The age of marriage :: Life and Times :: Internet Shakespeare Editions (2024)

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The age of marriage :: Life and Times :: Internet Shakespeare Editions (1)

From the Roxburghe Ballads. University of Victoria Library.

One common belief about the Renaissance is that children, especially girls, married young. In some noble houses marriages were indeed contracted at a young age, for reasons of property and family alliance, but in fact the average age of marriage was quite old--in the middle twenties.

Marriage statistics indicate that the mean marriage age for the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras was higher than many people realize. Data taken from birthdates of women and marriage certificates reveals mean marriage ages to have been as follows:

1566-1619 27.0 years
1647-1719 29.6 years
1719-1779 26.8 years
1770-1837 25.1 years

The marriage age of men was probably the same or a bit older than that of women. (In 1619, it was about 23 for women, 26 for men.) The age of consent was 12 for a girl, 14 for a boy, but for most children puberty came two or three years later than it does today.

Oddly enough, there seems to be a period in the late sixteenth century when the mean marriage age of women in and around the area of Stratford-on- Avon dropped as low as 21 years: the mean marriage age from 1580 to 1589 was about 20.6 years, and it was in this decade that Shakespeare, at the age of eighteen, married Anne Hathaway.

The reason for late marriage among labourers and the middle class was simple enough: it took a long time for a couple to acquire enough belongings to set up housekeeping, even in a room of their parents' home. Young love, however romantic, had to be kept in check if the two lovers were to survive in a world where subsistence earnings would not purchase a roof over their heads and put food on the table. Children of noble birth ran a great risk if they tried to marry without the approval of their parents, since they would be left without resources. Perhaps the caution of young Claudio in Much Ado About Nothing has something to do with the fear of acting without permission: he is careful to make sure that his loved one, Hero, is the sole heir to her father's estate (see 1.1.242-243).

What about Juliet?*


  1. Juliet

    Part of the effect of Shakespearean tragedy is a sense of hyperbole, that one is watching something above or beyond the ordinary. In terms of status, neither Romeo nor Juliet is of outstanding importance in their society; it is their extreme youth that gives the tragedy much of its force--and it is probable that this effect was as true of Shakespeare's audience as of today's.

The age of marriage :: Life and Times :: Internet Shakespeare Editions (2024)


What was the age of marriage in Shakespeare's time? ›

Until the Marriage Act of 1653 set the set the marriage age at 16 for men and 14 for women (with parents needing to give consent for those under 21), the age of consent was a vague “years of discretion,” which could be as young as 12 for girls and 14 for boys.

How did people in Shakespeare's time view marriage? ›

Elizabethans were free to choose their partners but arranged marriages were common among the upper classes. An arranged marriage was more like a business arrangement than a relationship between two people. It was a way for the families on both sides to obtain property, money and useful friends.

Was it normal to marry at 14 in the 1800s? ›

But it is also the case that marrying at the age of fourteen was not at all uncommon for a newly freed girl like Susie Baker, or indeed for many others throughout the nation in the middle of the nineteenth century.

How old did girls marry in the 1600s? ›

The marriage age of men was probably the same or a bit older than that of women. (In 1619, it was about 23 for women, 26 for men.) The age of consent was 12 for a girl, 14 for a boy, but for most children puberty came two or three years later than it does today.

What was the reason for Shakespeare's marriage? ›

Anne Hathaway was pregnant when she married William Shakespeare in November 1582; the two likely married because of her pregnancy as a pregnant...

Why was Shakespeare's marriage rushed? ›

When he was eighteen, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was twenty-six. It was a rushed marriage because Anne was already pregnant at the time of the ceremony. Together they had three children.

What was different about Shakespeare's marriage? ›

The average age of marriage was 26 years of age, so Anne would have been an eligible young lady of her time. William, on the other hand, was still a minor in the eyes of the law and so required permission from Anne's father to marry Anne.

What is speculated about Shakespeare's marriage? ›

The early birth of their first daughter could mean that Shakespeare was forced* to marry Anne Hathaway; however it is also possible that the couple had previously been joined by pledge or in a "handfast" marriage*.

How was love during Shakespearean times? ›

The Elizabethans were very practical lot. You didn't marry for love, you married for social standing and to legitimize your children. While it was legal for boys to marry at age 14 and girls to marry at age 12, Elizabethans “reached the age of consent” at age 21, and many did in fact wait until then to marry.

Can a 14 year old marry a 40 year old? ›

In California, a person under 18 can marry with the consent of one parent and a judge, following a review of the case that includes interviews with the parties involved. The state is one of only nine in the nation that do not set a minimum age for marriage.

Is 70 too old to get married? ›

There's no age limit for love and romance—but there are important points to consider before you tie the knot again.

How old did girls marry in the 1800s? ›

In 18th-century America, the typical age of marriage for middle-to-upper class white women was 22 and 26 for men. Women began courting as early as 15 or 16, but most delayed marriage until their early twenties. The years of courtship were a time when 18th-century women could enjoy some freedom and power.

Who was the youngest bride in history? ›

Joan of France, duch*ess of Berry (age 12), was betrothed in a wedding contract at age 8-days-old, she was officially married at the age of twelve in 1476, to her cousin Louis, Duke of Orléans (aged 14).

How old did girls get married in 1870? ›

Census YearMean Age at Marriage
13 more rows

What age did people marry in the 1700's? ›

However, early marriages were rather rare—the average age of the newlyweds was about 25 years. Interestingly, the basic requirement for a legally valid marriage was not a formal consecration in a church, but the completion of a marriage contract, commonly called 'spousals'.

What was odd about Shakespeare's marriage? ›

When and why did they get married? William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway married in 1582, when Anne was already several months pregnant with their first child. The marriage was considered unusual at the time, as William was just eighteen years old and so had to obtain his father's permission to marry Anne, who was 26.

Why are the years between 1585 to 1592 called the lost years? ›

Shakespeare is known to have been in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1587, when he was mentioned in connection with a lawsuit. Between 1587 and 1592 Shakespeare disappears from all the known surviving records. This period is often referred to as the 'lost years', and has been the subject of much speculation.

Who was Shakespeare supposed to marry? ›

On November 28, 1582, William Shakespeare, 18, and Anne Hathaway, 26, pay a 40-pound bond for their marriage license in Stratford-upon-Avon. Six months later, Anne gives birth to their daughter, Susanna, and two years later, to twins.

Why is marriage important in Romeo and Juliet? ›

Marriage is thus the stamp of being right. It will allow Juliet to live her love properly,without any embarrassment. She even makes Romeo realise that love is not a toy,but a responsibility which is accompanied by respect. Matrimony will bring her this respect which Romeo is denying her with his nightly pursuits.

Did Romeo and Juliet marry too soon? ›

In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet and Romeo got married the day after they met. Though it was common in that era to marry quickly, they still should have taken the time to get to know each other. They barely knew one another, yet proceeded with their forbidden love.

What were the circ*mstances of Shakespeare's marriage and how do these circ*mstances differ from how his sister was betrothed? ›

What were the circ*mstances of Shakespeare's marriage and how do these circ*mstances differ from how his sister was betrothed?  Shakespeare had to marry only after he got a woman pregnant, while Judith was forced by her parents to marry.

What was the concept or idea of marriage in Shakespeare's time? ›

A married couple was regarded by the law as a single entity and that entity followed the will of the husband. Mothers had no legal rights over the guardianship of their children and any property that a woman possessed at the time of marriage came under the husband's control.

What did Shakespeare believe about love? ›

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind.” – A Midsummer's Nights Dream, Protagonist Helena's unrelenting love for Demetrius despite his faults and foibles.

What does Shakespeare say about love? ›

Love is a Devil” Anyone who has experienced “the pangs of despised love” (Hamlet, 3.1) knows that love doesn't always end well. Shakespeare also wrote a lot about the challenges of being in love.

Can a 27 year old marry a 17 year old? ›

With parental consent, a person can marry at 17; however, one party cannot be more than four years older than the minor. Emancipated minors who are 16 or 17 years old can marry. With parental consent and judicial approval, a person can marry at 16. Minors cannot marry.

Can a 10 year old marry a 20 year old? ›

California law requires a person under 18 years of age to obtain consent from at least one parent or guardian and permission in the form of a court order. Granting permission for a minor to marry or establish a domestic partnership is entirely within the discretion of the court.

Is it OK to marry a woman 10 years older than you? ›

The age gap does not matter when there is mental maturity, love, understanding and compatibility. Different age gaps work differently for different couples. There cannot be a single rule. In wide age-gap marriages, the reality will hit hard after some time and the initial love spark may fade.

How often do married couples over 60 make love? ›

By the age of 45, people have sex an average of 60 times per year, or just over once a week. By age 65, most people have sex around 20 times per year, or less than one time every two weeks.

How often do 50 year old married couples make love? ›

31 percent of couples have sex several times a week; 28 percent of couples have sex a couple of times a month; and 8 percent of couples have sex once a month. Sadly — or so we thought — 33 percent of respondents said they rarely or never have sex.

What are the odds of getting remarried after 60? ›

45 to 54 years – 63% will remarry. 55 to 64 years – 67% will remarry. 65 years and older – 50% will remarry.

What is the youngest age you can get married in USA? ›

More than half of all states allow parties between the ages of 16 and 18 to be married based on parental consent alone. Fifteen states allow parties younger than age 16 to be married; depending on the state, the exception is based on judicial approval and/or if one party is pregnant or has had a child3.

Who is the youngest married couple? ›

5 youngest wedded couples in the world
  • Yusef Nasser Hassan and Gharam Reda Muhammed. Yusef Hassan and Gharam Reda are from Egypt. ...
  • Jose Griggs and Jayla Cooper. ...
  • Bonnie Buckland and Leslie Coneley. ...
  • Eileidh Paterson and Horrison Grier. ...
  • Teen marriage in China.
Nov 26, 2021

What age did girls get married in the 1500s? ›

In the late 16th century, the legal age for marriage in Stratford was only 14 years for men and 12 years for women. Usually, men would be married between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. Alternatively, women were married at an average of 24 years old, while the preferred ages were either 17 or 21.

Who married a child in the Bible? ›

Rehoboam, son of Solomon and Naamah, married Maacah daughter of Absalom.

How old is a mini bride? ›

How old should a little bride be? On average, most little brides in a wedding fall between 4 and 8 years old. They're typically at the same age as flower girls.

How old is the average bride? ›

The national average age for marriage today in the United States is 27 years old for women and 29 years old for men. This, of course, varies from state to state. Most people will marry between the ages of 25 and 30.

Was it normal to marry your cousin in the 1800s? ›

Marrying your first cousin was perfectly acceptable in the early 1800s, and the practice certainly offered some benefits: Wealth and property were more likely to remain in the same hands, and it was easier for young women to meet and be courted by bachelors within the family circle.

How old were people in the Bible when they got married? ›

In fact, according to Jewish law and customs of the day, Mary and Joseph probably would have both been young when they married. “Girls were usually engaged sometime between the ages of 12 and 15, and would be married sometime thereafter, at 15 or 16, and boys would have been 19 or 20,” Fredriksen says.

Which country has the most child marriage? ›

Countries with the highest share of married girls 2022

Niger has the highest child marriage rate in the world among girls. According to the most recent data, in this West African country, more than three fourths of girls aged under 18 were married, with nearly 30 percent of them being younger than 15 years old.

When did Cousins stop marrying? ›

The first actual laws against first-cousin marriage appeared during the Civil War era, with Kansas banning the practice in 1858, followed by Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wyoming in the 1860s.

How old did you have to be to get married in the 1950s? ›

Figures 2a and 2b show the legal age of marriage with parental consent for men and women between 1940 and 2002. Figure 2a indicates that many states did not allow men to marry at all prior to age 18 in the 1940s and 1950s.

At what age did people get married in the 1700s? ›

In 18th-century America, the typical age of marriage for middle-to-upper class white women was 22 and 26 for men. Women began courting as early as 15 or 16, but most delayed marriage until their early twenties.

What was the legal age of marriage in 1700? ›

This, together with the fact that it was very difficult for women to find ways of making an independent living, meant that securing a husband was a matter of great importance. Theoretically, it was possible for two people to marry very young. The minimum legal age was 12 years for women and 14 years for men.

What age did people used to get married? ›

Community-based studies suggest an average age at marriage of about 20 years old for women in the early colonial period and about 26 years old for men. In the late 19th century and throughout the 20th century, U.S. states began to slowly raise the minimum legal age at which individuals were allowed to marry.

What was the legal age of marriage in 1950? ›

Figures 2a and 2b show the legal age of marriage with parental consent for men and women between 1940 and 2002. Figure 2a indicates that many states did not allow men to marry at all prior to age 18 in the 1940s and 1950s.

What age did girls get married in 1860? ›

Census YearMean Age at Marriage
13 more rows

Did people marry for love in the 18th century? ›

During the 18th century, society encouraged young people to select their marriage partners based on their romantic attachments. This was a decided change from past practice when marriages had been arranged to cement relationships between families or clans and to consolidate fortunes.

What was the age of marriage in the 1900s? ›

In 1900, as the lower chart shows, the typical young groom was almost twenty-six and his bride was four years younger. For the next half century, couples approaching the altar grew steadily younger and the age difference between bride and groom diminished.

What was the age of marriage in 1920? ›

That's an increase of nearly a decade over the past century. In 1920, the average woman got married at 21.2 years old while men married at 24.6 years of age. While men have historically gotten married later than women, the age gap between them is closing.

What age do men get married? ›

The national average age for marriage today in the United States is 27 years old for women and 29 years old for men. This, of course, varies from state to state. Most people will marry between the ages of 25 and 30. Women get married at a younger average age than men get married.

Is 22 a good age to get married? ›

There is no best age to get married that applies to everyone. You're never too old for it, and while it's very possible to get married before you're ready, it's often not necessarily because you're too young to marry.

What was the legal age of marriage in the 1500s? ›

In the late 16th century, the legal age for marriage in Stratford was only 14 years for men and 12 years for women. Usually, men would be married between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. Alternatively, women were married at an average of 24 years old, while the preferred ages were either 17 or 21.

What age can you marry in China? ›

The applicant who will go to China for marriage registration shall apply for a single/non-marital status certificate. Legal marriage age in China is 22 or older for male and 20 or older for female.

Can you get married after 50? ›

Marriage after age 50 is a wonderful thing, but it has some financial challenges, too. There is plenty to take into account, and plenty of money myths, if you plan to tie the knot in midlife — especially if your spouse-to-be has children from a first marriage.

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