Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (2024)

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (1)

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (2)

By: Frank DePino | February 28, 2023

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (3) Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (4)

Understanding the target audience for luxury brands will ensure any high-end company markets its products appropriately. In fact, as you introduce your latest product, you want to ensure you will be able to sell it. That means knowing the consumers most receptive to your company.

Effective luxury goods marketing calls for careful targeting of particular demographics. Luxury firms need to draw in customers who can afford to spend a bit more on products since high-end goods aren’t designed for the standard ones.

In that case, who exactly comprises this high-end target audience, and how should they be approached?

Who is the target audience for luxury brands?

Today’s luxury brand target audience is 25 to 44 years old. They comprise 64 percent of this overall audience. Don’t sleep on the younger generation between 16 and 24 years old, also known as Generation Z. They’re another big chunk of your target market.

In this guide, we will provide a detailed breakdown of the groups in the typical target audience for luxury brands. We’ll also discuss these groups’ respective values as well as provide tips for targeting the different parts of your audience.

  • Breaking Down Your Luxury Brand Target Audience: Who Are They?
  • What Are Your Target Audience Groups Buying?
  • What Values Drive Your Luxury Brand Target Audience?
  • Tips and Pointers for Targeting Your Ideal Luxury Audience

In case you may need a further consultation for your luxury company, find out our services or contact us to know how we can help your brand.

Now let’s dive in!

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The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Digital Marketing

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Breaking Down Your Luxury Brand Target Audience: Who Are They?

With age often comes financial stability.

Not only are you settled in a job, but you’ve ascended the career ladder, earning new titles with increasingly higher salaries. You would think then that it would be an older generation that mostly builds up a target market for luxury brands.

Per data from the report we mentioned in the intro, it turns out that’s not all true.

While you will still want to put in your marketing efforts for consumers in their 40s, it’s actually two younger and thus unexpected groups you should also focus on. These are Generation Z and millennials.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (5)

Generation Z

When we say young, we do mean young. Generation Z includes those born between 1997 and 2003:

  • Of those Gen Z’ers surveyed in the report, only 14 percent of them said they never buy luxury items.
  • A small group, 19 percent, said they rarely do so.
  • An equally sized group, also 19 percent, said they treated themselves to these luxury products regularly.
  • More Generation Z respondents, 25 percent, answered that they occasionally treat themselves to luxury goods.
  • Most of them seem to buy these as gifts for others, as 33 percent said they do.

You might not have imagined marketing your luxury goods to those 20 or younger, but that’s today’s reality. When you think of how this generation grew up, it makes sense. They never knew life without the Internet. Social media boomed when they were kids or tweens and were thus more malleable to its influence.

They’re privy to a lot of brands and companies then. They also have entered the workforce or soon will, meaning they have the disposable income to spend on luxury goods.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (6)


Millennials are no longer the youngest kids on the block.

They also encompass a bigger audience than you may have realized. To fit this grouping, your audience would have had to been born between 1983 and 1996.

  • While 16 percent never bought luxury goods and 18 percent rarely did, the numbers only went up from there.
  • Only 22 percent were occasional treaters, down three percent from Generation Z.
  • Fewer bought luxury goods as gifts, 23 percent, a decrease of a whole 10 percent when compared to Gen Zers.

Instead, more millennials are buying luxury items for themselves, with 34 percent saying they do so. That makes this age group your biggest buyers. Per the data, it’s men who spend more than women, with them consisting of 62 percent of that millennial audience.

Although they all didn’t grow up with the Internet, it arrived when most millennials were maturing from childhood.

They glommed onto it quickly. They were also the first to use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. They’re incredibly smart shoppers who know when they’re being sold to.

Now in their 20s and 30s, they have the money to spend as they see fit.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (7)

Older Millennials

The last group that buys the most luxury goods doesn’t really have an official name.

They’re too old to be millennials, as that group cuts off after you’re 36. This group is also too young to be Generation X, which are those 43 to 56 years old.

That’s why we’ll call this group older millennials. They’re 35 to 44 years old and they’re also another big part of your target audience. Up to 33 percent of them regularly treat themselves to luxury goods. They don’t buy them as gifts often (15 percent).

Make sure you don’t confuse this group for Gen Xers.

Only seven percent of Generation X adults buy luxury products often. Even more of them, 27 percent, said they do so rarely. You’re not likely to make as much of a profit from this group then.

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The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Digital Marketing

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What Are Your Target Audience Groups Buying?

Now that you know who’s buying, it would help as well to know what they’re buying. It seems to vary depending on how often your target audience treats themselves to luxury products.

For those who only do so occasionally, they mostly buy electronics, as 53 percent do this. These items include smartphones, premium headphones, tablets, computers and laptops, and the like. Another 34 percent splurge on pricy food ingredients like caviar and truffles.

The clients who buy luxury goods for others but not themselves lean towards different products. They’ll pick up travel tickets as a gift (30 percent).

They also purchase experiences like VIP event access or glamping, with up to 25 percent reporting as much.

The regular luxury good buyers will also nab plane tickets for themselves (36 percent). They quite like furniture and household items, too (36 percent) as well as automotive and car products (26 percent).

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (8)

What Values Drive Your Luxury Brand Target Audience?

As you begin brainstorming what your luxury product marketing campaign will look like, you have to consider the values of your target market. These are the qualities most important to your potential clients.

You also want to ensure your company checks off the values we’re about to share with you.

Then, as applicable, make sure these values appear in your marketing campaign to appeal to the most members of your audience.

1. Exemplary Customer Service

Today’s customer service is not about calling a number, being asked to wait, and sitting on hold for 30 or 40 minutes. Your older consumers might do that, and some younger ones, too, but you have to offer more than a hotline.

Keep your social media inboxes open.

When messages arrive, try to answer them in real time. A chat function on your website also helps to this end. Maybe you have an employee who mans this or you use artificial intelligence (AI).

Customer service is about speed, yes, but also the quality of the interaction.

Make sure you’re fully answering a customer’s question or putting them in touch with someone who can.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (9)

2. Immersive Ads

Another value you can’t skimp on is immersive advertising, sometimes also referred to as immersive marketing. This all-encompassing form of marketing includes coupons, samples, digital marketing, word-of-mouth ads, public relations, and other advertising avenues.

Make sure your marketing campaign has a well-designed website, a social media presence (more on this shortly), email marketing, online surveys, blogs, radio and television advertising, paper surveys, flyers, and billboards.

3. Additional Services/Content Offered After the Sale

Sometimes when a consumer buys a product, they also need ancillary services or content. It’s annoying if they have to seek out another retailer for these accessories or secondary services. Your customers will respond much better to your initial offer if you also put forth these additional services and content to buy with their product.

4. Authenticity

Up to 48 percent of luxury good customers who occasionally treat themselves said authenticity matters.

That’s far too many people to ignore.

Authenticity is all about transparency and honesty. You don’t have to give away company secrets, but let your customers get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how the magic happens. If you make a mistake, own up to it instead of burying it.

Be real and your audience will respond in kind.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (10)

5. Quality Craftsmanship and Materials

Given that you’re a luxury products brand, it almost goes without saying that your customers will expect a certain level of quality. This should be exceedingly high.

The adage that you get what you pay for matters to your audience.

From design to construction, material selection, and everything in between, make sure you have a strong quality control team in place. They must make sure that every product that leaves your warehouse is of the best possible quality.

6. Online Presence

As we said before, Generation Z has always had the Internet and social media.

Even most millennials find it hard to remember what life was like before online connectivity took over.

You can expect most of your audience to use some forms of social media, be that Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or Twitter. You must also have accounts on the major platforms. More than just having a presence, make sure it’s an active one as well.

7. Brand Narrative

The luxury market report notes that 29 percent of those who regularly buy luxury goods prefer the company to have a narrative or story. How can you build your luxury brand? How did your brand come to be? Who had a role in it? How has your company grown from those early days to now?

Put this somewhere on your website and tie in your story whenever possible, including in your marketing materials.

Download Our Latest Whitepaper

The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Digital Marketing

Receive your FREE copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Luxury Brands,” to get insights into marketing your high-end products and services for increased sales.

3 Useful Tips and Pointers for Targeting Your Ideal Luxury Audience

The above values should act as a starting point for what to do (and not to do) during your luxury product marketing campaign. Here are some of our best tips for tailoring and targeting your audience, in case you need more advice, you can contact us to find out how our digital experts can help you take your brand to the next level.

1. Create Buyer Personas

A buyer persona also goes by the name customer avatar. Essentially, it’s like a blueprint for selling and marketing to your customers. In a nutshell, you survey your current customers, your most qualified leads, less qualified leads, and even some referrals and third parties. Then, you take the most common information from those interviews and use it to create personas.

Since your target audience includes those as young as 19 as well as older, more established adults in their 40s, having a slew of buyer personas is to your benefit. Don’t just create these avatars based on age, but also on such values as income and pain points or challenges.

2. Target by Income with Google Ads

Your typical target market for luxury brands includes a wide range of ages, as we said, but also income levels.

If you know a product might disqualify some of your audience because of the price, then you don’t want to market to them. Instead, you want to focus on those who can afford it. With income targeting, you can.

This form of geotargeting, which is available on Google Ads, comes from US Internal Service data on household income. By using income targeting, you can market with confidence, assured that the segment you’re reaching out to will have the money to buy your goods.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (11)

3. Use Facebook Ad Targeting

Google Ads isn’t the only company that lets you geotarget. You can also use Facebook Ads. Now, Forbes mentioned that the social media giant cut out a lot of targeting filters, mostly to avoid discrimination.

To get around it, you want to begin targeting interests your higher-end customers could have, like boating or yachting. You can also use geotargeting to display your Facebook ads to those living in wealthier neighborhoods. Facebook did not change anything pertaining to using job titles for ad targeting, so that’s yet another option at your disposal.

Finding the Best Target Market for Luxury Brands

If you’re a brand that produces luxury products, finding your target audience isn’t always easy. You may be surprised to hear that the audience skews younger, as young as 19 in some instances. From Generation Z to millennials and those just outside that group, your audience is at different life stages.

By understanding the values they appreciate and then using the marketing tactics we recommended above, you can market your luxury products to your target audience more effectively.

But, if you still need a consultation by an expert, get in touch with Mediaboom!

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (12)

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.

Target Audience for Luxury Brands - How to Attract Clients (2024)


How do you attract luxury customers? ›

How Do You Attract High End Customers?
  1. 6 Tips for Attracting High End Consumers.
  2. Know Your Customer. Build a profile of your target client. ...
  3. Know Your luxury website Design trends. ...
  4. Develop Your Marketing Strategy. ...
  5. Establish Your Authority and Credibility. ...
  6. Get Strategic with Your Pricing. ...
  7. Use the Personal Touch.
Jan 28, 2021

How do luxury brands engage their customers? ›

One of the key components to successful luxury brand strategy is creating desire via exclusivity. Exclusivity can be accomplished in several ways such as developing limited edition products, making select products only available at certain stores, or developing a waiting list for a newly released item.

What is segmentation strategy of luxury brands? ›

Segmentation of luxury brands is a great aspect of advertising planning. Most marketers use segmentation to achieve success in their business. With this segmentation, large markets are divided into smaller units to effectively and efficiently reach their product goals satisfy their customers.

How does Louis Vuitton attract customers? ›

A Louis Vuitton product is a statement of style and class, so customers are happy to pay the high prices. The perceived value of the brand is so high that consumers feel that they are getting great value despite the high price. Therefore, the company's high value-based pricing strategy is still effective.

What motivates a luxury consumer? ›

For some consumers, a luxury good can go a long way in increasing self-esteem or providing a sense of belonging. A sense of accomplishment is another reason why some people buy luxury goods.

How does Louis Vuitton target their audience? ›

Demographic Segmentation: It is a method of dividing people into groups based on their age. Louis Vuitton caters to both men and women, ages 16 to 80, who are rich. High-income and disposable-income businessmen and women.

What is the projection for the luxury market? ›

The global market for Luxury Goods estimated at US$242.8 Billion in the year 2022, is projected to reach a revised size of US$369.8 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.4% over the analysis period 2022-2030.

What are four 4 key ways to identify a target audience? ›

Geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral are the four levels of segmentation that can help define your business's primary target audience.

How does Gucci attract customers? ›

It utilizes a combination of traditional and modern marketing methods, such as the effective use of social media, to reach its target customers. Furthermore, Gucci has consistently delivered luxury products with a focus on quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail.

What do luxury clients want? ›

High end luxury consumers are drawn to the appeal of quality and are willing to pay large amounts of money to ensure the quality of the product, good, or service is as promised and worth the hefty price paid.

Who is the main consumers of luxury brands? ›

Summary: There are four primary categories of luxury shoppers: window shoppers, personal stylists, occasional splurgers, and big spenders. Luxury brands often fail their customers during the “consider” phase of their journey.

What is the segmentation of Louis Vuitton? ›

PAST: The rich middle-aged ladies from 35 to 54 years old are the first sector of louis Vuitton target market. PRESENT: LV specifically targets women aged 18 to 54 with yearly salaries of $75,000 or more.

How do luxury brands stay competitive? ›

Luxury brands built their competitive advantages on value and focus. They offer superior value to a specific niche and control a set of exploitable resources. These competitive advantages are the key drivers of their long-term business success and give direction and sharp focus to the leadership.

What is luxury strategy? ›

Written by two world experts on luxury branding, The Luxury Strategy provides the first rigorous blueprint for the effective management of luxury brands and companies at the highest level. This fully revised second edition of The Luxury Strategy explores the diversity of meanings of 'luxury' across different markets.

What are the 4 P's of luxury brands? ›

Luxury Marketing – The 4 P's: Patricians, Parvenus, Poseurs and the Proletarians. Is a marketing model proposed by Han, Nunes & Dreze (2010) used to define customer segmentation in the purchase of luxury goods.

What is the target market of Gucci? ›

Those who are rich or (upper) middle class enjoy the lifestyle represented by Gucci. Gucci is suitable for those who want to be considered fashionable and luxurious.

What is Louis Vuitton customer strategy? ›

A Louis Vuitton product is a statement of style and class, so customers are happy to pay the high prices. The perceived value of the brand is so high that consumers feel that they are getting great value despite the high price. Therefore, the company's high value-based pricing strategy is still effective.

What kind of people buy luxury goods? ›

Authenticity. One of the most common reasons people buy luxury goods is because they believe that they are getting something authentic. In a world where so much is mass-produced, people increasingly crave items that are unique and special.

What factors are most important to luxury buyers? ›

There are four main psychological factors that influence buying decisions: perceived risks and benefits, perceived needs, perceived value, and emotions. Perceived risks and benefits are the most logical of the four factors.

How do luxury brands promote themselves? ›

A luxury brand marketing strategy aims to create the highest brand value and pricing power by leveraging multiple brand elements, such as heritage, country of origin, craftsmanship, scarcity, and prestigious clients.

Who is Chanel target customer? ›

Demographic: Middle-age 18-50, annual income level of $100,000 or higher. Variables such as age and income level are important because they are easily indentifiable and linked to one another. Psychographic: Self-concept: see themselves as affluent individuals; Chanel is a fashion commodity that represents status.

Who is the audience of Louis Vuitton? ›'s audience is 41.16% male and 58.84% female.

Who is the target market of Louis Vuitton in a global context? ›

Current Target Market

More specifically, Louis Vuitton targets the following two segments: wealthy middle aged women from 35 to 54 years old and affluent young fashionable female adults aged 18 to 34 years old who have disposable income and are brand aspirants.

Who are the luxury biggest buyers? ›

Gen Y and Z accounted for all of the luxury market's growth in 2022, per a Bain & Company report. Younger generations are set to become the largest buyers of luxury goods by 2030, the report says.

Who is the target market for affordable luxury? ›

The target population of Affordable luxury: 20-40 years old, white-collar workers above the class, someone who pursues individuality and fashion.

What are 5 things you must consider for your target audience? ›

5 Tips To Consider When Selecting Your Target Audience
  • 1 – Why are you researching. Firstly, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve. ...
  • 2 – Use existing market research. Defining an audience for an online questionnaire is not only about demographics. ...
  • 3 – Be selective. ...
  • 4 – Have a plan B. ...
  • 5 – Measure what you do.
Feb 6, 2013

What are the 4 P's of marketing for target? ›

The four Ps are a “marketing mix” comprised of four key elements—product, price, place, and promotion—used when marketing a product or service. Typically, businesses consider the four Ps when creating marketing plans and strategies to effectively market to their target audience.

What are six strategies for engaging the audience? ›

Engage the audience — get them interested, give them a reason to listen. How?
  • Describe a scene or a character.
  • Tell a story.
  • Share a personal experience.
  • Relate to a recent event.
  • Piggyback on a previous speaker's remark or theme.
  • Point out something important about the audience or the current setting.

What age buys Gucci the most? ›

The 18-34 age bracket is Gucci's biggest audience on the site. Meanwhile, Gucci has also collaborated with brands that popular with young people, like the North Face.

What is Gucci's unique selling point? ›

Its CORE PRODUCT is that the Gucci logo is added onto most products which adds value to the product this is Gucci's UNIQUE SELLING POINT. Gucci products are well made with the highest of quality, they have the Italian craftsmanship factor which also adds to the quality of products.

Why do Millennials love Gucci? ›

Narrator: But why do millennials and teens love Gucci so much? Gucci's founder, Guccio Gucci, originally designed leather goods for the aristocratic upper classes, specializing in horseback-riding gear. As Gucci grew in popularity, it became synonymous with high-class elegance and glamour.

What are luxury consumer traits? ›

Luxury customers feel power from spending big and satisfaction from obtaining exclusive, rare, and quality products. Luxury shoppers demand their brands to be 'woke'. They are concerned with the environment, including social and political issues.

Who spends the most on luxury? ›

South Koreans spend the most in the world on luxury products, according to a report by Morgan Stanley. In 2022, South Koreans spent about $16.8 billion on luxury goods, an increase of 24% from the year before. That's about $325 per person.

How do you increase luxury sales? ›

5 Suggestive selling tips for luxury retail brands
  1. It's all about your customer and their experience.
  2. Consider their budget and respect it.
  3. Accept “No”
  4. Stay in touch and build relationships.
  5. It's about being relevant and adding value.
Oct 6, 2022

What are the big five of luxury brand personality? ›

There are five main types of brand personalities with common traits. They are excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence, and sophistication.

Who is the new luxury consumer? ›

In the next five years, millennials alone will make up over half of the market and 130% of the growth in luxury personal goods. This new generation of luxury consumers is much more likely to spend their money on their mobile devices.

What is the target segment of Chanel? ›

Chanel Demographic Segmentation

The Chanel target market includes both genders between the age of 20-80 years. The brand's targets are usually wealthy and able to afford their luxury products. However, many would argue that the primary Chanel target market is women.

What is the customer segment of Dior? ›'s audience is 38.08% male and 61.92% female.

Who is Versace target market? ›

About Versace
Versace Overview
SegmentationUrban people with extremely high taste and an appeal for the most innovative and luxury products
Target MarketUrban upper class individuals
PositioningVersace is a brand having a luxury feel along with chic and sophisticated design along with modern aesthetics
6 more rows

Why do luxury brands not advertise? ›

You will be able to build a more successful brand that has something to offer to their customers. That is why big brands like Rolls Royse or Zara avoid advertising, and instead, they spend all of their marketing money on product and customer experience improvement.

What are the key success factors of a luxury brand? ›

Let's look at 11 other key success factors that luxury brands use to attract more customers.
  • Customizable Products. ...
  • Experiential Event Marketing. ...
  • A Flagship Store. ...
  • Authentic Identity. ...
  • Perception of Value. ...
  • Exclusivity. ...
  • Great Service. ...
  • Stylish Products.
Aug 30, 2022

What is the luxury business model? ›

This pattern describes the strategy of a company to focus on the upper side of society's pyramid. This allows a company to distinguish its products or services greatly from others. High standards of quality or exclusive privileges are the main focus to attract these kinds of customers.

How do you make a brand feel luxury? ›

Getting started with luxury brand building
  1. Get specific about who you're targeting. There's a niche market that cares about what your brand is about. ...
  2. Do things differently. Differentiation is a key focus for emerging brands. ...
  3. Become a status symbol. ...
  4. Create exclusivity. ...
  5. Consistently delivery on your brand promises.

How do you pitch a luxury product? ›

Make it about the customer

You have to point out what the customer stands to gain by brand association. A good pitch here would include details about the legacy, existing clientele and the image of the brand you are selling. You need to promote your brand not just as a brand but also as a lifestyle.

How do you create a luxury client experience? ›

Adding value will also allow you earn more per treatment, whether it be with your pricing strategy, or because of your blossoming tips.
  1. 1) Reduce Stress. ...
  2. 2) Comfort Is Key. ...
  3. 3) Value Added Treatments.
  4. 4) Follow Up Client Care. ...
  5. 5) H20. ...
  6. 6) Go Organic. ...
  7. 7) Luxury Tools. ...
  8. Create a Luxury Client Experience Without Busting Your Budget.

What factors are more important to luxury buyers? ›

5 Key Factors to Attract Luxury Buyers
  • The Value of Space. When it comes to luxury homes, it's all about space. ...
  • Entertaining Excellence. ...
  • Security & Convenience. ...
  • Keeping Things Exclusive.
Dec 19, 2017

How do luxury brands succeed? ›

Among the biggest challenges that luxury brands face is delivering on the brand promises consistently. Your brand can only be successful if it can be able to deliver on its superior brand promise intransigently. By doing this, your luxury brand will be able to earn the loyalty of your affluent customers.

What are the key principles of luxury? ›

Eight principles of luxury
  • 1 Vision sets tone. ...
  • 2 Mystery heightens appeal. ...
  • 3 Obsession generates excellence. ...
  • 4 Origins become touchstones. ...
  • 5 EQ anticipates needs. ...
  • 6 Exclusivity ups the ante. ...
  • 7 Appearance conveys status. ...
  • 8 Expense is reassuring.

What makes a luxury brand stand out? ›

Quality of Make

Luxury products will tend to do more, be made of higher-grade materials, and last longer than their competition. The touch of authentic craftsmanship is second to none for luxury brands.

What is the luxury pricing strategy? ›

What is the pricing strategy used by a luxury brand? Luxury labels' pricing strategy is value-based, backed by the superiority of their products and the willingness of their customers to pay. They emphasise quality and durability above all else.

How do you make every customer feel like a VIP? ›

4 Tips for Making Your Customers Feel VIP
  1. Going Above and Beyond.
  2. Show Some Flexibility With the Rules.
  3. Empower Your Team.
  4. Make Speed and Efficiency a Priority.

What are the key elements of a luxury customer service? ›

Here are seven essential tips to follow.
  • Collect regular feedback from customers. ...
  • Track customer service metrics. ...
  • Be available to your customers. ...
  • Use live chat the right way. ...
  • Offer personalized experiences. ...
  • Level the playing field. ...
  • Outsource customer service to a call center if you can't do it yourself.
Feb 21, 2023

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.