Spain’s Princess Leonor begins studies in Wales (2024)

Spain’s Princess Leonor begins studies in Wales (1)

Princess Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, the elder daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, and heir presumptive to the throne of Spain, traveled on Monday to Wales to begin a two-year International Baccalaureate program with the United World College (UWC) education movement at UWC Atlantic College.

The Royal Household released images of Princess Leonor’s emotional farewell at Madrid-Barajas airport, showing the 15-year-old hugging her parents and younger sister, the infanta Sofía. The princess is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, meaning she will not have to quarantine upon her arrival at UWC Atlantic College, which is located in the Vale of Glamorgan. She will, however, have to take a PCR test on her second day in the United Kingdom, as is currently required by the British authorities.

Spain’s Princess Leonor begins studies in Wales (2)

UWC Atlantic College is an exclusive academic establishment that is favored by aristocrats, millionaires and intellectual bohemians. It was described three years ago in the British daily The Times as “Hogwarts for hippies,” in reference to the magic school in the famous Harry Potter books. The college is located on the grounds of St Donat’s Castle, a medieval castle that was remodeled after it was bought by US media tycoon William Randolph Hearst in 1925. Playwright George Bernard Shaw described the 12th-century castle as “what God would have built if he had the money.”

Princess Leonor, who arrived at UWC Atlantic College on Monday, will be studying alongside 350 students from 90 nationalities. At least half of the students are on scholarships and receive financial aid from private benefactors, or have the cost of their studies covered in part by the income raised by fee-paying students. A total of 5% of the students at the school are refugees from conflict zones such as Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the case of Princess Leonor – who passed the strict admission exams anonymously, according to the head of the college – the cost of the two-year International Baccalaureate program is €76,000, which will come out of the annual provision the state sets aside for the royal family, according to sources from La Zarzuela, the seat of the royal household.

Spain’s Princess Leonor begins studies in Wales (3)

Princess Leonor will share a room with three other students and her day will begin at 8am. At 6pm dinner is served and by 9.30pm, all students must be in their rooms. Princess Leonor will also be studying alongside Princess Alexia of the Netherlands, who is the second in the line of succession to the Dutch throne.

UWC Atlantic College was founded by German pedagogue Kurt Hanan, who also set up Gordonstoun School in Scotland, where the late Prince Phillip and Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, completed part of their studies. The current president of the school is Queen Noor of Jordan, and Nobel laureate Nelson Mandela was once an honorary president of the school. According to the college’s founding statute, its mission “is to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.”

According to the Royal Household, Princess Leonor, who will turn 16 in October, will maintain her public commitments as heir to the Spanish throne, but has not detailed how she will balance these duties with her rigorous academic schedule, which also includes community service, physical activity and creative workshops.

English version by Melissa Kitson.

Spain’s Princess Leonor begins studies in Wales (2024)


What will Princess Leonor study? ›

The Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that Leonor's military training would culminate with a stint on board the Juan Sebastián de Elcano, a training ship used by the Spanish Navy. It was also revealed that the young Princess would go on to study law at university once her training with the military is complete.

Where does Princess Leonor studies? ›

Princess Leonor finished her first year at UWC Atlantic College, in Wales, this summer. The private school located in the Vale of Glamorgan, in the south of Wales, is a luxurious campus with 50 hectares of forests and private access to the sea.

Where does Spanish Princess go to school? ›

But in a way, Princess Leonor of Spain has already been following the footsteps of her Father King Felipe as she is currently at UWC for International Baccalaureate after finishing school at Santa María de los Rosales School which her Father also attended.

Why Princess Leonor is heir presumptive and not heir apparent? ›

It would require a change to the Spanish Constitution for women to be allowed to inherit the throne over a brother. As such, unlike her European counterparts, Princess Leonor is heir presumptive, meaning that if her father were to have a legitimate son, she would be displaced.

Can I marry Princess Leonor? ›

Leonor, Princess of Asturias, elder daughter of King Felipe VI of Spain, holds the title in her own right, and not by marriage, as she is the heir presumptive to the Spanish crown.

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According to the Spanish constitution of 1975, the succession to the Spanish throne is under a system of male-preference cognatic primogeniture, meaning that Leonor, as the elder of Felipe's two daughters, is first in line to inherit the throne.

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Gordonstoun. Gordonstoun is one of the world's best known public schools, although it is fair to say that this reputation is due in greater part to its educating British royals including Prince Philip and Charles, Prince of Wales as well as Zara Phillips.

Why is Princess Leonor so famous? ›

The Princess is the heir to the Spanish throne

She was christened in 2006. Leonor became a big sister in 2007 with the birth of Letizia and Felipe's second child, Infanta Sofia. King Felipe presented his daughter with the Order of the Golden Fleece in Jan. 2018.

What is the Welsh school for royals? ›

The Prince and Princess of Wales' children attend Lambrook School
  • WATCH: See inside the Wales children's idyllic school grounds.
  • Lambrook offers boarding options for pupils.
  • The children started a new school last year.
  • "The Lambrook Orchard is home to pigs, chickens, rabbits, bees and visiting lambs.
Jan 13, 2023

How much does it cost to go to UWC Atlantic College? ›

Tuition & Fees

Was the Spanish princess beautiful? ›

The Spanish princess, 23 years old at the time, was considered a prize bride, as she once again brought prestige to the Tudor dynasty. She was incredibly beautiful and educated. For their marriage to take place, 18-year-old King Henry, received a special dispensation from the Pope.

Is there a real princess school? ›

In Real Life, schools for royal children never existed. Princesses, as well as other nobles, were home schooled before the advent of compulsory school. Modern princes and princesses attend upper class academies amongst commoners since, logically, there aren't enough royal children to justify a school.

What is meant by heir presumptive? ›

noun. plural heirs presumptive. : an heir whose legal right to an inheritance may be defeated (as by the birth of a nearer relative)

Is Princess Leonor next in line for the throne? ›

Leonor, Princess of Asturias (b.

Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz, the eldest child of Felipe and Letizia, is currently the heir presumptive to the Spanish throne.

Why is Princess Leonor not a princess anymore? ›

But here's where it gets really confusing. If King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia have a son, he'll become a prince and the heir presumptive. In that case, Princess Leonor will have to give up her princess title and become an infanta as well.

Who is Princess Leonor crush? ›

The daughter of the King of Spain, Crown Princess Leonor, has a crush on the Spanish football player Pablo Martín Páez Gavira, commonly known as Gavi, according to reports.

Who is the prettiest princess in Spain? ›

Princess Sofia of Spain

She is a student at Madrid's prestigious Santa María de los Rosales school, but has caught the attention of royal followers worldwide – she and her sister have been dubbed 'the most beautiful princesses in Europe'.

Does Princess Leonor have social media? ›

Princess Leonor de Borbón (@princess. of. asturias) • Instagram photos and videos.

Who is the most beautiful princess in Europe 2022? ›

Princess Ileana, daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Roumania, is said to be the most beautiful child in all Europe. Her mother is not only one of the most beautiful but most beloved rulers on the continent. Her great interest in the welfare of her people has endeared her to the hearts of all.

Can Spain have a queen? ›

The Spanish monarchy is currently represented by King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and their daughters Leonor, Princess of Asturias, and Infanta Sofía.
Monarchy of Spain.
King of Spain
ResidenceRoyal Palace of Madrid (official) Palace of Zarzuela (private)
WebsiteThe Spanish Monarchy
11 more rows

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Apparently, there are 21'779'004 princesses in the world…

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The Royal School is a free school and there are no tuition fees for any students. We do however charge boarding fees. We offer full boarding for children living-in during term time and day boarding for local children who require wraparound care at the beginning and the end of the school day.

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The Most Educated Royals in the Modern UK History
  • Prince Charles. Prince Charles attended Hill House School at the age of eight before joining Cheam School a few months later. ...
  • Kate Middleton. Kate Middleton exclusively attended private schools in her early years. ...
  • Prince George. ...
  • Prince William.
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The royal family are no stranger to luxury travel, jet-setting across the globe in chartered royal jets and lounging in 'secret' VIP suites before they board - but the Duke and duch*ess of Cambridge have been known to fly on commercial airlines (first class, of course).

What is so special about Princess Leonor? ›

The Princess is the heir to the Spanish throne

She was christened in 2006. Leonor became a big sister in 2007 with the birth of Letizia and Felipe's second child, Infanta Sofia. King Felipe presented his daughter with the Order of the Golden Fleece in Jan. 2018.

Where does Infanta Sofia study? ›

She is a student at the Santa María de los Rosales school in Madrid.

What does Princess Leonor do? ›

Princess Leonor of Spain is the heiress presumptive to the Spanish Throne. The elder daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain, Leonor is currently a student of International Baccalaureate at UWC Atlantic in Wales, UK.

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