Short Girl Appreciation Day (2024)

This December 21 — Short Girl Appreciation Day — don’t come up short on ways to celebrate the small ladies in your life! If you’re a short girl yourself, you know the genetic lottery you’ve won — they always make cute shoes in smaller sizes, your feet are never going to hang off the bed, and there are even health benefits associated with being a little vertically challenged. Go shorty, it’s your holiday!

History of Short Girl Appreciation Day

When the cups are on the tallest shelf of the tallest cabinet, it’s not always fun to be short. But how great it is that you’re always at the top of the human pyramid? And when have you ever hit your head on a door frame? Short Girl Appreciation Day was started to celebrate the smaller ladies in our lives, and maybe help them grab that out-of-reach item. However, being a “short girl” has meant different things throughout the years and places!

Tiny doorways in the 1700s proved that while a 5’2” woman today might be considered on the short side, they would have been completely average in a different time! Even average men between the 12th and 16th centuries would be considered short by today’s standards. These days, the average female height is 5’4”. Though buildings, roads, and cities are only getting larger worldwide, short women are keeping up!

Today, women are taller on average than our ancestors even just 100 years ago. Still, women in Indonesia, Bolivia, and the Philippines are on the shorter end of the global average, hovering around just 5 feet! This proves that “short” totally depends on where you are.

Short women make a huge impact. Emilia Clarke (Mother of Dragons!) stands only 5’2”, as does makeup and reality TV mogul Kim Kardashian. Lady Gaga checks in at 5’1”, and superstar Olympic gymnast Simone Biles is only 4’8”. These ladies prove that whether it’s onstage, on the Olympic podium, or anywhere else, being short does not stunt your success.

Short Girl Appreciation Day timeline


Shortest on Earth

The current world record holder for shortest woman alive is Jyoti Amge of India, who at 18 years old is just two feet tall.


Being short can save your hips

Standing at just 4’6”, Tatiana Gutsu of Romania became the smallest Olympic gold medal gymnast in 1992.

800 - 1000 CE

Middle Ages, Short Stature

Researchers have determined that the average female height during the Middle Ages was no more than 5’2”.

Short Girl Appreciation Day FAQs

What height can be considered “short” for a woman?

Since 5’4” is the national average height for women, anything beneath this could be considered short! That said, “tall” is considered 5’8” and above, so anything under that might be considered short by some.

Where can I find some short girl merch?

Redbubble is always great for finding stickers, tees, pins, and prints that show off your love of your height!

Where is National Short Girl Day observed?

National Short Girl Appreciation Day is an American national holiday observed annually on December 21.

Short Girl Appreciation Day Activities

  1. Take to social media!

    Post that picture of you with a basketball player and absolutely cherish your height! #shortgirlproblems. Send an article like ours to another short friend - this is SO us!

  2. Check out your favorite short girl artists

    Dolly Parton, Anna Kendrick, and Shakira don’t even hit 5’3”. We don’t mind watching Pitch Perfect and listening to Jolene to remind ourselves that big artistic achievement doesn’t take a big frame.

  3. Help out a short girl

    If you don’t have trouble reaching the upper cabinets, lend a hand to the lady in your life who does. Also appreciated is walking more slowly, unless you’re trying to make her run with those little legs.

5 Short Girl Fun Facts

  1. Small and Strong

    One study found that those who are under 5’2” are less likely to break a hip than those over 5’8”

  2. It’s not a pain to be short

    One study found that those under 5’0” have a significantly decreased chance of dealing with back pain.

  3. Heart Health

    Though doctors can’t quite pinpoint why, those who are under 5’3” have a 50% less chance of developing coronary heart disease than those who are over 5’8”.

  4. Staying cool

    Short people are less likely to get heat stroke or just overheated in general than taller people.

  5. Long live short girls

    Many studies have shown that those who are on the short side are more likely to live longer lives than their tall counterparts.

Why We Love Short Girl Appreciation Day

  1. Short girls are beautiful!

    Think of all the stunning and powerful celebrities who don’t even hit the 5’3” mark! We’re thinking of Shakira, Anna Kendrick, Dolly Parton, and more… so you’re in good company.

  2. It is empowering

    So you aren’t the 6’0” model or volleyball player — who cares? You never hit your head on door frames, every blanket is long enough for you, and you’re always the top of the human pyramid trick. We love a day to remind us that there’s something to be appreciated about a diversity of heights and body sizes.

  3. There are so many perks to being petite!

    You always look younger, you always have enough leg room, you can wear any heels that you want… we could go on. Being a short woman is absolutely not getting the short end of the stick.

Short Girl Appreciation Day dates

2023December 21Thursday
2024December 21Saturday
2025December 21Sunday
2026December 21Monday
2027December 21Tuesday

Short Girl Appreciation Day related holidays

ThuAug 1Featured National Girlfriend Day
SunAug 4Featured National Friendship Day
FriDec 22Featured ​National Short Person Day

See More

As someone well-versed in anthropology and health sciences, I can elaborate on the dynamics of height, its historical context, and associated health benefits. The celebration of Short Girl Appreciation Day isn't just about acknowledging height; it encapsulates a blend of cultural, historical, and biological aspects that shape our perceptions.

Historically, height standards varied significantly across time and cultures. The average height of individuals centuries ago was notably shorter than today's averages. For instance, during the Middle Ages, the average female height hovered around 5’2”, which is considered shorter by contemporary standards. It's intriguing to note that what constitutes "short" has shifted over time due to diverse factors, including nutrition, healthcare advancements, and environmental influences.

Anthropological studies reveal intriguing insights into global height diversity. While the current average female height stands at 5’4”, regions like Indonesia, Bolivia, and the Philippines have shorter average heights, around 5 feet. This variation highlights how perceptions of height are contextually dependent.

The celebration also sheds light on prominent figures—Emilia Clarke, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, and Simone Biles—who challenge stereotypes, proving that success transcends height limitations. Moreover, historical milestones like Tatiana Gutsu's Olympic gold in gymnastics (at 4’6”) showcase that physical stature doesn't impede exceptional achievements.

Healthwise, being petite comes with surprising benefits. Studies suggest that shorter individuals, particularly those under 5’3”, have lower risks of hip fractures, back pain, coronary heart disease, and heat-related ailments. These findings emphasize the intricate relationship between height and health outcomes, although the precise mechanisms remain under scrutiny.

Short Girl Appreciation Day serves as a platform for social media engagement, artistic recognition, and community support. Activities range from celebrating short stature in pop culture icons like Dolly Parton and Anna Kendrick to advocating for inclusivity and lending a hand to those who might face challenges due to their height.

Lastly, the day isn't just about acknowledging a physical trait; it's a celebration of diversity, empowerment, and self-acceptance. It highlights the beauty and perks of being petite, fostering inclusivity in a world that sometimes leans towards height norms.

For those interested, Redbubble offers merchandise to express pride in one's height, and the holiday falls annually on December 21st in the United States.

Understanding Short Girl Appreciation Day involves intertwining history, culture, biology, and health facets, creating a multifaceted celebration that goes beyond acknowledging height differences.

Short Girl Appreciation Day (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.