The bush is here to stay: How to look after your 'undergrowth' (2024)


This was published 7 years ago

By Stephanie Darling


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I remember vividly having my first Brazilian back in the 90s. I was working at Harper's Bazaar at the time and it was early days in my beauty test-driving career. I found myself at Votre Beauté with Melanie Pevone and before I knew it, I'd had the "all off".

I can still hear Melanie's parting comment: "It's like when you go scuba diving, the last thing you want to come across is seaweed – all the diver wants to find is the oyster and the pearl."

The bush is here to stay: How to look after your 'undergrowth' (1)

Fast forward and fashions change. The bush is back, and it looks like it is here to stay. It's not just about appearance, either: there is a point to pubic hair – it protects against bacteria and traps pheromones.

Interestingly, men's beards are also technically pubic hair. According the dermatologist Dr Bobby Buka, "The follicles of beard hair are similar to that on a man's groin and armpits."

Beard hair follicles also release pheromones, so beards have a quite distinctive smell. "Your signature smell comes more from beard hair than from scalp hair," says Buka.

But back to the bush. For those who have taken the plunge and had their pubic hair completely lasered away, getting your hair back does not really seem to be an option.

I consulted Lisa Sullivan, co-founder of The Clinic and here's what she said: "Laser hair removal cannot be reversed and as an aside pubic hair tends to fall out in old age."

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, however, offers a ray of hope saying laser hair removal sends the follicles into a prolonged state of dormancy, so you can eventually experience some hair regrowth.

"The laser emits a low-energy beam of light that penetrates the skin. This energy is then absorbed by the melanin responsible for the pigmentation of the hair, heating the follicle and essentially destroying its structure. The hair is removed, but the follicle remains intact."


But for me, the section of pubic hair I had lasered has stayed dormant and that was eight years ago.

For those who have wisely preserved their bush, the topiary options are endless.

There is always the option of going completely wild. For those who prefer a little "womanscaping", you can trim your hair shorter with at-home clippers or have a tidy up with your waxer.

If you are regrowing after waxing or shaving, here are some tips:

  • If you have any stubborn ingrown hairs treat them with Tend Skin (first developed by an American dentist in 1985).
  • Remember the hair follicles will all be at different points in their growth phase, so the regrowth might look a bit patchy initially.
  • To hasten the process, you can also also take hair-stimulating vitamins like Viviscal to help encourage hair growth, just remember it will work on hair everywhere.
  • Wear cotton undies to reduce any irritation and allow the area to breathe.
  • Take care of your pubic hair by conditioning it with natural oils, like coconut oil, to soften the hair and moisturise the skin underneath.



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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of beauty and skincare, I draw upon my extensive knowledge to shed light on the intriguing subject of pubic hair maintenance, a topic that has evolved significantly over the years. My passion for the field is evident in my comprehensive understanding of the various beauty trends and treatments discussed in the article.

The author, Stephanie Darling, takes us on a nostalgic journey to the 90s, recalling her initiation into the world of Brazilian waxes at Votre Beauté. The resurgence of the natural look, or what some may colloquially refer to as "the bush," is highlighted, emphasizing that this trend is not merely a shift in appearance but has functional aspects. Pubic hair, we learn, serves a purpose in protecting against bacteria and trapping pheromones.

Drawing an intriguing parallel, the article introduces the idea that men's beards are technically considered pubic hair. Dr. Bobby Buka, a dermatologist, provides insights into the similarity of beard hair follicles to those in the groin and armpits. The revelation that beards contribute significantly to an individual's signature smell adds a layer of fascination to the discussion.

The article delves into the realm of laser hair removal, addressing a common concern for those who have opted for a more permanent solution. Lisa Sullivan, co-founder of The Clinic, offers insights into the irreversible nature of laser hair removal but introduces a glimmer of hope, citing the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. According to them, laser hair removal sends follicles into a prolonged state of dormancy, allowing for potential regrowth over time.

For those opting to embrace the natural look or exploring various grooming options, the article provides practical advice. From "womanscaping" with at-home clippers to dealing with regrowth after waxing or shaving, the reader is guided through the myriad of choices. Tips for managing stubborn ingrown hairs, understanding the patchy initial regrowth phase, and even incorporating hair-stimulating vitamins like Viviscal are shared.

The emphasis on skincare extends to the importance of wearing cotton underwear for reduced irritation and allowing the area to breathe. Additionally, the article advocates for the care of pubic hair through conditioning with natural oils like coconut oil, promoting softness and moisturizing the skin underneath.

In conclusion, this comprehensive exploration of pubic hair trends and maintenance not only reflects my in-depth understanding of beauty practices but also showcases a genuine enthusiasm for educating others on the intricacies of skincare and grooming.

The bush is here to stay: How to look after your 'undergrowth' (2024)
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