See positive reviews

Top Critical Review




Placed an order over 20 days ago. My emails everything has gone unanswered so I finally am able to chat and they tell me they can't find my item. They have NO issues taking your money but have yet to refund or send my items. I've spent hundreds and they literally don't care. I'm so upset I'll literally never shop here again and I'll be sure to tell others not to as well.

See critical reviews

Reviews (262)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (1)

1 review

3 helpful votes

January 23rd, 2024

Placed an order over 20 days ago. My emails everything has gone unanswered so I finally am able to chat and they tell me they can't find my item. They have NO issues taking your money but have yet to refund or send my items. I've spent hundreds and they literally don't care. I'm so upset I'll literally never shop here again and I'll be sure to tell others not to as well.






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (2)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (3)

1 review

2 helpful votes

January 5th, 2024

1. The delivery is hit or miss. Sometimes I get what I ordered sometimes I don't.
2. The returns are the same, sometimes I get a refund for an item I didn't get but not always.
3. The wait time for customer service is always longer than 30 minutes.
4. Finally, I have a pending charge on my CC but customer service doesn't have the order number.
What are they doing? Why can't your site work properly? Why can't I talk to anyone? I think that I'm done with ShopLC for good.

Tip for consumers:
The customer service is not very helpful

Products used:






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (4)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

January 12th, 2024

Let's just be real here, it is run by an Indian gentleman, the favoritism was off the charts, when the system went down or the queue got bad, theyd take everyone out but the fab 5 they liked. I watched the head of the damn call center scream his a$$ off and when the hr lady tried to stop him, he screamed at her. The indian gentleman was there during this and said not a god damn word. The products are cheap discounted jewelry, during performance review i was told, to stop talking to old women who are bored and have nothing to do but spend their money, that's what management thinks of their customers, oh and I was fired for voicing my opinion to my temp agency who employed nothing but ghetto looking people to begin with. So yea, if they treat their call center that bad, the disdain for the customer was "old women who are bored, lonely and have no money" take your business elsewhere to a company who gives a sh*t, because these people are garbage, there's a reason the call center is 98% temps because nobody wants to be screamed at and nobody wants to go into that sh*t show every day.

Tip for consumers:
yea the call center is run by an indian gentleman who cares only for your money. To quote my manager, our clients are "bored lonely old women with nothing but money to burn"

Products used:
none, this is a discount jewelry chain, I worked for them as a temp, I wouldnt let convicts work here, that's how badly this company is run






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (6)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (7)

1 review

0 helpful votes

May 27th, 2024

I have been a faithful customer for years and have some cherished products purchased from shop lc. My problem is more interpersonal. It seems to me that some hosts are treated with kid gloves while others are not given their just desserts. The most blatant example is Michele Mahone, beloved and honest host. When she left she said she would be available to do remote hosting as a goodly number of hosts already do. That was months ago and since then newbies have been given all kinds of goodies, trips across the world for example. Michele who has great taste never got those opportunities. No accolades were given to her when she moved back to LA because of sickness in her family. The brass at shop lc never seemed to understand the appeal of this woman, brilliant, funny, prepared, intelligent, and most importantly gem lover. Several times on air she was upbraided by co-hosts and perhaps reprimanded by the higher ups. As a woman these practices angered me. So even though I occasionally tune it to watch it just is not the same without her there. And so even when tempted to buy items I need to know if she will ever be asked to host remotely before I buy again.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (8)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (9)

1 review

9 helpful votes

June 19th, 2022

My wife and I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars here but NO MORE! Sent back my return they did not accept it said "heavily used" it was a Vaccum robot that could not go from hardwood floor over a tiny throw rug. We never used it after the test. I'm sure everyone that bought one returned it. Do not shop here! I will reach out to our media here Channel 8 on your side to get a story regarding the lack of returns and holding customers hostage. Only one Star because it would not let me give zero stars

Tip for consumers:
Do not use this company they will not refund your money on bad products!

Products used:

* Shop LC attempted to help this customer through the Sitejabber Resolution Center, but the customer did not respond






August 25th, 2023

To continue my review:
Ring arrives just short of five weeks in our mailbox on a major state route. Why? Lots of money involved in this purchase. Customer service states there was a crawler on screen that said it was preorder. None people, nope, Nadda. Took to two Jewlers. One said
Not worth more than 1/2 my cost. One said at a fancy store or mall, it could be high retail. However, evaluated to NOT be high retail. So should I keep or return?

Tip for consumers:
Apologizes for errors made times 3 promises of 5-10 business days. Customer service states you pre-ordered. I did NOT! Untruths today. Still waiting to hear back

Products used:
What a headache! Will keep you all posted.

Promised contact on two dates. Neither happened. Not getting anywhere and no ring!


July 2nd, 2022

May 24th, 2022, I attempted to purchase a pair of earrings priced at $7.99. I was interested because they were made with stain steel which I like and they were cute. June 1,2022, I realized I have not received them, did not receive an email indicating they had shipped nor was I billed for them yet. So I called inquiring about this. I was put on hold a couple of times then the guy on the other end of call stated they could not verify my billing address. He read to me my billing and mailing address (which I'm surprised they already had), I verified that both were correct. He then tells me he would transfer me to someone else that would be able to help. That transfer was to a person's voice mail box where I left my information. I called back today (6/2/22), the guy who answered sounded like the same guy from the day before, he proceeded to go through the same steps. When he was done putting me on hold I finally told him to cancel my order because I have never been treated like this before and I don't need the earrings anyway. They were cheap but cute. I told him that my credit is over 800 (I checked after the call, it's 798, oops) anyway my credit it great and there should not be a problem with my billing and mailing addresses. So whatever is going on is their problem and I don't need to be treated in this matter. I again told him to cancel my order and be done with this and I will continue to shop with QVC and HSN where they know how to treat their customers. SHOPLC, you just lost a potential good customer. I would give zero stars.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (12)

1 review

2 helpful votes

October 12th, 2022

I have an issue with fraudulent charges to my card. I shopped at slc one day and the next, someone spent $2100. 00. I emailed slc, received an email asking me to leave them feedback, which I did, then my review got flagged. (Elsewhere)
I have seen quite a decline in slc. Shipping problems, QC problems, CS lacking. This company is not organized. One department has absolutely no clue what another does. For instance, hosts often give info that's false.
Be aware that SLC has never really had a clearance. If you pay attention to prices, you know they change daily, sometimes several times a day. They mark things up, then play pricing games on air to make customers think they are getting a deal. It's "All sales final" on clearance. No other shopping network does that.
Instead of fixing things, CS just responds to reviews and tries to clean up the mess another department created.
I've purchased many things I love. It's just that now, you often have to work hard to get what they sold. I have no idea what will happen with my missing $. Buyer beware!

Products used:
I buy mostly jewelry.






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (13)

1 review

0 helpful votes

August 22nd, 2023

I have ordered approximately $1200 in merchandise from SLC in the past month. I didn't receive one of my items. Called customer service and was told this item would not be replaced. NOT a happy customer. Won't order from here again and will return as much merchandise as possible that I've already received

Tip for consumers:
That lost/undelivered items would not be replaced

Products used:
Jewelry, fashion






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (14)

1 review

12 helpful votes

July 20th, 2022

Verified purchase

I had bought a set of jewels and they sent me something completely different but expected me to pay shipping to return them, just to receive a different jewel that I didn't order in the first place. I took a break from them but then ordered again hoping it would be different. I never received anything and they only refunded prove of the product but no shipping charges so I basically threw away money for nothing. Never again!

Tip for consumers:
Don't waste your money!

Products used:






December 17th, 2022

Shop LC uses some kind of malware that can NOT be cleared on my Android device. Shoplc appears to use deceptive practices.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (16)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

We can confirm that we do not use malware. In addition, any cookies (regardless of website) require approval from the consumer. We are more than happy to troubleshoot anything we need to of course.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (17)

3 reviews

6 helpful votes

December 5th, 2023

I used to spend more time on there than I do now. Which should be taken as good due to the fact that I was winning so many auctions I couldn't afford them all. But if you choose NOT to use the autopsy option, you have 24 hrs to decide to keep the win or let it go and pay nothing, which I LOVE about this site. You can set specific parameters in searching for the items you are interested in both to purchase or bid on. I've won many jewelry auctions, and I do love they're jewelry because the price is always good even if you choose not to go through the auction house. I have found so many useful, neat and beautiful pieces here. If you like the auctions, then you probably already know of them and if not "if you don't know, well now you know".

Tip for consumers:
There are no refunds on auctions. Once you accept it and pay, it's yours.




Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (18)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (19)

2 reviews

0 helpful votes

December 9th, 2023

These earrings did not meet my expectations they are so tiny, l am extremely disappointed. They appeared to be larger on TV.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (20)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello, Happy to help more than happy to assist however we will need your contact information. Could you please provide the order details or your contact details to, so we can assist you further.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (21)

1 review

0 helpful votes

October 7th, 2021

Verified purchase

• Updated review

I I did a buy all on 12 strands of beads. There were 4 sets of 3 beautiful tumbled beaded necklaces in each set and they were all quite beautiful. The only problem was one set of 3 had 2 broken strands in the bags and as I tried to pull them out of the pouch beads went everywhere and I mean everywhere… so I am sending that set back. It's a same to because it had the rose quartz strand one I wanted the most and of course one that was broken in the packaging… these are quite lovely beads so I'm not really sure what to say. It won't stop me from shopping at SHOPLC because on the whole my experiences are wonderful!

Reason I chose this business:

Only thing I watch on TV


September 28th, 2021

Verified site experience

• Previous review

Reason I chose this business:

Great Buys!

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (22)

2 reviews

4 helpful votes

September 12th, 2022

I bought a 14k gold rope necklace, had a 24k pendant on it, necklace broke in middle of rope chain, very cheesy lost pendant. When I sent it back to be repaired, took forever, and then they sent back the same broken necklace without replacing or repairing. Said I filled out form wrong now it's been over a month, still ha e broken worthless necklace, I would tell everyone not to buy necklaces from shop lc, unless they want to loose charms, and pay for a necklace they cannot wear. Thanks for taking my money and wasting it!

Tip for consumers:

Products used:
A box fan





October 9th, 2021

Verified purchase

• Updated review

I love shoplc pricing and their service but their company leaves my packages anywhere, sometimes they just toss them on the porch, I live on a heavy traffic street and my porch is open to passersby. There is a lot of package theft.


I am addicted to the great pricing

October 4th, 2021

Verified site experience

• Previous review

Reason I chose this business:

Love shopping here best deals

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (24)

1 review

21 helpful votes

March 6th, 2021

They show "beauty shots" that makes things look bigger when you receive they are tiny. Sent a Xmas gift of a kids bank with NO insides in it won't return money. Show jewelry that is gorgeous what you receive is a washed out stone with no color. Tell you lowest price then late at night it drops $100 2 nights later dropped another $25. They do it late at night. I feel sorry for those who purchased and were promised "it will never be Lower." Nothing but lies and rip offs.

Tip for consumers:
Do not use this company. They won’t return even $10 on a broken toy they sent me. joke jewelry with no color or has stones fall out of it 2 days later. Shipping takes forever. The 30 day return policy is part of the 12 or more days it took them to send it.

Products used:
Jewelry, kids bank, masks






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (25)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (26)

1 review

3 helpful votes

October 7th, 2020

Bought a ton of jewerly, Russian green emerald rings, supposedly sterling silver, bracelets, all turned. Jewelry is garbage

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (27)

DanielleJ. – Shop LC Rep

We do appreciate you sharing your experience as it allows us to continue to improve.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (28)

2 reviews

1 helpful vote

November 22nd, 2022

Ordered what seemed to be an exceptional deal for gold and 1 ct diamond ring. Received a confirmation email of my order. First of the budget payments was already lending on my cc. Woke up to an email the next morning stating I left it in my cart and not completed. I clicked the link to compete the order. Items aware all gone now it said. I tried tracking with the order number from the confirmation email. Order number not found. I called customer service. Dale looked up my order and assured me that absolutely the order is processing. I would be receiving my ring. He further explains that they recently upgraded their software and many crazy things have been happening. Again he tells me not to worry everything is all in order. Great I tell him have a nice day and goodbye. Later the same day I receive an email that states my order hs been canceled due to high demand and out of stock. The pending charge is already off my cc.
My conclusion is. The deal was in fact too good to be true. It was my very first and last experience with this company. I believe it was a classic bait and hopefully switch tactic. I'm not interested in them anymore after this experience. I wonder if anyone else ordered the fabulous SVVW (Simply Vera, Vera Wang) tri-tone 14k gold ring with 1 carat of diamonds ring on the night of Nov 21,2022 and then on Nov 22 were notified of a cancellation. Beware a shady companies like






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (29)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (30)

March 29th, 2023

On 03/23/23 I signed up for auto pay for their auctions. I bid on & won 4 items believing they'll be paid for through Auto Pay. The following day, I noticed my items had not been paid for. I contacted SLC's customer service and was assured the auto pay for my items at the next assigned hour and no further action was required! However, 3 days later my winning items weren't pay for and my bids had "expired". I contacted the Customer Service number and spoke to Param who told me I'd have to bid on the items again and hope to have the highest bid to win the items again,

I then signed into "on line" chat to find out if ShopLV kept a record of the on line chats. CS representative Vishal said my account shows that I had called regarding my auto pay status on 03/24 and instructed me to email the item numbers and winning amount to their customer service email and as a "curtesy" they will honor my winning bids for the items IF they are still available!

I am absolutely certain that my winning bids expired because Shop LC wanted to get a higher bid for them.

Please beware if you spend time bidding and winning an auction. Chances are Shop LC will allow your bids to expire and have you bid on them again in order to sell it at a higher price. Such dishonest behavior.,

Tip for consumers:
Beware of ShopLC’s less than honest practices on their rising auctions…You may believe you have won an auction but learn your winning bid expired a few days later.

Products used:
Haven’t received anything yet.


Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (32)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (33)

1 review

7 helpful votes

October 11th, 2022

Verified purchase

UPDATE: Shop LC has refunded the amount overcharged on my credit card. It won't apply until next month's bill so I still had to pay the balance on my card rather than risk being charged a month's interest.
Despite sending numerous emails, no one has yet to say anything about charging $2,279.99 for a necklace with a $2,000 tag attached to it.

Don't fall into the hype with this company that they are offering great pricing, at least on the finer jewelry. I recently was watching their live presentation, being told how they were able to get all these beautiful gold closeout deals for amazing pricing & that they would be passing their savings onto the customers. I was a sucker & bought a diamond tennis necklace for $2,279.99. I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment when the necklace arrived, with a tag attached to it, reflecting a price of $2,000! My price was even considered a reduced clearance price & non-returnable which makes the whole purchase totally pathetic. Then to top things off, my credit card has been charged for $454.65 more than it should have been & so far, I am getting nowhere with customer service so will probably have to open a PayPal case to get that straightened out. Needless to say, it has been a nightmare & I honestly wish I had never heard of this company or given them my business. Unless you enjoy fighting with companies, I recommend you avoid this one & save yourself a lot of grief. I don't know how they became so big but customer satisfaction is not something that appears to interest them.

Tip for consumers:
I wish I had read the reviews before dealing with them. While there are some great reviews, there are enough bad ones that I should have avoided the company. While they accept some returns, they don't on clearance items, even though you never get to examine the product until you actually get it. Many items are considered pre-ordered although they don't tell you that until you inquire as to why it hasn't been sent yet, which may not happen for a couple of weeks.

Products used:

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (34)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (35)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (36)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

Hello Pamela thank you for taking the time to leave this review here as well as trust pilot. We have arranged a call with our retention supervisor.

Just following up Pamela and confirming that we did process the refund in question.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (37)

1 review

0 helpful votes

November 25th, 2022

Charged twice for 2 rings I ordered and 1 pair of gloves. Items never shipped per my account on shoplc. Shoplc provided me with a tracking number from usps that was for other items. Think twice before ordering from this company.

Tip for consumers:
Do not shop at shoplc

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (38)

MirandaA. – Shop LC Rep

We appreciate the opportunity to work on this. If you still have concerns can you please reach out to

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (39)

1 review

2 helpful votes

October 7th, 2022

Verified purchase


Tip for consumers:

Products used:






Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (40)

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (41)

June 3rd, 2022

I was charged for an item on the card I purchased the item and a card I had previously removed from the Shoplc website.
When I last checked, the card had been added back onto the website. I called my credit card company and had the card cancelled because earlier that month a Shoplc Customer Service Representative had asked for my password to correct an issue where a coupon kept disappearing from an order. Though I had changed my password, I had the issue with duplicate charges.
Though these two incidents were the first in a year of doing business with Shoplc, I have found customer service unwilling to correct the issue in a reasonable manner. Thus, I am warning that if you frequently order from Shoplc, you double check the charges put on your credit card so as to hopefully not have to deal with their customer service.

Tip for consumers:
Double check the charges on your credit card.

Products used:
I use most of what I purchased but have been charged for auctions the site said I lost, double charged and though most of the double charges were corrected after some days, one came when I hadn't ordered anything.

Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (43)

1 review

3 helpful votes

March 21st, 2023

This was the second ring I purchased from Shop LC. The first one was not true to size and the return process was not a good experience. I thought I would give them another chance. I reordered the ring again and the second one was defective. Upon returning it after 30 days of waiting for my return to be credited to my account I had to called them. The Rep. On the phone said they had not received it yet although I had tracked the return and it had arrived at their facility. After 45 days I called again and was told it was in the process of being credited back to my charge account and it would take 3 to 5 days. Two weeks later I had not received a credit, so I placed a 4th call. This time I asked to speak with a supervisor and was told by the Rep. He would log the problem and asked me to hold for a supervisor. I waited for 15 minutes, but no one ever answered me on hold. "I will never buy anything from Shop LC again."

Products used:







Shop LC Reviews - 2.0 Stars (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 5888

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.