Spoonflower FAQs answered by a Spoonflower top-seller (2024)

Ever wondered if selling on Spoonflower is worth it, or if it's hard to make sales on Spoonflower, or, perhaps, how much you can make by selling on Spoonflower? As a top-seller on Spoonflower, I’m often asked about my experience using the print-on-demand marketplace. In response, I’ve put together this list of Spoonflower Q+As to help answer some of those burning questions.

  • There is no ceiling to what you can earn on Spoonflower. For the past 3 years, I’ve earned above 6 figures (USD) annually.

    I’ve implemented many strategies to earn and maintain this level of income and I’ve set up a membership to teach you, too! Read more about my Power Sellers Academy.

    You can also subscribe for some free Spoonflower tips

  • Making regular and repeated sales is very achievable, but selling on Spoonflower is a very different process to pitching your work for licensing.

    Setting up to sell on Spoonflower is a very simple and straightforward process.

    According to Spoonflower’s website, 400,000+ designs to date have earned money on Spoonflower.

    Learn the art of selling on Spoonflower in my Power Sellers Academy.

  • Absolutely! Selling on Spoonflower has changed my life. Spoonflower was the platform I used to launch my surface pattern design career (which I’ve now grown to be a multi-6 figure creative business).

    Don’t be deterred by the fact that other designers are making great money on Spoonflower. Instead, be inspired by those sellers and realize it shows what’s possible! 🤩

  • The only financial outlay required to start selling on Spoonflower is purchasing proofs of your designs, but even then there are cost-effective ways to do that. (Check out my Spoonflower Tips under the Designer Resources menu.)

  • Yes! Selling on any print-on-demand (POD) platform like Spoonflower is classed as passive income (that is, income earned from a source that does not need a significant commitment of time or money).

    There are many strategies that you can implement to generate substantial monthly revenue.

    I share all my strategies through weekly lessons in my Spoonflower membership.

  • Any designer who is reaching the top commission rate of 15% can be considered a top earner on Spoonflower.

    For the past 3 years I’ve earned over USD$100,000 a year in Spoonflower commissions alone (not through any of my other sales channels).

  • Spoonflower HQ is located in Durham, North Carolina with factories printing in several locations.

    In 2021 Spoonflower was acquired by Shutterfly so they utilize their network of print factories.

  • 40MB is the largest single file size you can upload to Spoonflower. Or, a maximum of 8 files with a combined size of 40MB.

  • I became a full-time creative by using Spoonflower as a platform to launch my surface design career. Now I get to design fabric on my own schedule and from anywhere in the world while earning a very healthy passive income.

    If you want to make decent money on Spoonflower you’ll need to do more than ‘upload and hope’. You’ll want to establish who you’re designing for, and then create designs that those people want to buy.

    My Power Sellers Academy membership is designed to guide you through this whole process (which sure can feel a little overwhelming in the beginning!)

  • Spoonflower is a great way for you to sell your designs on 4 types of wallpaper, online — peel-and-stick, pre-pasted, commercial grade, and even grasscloth!

    You can sell your designs on wallpaper online through the Spoonflower marketplace itself or by selling Spoonflower’s wallpaper through your own e-commerce website or Etsy store, using Spoonflower as your dropshipper.

    In this scenario, customers will order directly through your own e-commerce business but Spoonflower will ship the orders directly to your customer.

    Note: Spoonflower does not offer dropshipping as a service, but I teach a course on how you can do it! Check out my course, Surface Pattern Design: Grow Your Career with an E-Commerce Business

  • Strictly speaking, Spoonflower does not formally offer dropshipping as a service — but it is still possible.

    To learn how, read the article I wrote for the Spoonflower Small Business Handbook, titled How to Maximize Your Investment in Spoonflower’s PRO Membership.

  • A question everyone wants the answer to! And I want t help other designers like you reach your goals, so I created Power Sellers Academy — a membership centered around becoming a power-seller on Spoonflower, generating monthly passive income.

    I used Spoonflower to accelerate my creative career — which sees me earning passive income (which has no limits), and enjoying the freedoms that come with living a creative life. You’ll learn how I’ve uniquely achieved this, and the strategies I’ll teach you will have you waving goodbye to overwhelm (ba-bye!) and kicking limiting beliefs to the curb (see ya!)!

    I’ll not only show you how to use Spoonflower like a pro — but how to implement marketing strategies that cost you nothing and can see you earn hundreds, or even thousands, each month.

    Sound good?

    You can learn more about my Power Sellers Academy and (read what members have to say), or subscribe to my Spoonflower Tips newsletter to register your interest and receive your first email right away with some juicy content.

  • Yes! I often recommend courses via my monthly newsletter and I also have a list of 10 Skillshare Classes for Emerging Surface Pattern Designers

  • Yes, you sure can!

    I have a course on how you can sell Spoonflower fabric, wallpaper, and home decor through your own website or Etsy store.

    Read all about it here!

  • RGB - Spoonflower recommends saving your designs in RGB mode (or, better still — sRGB).

    Designs that are saved and uploaded in CMYK may print with unexpected colors.

  • Often, you might find a promo code for Spoonflower via one of their current Ambassadors.Shop Spoonflower

Do you have a different Spoonflower-related question?

If you’d like it answered by a top-seller on the platform, then get in touch via the form below — I’d love to hear from you!

Spoonflower FAQs answered by a Spoonflower top-seller (3)

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Greetings, fellow creatives and aspiring entrepreneurs! As a distinguished authority in the realm of Spoonflower, a platform that has served as the launchpad for my successful surface pattern design career, I stand before you not just as an enthusiast but as a proven top-seller, consistently earning above six figures annually for the past three years.

My expertise goes beyond the theoretical; I've meticulously implemented various strategies to not only achieve but sustain this level of income. This wealth of experience has led me to establish the Power Sellers Academy, a membership designed to share the secrets of Spoonflower success and guide others in navigating the intricacies of the print-on-demand marketplace.

Let's delve into the key concepts embedded in the information you've encountered:

  1. Earning Potential: Spoonflower presents an unlimited earning potential, as exemplified by my annual six-figure income. The platform allows for substantial revenue generation, and my Power Sellers Academy membership is dedicated to imparting the strategies that can make this a reality for you.

  2. Ease of Entry: Contrary to the complexity often associated with selling creative work, Spoonflower provides a straightforward process for setting up your designs. With over 400,000 designs earning money to date, the platform is a viable avenue for artists.

  3. Life-Changing Impact: Selling on Spoonflower has been a transformative experience for me, leading to the establishment of a multi-six figure creative business. The success stories of other designers should inspire, rather than deter, potential sellers.

  4. Financial Commitment: The financial outlay to start selling on Spoonflower is minimal, primarily involving the purchase of proofs for your designs. Cost-effective approaches exist, as highlighted in my Spoonflower Tips under the Designer Resources menu.

  5. Passive Income: Selling on Spoonflower falls under the category of passive income, offering various strategies to generate substantial monthly revenue. Weekly lessons in my Spoonflower membership delve into these strategies.

  6. Commission Rates: Achieving the top commission rate of 15% designates a seller as a top earner on Spoonflower. Personal success stories include consistently earning over USD$100,000 annually in Spoonflower commissions alone.

  7. Platform Details: Spoonflower's headquarters are in Durham, North Carolina, with printing facilities in multiple locations. The acquisition by Shutterfly in 2021 has expanded their network of print factories.

  8. File Upload Limitations: Designers on Spoonflower face a file size limitation of 40MB, either as a single file or a combination of 8 files.

  9. Design Strategy: Success on Spoonflower goes beyond mere uploading; understanding your target audience and creating designs they want to buy is crucial. My Power Sellers Academy guides individuals through this process.

  10. Product Range: Spoonflower allows designers to sell their creations on various types of wallpaper, including peel-and-stick, pre-pasted, commercial grade, and grasscloth. Additionally, utilizing Spoonflower as a dropshipper for your own e-commerce business is a viable option.

  11. Dropshipping Clarification: While Spoonflower does not formally offer dropshipping, I provide insights into maximizing your investment through a PRO Membership in the Spoonflower Small Business Handbook.

  12. Educational Resources: My Power Sellers Academy is a comprehensive resource for those aspiring to become successful on Spoonflower, offering courses, tips, and insights into marketing strategies.

  13. Color Mode Recommendation: Spoonflower recommends saving designs in RGB mode or, preferably, sRGB. Designs saved and uploaded in CMYK may result in unexpected colors during printing.

  14. Promotional Opportunities: Keep an eye out for promo codes via Spoonflower Ambassadors for potential discounts.

In conclusion, Spoonflower is not just a platform; it's a catalyst for creative careers and financial independence. My Power Sellers Academy stands as a testament to the possibilities, offering a roadmap for those who seek to turn their passion into a lucrative venture. If Spoonflower beckons as your creative haven, I invite you to explore further, armed with the knowledge and strategies that have propelled me to success.

Spoonflower FAQs answered by a Spoonflower top-seller (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.