The Best Colors for Neutral Skin Tones - How to Find the Perfect Dress (2024)

The Best Colors for Neutral Skin Tones - How to Find the Perfect Dress (1)

Before diving into the best colors for neutral skin tones, it’s important to discuss what skin tone is. When you think of skin tone, what comes to mind? It’s not just another word for skin color. It’s not even the shade of your skin. Your skin tone is actually your skin’s undertone. Believe it or not, knowing your skin’s undertone can actually help you to determine your best dress colors. If you have a neutral skin tone like Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, or Kerry Washington, you actually have one of the widest color palettes available. Read on to make sure you’re choosing the best colors for neutral skin tones.

What Is a Skin’s Undertone?

There are three primary undertones that your skin may have: cool, warm, or neutral. It’s important to know your skin tone not just because it helps you select the right foundation, but because it can help you to make better style choices.

Your undertones are the colors that show from beneath the surface of the skin, affecting its hue. It doesn’t matter if your skin is light, dark, or anywhere in between. Anyone can have a cool, warm, or neutral tone.

  • Cool: Cool undertones are characterized by traces of blue or pink complexion.
  • Warm: Warm undertones are characterized by traces of yellow, peach, or golden complexion.
  • Neutral: Neutral undertones have no apparent color of their own. The skin’s natural color takes precedence.

These distinctions shouldn’t be confused with color analysis (i.e. whether you have a winter, spring, autumn, or winter complexion). While undertone is an important feature of color analysis, it’s only one ingredient. There are many different factors involved in determining the best colors for neutral skin tones, but skin tone is a very important component.

Determining if You Have a Neutral Skin Tone

Before we break down the best colors for neutral skin tones, it’s important to confirm that you’re actually working with neutral undertones (if you haven’t already confirmed this on your own). The easiest way is just to examine the underside of your wrist, an area not usually prone to excessive color change due to sun exposure. Examine it in natural sunlight. You should be able to see the underlying color. If you can only see your natural skin color, you most likely have a neutral skin tone.

There are also other ways to tell. For instance, if your skin tans easily but doesn’t sunburn, you likely have a warm to neutral tone. People with warm skin tones tend to have veins that appear green. If your veins appear blue to deep purple, you probably lean more toward the cooler end of the spectrum. A person with a neutral skin tone will usually have veins with a more subtle color, rather than the deeper, more vibrant colors characteristic of both warm and cool skin tones.

Best Colors for Neutral Skin Tones

The Best Colors for Neutral Skin Tones - How to Find the Perfect Dress (2)

If you have neutral undertones, the next step is to determine your best dress color. The great news is that people with neutral undertones have a wider range of complementary colors than anyone else. In fact, you can usually get away with almost anything on the color spectrum, but you’ll usually want to emphasize softer shades.

For instance, colors like mauve, dusty blush, champagne, mint, and blue lagoon look amazing on someone with a neutral skin tone. They’re vibrant without being overpowering, which are usually the best colors for people with neutral skin tones.

One obvious question you may be asking is: Can someone with a neutral skin tone wear neutral colors? It’s a fair question, but luckily, the answer is a resounding yes—so long as you emphasize the right neutral shades. Off-whites work really well, as do mid-range grays. And black dresses, of course, are always a safe bet.

Some Colors Are Universal

While some dresses do work especially well on someone with a neutral skin tone, other colors (like the aforementioned black) are universal. Almost anybody can pull them off. Bright reds, light pinks, and deep purples are just a few examples. There may be no rhyme or reason as to why certain colors just work, but they do!

For example, if you’re a neutral but you’re looking for something bold to wear in winter, try donning a burgundy dress for your next holiday party. Not only is burgundy one of the most timeless winter colors, it flatters almost any wearer.

It’s Not Just About Skin Tone

We can further break down the best colors for neutral skin tones by considering other factors in addition to undertones. There are a variety of skin characteristics that should be considered when you’re trying to decide on the best dress color. For example, if you have light skin, dark colors can provide an excellent complement. If you have naturally dark skin, lighter colors can provide a beautiful contrast. And for those with medium-hued skin, primary colors like red, blue, and yellow are a slam dunk.

When Layering and Accessorizing

It’s one thing to find the best dress color, but the dress isn’t always enough. Most of us have our favorite accessories, and certain seasons lend themselves to heavy layering. So when looking for the best colors for neutral skin tones, you have to think beyond just the dress.

In general, the same rules apply, but you’ll want to throw in some neutral apparel to bring the whole ensemble together. For example, let’s say that you’re wearing a mint-colored dress and you want to layer it with a stylish coat. By choosing a neutral off-white coat, you can stay warm in winter without falling victim to clashing colors.

It’s All About Knowing Your Personal Style

Finally, remember that there are no absolutes. The best colors for neutral skin tones may not always be the colors that speak to you, and that’s okay too. If you’re passionate about deep orange, follow your bliss. If your favorite dress is a dark shade of violet, wear it with pride. Ultimately, it’s just about understanding how different colors compare and contrast against different skin shades. What matters most is how it makes you feel.

Experiment with different colors and dress styles, and find what truly inspires you!

The Best Colors for Neutral Skin Tones - How to Find the Perfect Dress (2024)


What color clothes look best on neutral skin tone? ›

The Best Colors For Neutral Skin Tones

Consider a palette of dusty pink, medium green, jade, light peach and lagoon blue when opting for color. In terms of neutrals, off-white, medium greys, back and coffee will highlight your features best.

How do I choose my dress color according to my skin tone? ›

Generally, warmer skin tones look flattering in warmer colors (like red, orange and yellow) and cool skin tones look flattering in cooler colors (like blue, green, purple).

How do I know what colors compliment my skin better? ›

The general rule of thumb is that skin with cool undertones look best with greys, browns, blues, greens and purples. Skin with warm undertones look best with either bright or light colors. And skin with neutral undertones looks great in bold, bright colors.

What colors look bad on neutral undertones? ›

Colors You Might Want to Avoid

Reds, yellows, and anything too bright or vibrant that can overwhelm are typically a no-go for neutral skin tones, Eiseman tells InStyle. If you do decide to wear yellow, she says, try a soft version like cornsilk or buff.

What colors to avoid for neutral skin tone? ›

Avoid brown shades that make your clothes look like they're blending into your skin. As neutral skin tones are usually darker, brown clothes simply don't provide enough contrast. Other colors that you might avoid include black and navy.

What colors go with natural skin tone? ›

For instance, colors like mauve, dusty blush, champagne, mint, and blue lagoon look amazing on someone with a neutral skin tone. They're vibrant without being overpowering, which are usually the best colors for people with neutral skin tones.

Should you wear clothes the same colour as your skin? ›

It's been said before but it's worth repeating: avoiding colours that are too similar to your natural skin tone is the golden rule of getting your match right. This means that any yellows, greens or browns that come too close should be cast aside.

Do I have a neutral skin tone? ›

Check your veins

Grab your wrists and check the veins under them. Those with warm undertones have green colored veins, while blue veins are a sign of a cool undertone. If your veins look bluish-green, you may have a neutral undertone.

Which skin tone is most attractive? ›

I wanted to test skin color separately to find out whether it's important to perceptions of beauty. I found that without regard to physical features, people prefer light brown skin over dark brown skin or pale skin,” said Frisby, associate professor of strategic communication at the School.

What are neutral undertones? ›

If you have a neutral undertone, this means that your undertones are roughly the same color as your actual skin tone. It's important to note that your undertone isn't the same thing as your natural tone, or the color of your naked skin before you put on foundation or any other makeup.

What are the four most universally flattering clothing colors? ›

According to Real Simple, four universally flattering clothing colors are Eggplant, True Red, Indian Teal, and Mellow Rose. Sounds fancy, right? Each of these colors is either in a neutral place on the color-wheel or an opposite color of our skin tone which makes them very flattering.

How do you know if a color compliments you? ›

Pick a color, any color. Trace your finger over that line to its direct opposite and you have two complementary colors, one warm and one cool. If they complement on the wheel, they'll look complementary in your wardrobe.

What color dress is most slimming? ›

Black never fails to make you look slim and elegant. Darker shades of colors like blue, purple and brown can also help to hide flaws and create a slimming illusion. On the other hand, lighter colors, like white and khaki, can add pounds and give the illusion of a larger frame.

What makeup is best for neutral undertones? ›

This means that you are neither warm-toned nor cool-toned; rather, you fall right in the middle of the spectrum. So, what shades and colors go best with your neutral undertone? Pretty much every color and shade of the rainbow, whether it's a warm, sun-kissed bronzer or an iridescent, duo-chrome purple and blue.

What lipstick color is best for neutral undertones? ›

For neutral undertones: Reds, oranges, and even electric yellow lip color are all options you can try. If you're dying to try a bright pink, look for shades that are a bit more purple such as magenta.

What is a pretty neutral color? ›

Neutral colors are muted shades that appear to lack color but often have underlying hues that change with different lighting. Examples of neutral colors include beige, taupe, gray, cream, brown, black, and white.

What color season for neutral skin tone? ›

If you have more neutral skin, you are probably in one of the light/soft/dark/bright categories. In other words, you are on the border between the true seasons. For example, I suit soft grey-ed down versions of colours, so I'm either Soft Summer or Soft Autumn.

What celebrities have a neutral skin tone? ›

If you have both warm and cool hues, you have a neutral undertone. Other celebrities with neutral undertones include Drew Barrymore, Victoria Beckham, Natalie Portman, and Kerry Washington.

What metals look best on neutral skin tone? ›

If you've found you have both greeny-blue veins on your wrists, you probably have neutral skin which means you can wear any metal colour. Anything from the silvery colours of platinum and white gold to the warm tones of rose gold and yellow gold should suit your skin beautifully!

Do neutral colors look good on everyone? ›

It doesn't matter if you're young, old, black, asian, white, formal or casual. Neutral colors, or "Men's Core Colors" and I like to call them,make everyone look really good, and is the foundation to a solid wardrobe.

What skin tone can wear jewel tones? ›

Typically, jewel tones will work best on cool-toned skin while earth tones highlight warm-toned skin well. If you're a neutral tone, then you're in luck!

What skin tone looks best in black? ›

Cooler skin tones, like Winters, are safer wearing black next to their faces. Summers, while also considered cool skin toned, cannot wear black next to the face without ageing themselves.

What is an example of a neutral skin tone? ›

Neutral overtones are typically peach, brown, amber, golden, or olive. However, it's important to remember that overtones can change. Neutral skin tones fall somewhere in the middle of the skin tone shade charts. It's rare for extremely fair-skinned or dark-skinned individuals to be true neutrals.

What are some neutral colors? ›

Examples of neutral colors include:
  • Tan.
  • Beige.
  • Ivory.
  • Cream.
  • White.
  • Black.
  • Gray.
Aug 11, 2022

What skin color do men find most attractive? ›

The fair maiden of myth appears to have a basis in scientific reality, according to new research. Scientists looking into attractiveness in men and women suggest that men of all races are subconsciously attracted to fairer-skinned women, while women are more drawn to dark-complexioned men.

What's the most rarest skin tone? ›

The rarest skin color in the world is believed to be the white from albinism, a genetic mutation that causes a lack of melanin production in the human body. Albinism affects 1 in every 3,000 to 20,000 people. People with albinism usually have very pale or colorless skin, hair, and eyes.

Who has the most beautiful skin in the world? ›

According to the latest Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi report, English actress Jodie Comer has the most beautiful face in the world at 94.52% accuracy.

What hair color is neutral tone? ›

“Those with a neutral skin tone are very fortunate as they can carry off either warm or cool colors i.e. ash, gold, reds, coppers and it would look quite natural, depending on the depth of color and technique used,” says Warner.

What hair tone is neutral? ›

Generally, white, black, and brown shades are considered neutral in terms of hair color. However, brown is the true neutral color when it comes to hair. Neutrals from black to the palest blonde, looks great on most people.

What blonde hair colors go with neutral skin tone? ›

Sandy and beige colors with a neutral undertone are also very fashionable and look natural on most pale skin tones. Medium and neutral skin tones can wear almost any kind of blonde, from honey to ash and platinum. For example, many people with medium-fair skin can pull off blonde convincingly.

What colors make you look classy? ›

Neutral colors are often the epitome of elegance in fashion. Black, white, creme, grey, beige, as well as muted tones of green and brown, are some of the best shade choices to complement an elegant outfit.

What is the 3 color outfit rule? ›

The premise of the 3-color rule is not combine more than three colors in your outfit at any one time. The exceptions are black and white — they don't count, as they aren't technically colors, so they can be intermixed without actually adding a color to your outfit.

What is the friendliest color to wear? ›

Green and blue hues (often referred to as “cool” colors) can help to achieve a sense of calm. Likewise, reds, oranges, and yellows (or “warm” colors) can boost your mood.

What color first attract someone's attention? ›

The color red attracts attention in an emotional context.

What color makes people respond? ›

Hue, saturation, and brightness affect how you respond to the color in your environment. Red hues cause the most emotional arousal, blue the least, and green is somewhere in between. A color that is very bright and highly saturated will trigger the strongest emotional response.

What color dress makes you look younger? ›

What colours make you look younger? 'Creams, off whites, tans and golds reflect light onto the face and make us look younger. Dusky pinks and pale lilacs can also work wonders in turning back the clock,' Orla says.

What is the best style of dress to make you look slimmer? ›

Any dress that does not have a belt — a shift, fit and flare, empire, raised waist, trapeze — is going to be more body-friendly to you now than separate tops and bottoms since there's no break at the waist. One-piece dresses glide over curves and balance body proportions, so you look more “even,” too.

How to wear dresses to look slimmer? ›

Avoid anything with horizontal prints, be it big or small. Vertical print dresses with deep necks are your go-to if you want to look slimmer and taller. And, patterns like A-line cut or a can seal the deal for you.

How do you dress neutral tones? ›

How To Wear Neutral Colors
  1. Mix Different Textures And Fabrics. Creating interest is key so mixing up the textures of your neutrals through different fabrics are an easy way to do this. ...
  2. Play With Patterns. ...
  3. Use Statement Accessories. ...
  4. Mix Neutral Tones. ...
  5. Use Denim As A Base.
May 23, 2022

What is considered a neutral skin tone? ›

Neutral skin tones fall somewhere in the middle of the skin tone shade charts. It's rare for extremely fair-skinned or dark-skinned individuals to be true neutrals. Usually, your skin tone is closer to beige, buff, or “medium.”

Does red look good on neutral skin tones? ›

Below, you can see how five different reds have a range of undertones, but still fall on the simple cool/warm spectrum. If you have a neutral undertone - you're in luck. Any shade will look wonderful!

What hair color for warm neutral skin tone? ›

“Warm skin tones should predominantly choose warmer colors i.e. golden, caramel, browns,” advises Karl Warner, Senior Stylist at Pastels Salon Ritz Carlton, Dubai.

What hair color is best for warm neutral skin tone? ›

Rich, warm colors, like deep browns, reds, and even golden and honey blondes, will work best to complement your skin tone, while cooler shades, like an icy platinum blonde, may clash with your natural color palette and wash you out.

What are 3 shades of neutral clothing? ›

The most common neutrals include black, white and gray. By adding a hint of hue of colors to white, you get other neutrals like ivory, beige, tan, brown and camel.

Are neutral colors classy? ›

Neutrals are stylish, look cool, and there are plenty of surprising combinations that can suit any taste and mood. So, neutrals look impressive when accessorized, layered correctly, and paired with the right colors.

What is the three color rule in fashion? ›

The premise of the 3-color rule is not combine more than three colors in your outfit at any one time. The exceptions are black and white — they don't count, as they aren't technically colors, so they can be intermixed without actually adding a color to your outfit.

What red hair goes best with neutral skin tone? ›

Red Hair Color For Neutral Tones

“Neutral skin tones are a little more flexible as you can wear almost anything,” says Reid. “Opt for richer red shades, violets or mahogany auburn, or even look to combining shades by adding in more natural red or flecks of warm toffee shades.”

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.