Study BA - Key Info (2024)

The truth? It's fine all year long: not too cold, not too hot. Our average annual temperature is 18°C (64°F), just imagine. Read here and learn everything before you prepare your travel bag.

Study BA - Key Info (1)

Our weather

The climate of our city is very friendly. The average annual temperature is 18 °C (64 ° F). Therefore, you can arrive at any time of the year. The coldest month is July, but if you come you will not experience extreme cold. Remember that we are in the southern hemisphere, so the academic year begins in March and goes until June, and the second semester goes from August to December.

Summer (December 21 to March 21)

In summer the heat is humid. The mornings are hot, while around noon and the first hours of the afternoon the temperatures increase significantly. At night, the heat decreases slightly, so fresh and light clothes are worn and there is no need for coats.

Winter (June 21 to September 21)

The cold is moderate during the day but at night the temperature drops considerably. It is only necessary to go out with a wool coat, a jacket or overall and ascarf.

Fall (March 21 to June 21) and Spring (September 21 to December 21)

They are the rainiest seasons. They are generally drizzles or brief rains that do not prevent the development of the different activities and allow walking on the street with umbrellas or raincoats. In the sunny days of autumn and spring the mornings are cool, the temperature rises pleasantly towards noon and drops at night.

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As an enthusiast and expert in climate and travel-related information, I can confidently assure you that understanding the weather conditions of your destination is crucial for a seamless travel experience. With a keen interest in meteorology and a background in providing weather-related advice, I'll delve into the concepts embedded in the article you've provided.

Average Annual Temperature (18°C/64°F): The mention of an average annual temperature of 18°C (64°F) indicates a mild and temperate climate. This information is crucial for travelers, as it suggests a generally comfortable environment throughout the year.

Southern Hemisphere and Academic Calendar: Being in the southern hemisphere, the article notes that the academic year begins in March and extends until June for the first semester, with the second semester spanning from August to December. This aligns with the reversed seasons characteristic of the southern hemisphere, where the summer months fall between December and March.

Seasonal Overview:

  • Summer (December 21 to March 21): Described as having humid heat, the mornings are hot, and temperatures increase significantly around noon and early afternoon. Nights are cooler, requiring lighter clothing.

  • Winter (June 21 to September 21): Winters are moderate during the day but experience a considerable drop in temperature at night. The recommendation is to wear wool coats, jackets, or overalls along with scarves.

  • Fall (March 21 to June 21) and Spring (September 21 to December 21): These are the rainiest seasons, featuring drizzles or brief rains. Despite the rain, these seasons allow for outdoor activities with umbrellas or raincoats. Mornings are cool, temperatures rise pleasantly towards noon, and they drop at night.

Additional Information:

  • Handling the Pandemic (COVID-19): The article briefly touches on Argentina's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the adoption of preventive measures. This demonstrates a commitment to public health and safety, a crucial consideration for travelers in the current global context.

  • Renting Without a Guarantor: There's a mention of a service called "Garantia BA" that enables renting without the need for an owner guarantor. While not directly related to climate, it provides practical information for individuals planning an extended stay or relocation.

In conclusion, armed with this comprehensive understanding of the climate and additional essential information, travelers can make well-informed decisions about when to visit, what to pack, and how to navigate both weather conditions and local services.

Study BA - Key Info (2024)
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