The Best Way to De-Stress, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)

Life kicking your butt? If you're scrambling to find a way to flip the "off" switch on your worries, just keep your chin up ... way up. And aim it toward the stars. You see, astrology has something to say about which antidote could help you alleviate your stress.

"When people are stressed out, looking for something outside of themselves is always helpful," says New York City astrologer Annabel Gat. "Astrology is a fantastic way to get to know yourself, and it helps you get a better perspective on why you might be stressed and how you can ease it."

Each star sign is its own force of nature, so even though one particular tension-reliever might work wonders for someone else, that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be your cup of tea. Here, astrologers dish on the best ways to chill out, according to your zodiac sign.


Birthday: March 21-April 19

There's no place for Aries in second place. As the first sign of the zodiac, this determined ram will do anything—even butt heads with people they care about—in order to claim the top spot in every facet of life. "Not only do Aries want to show everyone they are number one; they want to do it in the fastest way possible. Aries is the impatient sign, and action is their middle name," says Astrobabe, a New York City astrologist. "They don't like the word 'no,' so they can get stressed when they are held back or made to wait for long periods of time."

There are two ways Aries can keep all that bundled-up energy in check: Either channel it into an intense physical activity or just hit the brakes altogether and savor a more mellow pastime. "Releasing their need for control and easing their competitive nature into a more cooperative energy is highly recommended. A hardcore workout is one of the best methods for them to let it all go," says astrologist Sharita Star. "Equally, time alone is recommended to not only slow down their naturally quick pace but also mindfully reflect upon how nine times out of 10, whatever is going on isn't about them in the first place." Try one of these calorie-blasting workouts for an amped-up outlet, or go in the opposite direction and find your zen with these yoga moves.

Super-stressed lately? This yoga pose can help:

The Best Way to De-Stress, According to Your Zodiac Sign (1)


Birthday: April 20-May 20

Feeling safe—whether it's in their love life, their finances, or what have you—plays a big part in Taurus' happiness. So when they're pushed into a situation that they're not comfortable with, that's when their stress levels are most likely to skyrocket. "This sign is extremely security-oriented," says Star. "Activities that allow them to get back to that grounded space they work so well from are the ones that bring them the best results and overall peace of mind."

According to Gat, anything that will allow Taurus' to get in touch with their bodies and tap into their five senses will help them reconnect with their safe place. This could include anything from listening to music, to getting a massage, to trying a delicious new food recipe. "Even wearing your favorite snazzy undergarments and simply lounging around can renew your energy levels and make you feel cozy," says Astrobabe. "Just don't forget the exercise!"

Related:I Hit the Gym in Just a Sports Bra—Here's What Happened


Birthday: May 21-June 20

The social butterfly of the zodiac, Geminis rarely have a moment of down time. Between going out with friends, spending time with the fam, and overachieving at work, their calendars tend to get clogged up pretty quickly. Constant stimulation is just as necessary to them as oxygen, but there eventually comes a point where there are just too many balls in the air for Gemini to juggle. "Geminis are intellectual, chatty and busy, and they get really stressed out when they have too much to do," says Gat. "They need to be mindful of how much they put on their plate and how many promises they make to people. If they're not sure they can keep a promise, it's totally okay to say so and give themselves some wiggle room."

Keeping things simple and occasionally ducking out of the social scene is your best bet for beating stress. "Dimming the lights once in a while just to sit and watch the sunset or taking a walk on the beach can help renew your energy and replace your ever-present need to gab, gab, gab," says Astrobabe. Breathing exercises can also help keep your scattered mind centered and focused.


Birthday: June 21-July 22

"Cancers are really concerned about the people around them. If they see that someone they care about isn't doing very well, then that's definitely going to stress them out because Cancers are natural nurturers," says Gat. "But it also stresses Cancers out when people get really up in their space, so if there are weak boundaries surrounding a Cancer, then that's going to make them very stressed out too."

Spending time at home either cuddling with a loved one or enjoying a great meal with family can do wonders for keeping a Cancer's inner caregiver happy and anxiety-free. But it's also important for them to remember to carve out some "me time" and take care of themselves too, which they often forget to do. "Time alone works well for Cancer to naturally reflect," says Star. "A walk along the beach or swimming can equally wash all of your worries right away."

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Birthday: July 23-August 22

Cool and confident, Leos are happiest when they're basking in the spotlight. They definitely love a good ego-stroke now and again, but their uncanny ability to capture the attention and admiration of the people around them can give the deceitful appearance that nothing can get under their skin. "Leos will often pretend that things don't stress them out, but they totally do," says Gat. "They're kind of similar to Aries in that once they become irritated, anything can throw them over the edge, but they're also kind of similar to Cancers in that they really like to nurture people. So if they see that someone they care for is struggling or making bad decisions, that's really going to trigger them."

Since their protective nature can lead them to taking on a lot of personal responsibility for the issues going on around them, Leos need to balance out their powerful lion heart with some happy-go-lucky entertainment. "Leo needs to de-stress by having fun: going to a party, singing, dancing, going to comedy shows... just having a good time," says Gat.(Dance your way fit with High-Intensity Dance Cardio, the first-ever socanomics DVD!)


Birthday: August 23-September 22

"Plain and simple, Virgos can think too much," says Astrobabe. "Their Mercury ruler keeps them in their heads and always analyzing, so they tend to be overly critical—especially of themselves." The constant drive for perfection can cause Virgos to work themselves to the bone, leading them so deep into the woods that it's hard to escape their own thoughts.

"Virgos are the perfect candidates for any routine that gets them out of their logical mind, which they can question and doubt all too much," says Star. "Any activities that ground their mind and allow them to feel pure and cleansed—like gardening, yoga or meditation—are ideal to implement into their regular life." They can also benefit from letting loose with their friends, or setting aside some quiet time to explore their sensuality and get to know themselves again. Try something out-of-the-ordinary, like an exotic oil bath, to break out of your shell.


Birthday: September 23-October 22

Because Libras want to please everyone, they often fall into the trap of making too many commitments to too many people, consequently stretching themselves much too thin and throwing their inner tranquility off-kilter. "Their symbol is the scale, so honoring balance and relationships are the keys to peace of mind in their life," says Star.

When Librans have lost their equilibrium, surrounding themselves with beauty—in any shape or form—can help them squash their stress and re-establish harmony. Heading to a museum to appreciate a great work of art, using your own creativity to redecorate your house, or even window-shopping for a hot new pair of shoes is like a magic cure for your heavy heart. "Graceful activities like ballet, Pilates, or other 'balancing' types of exercise could also restore a Libra's serenity," says Astrobabe.

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Birthday: October 23-November 21

Passionate and intense, the Scorpio has the tendency to become a little obsessive. Once an intrusive thought creeps into their head, it's darn near impossible for them to get it out.
"Scorpios are the detectives of the zodiac, and when you put them in a little bit of an uncomfortable situation, they're going to start digging through the trash, catastrophizing things, and blowing them out of proportion," says Gat.

The number-one way for a Scorpio to soothe the sometimes-unfounded negativity floating around in their head is to sit back and be pampered: "Being massaged, getting a facial, and really being taken care of will make a Scorpio feel safe," says Gat. "Scorpio is also the sign of sex, so getting laid is the perfect way for them to decompress." Indulging in a steamy sex position with a partner, or even going at it alone with an org*smic sex toy, will melt away whatever doomsday you've created for yourself.

Related:This Is Your Biggest Sex Struggle, According to Your Zodiac Sign


Birthday: November 22-December 21

These daydreamers are always up for taking on an adventure and checking out new places, but sometimes their roaming spirit can lead them straight to exhaustion ... and other stressors. "Like the Gemini and Libra, Sagittarius can take on a lot of responsibilities and agree to way too much on their social calendar," says Gat. To add to that, they are also very generous, which means they can go out with friends for a drink and pick up the tab because they're just so excited to be hanging out with everyone, even if they don't necessarily have the money to spend."

Traveling and escaping the everyday is one of the best ways for Sagittarians to feed their gypsy souls, but they just have to make sure they're not doing it in a way that puts a hole in their pocket. "You don't have to pack your bags and jump on the next flight to get out of here," says Gat. "Just going to a different environment from what you're in is enough. Find some local things you like so you're not dropping $2,000 every time you need to de-stress. It's just not practical."


Birthday: December 22-January 19

If there's one word out there to perfectly sum up the Capricorn, it's workaholic. They live, breathe, and eat their responsibilities. And while the rest of us are counting down the days to the weekend, this busy little half-fish, half-goat is looking for ways to climb that corporate ladder. And as anyone with a mountain-high to-do list can tell you, checking off everything that needs to get done can really run you straight into the ground. "Capricorns take on a lot of work, and sometimes they will take on responsibilities without realizing they've taken on too much, and that really stresses them out," says Gat.

While they might like to say that they're too busy to relax, Capricorns need to get far, far away from the nine-to-five grind in order to keep their wits about them. "Yes, they may be conquering the world, but it's good for them to connect with their bodies and have some fun once in a while," says Astrobabe. Since they're an earth sign, getting back to nature can really help keep the sea-goat from drowning itself in errands. Astrobabe suggests hitting the mountains for some hiking, skiing, or rock-climbing. If you'd rather not spend your hard-earned cash on a big trip to the slopes, Star recommends mentally checking out with yoga and meditation.


Birthday: January 20-February 18

Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius has the toughest time chilling out because they are such big thinkers that they simply can't get out of their own heads. "They are the most creative and inventive sign, but they have a tendency to overthink and get burned out," says Gat. "Humanitarian issues also really stress Aquarians out." They use up so much of their brain's energy trying to solve everyone's problems that they push their own well-being aside and risk blowing a fuse, rendering themselves mentally stagnant.

"Being that Aquarius is always trying to save the world, they need to schedule important time away in order to continue finding solutions for the betterment of humanity," says Star. "Solitary ways to get away from it all are recommended for this innovative sign to recharge and regroup. Meditation works marvelously for them, and so does yoga." Astrobabe also suggests going on a technology "fast" and completely shutting off your phone and internet for a few days, just to take a break from any negative news that might spur you to action. Here's one thing you can do instead of web-surfing: According to Gat, all Aquarians have a quirky hobby that they're into, so indulging in your favorite out-of-the ordinary pastime could help you hang up your superhero cape, even if it's just for a little while.


Birthday: February 19-March 20

"Some people might think that Pisces doesn't get stressed out by much because Pisces can be a flaky fish. They're dreamy, imaginative, and creative, and they come and go as they please," says Gat. "But in actuality, they're extremely empathetic and tend to take on everyone else's problems. If someone else is feeling something, Pisces is going to feel it too, and that will really stress them out—especially if they're in a room full of people who are very angry or experiencing a lot of hardship."

Pisceans greatly benefit from diving into expressive, artsy activities—like drawing or singing—says Astrobabe, and aromatherapy and meditation can help calm the sometimes-stormy ocean in their heart. Like Aquarians, they would also do well to create a healthy boundary between themselves and their environment, occasionally disconnecting from their impulse to save others all the time. "Even slapping on some headphones when they go out on their subway commute so they don't have to listen to all the crazy conversations going on around them is a great way for Pisces to unwind," says Gat. And because Pisces is the ruler of the feet, never underestimate the healing power of a kick-ass foot massage or soak.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of astrology and a passionate enthusiast, I can assure you that the insights provided in the article are grounded in a profound understanding of astrological concepts. Let me break down the information and elaborate on the astrological concepts used:

  1. Astrology as a Stress Alleviator: The article suggests that astrology can be a valuable tool for understanding oneself and coping with stress. According to New York City astrologer Annabel Gat, astrology provides insights into why individuals might be stressed and offers perspectives on how to ease stress.

  2. Individuality of Star Signs: The article emphasizes that each zodiac sign is a unique force of nature, indicating that individuals with different signs may have distinct approaches to stress relief. This aligns with the core concept of astrology, where the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth influence individual characteristics and behaviors.

Now, let's delve into the stress-relief strategies recommended for each zodiac sign:

  1. Aries (March 21-April 19): Aries individuals are characterized as determined and impatient. To manage stress, they are advised to channel their energy through intense physical activities or take some time alone for reflection.

  2. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Taurus, being security-oriented, is recommended to engage in activities that reconnect them with their senses, such as listening to music, getting a massage, or enjoying delicious food.

  3. Gemini (May 21-June 20): Geminis, known for being intellectual and busy, are advised to simplify their lives, occasionally withdrawing from social activities, and practicing breathing exercises to center and focus their minds.

  4. Cancer (June 21-July 22): Cancers, natural nurturers, are encouraged to spend quality time at home, balancing relationships with some alone time for reflection, walks along the beach, or swimming.

  5. Leo (July 23-August 22): Leos, confident and protective, are urged to de-stress by having fun – attending parties, singing, dancing, and engaging in enjoyable activities.

  6. Virgo (August 23-September 22): Virgos, known for overthinking and self-criticism, are advised to engage in activities like gardening, yoga, or meditation to ground their minds and find balance.

  7. Libra (September 23-October 22): Libras, who tend to make too many commitments, are advised to restore balance by surrounding themselves with beauty, appreciating art, redecorating, or engaging in graceful exercises like ballet or Pilates.

  8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Scorpios, passionate and intense, are suggested to soothe negativity through pampering activities like massages or engaging in activities related to their ruling sign – sex.

  9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Sagittarians, adventurous and generous, are advised to escape stress by traveling or exploring different environments, ensuring practicality in their pursuits.

  10. Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Capricorns, often workaholics, are encouraged to connect with nature through activities like hiking, skiing, or rock climbing, providing a break from their busy schedules.

  11. Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Aquarians, big thinkers prone to overthinking, are advised to schedule time away for meditation, yoga, or indulging in a quirky hobby to recharge and regroup.

  12. Pisces (February 19-March 20): Pisceans, empathetic and imaginative, are recommended to engage in expressive, artsy activities, aromatherapy, meditation, and establish healthy boundaries for stress relief.

In conclusion, the article integrates astrology into practical life advice, demonstrating how understanding one's zodiac sign can guide personalized stress management strategies.

The Best Way to De-Stress, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


Which zodiac can handle stress? ›


Aquarians have a distinct and unconventional point of view that can help them address stressful situations with creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

How do you release stress from your body? ›

Reduce Stress in 10 Minutes and Improve Your Well-Being
  1. Be active—Take a dance break! ...
  2. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate.
  3. Write three things you are grateful for.
  4. Check in with yourself—take time to ask yourself how you are feeling.
  5. Laugh!

What zodiac sign has anxiety? ›

Cancer worries due to nurturing, Virgo is organized yet anxious, Libra seeks balance but faces indecisiveness, Scorpio guards hearts and fears vulnerability, while Pisces is sensitive and imaginative, feeling deeply.

What zodiac sign is very calm? ›

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are zodiac signs that possess the ability to stay calm and composed in chaotic situations.

What zodiac is mentally tough? ›

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, and Capricorn represent the ideal combination of caring and mental fortitude. They understand others, offer support, and face challenges head-on. These signs inspire us to cultivate compassion and resilience, demonstrating the importance of empathy and toughness in life.

Which zodiac is emotionally strong? ›

1. Scorpio - Scorpios are renowned for their resilience and deep emotional depth. Even the most difficult emotions are able to be faced and accepted by them. Scorpios may handle challenging circ*mstances with vigour because of their strong will and tenacity.

What are 5 emotional signs of stress? ›

If you are stressed, you might feel:
  • Irritable, angry, impatient or wound up.
  • Over-burdened or overwhelmed.
  • Anxious, nervous or afraid.
  • Like your thoughts are racing and you can't switch off.
  • Unable to enjoy yourself.
  • Depressed.
  • Uninterested in life.
  • Like you've lost your sense of humour.

Where is stress stored in your body? ›

Your Torso

Our chests and our hearts store the hurt that we experience through the actions of others. Those who repress their feelings of hurt, usually complain of mysterious chest pains. In most cases, no physical cause of pain is diagnosed. Stress leads to shallow breathing and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Which zodiac sign is fussy? ›

However, those with strong influences from especially Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn will normally show above average in their fussiness. Virgoans are traditionally perfectionists and nit pickers, as they tend to analyse and may criticise virtually every situation or person…..if encouraged to do so!

Which zodiac sign is stress free? ›

Libra – The Peacekeepers

Libra individuals, born between September 23 and October 22, are renowned for their innate ability to maintain harmony and balance in their lives. They are the ultimate peacekeepers of the zodiac, and their diplomatic nature helps them navigate through life with minimal stress.

What zodiac is shy? ›

Starting with the top 3 shyest zodiac signs, we have Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces. If you ever encounter these shy zodiac signs, it might take time for them to open up to you.

Which zodiac sign cares a lot? ›

Cancer is often hailed as the epitome of caring and nurturing energy. Ruled by the Moon, they are deeply intuitive and emotionally attuned to others. Cancers are natural caretakers, always ready to lend a sympathetic ear and provide unwavering support to their loved ones.

Which zodiac sign is happier? ›

As you may have guessed, happiness comes more naturally to certain signs, just like some signs tend to be more polite or more trustworthy. According to astrologer Liz Simmons, Leo and Sagittarius are the happiest zodiac signs.

Which zodiac is quiet and smart? ›

Quiet yet smart zodiac signs: Virgos excel in problem-solving and quick thinking, Scorpios understand complex things, Capricorns work hard to learn and solve problems effectively, Aquarians think differently and provide wise advice, Pisceans understand people's feelings deeply.

What zodiac signs are under pressure? ›

The Saturn-ruled earth sign Capricorn is practical and disciplined. Capricorns thrive under duress. They can stay calm and organize their approach to situations. Their work ethic and tenacity help them handle pressure and use it to their advantage.

Which zodiac signs are supportive? ›

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces are zodiac signs known for their helpful and supportive nature. Taurus is reliable and loyal, creating comfort in relationships. Cancer uplifts others and deeply cares for loved ones. Virgo excels at motivating and offering practical solutions.

Which planet is responsible for stress and anxiety? ›

Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter

The planet Moon represents the mind. The planet Mercury represents position and improvement. Jupiter is the lord of knowledge. Hence, when these planets are afflicted, the chances of mental stress, anxiety, depression, and other serious mental disorders increase.

What zodiac are sensitive? ›

The most sensitive zodiac signs are... - Answer in the ranking below:
Zodiac signs:Type of sensitivity:😭 Sensitivity ranking 😭:
1- CancerMost sensitive of all😭😭😭😭😭100%
2- PiscesAn emotional wreck😭😭😭😭😭90%
3- ScorpioAngrily touchy😭😭😭😭85%
4- LeoGets teary quickly😭😭😭😭80%
8 more rows
Mar 17, 2024

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