Speaking Sample 11 - IELTS General Training (2024)

IELTS GT Test – Speaking Mock Test # 11

[The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]


Topic: Dancing

Q. Do you enjoy dancing? [Why/Why not?]
A. If you ask me whether I enjoy seeing someone dance or enjoy dancing in a theatre, my answer is ‘yes’. However, if you wanted to know if I myself enjoy doing dancing, I would say ‘no’. I have never learned it and never tried it. I know dancing is so magical but I never tried it. Maybe I was more interested in sports than dancing during my youth.

Q. Has anyone ever taught you to dance? [Why/Why not?]
A.As I have already told, no one ever taught me how to dance and I never wanted to learn it. So I ended up being a person who enjoys seeing others dance but does not dance himself.

Q. Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.
A.Traditional Italian dances are hard to find in Italy in general as most of the youth are interested in modern dancing these days. The top three such traditional dances in Italy are the tarantella from Puglia, the Sardinian ballu tundu (round dance) and the Neapolitan Saltarello. Among these three, the saltarello is a musical dance and one of my favourites. It became the typical Italian folk dance and a favourite tradition of Rome in the Carnival and vintage festivities of Monte Testaccio. The saltarello is still a popular folk dance played in the regions of southern-central Italy.

Q. Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future? [Why/Why not?]
A. I am afraid, modern dancing is replacing traditional dancing. As more people, especially the youth, are learning modern dancing and people are following western cultures, traditional dancing is losing its appeal and are being replaced by more contemporary dancing styles. However, Italians love to revive through the traditional dancing during different festivals, and it will not be lost, I believe.


[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

  • how this person is related to you
  • what this person looks like
  • what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person.

Cue Card Answer:

He is a distant cousin of mine from my father’s side, and he lives in the same neighbourhood where I live. He doesn’t exactly visit me or my family that often, but I really treat him like my own cousin. Being in his mid 20’s, he doesn’t really seem to be very tidy, strong and well-built like the other persons of the same age. Barely with a height of 5’7”, Lorenzo can also be described as having a fair complexion. Looking at his long thin hair from behind, one can also very easily identify him as “Lorenzo”.

Lorenzo doesn’t really like to talk much unless there is a valid reason to do. So, naturally, he doesn’t really have that many friends who would want to relate to him. But, once you open up to him, Lorenzo can keep you engaged for hours with his “lectures” on space science. Of course, having a bit of a temper, he can get easily irritated if you ever dare to challenge his views on “space science”. Lorenzo isn’t exactly very conscious about contemporary fashion or design, so it isn’t exactly surprising to see him wearing the same types of shirts and pants for years.

However, I like Lorenzo because he doesn’t really like to become “nosy” in the affairs of other people. Another positive aspect of Lorenzo’s characteristics is that he never really likes to argue with anybody unless he/she is talking about space science. I like Lorenzo also because he gives me company when I go fishing at a nearby lake even though he knows very well that I am not really very good at fishing. Of course, it serves him well too as he gets to spend hours watching the sky with his telescope. In fact, his “theories” on space science sometimes do get interesting, but I never really let him know about my ‘interest”. Anyway, Lorenzo certainly isn’t exactly the kind of person with whom one can easily befriend, but I really like my cousin because of his simplicity and honesty.


Discussion topics: Family similarities

Q. In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?
A.I believe our genetics and DNA have a great role in determining what we look like and how we behave. Since members from a family share the same genetic codes, they are often very similar to each other – in look and behaviour. In my opinion, our upbringing often shapes our characters and habits and it is no surprise that a baby turns out to be more like his/her parents than others. We usually look like our parents, feel exactly the same way when faced with challenges and take similar decisions as a family member. A shared family value often teaches us to stick together and become more like the rest of the family in our acts and thoughts.

However, this does not mean that all of them are strikingly similar as I have seen many people who are a polar opposite to the rest of their family.

Q. Do you think that daughters are always more similar to mothers than to male relatives? What about sons and fathers?
A. I believe there is a 50% chance that a daughter would look like her mother if we consider how the genetic codes impact the way we look. However, a girl spends more time with her mother, especially in her adolescence and youth, and thus acquire more of her qualities, and due to this, end up being more similar to her mother. On the other hand, a son, who oftentimes follows his father and mimic many of his behaviours usually idolise the father and want to become like him.

However, there are many exceptions and I can recall many boys I know about are more like their mothers while many daughters are greatly influenced by their fathers. One of my cousins, Bella, looks like her father and she has more similarities to her father than her mother.

Q. In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or by their friends? In what ways?
A. I believe, the family has a greater influence than friends in shaping someone’s personality and character. Since we spend more time with family and often learn from them in our childhood, our core personality is formed by the influence of our family. Our shared DNA also influences us to be more like our family than our friends.

However, as we grow up and start spending time with friends, we often tend to follow them and acquire some of their good and bad habits which further moulds our characters.

Discussion topics: Genetic research

Q. Where can people in your country get information about genetic research?
A.I think the internet is the primary source of information related to genetic research in our country. We have two genetic research centres and they provide useful information on their websites. Apart from that, the Science and Information Technology ministry offers the latest findings on genetic engineering on its website and publications. Someone with a proper channel can get more information from a few public universities that also work in this field.

Q. How do people in your country feel about genetic research?
A. I think the feelings are mixed. Some people with progressive mentality whole-heartedly welcome it while a few others believe that genetic research is unethical and should not be carried out. I personally think that we need to enhance our genetic research facility as it could bring an unparalleled breakthrough in identifying risks of health problems and then fighting uncurable diseases. It can also be the answer to increasing food demands.

Q. Should this research be funded by governments or private companies? Why?
A. I believe the government should fund and carry out the research. Private companies often invest a huge sum of money in research and development and use the outcome to make even bigger profits from it. Thus their research is often subject to business interest than the benefits of mass people. The government, on the contrary, can be more transparent in carrying out such research and use the result to change the fate of the ordinary people.

Speaking Sample 11 - IELTS General Training (2024)


Should you Memorise answers for speaking part 2? ›

Memorising can be a good strategy for speaking part 2 because the same topics are often repeated. Click here to see the six main topic areas that I tell my students to prepare first. But memorising can be a risky strategy unless you are able to adapt your answers to the specific question.

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

IELTS preparation tips that helped Bahar get Band 8.5 (Speaking)
  1. Shape up your accent. That and also your pronunciation count a lot. ...
  2. Maintain eye contact. ...
  3. Study different topics that are likely to come up in the interview. ...
  4. Preparation is the key. ...
  5. Talk to the mirror. ...
  6. Be at ease. ...
  7. Eat something sweet before the interview.

Why did I get 6.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

A score of 6.5 in IELTS will indicate that the test-taker is competent and will cope better in a classroom-based environment although there may be a few minor misunderstandings or slip-ups with the language. A band score of 6 or 6.5 is often needed by many foreign universities for filtering applicants.

Is it easy to get 6.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

As you know, getting from a 4.5/5 to a 5.5 or 6 is possible with some focused practice (and ideally some teaching if you can get it), but it will likely take time. Getting to a 6.5 is also possible, but that is a BIG jump from a 4.5 or 5. Unfortunately there is no magic trick to achieve this quickly.

Do questions repeat in IELTS speaking? ›

IELTS interviewers will only repeat a question once. If you ask them to say the question a third time, they won't do it. Instead, the will simply move on to the rest of the interview. Kuangyan has written a good tutorial on how and when to ask for clarification in IELTS Speaking.

What happens if I don't speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

Because there is not a separate score for Speaking Part 2, there's no exact number of points that you lose if you cannot fill the two minutes. However, having said that, it might be difficult to get a 7 or higher for Fluency if you can't keep talking.

Can I speak slow in IELTS speaking? ›

As long as you keep a steady pace, you will be fine. Avoid speaking very slow because the listener can get lost in what you are trying to say if it takes you a long time to say it. Alternatively, don't speak very fast as you may lose your coherence and the words might not be clear or easy to understand.

What if I get 5.5 in speaking? ›

With an IELTS score 5.5 good or bad, you can be considered a competent speaker, meaning you can understand and speak English regularly rather than at a high level. Not too bad, there are many people who have a harder time understanding English but apply to universities abroad and are accepted.

How can I predict my IELTS speaking score? ›

Examiners assess your performance against 4 criteria. Fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence.

What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking? ›

They are designed to be simple and easy to understand. They are reported as band scores on a scale from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest). All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system.

Is IELTS 6.5 B2 or C1? ›

The score 6.5 is borderline B2/C1. The real-world level of performance represented by the result has not changed.

Is 10 days enough for IELTS? ›

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS? Preparing for IELTS in 10 days is possible but depends on initial proficiency in English, the desired band, and your learning abilities. If you're fluent enough and know the basic grammar rules, passing IELTS is more than manageable for you.

Is 6.25 considered as 6.5 in IELTS? ›

The average produces your overall band score. You can score whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands in each part of the test. Calculate your General IELTS Score now.
Example 1:
Average of four components6.25
Overall score6.5
2 more rows

Can I get 9 in IELTS speaking? ›

say your ideas with confidence and showcase your language skills. simple ideas explained using excellent English can get you band score 9.

Who gets 6.5 in speaking? ›

Speaking Band 6.5

The candidate can talk at length without much hesitation or repetition. His sentences are easy to follow – the information has a sequence and he uses linking words to move smoothly from one idea to another.

What if I failed in speaking IELTS? ›

Fortunately, the exam can be retaken as many times as you need to obtain a passing score. However, you do have to pay each time you take the exam. Rather than blindly attempt to retake the exam multiple times until you get a passing score, it's better to determine what went wrong and why you failed the first time.

What if I missed speaking IELTS? ›

You may make a case for exceptional circ*mstances to your Test Centre before the test and up to five calendar days after the test date if you did not attend the test. Your Test Centre will respond to you within seven working days of receiving your case in writing.

What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking? ›

In the IELTS speaking test, there are some very common mistakes that students make with their approach to answering the questions.
Answering appropriately
  • Responding to a questions with Silence. ...
  • Flat, monotone pronunciation. ...
  • Simple vocabulary. ...
  • Short answers. ...
  • Opening to part 2 – repeating the question.

Is IELTS general training difficult? ›

IELTS Academic or IELTS General. Generally IELTS is the easiest exam than any other. The questions are designed to examine how well you can use your english. There is no pass or fail in IELTS.

Is one day enough to prepare for IELTS speaking? ›

There is not much that I can tell you that will improve your speaking in a couple of days. You should make sure you understand what you have to do in each part of the test (parts 1, 2 and 3) and look at some tips and strategies for this, which you can find on this site and other sites.

Does speaking fast reduce IELTS score? ›

Speaking too fast won't improve your fluency score, and could result in you making more mistakes. Instead, remain calm, speak clearly and maintain your natural speed. And don't worry about your accent; all accents are welcome in the IELTS test.

How can I stop speaking hesitation? ›

Here are the four ways you can overcome your hesitation to speak in English:
  1. Don't fear making mistakes. You can't get fluent in a language without making mistakes. ...
  2. Resist peer pressure. ...
  3. Motivate yourself. ...
  4. Everyone has the potential to speak fluent English.
4 Nov 2022

Can I Go Canada with 5.5 in speaking? ›

Is 5.5 a good score in IELTS for Canada immigration? If you want to get a Canada immigration, it is suggested that the candidate has at least 6.5 in each band along with an overall score of 7 or above. It is recommended to aim for a higher score by most of the overseas education consultants.

Can I Go Canada with 5.5 bands? ›

Yes, you can definitely get admission in Canada with a 5.5 IELTS band in speaking. It is possible for international students to study in one of the IELTS 5.5 band colleges in Canada such as Camosun College, the University of Alberta, Charles Sturt University, St.

Can I go UK with 5 bands? ›

On average we can expect a minimum band 5.5 for UK courses, with band 6.5+ for the top few universities. Please note that different courses at a same university can have different IELTS requirement, so check with the institution for more details.

How do I know if I did well in my IELTS speaking? ›

Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence. To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors.

Who checks the IELTS speaking test? ›

The IELTS speaking test is one candidate and one examiner, who manages the test and evaluates the candidate at the same time. The test is separated into three parts. Each part takes about 4 minutes. In parts 1 and 2 the examiner uses a script, in part 2 a list of questions.

Which is the most important part in IELTS speaking? ›

I believe that pronunciation is the most important skill to master in the IELTS Speaking test. Quite simply, without clear pronunciation, it doesn't matter how good your fluency, grammar or vocabulary are. If the examiner can't understand what you're actually saying, you will struggle in all areas.

Which is the toughest section in IELTS? ›

According to several surveys on IELTS modules, the Writing module is the toughest among the four. The writing is considered as the most difficult module of any exam.

Can we combine 2 IELTS results? ›

Combining IELTS test scores

You can achieve the required mark across two test sittings if: you sit the tests within six months of each other. you're tested in all four sections at the same time.

What is the passing score for IELTS general training? ›

The IELTS General Training is scored on a scale from 0 to 9 and there is no passing or failing score.

Is IELTS easier than C1? ›

IELTS isn't easier - just different. Getting into a British university with an IELTS or CAE certificate is going to need the same high level of English. CAE is less academic than IELTS - the topics are broader, the writing tasks more varied. For that reason you might find CAE less boring.

Is B2 fluent or C1? ›

Difference between B2 and C1

Based on a CEFR scale, the B2 level corresponds to the term being fluent. If a learner is fluent in their target language, then they know between 5,000 and 10,000 words in that language. As for the C1 level, it corresponds to being proficient in the target language.

Is B2 enough for IELTS? ›

CEFR B2 is equivalent to an IELTS score between 5.5 and 6.5. You are considered an “Independent user” as well.

In which month is IELTS the easiest? ›

Which month of the IELTS exam is easy? Ans. The questions for the exam tend to change every few months. So, there is no definitive answer to which month would be the easiest.

Can I get IELTS results in 3 days? ›

If you take IELTS on a computer, will get your results within 3 to 5 days of sitting your test. Or if you choose to sit an IELTS on paper test, your results will be available 13 days after your test.

Can I pass IELTS in one week? ›

Don't panic if you only have a week to study for the IELTS exam. If you're asking yourself if you have enough time to prepare, the answer is yes! You can still do a lot to prepare at this point if you use your time wisely and efficiently. This one-week IELTS study plan can help you do exactly that.

Which country accept overall 5.5 bands? ›

A. With a 5.5 score, you can apply for European countries such as Poland, Greece, etc. where you can get an IELTS waiver, and the UK. Further, countries like New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, and Dubai includes colleges that accept 5.5 IELTS band score.

Is 6 bands eligible for Canada? ›

Yes, 6 band score is good enough for Canada. A 6 band is the minimum score for a student visa and for Canadian universities.

How Speaking bands are calculated? ›

The IELTS Speaking band is calculated based on four different levels - Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Pronunciation, and Grammatical range and accuracy. The arithmetic mean of all these four criteria makes the band score for the speaking section of IELTS.

Is IELTS speaking easy? ›

Since it's structured like an interview, the Speaking test is a stressful exercise for many test-takers. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to not only reduce stress but attain a high score. Follow the 10 tips below and you'll be on your way to excelling on the IELTS Speaking test!

Is 7.5 A good score in speaking? ›

All the four modules of the IELTS – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking – are weighted equally.
Overall 7.5 IELTS Band Score.
1 more row

Can I get 6 band in speaking? ›

Fluency and coherence: If you can keep talking and speak for the full two minutes and if you can use complete sentences you can get a 6. You will also get a 6 if you don't use “um” and “uh.” If you use linking words then you can get a 6.

How can I improve my IELTS speaking score from 6.5 to 7? ›

  1. You need to be able to pick out small detail in what is said.
  2. Listen and make notes so you don't miss things.
  3. Be aware when grammatical changes have to be made to your answers.
  4. Listen for markers so you don't lose your place and miss questions.
  5. Listen, understand, read and write all at once!
20 Apr 2018

How can I improve my IELTS speaking score from 6.5 to 8? ›

How to improve IELTS speaking section:
  1. Try talking in English every time, and as fluently as possible.
  2. Be confident and give elaborate answers. ...
  3. Don't give prepared answers. ...
  4. The examiner's questions can be fairly predictable. ...
  5. You can watch the news and many other English channels to improve your vocabulary.
17 Dec 2021

Can I get 6.5 in IELTS per month? ›

The majority of our students start from band score 5.0-5.5. It normally takes about 1-2 months to get band 6.0. If you need band 7.0, you should allow at least 8-12 months to achieve this result, especially if minimum required scores in the IELTS are an overall score of 7, with sub scores of 7 each.

How can I improve my answer in ielts speaking part 2? ›

  1. #1 Grammar. The key here is to read the question carefully. ...
  2. #2 Vocabulary. As we discussed in part 1, you want to use vocabulary appropriate to the question and the topic. ...
  3. #3 Tell a story. ...
  4. #4 The prompts are a guide and safety net. ...
  5. #5 Paraphrase the question. ...
  6. #6 Talk until the examiner stops you. ...
  7. #7 Stay on topic.

How long do you get to prepare your answer in speaking part 2? ›

The examiner will give you exactly one minute to prepare your talk. The examiner will give give you a piece of paper and a pencil to write down some ideas.

How do I prepare for speaking Task 2? ›

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Strategy
  1. Make notes under the headings 'introduction', 'past', 'description', 'opinion' and 'future'.
  2. Use the correct tenses and vocabulary.
  3. Talk about what you're comfortable with – you don't have to cover everything on the card.
  4. Be confident! ...
  5. Practise this structure at home.
3 Mar 2015

How long should your answers be in ielts speaking part 2? ›

If your fluency is strong, you will be able to give longer answers. If you often hesitate when you answer, then you will waste time and your answers will need to be shorter. If you have strong fluency then don't limit your answers to only two sentences.

What if I failed in Speaking IELTS? ›

Fortunately, the exam can be retaken as many times as you need to obtain a passing score. However, you do have to pay each time you take the exam. Rather than blindly attempt to retake the exam multiple times until you get a passing score, it's better to determine what went wrong and why you failed the first time.

Can I retake IELTS Speaking test only? ›

Currently, students must retake the entire test for all four modules: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. So, if a student wants to improve their band score, they will have to take the whole test again instead of only retaking the module.

What if you fumble in IELTS speaking? ›

Do present yourself as a 'Spontaneous Speaker' with no fumbling before the examiner. In spite of being a fluent speaker, due to lack of 'mock test practice, often candidates are seen to fumble during the test. But, fumbling during the Test is counted as a highly negative point for a candidate.

How can I pass my speaking test? ›

On this page
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers.
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words.
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures.
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent.
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think.
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers.
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers.
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.
5 May 2022

Is speaking test easy? ›

Since it's structured like an interview, the Speaking test is a stressful exercise for many test-takers. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to not only reduce stress but attain a high score. Follow the 10 tips below and you'll be on your way to excelling on the IELTS Speaking test!

Is 6.5 in speaking good? ›

Speaking Band 6.5

The candidate can talk at length without much hesitation or repetition. His sentences are easy to follow – the information has a sequence and he uses linking words to move smoothly from one idea to another.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.