The Hair Colour Linked To High IQ - PsyBlog (2024)

Which hair colour is linked to higher intelligence?

The stereotype has it that blondes, while having more fun, are not as smart.

However, contrary to the stereotype, blonde women have slightly higher IQs than brunettes, a study finds.

However, the difference is so small as to be statistically insignificant.

Blonde men, meanwhile, have similar IQs to men with other hair colours.

So, blondes are not dumb — whether they are male or female.

The point might seem trivial, but the study’s author, Dr Jay Zagorsky, argues that stereotypes can have real-world implications:

“Research shows that stereotypes often have an impact on hiring, promotions and other social experiences.

This study provides compelling evidence that there shouldn’t be any discrimination against blondes based on their intelligence.”

The conclusions come from a survey of 10,878 white Americans asked about their natural hair colour (Hispanics and African Americans were excluded to eliminate bias).

The results showed the average IQ of blonde-haired women was 103.2, 102.7 for brown hair, 101.2 for red hair and 100.5 for black hair.

However, the differences were so small as to be unlikely to represent a real difference.

Dr Zagorsky said:

“I don’t think you can say with certainty that blondes are smarter than others, but you can definitely say they are not any dumber.”

A factor that could explain blondes having higher IQ is that they also had more books in their homes during childhood, Dr Zagorsky said:

“If blondes have any slight advantage, it may simply be that they were more likely to grow up in homes with more intellectual stimulation.”

While the research may reveal little difference, stereotypes are powerful,Dr Zagorsky writes:

“…humans use a person’s looks as a signal for the person’s personality or productivity.

For example, blonde women are often stereotyped as dumb or incompetent while redheads are seen as people with fiery tempers.

These stereotypes are reinforced in popular culture with the dumb blonde female being a staple of Hollywood movies such as Reese Witherspoon in the “Legally Blonde” series or even Marilyn Monroe in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”

The study was published in the journalEconomics Bulletin (Zagorsky, 2016).

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The Hair Colour Linked To High IQ - PsyBlog (1)

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The Hair Colour Linked To High IQ - PsyBlog (2)

Author: Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. He is also the author of the book "Making Habits, Breaking Habits" (Da Capo, 2013) and several ebooks.View all posts by Jeremy Dean

The Hair Colour Linked To High IQ - PsyBlog (2024)


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A recent study published in Economics Bulletin examined survey data from baby boomers and found that among white women, those born with blonde hair tended to have slightly higher IQs than average. Blonde women scored a mean IQ of 103.2, while those with brown hair achieved the second highest score at 102.7.

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In fact, blonde women had an average IQ of 103.2, higher than that of brown hair (102.7), red hair (101.2) and black (100.5), although these results are not statistically significant.

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Although the study did not support any of the previously suggested hypothesis, it has presented people with the reassurance there physical attributes, height, gender, age and hair colour are unlikely to affect their IQ levels and that the views that people have, that blondes are dumb, or that older people are less ...

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Blue: Blue is the color of trust, confidence, and intelligence. Blue encourages intellectual activity, reasoning and logical thinking, and acquires lessons faster. That is the color of intellect. It has the power to help people adapt to new environments.

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What are the most difficult hair colors to maintain? Red hair is notoriously difficult when it comes to upkeep. While it's the hardest color to fully strip from your hair, it's also the first to fade, often lightening drastically within the first few washes.

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The study of 10,878 Americans found that white women who said their natural hair color was blonde had an average IQ score within 3 points of brunettes and those with red or black hair. While jokes about blondes may seem har... “Natural Blonde women have a higher mean IQ than women with brown, red and black hair.

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People with brown hair are often perceived as being practical, trustworthy, and stable, people with black hair are seen as confident, powerful, and sophisticated, while those with red hair are unique, adventurous, and passionate., and people with blonde hair are often perceived as friendly, outgoing, and carefree.

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And, we know that brown hair genes dominate over blonde, redhead and other colours. That means that the only way to have blonde or red hair is to have two matching recessive genes.

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Most Attractive Hair Colour According to Men

According to the survey, the majority of men (42%) found blonde hair to be the most attractive. This was followed by brunette (36%), red (16%), black (5%), and gray (1%).

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A general observation across experiments was that straight hair was perceived as younger, healthier, and more attractive than wavy hair and darker shades (medium copper and brown) were perceived more positively than blonde hair.

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Ten out of ten colorists agree, shades that are warm-toned read more youthful than cool-toned hair colors. Spicy copper reds, rich caramel brunettes, and soft honey blondes will warm up your complexion for younger-looking skin (hold the retinol).

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While some studies have found a potential link between hair colour and mental health, others have not observed a significant association. Possible explanations include the influence of melanin on neurotransmitter levels, genetic factors, and environmental and lifestyle influences.

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Hair color carries symbols too: golden - related to SUN symbolism, white - eternity, red - demoniacal, Satanic, violet - associated with goddesses, brown/black - chthonic forces, green - having to do with the sea, water.

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