The Complete Guide to Your Pubes (2024)

As humans, we spend a large portion of our lives shaving. We spend an even larger portion of our lives dreading, avoiding, or attempting to shave our pubic hair. For men in particular, the practice of intimate grooming is one that's kind of confusing, a catch-22 of too hairy or not hairy enough. Question number one: why the hell do we even shave down there in the first place?

It's likely that you have your fair share of questions about your hair below the belt, questions that you've never even deigned to Google, let alone ask a professional.

The following FAQ attempts to answer everything you didn’t know and didn’t realize you needed to know about your pubic hair. You've been warned: once you've got the info, you can't un-know these things. Godspeed.

Why is pubic hair curly?

We talked to a lot of doctors, dermatologists, hair specialist, urologists, and pubic hair enthusiasts trying to find the answer. Most of them had no idea, and a few had educated guesses.

Marc Glashofer, a dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, claims that the texture of pubic hair tends to be thicker and more coarse than hair on the rest of our body because of its origins as a buffer.

“It prevents friction during intercourse that can cause skin abrasion and rashes,” he says. “More importantly, pubic hair serves as protection against bacteria and other pathogens.”

As for the curliness of pubes, Brian Steixner, M.D., Director of the Institute of Men’s Health at Jersey Urology Group in Atlantic City, suspects it’s because curly hair does a better job at trapping the pheromones secreted from sweat glands around the groin area.

In fact, it's theorized that nearly three million years ago, when human beings were still walking around half-naked, a nice pungent odor wafting up from your junk was actually considered an aphrodisiac.

So our ancestors actually liked stinky pubes?

That’s one way to look at it, yes. It was also how your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent announced to a mate that they were sexually mature enough to procreate, says Andrew Thompson, author of What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?: 200 Curious Questions and Intriguing Answers.

“Some anthropologists have suggested that pubic hair in males might have been an ancient way of impressing and deterring other males who were in competition with them,” says Thompson. “Similar to a lion’s mane.”

Robin Weiss, a Professor of Viral Oncology at University College London, proposed another interesting animal-based theory in the 2010 issue of the Journal of Biology.

According to Weiss, the coarse, thick texture of our pubes is evolutionarily similar to that of gorillas. And phthirus pubis — or as you probably know it, “crabs” — is something we acquired, in Weiss’ words, "probably directly from gorillas."

“Because [crabs] were already adapted to the coarse body hair of the gorilla,” Weiss wrote in his study, "crabs would have found a suitable niche in human pubic hair.”

The pests may have found their way to humans who ate gorillas and came into regular contact with gorilla carcasses, which made it possible for crabs to make the leap and feel right at home on humans' gorilla-esque pubes.

Should we be washing our pubes with shampoo to avoid bacteria or any other sorts of adjacent conditions?

Shampooing isn’t necessary, says Ricardo Mejia, M.D., a dermatologist from Jupiter, Florida. A little soap and water is more than enough.

"The shampoos these days are used to maximize volume in the hair, to give it excellent shine and bounce," he says. "Unless you are a pubic hair model, I don’t see why it is necessary to shampoo."

How long is a typical pubic hair?

Most pubes grow between half an inch and 1.5 inches, according to Steixner.

But if the Illustrated Book of Sexual Records published in 1983 by G. L. Simons — is to be believed, a young lady named Maoni Vi of Cape Town, South Africa once possessed pubic hair that dangled down to her knees. According to the book, her hair reached 28 inches.

As Glashofer reminds us, “Each hair follicle on our body is genetically programmed to have different growth cycles which influences the hair length... The hairs of the pubic region have been biologically programmed to grow only to a certain length.”

Can your pubes fall out?

Your crotch will not start balding as dramatically as it happens on your head. As you age and your testosterone decreases, usually in your 50s, you’ll start to notice things are a little less bushy down there.

“It’s a slow progressive loss,” Steixner explains. “It’s not so much balding as a progressive thinning of hair until it appears to be almost non-existent.”

Is it a good idea to shave off your pubes?

A 2013 study conducted by the University of California San Diego found that between 2002 and 2010, groin shaving mishaps requiring emergency room visits increased five-fold between 2002 and 2010. With the dangers involved, is it any wonder that pubic hair may be making a comeback?

In 83 percent of penile injuries, there was a razor involved. Scissors were responsible for 22 percent of the balls-bleeding. And hot wax accounted for less than 2 percent of reported ER visits. Which is still a lot, if you think about it.

“The skin on the scrotum is very unique in that it has nooks and crannies,” says Steixner. “Those areas have been proven to trap huge amounts of bacteria. When you shave that pubic area, even a minor cut or laceration can cause bacteria to get inside there, and can very easily cause cellulitis, abscesses, and in very rare conditions, something called Fournier gangrene.”

If you thought about Googling Fournier gangrene, don't. Steixner calls it “flesh eating bacteria of the balls.”

Steixner tells us that the condition is actually “quite common."

"I see it once every three months," Steixner says. "And it’s not a joke. I’ve seen people die from this.”

It happens primarily in people with weakened immune systems, like severe diabetics or HIV carriers. But in some cases, it can happen to perfectly healthy guys.

“It starts with a knick to a hair follicle during shaving,” Steixner says. “A very specific bacteria gets under the skin, and it travels fast. It basically starts to eat away at all the skin.”

In the end, the treatment isn't pretty.

"We have to surgically remove all of the skin on a man’s scrotum," Steixner says.

Your Pubic Hair Grooming Kit

If you insist on a shorn scrotum, Steixner recommends going for an electric razor over a straight razor. There are a few tools that can help aid you in your hair-free journey.


The Complete Guide to Your Pubes (2)

Philips Norelco BG2028/42 Bodygroom 3100


The Complete Guide to Your Pubes (3)

But before you get going, here’s a word of warning from Steixner:

"It’s Friday night," he says. "You’re getting ready to head out and maybe meet some girls. You’re in the shower, and you decide, what the heck, I’ll give the boys a quick shave. The next thing you know, it’s Sunday, and you’re in the ER with no nuts."

Use caution when it comes to your pubes. Always.

Eric Spitznagel

Eric Spitznagel is a frequent contributor to magazines like Playboy, Esquire, and the New York Times, and was employed for over two decades by the Second City comedy theater, where Stephen Colbert was his Secret Santa _twice.

Louis Baragona

Louis is a New York-based writer focusing on style, gear and grooming

The Complete Guide to Your Pubes (2024)


How do you get perfect pubes? ›

How to prep your pubes for removal
  1. Clean your tools. Keep a separate grooming kit for your bits. ...
  2. Trim excess hair before you shave, shape, or tidy. ...
  3. Bathe before grooming. ...
  4. Exfoliate. ...
  5. Lather up. ...
  6. Shave or trim in the direction of hair growth. ...
  7. Take your time and use caution.
Jul 26, 2018

Should you shave your pubes wet or dry? ›

One of the best methods to prep your pubic area for a razor is to expose it to wet, moist heat. Following this step may seem tedious, but a hot shower is the perfect environment for softening pubic hair before a shave. If you don't have time to shower, wet a washcloth with warm water.

How are you supposed to shave your pubes? ›

Gently press down on the razor, pull the skin so that it's tight and shave in short, steady strokes in the direction of the hair growth. Rinse off the razor after each stroke to keep the blades clean. For a closer shave, reapply shaving gel and carefully shave against the direction of the hair growth.

What age does pubic hair stop growing? ›

Pubic hair may extend out to their thighs, and some girls may have a line of hair up to their belly button. Most girls attain their peak height by age 16, but some may continue growing through age 20.

Are shaved pubes more attractive? ›

A combination of polls shows that 80 to 90 percent of women prefer some amount of grooming for starters. Only 10 to 20 percent prefer guys with a completely unkempt bush; this means that going wild below the waist is not the default look. It may require less work, but you're not playing the odds.

Why are pubic hair so curly? ›

Marc Glashofer, a dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, claims that the texture of pubic hair tends to be thicker and more coarse than hair on the rest of our body because of its origins as a buffer. “It prevents friction during intercourse that can cause skin abrasion and rashes,” he says.

Why does my pubic hair feel prickly after shaving? ›

Folliculitis is typically caused by bacteria. Folliculitis causes red and white pimples to grow around the hair follicle resulting in that prickly feeling after shaving. Rest assured, mild cases of folliculitis should clear on its own within a number of days.

What not to do when shaving pubes? ›

Your skin is more sensitive and prone to ingrown hairs right after shaving, so any friction during sex could cause irritation. Also, try not to wear really tight clothing (such as leggings) or anything that will rub against your skin right after shaving down there, because that also can cause irritation or bumps.

Does pubic hair stop growing? ›

Myth 4: Pubic hair never stops growing

Your pubic hair won't keep growing forever to endless lengths. Pubic hair stops growing when it reaches a certain point. The length at which it halts varies from person to person, but it stops between 0.5 to two inches.

What happens if I cut my pubic hair with scissors? ›

Trimming with scissors Using scissors can be a safe way to give the pubic area a well-groomed look. Since the operation does not come into contact with the skin, trimming the pubic hair with scissors has a relatively low risk of injury.

How often should you shave your pubes? ›

To keep the pubic area smooth and hairless, you'll need to shave regularly, even daily. Consider if this is worth the trouble; it may become tedious after four or five weeks.

What is the current trend for male pubic hair? ›

Male pubic hair is currently less "full bush" and more "clean-cut," which is the current trend. As a result, not all men should completely shave off their pubic hair because doing so can cause excruciating discomfort and even unpleasant skin conditions like razor burn or ingrown hairs.

Does pubic hair smell? ›

Pubic hair holds on to residual urine, vagin*l discharge, blood and sem*n. Bacteria line up all along the hair shaft just lunching it up and creating odor. (Very appetizing, I know.) Trimming your pubic hair reduces that surface area for bacteria, thus reducing odor.

Do pubes reach a maximum length? ›

Does pubic hair cease growing once it's reached a certain length? All hair grows at a contstant rate, but eventually falls out. With body hair, which typically does not grow as long as head hair, the rate at which it falls out is greater. This results in hair that appears to reach a certain length then stops growing.

Why does pubic hair grow on thighs? ›

Is this normal? It is totally normal to have pubic hair extend to the upper part of your thighs. Even after your period begins, your body keeps developing: your breasts get fuller and your pubic hair continues to spread for a couple of years. You might have a trail at the groin area of your upper thigh.

What style of pubic hair is healthiest? ›

The short answer: going au natural is the healthiest pubic-hair policy. "Your pubic hair is there to protect the skin around your lady parts because that skin is very sensitive," Donnica Moore, MD, a Chester, New Jersey-based gynecologist and president of Sapphire Women's Health Group, tells Health.

Is it bad to shave your pubes a lot? ›

The issue with shaving all the time? "If you do remove hair too frequently, you can end up with something called folliculitis, which is an infection of the hair follicle," Dr. Metz says. Basically, the act of shaving poorly can damage the follicle and cause inflammation.

What are the cons of shaving pubic hair? ›

Many of the common “ingrown hairs,” skin rashes, infected hair follicles as well as more serious abscesses and skin infections in the genital region can be traced back to shaving.

What is a good length for pubic hair? ›

Trim between 2mm and 6mm lengths for neat and tidy pubic hair.

What does armpit hair do? ›

It reduces friction

Armpit hair prevents skin-to-skin contact when doing certain activities, such as running and walking. The same thing happens with pubic hair, as it reduces friction during sex and other activities.

What causes too much pubic hair? ›

The most common cause of excess body hair in people assigned female at birth is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a hormonal disorder causing the body to produce too many androgens. The condition accounts for more than 70% of hirsutism cases. Doctors do not fully understand the causes of PCOS.

Why do my balls feel sharp after shaving? ›

Folliculitis happens when a hair follicle becomes infected or inflamed, causing a skin condition that often looks like acne. If you are crazy enough to dry shave your balls, you will most certainly experience inflammation with upset hair follicles and itchy balls.

Should pubes itch after shaving? ›

The pubic area is among the most prone parts of the body to feeling itchy and “razor-burned,” because it is a very sensitive area for most, and the hair in that area typically is thicker, making it more noticeably uncomfortable when you feel it growing back.

What's the best way to shave pubic hair for guys? ›

The key to shaving pubes is to use short strokes with gentle pressure. You can shave in any direction that feels comfortable, but shaving “with the grain” will help to avoid excess shaving irritation. Clean the blade in water every 2-3 strokes to keep your hair from blocking the blades.

Does pubic hair fall out with age? ›

As you age, your pubic hair, just like the hair on your head, will naturally start to thin and turn grey. Part of the aging process includes hair loss and the slowing of the rate of hair growth.

What happens if you shave your pubes dry? ›

Dry shaving will leave you itchy in seconds and it can even cause infections since shaving leaves tiny lacerations on the skin through which bacteria can enter. Save yourself and always set a specific time to patiently and gently shave your pubic area and bikini zone.

Why guys shouldn t shave pubic hair? ›

Removing pubic hair may therefore make a person more susceptible to common infections, such as UTIs, vaginitis, and yeast infections. Hair removal can also irritate your skin, leading to skin infections such as cellulitis and folliculitis. In other cases, grooming-related injuries, such as cuts, could become infected.

Is pubic hair always Curly? ›

Concerning the question from Dalai in Budapest about why pubic hair is curly, the answer is that it isn't always. It all depends on your genetic make-up.

How many pubic hairs fall out a day? ›

While it may seem odd that there's a stray pube in almost every urinal you visit, the truth is that pubes don't shed any quicker than any other hair. Generally speaking, we lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs per day.

Why is my pubic hair itchy? ›

Common causes of genital itching include contact dermatitis, jock itch, scabies, yeast infection, and folliculitis. Your healthcare provider can help you determine the cause and point you to the best treatment and prevention strategies.

Why does my pubic hair hurt? ›

Your pubic hair region is more sensitive than your armpits and legs. So one reason why you might be hurting down there when the hair starts to grow back is because of razor burn, which can be itchy or painful. Another reason why you might be uncomfortable is because shaving can trigger ingrown hair growth.

How do I stop my pubic hair from poking? ›

Dermatologist Anthony Rossi also previously provided us with prickliness-reducing advice: “Trim or shave with the grain, never against — if you're not sure which way to go, pull the razor in the same direction that your hair seems to be pointing,” he explained. “That will prevent creating sharp angles.

What is a 5 o'clock shadow? ›

What is a 5 o'clock Shadow? '5 o'clock shadow' refers to the faint stubble growth that many men get in the late afternoon when it's been a whole day or so since their last shave.

How do most men keep their pubic hair? ›

Some guys trim their pubic hair, others prefer to shave or wax, and most guys just leave it alone. It's not necessary to remove the hair in this area to keep your body clean; it's just a personal preference. Trimming: Trimming is the most basic and affordable way of maintaining the appearance of your pubic hair.

What kind of pubic hair do girls like on guys? ›

Women's current preferences for men's pubic hair

Ninety percent of women reported in a survey that they like their male partners groomed down there. Another survey of 300 women found 64 percent preferred their guys trimmed, 16 percent preferred a clean-shaven man and 20 percent found the natural look best.

What does the triangle pubic hair mean? ›

Brazilian wax: the triangle

(Yep, that means around your bum). If you want to feel totally smooth and hairless, go Brazilian.

Is it OK to put deodorant on pubic hair? ›

Never ever put anything with fragrance on or near the vulva,” Lincoln says. “You're just asking for a skin reaction.” Any fragrances, including those marketed as skin-safe or natural, can break down sensitive skin and cause infection.

Why do I have white stuff on my pubic hair? ›

Lice eggs (nits) are often easier to see than live lice. They look like tiny yellow or white dots attached to the pubic hair, close to the skin. Nits can look like dandruff. But you can't pick them off with your fingernail or brush them away.

Do gynecologists care about pubic hair? ›

Nope! You do not need to shave before a gynecologist appointment (or any doctor's appointment!). Your doctor doesn't care how you care for your pubic hair, because it isn't a health or hygiene concern.

What stimulates pubic hair growth? ›

During puberty, an increase in hormones called androgens triggers the growth of pubic hair . As a person ages, their body begins to produce fewer androgens.

Why does my 4 year old have pubic hair? ›

Premature pubarche, or the development of pubic hair before the age of 8 in girls or 9 in boys, is most commonly caused by premature adrenarche. Adrenarche is the maturation of the adrenal zona reticularis in both boys and girls, resulting in the development of pubic hair, axillary hair, and adult apocrine body odor.

Why is pubic hair not soft? ›

Pubic hair is naturally thicker and more coarse than hair that grows on other parts of your body. But like other hair, your pubic hair requires natural oils to stay healthy.

Is pubic hair embarrassing? ›

Pubic hair is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about since it serves multiple purposes. Right from providing a cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury to protection from bacteria and unwanted pathogens.

How should guys pubes be? ›

It's all up to you. There's no right or wrong way to handle your pubic hair. Stats show that men are split right down the middle when it comes to pube grooming, so it's really all about personal preference. Some men go completely pube-less, while others just keep it trimmed.

How much pubic hair is ideal? ›

According to board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Felice Gersh, MD, there is a “basic normal amount” of female pubic hair. She explains, "Typically it should cover all of the labia majora to the inner surface of the thighs and up to the pubic bone-roughly shaped like a triangle."

How far should a man shave his pubes? ›

The exact length is up to you, but it's best to leave it under an inch or an inch and a half. You don't need to trim as much of your other body hair, though.

Does male pubic hair serve a purpose? ›

Pubic hair plays a role in reducing friction during activities such as sexual intercourse. It also plays a role in preventing dirt and pathogens from entering the genitals. A person can safely remove their pubic hair if they wish to, but they do not need to.

How long should guys pubes be? ›

Trim between 2mm and 6mm lengths for neat and tidy pubic hair.

Is the bush coming back? ›

The Bush. Growing out your pubic hair isn't shocking in 2022! It's actually much more common to grow out your pubic hair this year and will continue to be a trend, as more people feel comfortable with their skin and hair.

What grows faster pubic hair or head hair? ›

The hair on our arms, legs, armpits, and pubic areas grow around 30-45 days in comparison to 2-6 years for the hair on our heads. So, while hair on our bodies outside of our heads go through the same cycle, their lengths are vastly different and the reason they at a relatively shorter length.

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