The Differences Between Rolled, Steel-Cut, Instant Oats, and More (2024)


Diana Rattray

The Differences Between Rolled, Steel-Cut, Instant Oats, and More (1)

Southern-cuisine expert and cookbook author Diana Rattray has created more than 5,000 recipes and articles in her 20 years as a food writer.

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Updated on 09/12/22

The Differences Between Rolled, Steel-Cut, Instant Oats, and More (2)

In This Article

  • Common Oat Grain Cuts

  • Oats For Baking and Substitutes

  • Oat Storage

  • Oat Recipes

Oats are a cereal grain grown in temperate areas. They grow well in cool climates and can tolerate more rain than other cereal grains. Oats are used as a cereal and in baked goods. They're also commonly used as livestock feed and occasionally used in soups.

Common Oat Grain Cuts

  • Whole oat groats are the whole grain of the oats, minus the hulls. They take the longest to cook.
  • Steel-cut oats are groats cut into 2 or 3 pieces with a sharp blade. They cook more quickly than whole oat groats and retain a nice, chewy texture.
  • Scottish oatmeal is a stone-ground oatmeal. The groats are ground and broken into small bits.
  • Rolled oats (old-fashioned), are the oat groats steamed and rolled into flakes. This means the oils are stabilized, and the oats stay fresh longer. The larger surface area means they will cook more quickly than steel-cut oats.
  • Quick oats are cut into more pieces, rolled thinner, and steamed longer. They will not have as much texture as the rolled oats or steel-cut but will cook more quickly.
  • Instant oats are usually very similar to (if not the same as) quick oats but might be pressed even thinner and cut even smaller. They might become rather mushy when cooked but generally, need very little cooking time.
  • Oat bran is the outer layer of the oat grain, just under the hull. Oat bran is part of rolled oats and steel-cut. Oat bran can also be purchased separately.
  • Oat flour(or ground oats) is sometimes combined with other gluten-free flours for gluten-free baked goods.

Oats For Baking and Substitutes

For baking, regular rolled oats and quick-cooking are usuallyinterchangeablein a recipe. If your recipe calls for quick-cookingoats and you only have old-fashioned rolled oats, pulse the old-fashioned oats in the food processor a few times. If quick-cooking oats are used in a recipe in place of old-fashioned rolled oats, the texture will be different, but that will probably matter very little in most recipes.

You can also make oat flour, or ground oats, from oats. All you need is a blender or food processor to make ground oat flour. The gluten-free ground oats can be used to replace flour in many recipes.

Oat Storage

Oats have ahigher fat content than other cereal grains and can go rancid if on the shelf for too long. Buy oats in small amounts and store them in a tightly covered container in a cool, dry place.

Oat Recipes

Use oats as a hot cereal, in cookies and other baked goods to make gluten free, or as a filler in meatloaf or meatballs.

Article Sources

The Spruce Eats uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Rasane P, Jha A, Sabikhi L, Kumar A, Unnikrishnan VS. Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its processing as value added foods - a review. J Food Sci Technol. 2015 Feb;52(2):662-75. doi:10.1007/s13197-013-1072-1

The Differences Between Rolled, Steel-Cut, Instant Oats, and More (2024)


Are Steel cut oats better than instant oatmeal? ›

Nutritionally, steel-cut oats and quick oats are the same, with the exception of instant oatmeal packets, which often contain added sugar. The main differences between the two lie in taste and texture as well as cooking time.

What is the difference between instant oats and rolled oats? ›

Compared with Rolled Oats, Instant Oats undergo additional cutting process which cut the old flakes into smaller flakes for quick preparation. All you have to do is add hot water and it is ready for consumption! The texture of instant oats tends to creamier and smoother compared with rolled oats.

Which is healthier steel cut or rolled oats? ›

Metric per metric, rolled oats and steel cut oats are almost the same when it comes to nutritional value. However, steel cut oats beat out rolled oats in two areas, fiber content and density, which make steel cut oats the best bang for your nutritional buck.

What is the healthiest type of oatmeal to eat? ›

Steel-cut oats, also called Irish oatmeal, are the whole oat kernel that has been cut into two or three pieces using steel disks. This type of oats contains the highest amount of fiber, as it is least processed. Steel-cut oats take a little longer to cook, and result in a creamy and chewy porridge.

Why is steel-cut oats better than instant? ›

Steel cuts oats are slightly higher in fiber than rolled and quick oats. They also have the lowest glycemic index of the three types of oats, potentially making them the best choice for blood sugar control.

Do steel-cut oats spike blood sugar? ›

Steel Cut oatmeal has a low glycemic index score because it is digested and absorbed slowly and does not raise your blood sugar quickly nor very high.

Which is healthier rolled oats or instant oats? ›

"They are all actually identical in terms of their nutrition. The difference is how they are rolled and cut." However, Price added that since instant oats are the most processed option, they generally have salt and added sugars. "This puts them on the lower end of the healthy spectrum, but they're still healthy."

Which oats is good for diabetes? ›

Choose old-fashioned or steel-cut oats. These choices contain a higher amount of soluble fiber, which helps better regulate blood sugar and are minimally processed to slow digestion.

Which oats are best rolled or instant? ›

Overall, quick-cooking rolled oats and instant rolled oats really don't make a difference when it comes to taste and nutrition. Their chewy texture is slightly smaller and thinner than rolled oats, but they still can be used the same way and don't lose any of their benefits.

Why are steel cut oats hard to digest? ›

Steel cut oats, on the other hand, are just thickly chopped oat kernels. It takes longer for our bodies to digest steel cut oats because they're thicker than rolled oats, making it harder for digestive enzymes in the body to reach the starch in steel cut oats.

Are Steel cut oats harder to digest than rolled oats? ›

Rolled oats and steel-cut oats are two minimally processed forms of oats. They have similar nutritional values and health benefits. Steel-cut oats may take longer to digest and therefore help a person feel full for longer. They also have a slightly lower impact on blood sugar.

Are Steel cut oats easy on the stomach? ›

Because steel cut oats are spared processing steps, they have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats, making it more difficult for digestive enzymes to break down the starch found in them. This, in turn, slows the conversion of the starches to sugar in the body, and your belly stays happily satisfied.

What happens when oatmeal is eaten every day? ›

Oatmeal's high fiber content and prebiotic qualities may benefit your body in more ways than one. Making oatmeal a regular part of your menu can potentially lower your disease risk, help your gut health thrive, make bowel movements easier and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Which oatmeal is best for lowering cholesterol? ›

Whole-grain oats: Best bet for lowering cholesterol.

Which oats is best for daily use? ›

Here are the top oats brands that are healthy, rich in protein & fiber and a perfect choice for breakfast or sudden hunger cravings:
  • Zerobeli Oats. ...
  • True Elements Steel-cut Oats. ...
  • Saffola Oats. ...
  • Quaker Oats. ...
  • Kellog's Oats. ...
  • Patanjali Oats. ...
  • Bagrry's White Oats. ...
  • Eco Valley Hearty White Oats.
7 Jan 2020

What is the difference between steel-cut oats and 3 minute steel-cut oats? ›

The main differences between steel cut and quick-cook oats is texture. Steel cut oats absorb more liquid than their pre-processed counterparts, but they also maintain their shape. Each oat is still visible after cooking. Quick-cook oats tend to bind together, resulting in a creamy, porridge-like consistency.

Why do steel-cut oats keep you full longer? ›

Steel cut oats contain β-glucan, a viscous, soluble fiber that slows the movement of food through the digestive tract and helps you feel fuller after eating. Foods that help people feel fuller longer may benefit people who are trying to lose weight and help them avoid overeating.

Do steel-cut oats cause gas? ›

One cup of oats contains a little over 8 grams of fiber. "If you have a sensitive stomach, the fiber in the oatmeal may cause you to experience bloating and gas," says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Why does oatmeal raise my blood sugar so high? ›

Instant oats are also milled to a smaller size, so they take even less time to prepare. But this convenience means your body breaks down both types of oats quickly, which means the carbohydrates in the oats are more rapidly converted to glucose and absorbed. That can lead to a spike in blood sugar.

How can I lower my A1C overnight? ›

While you may want to lower your A1C levels overnight, that can't happen. It took months for your A1C to get where it is. It will take months to lower. Instead of looking for a quick fix, eat healthily and exercise regularly.

Which Steel-cut oats are best for diabetics? ›

Steel-cut oats are best for type 2 diabetes because they are the least-processed version of oat groats. “Rolled oats have a higher GI than steel-cut oats as they actually have been partially cooked, making them increase your blood sugar faster,” says Kaufman.

Can I just add hot water to rolled oats? ›

Boil water and salt. Stir in oats, reduce heat to medium. Simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes or until oats are desired texture.

Which is better overnight oats or instant oats? ›

The rule of thumb is that the more processed the oats are, the less nutritious they will be - which makes overnight oats an obvious choice. Overnight oats offer a range of health benefits, due to their rich fibre and protein content.

Is there an instant oatmeal that is healthy? ›

Contrary to popular belief, instant oats have the same nutritional benefits of regular oats. The biggest problem with instant varieties? All those flavored options can be bursting with added sugar! Many of your favorite flavored brand will set you back at least 3 to 4 teaspoons of added sugar per serving.

What is a normal A1C level for a woman? ›

Your A1C Result

A normal A1C level is below 5.7%, a level of 5.7% to 6.4% indicates prediabetes, and a level of 6.5% or more indicates diabetes. Within the 5.7% to 6.4% prediabetes range, the higher your A1C, the greater your risk is for developing type 2 diabetes.

Is Cheerios good for diabetics? ›

Plain Cheerios are the best choice for a diabetic diet. Why? Because the flavored versions are much higher in sugar and won't provide the same benefits. It's best to stick with the whole grain, plain-flavored version so that you don't risk a spike in blood sugar in the morning.

Are sweet potatoes good for diabetics? ›

Sweet potatoes have a sterling nutritional profile, making them a great food for people with diabetes. Here's how to start incorporating them into your diet. Sweet potatoes are one of the most popular foods for diabetes at Everyday Health, and with good reason.

Is instant oatmeal inflammatory? ›

Background: Oat and its compounds have been found to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Can I substitute quick 1 minute oats for rolled oats? ›

When it comes to the two types you probably already have in your kitchen—rolled oats and quick oats—you can use them in recipes interchangeably. If you need quick oats, but only have rolled oats, just pulse the rolled oats a few times in the blender to get the textural effect your recipe needs.

What kind of oats to use for overnight oats? ›

Use plain old fashioned rolled oats, not quick oats. Quick oats will get too soggy when soaked with milk. And do not use steel cut oats because they won't soften enough to eat just with milk unfortunately.

What is the easiest oatmeal to digest? ›

You'll want to stay away from packaged instant oatmeal because of the amount of added sugar, but oatmeal made from raw oats and flavoured with honey is one of the most easily digested foods out there. It's also one of the most nutritious whole grains.

Should you rinse steel cut oats? ›

Step 1: Rinse: Place steel-cut oats in a strainer and rinse well in warm filtered water. Step 2: Soak: 1 cup steel-cut oats with 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar (ACV) or lemon juice overnight in filtered water overnight at room temperature. Step 3: Cook: Rinse & drain in warm water.

Do steel cut oats cause inflammation? ›

Steel-cut oats are an excellent soluble fiber to add to the diet that also acts as a prebiotic food. These oats are beneficial to promote anti-inflammatory integrity in the intestinal bacteria.

How do you make steel cut oats easier to digest? ›

But if you know you're having oats the next day, the best way to get dreamy oats is by soaking them overnight in cool water. Soaking not only softens the oats, but it also makes them more tender, quicker to cook, and easier to digest.

Does eating Steel cut oats lower blood pressure? ›

Oats are rich in soluble fiber and have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure when added to a healthy diet. There's nothing fancy about it; a serving of good old-fashioned oats is enough to drop blood pressure 12 points after just a few weeks.

Is steel cut oatmeal good for acid reflux? ›

Oatmeal has been a whole-grain breakfast favorite for generations. It is a good source of fiber, so it keeps you feeling full and promotes regularity. Oats also absorb stomach acid and reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What are the disadvantages of eating oats? ›

5 ways having too much oatmeal can backfire
  • 01/6​5 ways having too much oatmeal can backfire. ...
  • 02/6​It can increase your sugar intake. ...
  • 03/6​You are eating only oats. ...
  • 04/6​Can lead to malnutrition and muscle mass shedding. ...
  • 05/6​It can lead to bloating. ...
  • 06/6​Can backfire on your weight loss goals.
13 Jan 2021

Does soaking oatmeal make it easier to digest? ›

Overnight Oats Have Increased Digestibility

Soaking helps the starches break down and reduces the natural phytic acid, which may help your body utilize the oats' nutrients much more efficiently.

Why are they called steel cut oats? ›

Steel-cut oats, sometimes called Irish oatmeal, are groats cut into two or three pieces with a sharp metal (steel) blade, hence their name. These oats typically take longer to cook than rolled oats, from 15 to 60 minutes.

Who should not eat oatmeal? ›

Many people with celiac disease are told to avoid eating oats because they might be contaminated with wheat, rye, or barley, which contain gluten. But in people who haven't had any symptoms for at least 6 months, eating moderate amounts of pure, non-contaminated oats seems to be safe.

Can you eat eggs everyday? ›

For most healthy adults, it's safe to eat 1–2 eggs a day depending on how much other cholesterol is in your diet. If you already have high cholesterol or other risk factors for heart disease, it may be best to eat no more than 4–5 eggs per week.

What would happen if I ate oatmeal for breakfast everyday? ›

Consuming oats everyday will help in stabilizing blood sugar and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. Beta-glucans in oats are also found to reduce blood sugar spikes and keep your blood sugar level stable.

Which is better for cholesterol oatmeal or Cheerios? ›

A serving of Cheerios has just a single gram of soluble fiber — that means it could take 10-plus bowls of Cheerios — daily — to effectively lower LDL cholesterol. Oatmeal is a little better, with 2 grams of soluble fiber per serving – but still… five bowls??

How much oatmeal should you eat a day to lower cholesterol? ›

But besides just being an Instagram-worthy bowl of goodness, oatmeal offers a particularly impressive benefit. Eating just one and one-half cups of cooked oatmeal a day can lower your cholesterol by 5 to 8%. Oatmeal contains soluble and insoluble fiber – two types that your body needs.

Which is healthier steel cut or rolled? ›

Metric per metric, rolled oats and steel cut oats are almost the same when it comes to nutritional value. However, steel cut oats beat out rolled oats in two areas, fiber content and density, which make steel cut oats the best bang for your nutritional buck.

Which oats are better steel cut or rolled? ›

For this reason, steel cut oats may be the best choice for those looking for better control of their blood sugar. Steel cuts oats are slightly higher in fiber than rolled and quick oats. They also have the lowest glycemic index of the three types of oats, potentially making them the best choice for blood sugar control.

What are the healthiest oats to eat for breakfast? ›

Groats are considered the healthiest oatmeal because they go through very little processing. Because the grains are still whole, nutrients stay intact. Oat groats take longer to prepare than other types.

Are rolled oats healthier than instant? ›

"They are all actually identical in terms of their nutrition. The difference is how they are rolled and cut." However, Price added that since instant oats are the most processed option, they generally have salt and added sugars. "This puts them on the lower end of the healthy spectrum, but they're still healthy."

Are steel-cut oats better for weight loss? ›

If you are particularly trying to shed kilos, steel-cut oats are better as they contain a high amount of fiber. The fiber content in it can keep you fuller for a longer time and control cravings for unhealthy food items. Eating fiber-rich food also improves the count of healthy gut bacteria.

Are there any benefits to steel-cut oats? ›

Steel cut oats are rich in protein and fiber, improving fullness and helping to provide the macronutrient building blocks of a healthy diet. They are also an excellent source of: Vitamin B Complex. Iron.

Are steel-cut oats harder to digest than rolled oats? ›

To get steel cut oats, the oat kernel (called a groat) is cut into two or three pieces with a sharp blade. They are not steamed and rolled, like old fashioned (regular) oats. They take longer to digest and absorb than regular (old fashioned), quick, or instant oats.

Are steel-cut oats good for weight loss? ›

Steel cut oats are particularly rich in resistant starch and fiber, both of which may support weight loss, heart health, blood sugar control, and digestion. They're also a good source of iron and plant protein.

Does oats reduce belly fat? ›

Oats are super rich in fibre content, which helps you remain full and prevent overeating and binge-eating. Proteins keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent insulin spikes that may lead to fat storage. Oats are super low in calories, making them great for aiding weight loss.

Are steel-cut oats inflammatory? ›

Steel-cut oats are an excellent soluble fiber to add to the diet that also acts as a prebiotic food. These oats are beneficial to promote anti-inflammatory integrity in the intestinal bacteria. Steel-cut oats are less processed than old fashion rolled oats and have a lower Glycemix Index.

What type of oatmeal is best for lowering cholesterol? ›

Whole-grain oats: Best bet for lowering cholesterol.

Are steel-cut oats good for kidneys? ›

While oatmeal is higher in potassium and phosphorus than other hot cereals, it can still be part of a healthy kidney diet. A 1/2 cup serving of cooked oatmeal has 80 to 115 mg potassium and 90 to 130 mg phosphorus. However, part of the phosphorus is not absorbed because it is bound to phytates in the oat grains.

Can steel-cut oats cause stomach problems? ›

One cup of oats contains a little over 8 grams of fiber. "If you have a sensitive stomach, the fiber in the oatmeal may cause you to experience bloating and gas," says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Can steel-cut oats cause gas? ›

Oats contain lots of fibre. Fibres are carbohydrates you don't break down and absorb. This makes fibre good for your gut because it feeds your gut bacteria (instead of you). But too much fibre might cause gas and bloating.

Why am I still hungry after eating Steel cut oats? ›

While oatmeal does have some protein in it, it's not enough to keep you feeling full after your meal. Plus, without any fats in your bowl of oats, you'll likely feel hungry soon after eating breakfast. An easy solution to making your oatmeal healthier is by adding a fat source and protein source to your oatmeal.

Why are rolled oats better than instant? ›

Both rolled oats and quick oats are versatile, affordable and highly nutritious sources of whole grains. Rolled oats tend to be slightly higher in nutrients like fibre and protein, and have a slightly lower glycemic index compared to quick oats. This is due to the higher amounts of processing that quick oats undergo.

What happens when you eat oats at night? ›

Overnight soaked oats are very high in their fibre content, which keeps your stomach filled for a longer period of time. It even helps in clearing out your digestive tract. The high resistant starch content guarantees faster fat burning and increasing the body's insulin level.

Should you eat oatmeal at night? ›

Oatmeal is one of the best foods to help get your body ready for bed. It's full of melatonin, the sleep hormone and its complex carbohydrates will help get the boosted tryptophan to the brain.

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