Short Selling: Pros, Cons, and Examples (2024)

What Is Short Selling?

Short selling is a trading strategy where investors speculate on a stock's decline. Short sellers bet on, and profit from a drop in a security’s price. Traders use short selling as speculation, and investors or portfolio managers may use it as a hedge against the downside risk of a long position.

Key Takeaways

  • Short selling occurs when an investor borrows a security and sells it on the open market, planning to repurchase later for less money.
  • Short sellers bet on and profit from, a drop in a security’s price.
  • Short selling has a high risk/reward ratio, offering big profits, but losses can mount quickly and may result in margin calls.

How Short Selling Works

Traders commonly engage in short selling for speculation and hedging. To open a short position, a trader must have a margin account and pay interest on the value of the borrowed shares while the position is open.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which enforces the rules and regulations governing registered brokers andbroker-dealerfirms in the United States, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and the Federal Reserve have set minimum values for the amount that the margin account must maintain—known as the maintenance margin.

A broker handles locating shares that can be borrowed and returning them at the end of the trade. Opening and closing the trade can be done through regular trading platforms with brokers qualified to perform margin trading. To short-sell, traders commonly follow these steps:

  1. A seller opens a short position by borrowing shares, usually from a broker-dealer, hoping to repurchase them for a profit if the price declines.
  2. The investor then sells these borrowed shares to buyers willing to pay the market price. The trader is betting that the price will continue to decline and they can purchase the shares at a lower cost.
  3. To close a short position, a trader repurchases the shares—hopefully at a price less than they borrowed—and returns them to the lender or broker.
  4. Traders must account for any interest the broker charges or commissions on trades.

Short Selling: Pros, Cons, and Examples (1)

Timing and Conditions

Timing is crucial when it comes to short selling. Stocks typically decline much faster than they advance, and a sizable gain in the stock may be wiped out with an earnings miss or other bearish development. Conversely, entering the trade too early may make it difficult to hold on to the short position in light of the costs involved and potential losses, which rise if the stock increases rapidly.Short sellers commonly look for opportunities during the following conditions:

  • Bear Market: Traders who believe that “the trend is your friend” have a better chance of making profitable short-sale trades during an entrenched bear market than they would during a strong bull phase. Short sellers revel in environments where the market decline is swift, broad, and deep, to make windfall profits during such times.
  • Decline in Fundamentals: A stock’s fundamentals can deteriorate for several reasons—slowing revenue or profit growth, increasing challenges to the business, and rising input costs that pressure margins. Worsening fundamentals could indicate an economic slowdown, adverse geopolitical developments like a threat of war, or bearish technical signals like new highs on decreasing volume.
  • Bearish Technical Indicators: Short sales may succeed when technical indicators confirm the bearish trend. These indicators could include a breakdown below a key long-term support level or a bearish moving average crossover like the death cross. An example of a bearish moving average crossover occurs when a stock’s 50-day moving average falls below its 200-day moving average. A moving average is merely the average of a stock’s price over a set period. If the current price breaks the average, either down or up, it can signal a new trend in price.
  • High Valuations: Occasionally, valuations for certain sectors or the market as a whole may reach highly elevated levels amid rampant optimism for the long-term prospects of such sectors or the broad economy. Market professionals call this phase of the investment cycle “priced for perfection,” since investors will invariably be disappointed at some point when their lofty expectations are not met. Rather than rushing in on the short side, experienced short sellers may wait until the market or sector rolls over and commences its downward phase.

Short Selling Costs

Unlike buying and holding stocks or investments, short selling involves significant costs in addition to the usual trading commissions paid to brokers. Some costs include:

  • Margin Interest: Since short sales can only be made via margin accounts, the interest payable on short trades can add up, especially if short positions are kept open over an extended period.
  • Stock Borrowing Costs: Shares that are difficult to borrow—because of high short interest, limited float, or any other reason—have “hard-to-borrow” fees that can be substantial. The fee is based on an annualized rate that can range from a small fraction of a percent to more than 100% of the value of the short trade and is prorated for the number of days that the short trade is open. The broker-dealer usually assesses the fee to the client’s account.
  • Dividends and Other Costs: The short seller is responsible for making dividend payments on the shorted stock to the entity from which the stock was borrowed. For shorted bonds, they must pay the lender the coupon or interest owed.

Shorting is known asmargin trading. Traders borrow money from the brokerage firm using the investment as collateral.Investors must meet the minimum maintenance requirement of 25%. If the account slips below this, traders are subject to amargin call and forced to put in more cash or liquidate their position.

Short Selling Strategies


Imagine a trader who believes that XYZ stock—currently trading at $50—will decline in price in the next three months. They borrow 100 shares and sell them to another investor. The trader is now “short” 100 shares since they sold something they did not own but had borrowed.

A week later, the company whose shares were shorted reports dismal financial quarterly results, and the stock falls to $40. The trader closes the short position and buys 100 shares for $40 on the open market to replace the borrowed shares. The trader’s profit on the short sale, excluding commissions and interest on the margin account, is $1,000, based on the following calculations: $50 - $40 = $10 and $10 x 100 shares = $1,000.


Using the scenario above, suppose the trader did not close out the short position at $40 but decided to leave it open to capitalize on a further price decline. However, a competitor swoops in to acquire the company with a takeover offer of $65 per share, and the stock soars.

If the trader decides to close the short position at $65, the loss on the short sale would be $1,500, based on the following calculations: $50 - $65 = negative $15, and negative $15 × 100 shares = $1,500 loss. In this case, the trader had to buy back the shares at a significantly higher price to cover their position.


The primary objective of hedging is protection, as opposed to the profit motivation of speculation. Hedging aims to protect gains or mitigate losses in a portfolio. The costs of hedging are twofold. There’s the actual cost of putting on the hedge, such as the expenses associated with short sales, or the premiums paid for protective options contracts.

Also, there’s the opportunity cost of capping the portfolio’s upside if markets continue higher. If 50% of a portfolio with a close correlation to the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500) is hedged, and the index moves up 15% over the next 12 months, the portfolio would only record approximately half of that gain, or 7.5%.

Investors can choose short selling through exchange-traded funds (ETFs), a safer strategy due to the lower risk of ashort squeeze. Put options provide an alternative to short selling by enabling investors to profit from a stock price drop without the need for margin.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If the seller predicts the price moves correctly, they can make a positive return on investment, primarily if they use margin to initiate the trade. Using margin provides leverage, which means the trader does not need to put up much of their capital as an initial investment. If done carefully, short selling can be an inexpensive hedge, a counterbalance to other portfolio holdings.

A trader who has shorted stock can lose much more than 100% of their original investment. The risk comes because there is no ceiling for a stock’s price. Also, while the stocks were held, the trader had to fund the margin account. When it comes time to close a position, a short seller might have trouble finding enough shares to buy—if many other traders are shorting the stock or the stock is thinly traded.

Conversely, sellers can get caught in a short squeeze loop if the market, or a particular stock, starts to skyrocket. A short squeeze happens when a stock rises, and short sellers cover their trades by buying back their short positions.


  • Possibility of high profits

  • Little initial capital required

  • Leveraged investments possible

  • Hedge against other holdings


  • Potentially unlimited losses

  • Margin account necessary

  • Margin interest incurred

  • Short squeezes


Each country sets restrictions and regulates short-selling in its markets. In the U.S., short selling is regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Regulation SHO, implemented in 2005, is the primary rule governing short selling that mandates short sales can only be executed in a tick-up or zero-plus tick market, meaning the security price must be moving upward at the time of the short sale.

According to Regulation SHO, brokers must locate a party willing to lend the shorted shares, or they must have reasonable grounds to believe that the shares could be borrowed. This prevents naked short selling, where investors sell shares they have not borrowed.The SEC can impose temporary short-selling bans on specific stocks under certain conditions, such as extreme market volatility.

In October 2023, the SEC added regulations requiring investors to report their short positions to the SEC and companies that lend shares for short selling to report this activity to FINRA. These new rules come after increased scrutiny of short selling, particularly following the GameStop (GME) meme stock saga in 2021, when retail investors drove up the stock price, causing losses for hedge funds that had shorted the company.

Regulations vary by region. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) oversees short selling in the EU. Positions exceeding 0.2% of issued shares must be disclosed to regulators, and those exceeding 0.5% must be publicly disclosed. In Hong Kong, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) regulates short selling which is only allowed for designated securities and must be backed by borrowed shares. Naked short selling is illegal.


Unexpected news events can initiate a short squeeze, forcing short sellers to buy at any price to cover their margin requirements. In October 2008, due to a short squeeze, Volkswagen briefly became the most valuable publicly traded company.

In 2008, investors knew that Porsche was trying to build a position in Volkswagen and gain majority control. Short sellers expected that once Porsche had achieved control over the company, the stock would likely fall in value, so they heavily shorted the stock. However, in a surprise announcement, Porsche revealed that they had secretly acquired more than 70% of the company using derivatives, which triggered a massive feedback loop of short sellers buying shares to close their position.

Short sellers were at a disadvantage because 20% of Volkswagen was owned by a government entity that wasn’t interested in selling, and Porsche controlled another 70%, so there were very few shares available on the market to buy back the stock. Essentially, both the short interest and days-to-cover ratio exploded overnight, which caused the stock price to jump from the low €200s to more than €1,000.

Why Do Short Sellers Have to Borrow Shares?

Since a company has a limited number of outstanding shares, a short seller must first locate shares. The short seller borrows those shares from an existing long and pays interest to the lender. This process is often facilitated behind the scenes by a broker. If a small amount of shares are available for shorting, then the interest costs to sell short will be higher.

What Are Short Selling Metrics?

Short-selling metrics help investors understand whether overall sentiment is bullish or bearish. The short interest ratio (SIR)—also known as the short float—measures the ratio of shares currently shorted compared to the number of shares available or “floating” in the market. A very high SIR is associated with stocks that are falling or stocks that appear to be overvalued. The short interest-to-volume ratio—also known as the days-to-cover ratio—is the total shares held short divided by the average daily trading volume of the stock. A high value for the days-to-cover ratio is also a bearish indication for a stock.

Why Does Short Selling Have Negative Reputation?

Unfortunately, short selling gets a bad name due to the practices employed by unethical speculators who have used short-selling strategies and derivatives to deflate prices and conduct bear raids on vulnerable stocks artificially. Most forms of market manipulation like this are illegal in the U.S. but may happen periodically.

What Is a Short Squeeze?

Because in a short sale, shares are sold on margin, relatively small rises in the price can lead to even more significant losses. The holder must buy back their shares at current market prices to close the position and avoid further losses. This need to buy can bid the stock price higher if many people do the same thing. This can ultimately result in a short squeeze.

The Bottom Line

Short selling allows investors and traders to make money from a down market. Those with a bearish view can borrow shares on margin and sell them in the market, hoping to repurchase them at some point in the future at a lower price. While some have criticized short selling as a bet against the market, many economists believe that the ability to sell short makes markets more efficient and can be a stabilizing force.

Short Selling: Pros, Cons, and Examples (2024)


What are the pros and cons of short selling? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages

If done carefully, short selling can be an inexpensive hedge, a counterbalance to other portfolio holdings. A trader who has shorted stock can lose much more than 100% of their original investment. The risk comes because there is no ceiling for a stock's price.

What are real examples of short selling? ›

For example, let's say a stock is trading at $50 a share. You borrow 100 shares and sell them for $5,000. The price subsequently declines to $25 a share, at which point you purchase 100 shares to replace those you borrowed, netting $2,500.

What is a simple example of a short sale? ›

Here's an example: You borrow 10 shares of a company (or an ETF or REIT), then immediately sell them on the stock market for $10 each, generating $100. If the price drops to $5 per share, you could use your $100 to buy back all 10 shares for only $50, then return the shares to the broker.

What is a short sell for dummies? ›

You immediately sell the shares you have borrowed. You pocket the cash from the sale. You wait for the stock to fall and then buy the shares back at the new, lower price. You return the shares to the brokerage you borrowed them from and pocket the difference.

What are the cons of short selling? ›

Shorting stocks is a way to profit from falling stock prices. A fundamental problem with short selling is the potential for unlimited losses. Shorting is typically done using margin and these margin loans come with interest charges, which you have pay for as long as the position is in place.

What are the disadvantages of a short sale? ›

What Are The Risks Of Buying A Short Sale?
  • It's A Lengthy Process. Don't be fooled by the phrase “short sale”. ...
  • The Lender Must Have Final Sign Off. ...
  • You're Missing Out On Other Homes. ...
  • You're Buying As-Is. ...
  • There's Usually A Bigger Down Payment.
Oct 5, 2022

Who is the famous short seller? ›

Jim Chanos
BornDecember 24, 1957 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.
Known forShort selling
1 more row

Why is short selling illegal? ›

Short selling involves the sale of a borrowed security with the intention of buying it again at a later date at a lower price. The practice was banned by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) between 2001 and 2008 after insider trading allegations led to a decline in stock prices.

What is the most money made by short selling? ›

The maximum profit you can make from short selling a stock is 100% because the lowest price at which a stock can trade is $0. However, the maximum profit in practice is due to be less than 100% once stock-borrowing costs and margin interest are included.

What is the rule of short sale? ›

Under the short-sale rule, shorts could only be placed at a price above the most recent trade, i.e., an uptick in the share's price. With only limited exceptions, the rule forbade trading shorts on a downtick in share price. The rule was also known as the uptick rule, "plus tick rule," and tick-test rule."

Who benefits from a short sale? ›

Short sales allow a homeowner to dispose of a property that is losing value. Although they do not recoup the costs of their mortgage, a short sale allows a buyer to escape foreclosure, which can be much more damaging to their credit score.

Does a short sale hurt your credit? ›

In the end, short sales are almost always damaging to your credit, but they do less harm than foreclosures or bankruptcies. A short sale might block you from a mortgage on a new home for two years or so, but a foreclosure or bankruptcy could keep you out of the market for as long as seven to 10 years.

How do you short-sell for beginners? ›

To short-sell a stock, here's the process from start to finish:
  1. Open a brokerage account and fund it. From here, you must take several actions.
  2. Apply for margin trading. ...
  3. Borrow the stock to short-sell. ...
  4. Monitor your account equity. ...
  5. Mind, then close your position.
Apr 24, 2024

How do you successfully short-sell? ›

Successful short selling relies on thorough market analysis. This involves understanding market trends, financial statements, and other indicators that suggest a stock might decrease in price. Entering and exiting positions at the right moment can make the difference between profit and loss.

How do I start short selling? ›

To short a stock, you'll need to have margin trading enabled on your account, allowing you to borrow money. The total value of the stock you short will count as a margin loan from your account, meaning you'll pay interest on the borrowing. So you'll need to have enough margin capacity, or equity, to support the loan.

What are the pros of short selling? ›

While short selling is sometimes portrayed as a negative force in markets, it can strengthen markets and benefit investors in several key ways. 1 Specifically, short selling facilitates efficient price discovery, improves liquidity, and promotes healthy skepticism among investors.

What are the advantages of short selling? ›

Short selling ensures liquidity in the market resulting in lower stock prices, improves bid-ask spreads, and helps in price discovery. The only requirements that a person needs to execute short selling are margin maintenance, commissions, and dividend.

What are the positives of short selling? ›

Short selling is a regulated and widely used strategy. Investors use short selling when they believe, based on fundamental research, that a stock price is overvalued. Short selling promotes liquidity, stabilizes markets, and helps investors and companies reduce risk in their portfolios.

Is short selling a good thing? ›

What is the benefit of short-selling? Short Selling increases market liquidity, which may lower stock prices, increase bid-ask spreads, and aid in price discovery.

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