Why Do Guys Like Short Girls? 12 Interesting Reasons Why (2024)

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All heights are beautiful, but why are some guys drawn to shorter girls?

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1Short girls can make guys feel protective.

2They can make guys feel more manly.

3Short girls might make guys feel taller.

4They can help guys feel important.

5They look look cute and sweet.

6Short girls can feel super approachable.

7Cuddling is often snug and comfortable.

8Kissing can be sweet and romantic.

9They want to experiment more in bed.

10Short girls are still short when they wear heels.

11Shorter guys can be drawn to shorter girls.

12Short girls often seek out taller guys.

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Co-authored bySupatra Tovar, PsyD, RDand Devin McSween

Last Updated: December 20, 2023Fact Checked

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When you’ve been out shopping and running errands, you might have noticed guys bending over slightly to stroll hand-in-hand with their much shorter girlfriends. It sure makes for a cute pairing, but is there any reason why some guys like dating girls who are shorter than them? While all guys are different and one height isn’t more attractive than another, there are actually several interesting reasons why some guys are drawn to shorter girls. In this article, we’ll go over 12 of the most common reasons why some guys like dating short girls so much. Read on to learn more!

Things You Should Know

  • Guys often like short girls because their height difference makes them feel needed and like they can protect them.
  • Some guys are drawn to short girls because they make them feel taller and more manly, boosting their ego.
  • Shorter guys often like shorter girls because they are more similar in size.
  • Many short girls like guys who are taller than them, so they often seek each other out.


Short girls can make guys feel protective.

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  1. A short girl’s smaller size can make a guy want to look after her. While a short girl can definitely take care of herself, a guy might want to nurture and protect her because of her short stature. Some guys like being a girl’s knight in shining armor, and having a short girl to protect can help them feel that way.[1]

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  1. Feeling larger next to a short girl might boost a guy’s ego. Guys are attracted to girls for all sorts of reasons, and one might be that short girls make them feel good. A guy might notice that he feels more capable and powerful when he’s with a shorter girl because her smaller size makes him look more masculine.[2]

    • While height has nothing to do with who you are on the inside, it can sometimes feel like it does. To feel more confident in yourself, think about all the amazing, positive qualities you have. Then, come to accept that you can’t change your height and instead focus on all the things it lets you do.


Short girls might make guys feel taller.

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  1. Even if the guy is short, he’ll still look larger next to a short girl. It’s no secret that height is something that some guys are conscious of. While height doesn’t matter when it comes to love, some guys might like the boost it gives them when they’re with a short girl.[3]

    • If you’re concerned about attracting a girl if you’re short, know that your personality and confidence matter way more than a single measurement. When a girl likes who you are, she won’t care how tall you are.
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They can help guys feel important.

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  1. Short girls often trigger a guy’s hero instinct, or drive to be needed. Like anyone in a relationship, guys want to feel appreciated and important in their partnership. There’s no denying that some things are easier for taller people, such as reaching things on high shelves, so short girls often ask taller guys for help. That feeling of being needed and appreciated is attractive to some guys, so they might seek out shorter girls to get it![4]


They look look cute and sweet.

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  1. Some guys think that a short girl's size makes her adorable. While cuteness has nothing to do with height, it’s a common phenomenon to see something small, like a baby animal, and think it’s sweet and charming.[5] For some guys, they feel warm and fuzzy when they see a short girl and are captivated by her cuteness.[6]

    • Of course, taller girls can be cute and adorable while short girls can also be as glamorous as a runway model.
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Short girls can feel super approachable.

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  1. Being taller than a short girl can make her seem less intimidating. Approaching and asking someone on a date can definitely be nerve wracking. So, some guys might like short girls because they think their size makes them easier to talk to. While height has nothing to do with personality, it can seem like it to some guys![7]


Cuddling is often snug and comfortable.

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  1. Some guys love a big height difference when hugging and spooning. When hugging a shorter girl, a guy usually has to bend down and embrace her fully with his arms and body. This often gives him a protective feeling over her, which lots of guys love. Some guys also like the fact that can wrap themselves around a short girl when they cuddle, making them feel cozy and secure.[8]

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Kissing can be sweet and romantic.

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  1. Some guys want to literally sweep a girl off her feet with a kiss. It isn’t just girls who want the romance of melting into their partner’s arms and kisses. Some guys might be drawn to short girls because they think they’ll get the perfect Hollywood kiss. They both have to meet in the middle, as he bends down and his girlfriend rises up on her tip-toes. Because she’s small, he even might pick her up![9]


They want to experiment more in bed.

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  1. The height difference can make a guy want to try new, exciting positions. When it comes to intimacy, height doesn’t matter–it just matters that both you and your partner are having fun and growing closer together. For some guys though, trying new things with a shorter girl might be extra fun. Due to their heights, they have to work together to find positions that work, which can be super thrilling![10]

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Short girls are still short when they wear heels.

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  1. No matter the shoes or outfit, short girls typically stay small. When it comes to dressing up and going out, heels often level the playing field between men and women. While tons of guys love that, some might like the fact that a shorter girl stays little, even when she’s rocking sky-high heels.[11]


Shorter guys can be drawn to shorter girls.

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  1. Some guys like to be the same height as their girlfriend. For all the reasons that some guys like being taller than their girlfriend, others might like to be on a similar level. Being at a more even height might make it easier for shorter guys to hug and kiss their girlfriends, which is definitely a plus![12]

    • If you’re a shorter guy in the dating scene and are conscious about your height, it’s best to be honest about it. Use your energy to focus on traits that make you you, like your passion for rock climbing or your amazing cooking skills. Most women don’t care about your height but will be impressed by what you can bring to the table.
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Short girls often seek out taller guys.

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  1. It’s actually common for girls to go after guys larger than them. You might see lots of guys with shorter girls because they often like taller guys. In fact, almost half of women say they like dating men who are taller than them. Dating is a two-way street, after all![13]

    • However, that means there’s a lot of women who don’t care about height or even seek out shorter guys than them. So, there’s someone for you out there, regardless of your height!

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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about height in dating, check out our in-depth interview with Supatra Tovar, PsyD, RD.

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      About This Article

      Why Do Guys Like Short Girls? 12 Interesting Reasons Why (42)

      Co-authored by:

      Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949)

      This article was co-authored by Supatra Tovar, PsyD, RD and by wikiHow staff writer, Devin McSween. Dr. Supatra Tovar is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949), Registered Dietitian, Fitness Expert, and the Owner of Dr. Supatra Tovar and Associates. Dr. Tovar has worked in the fields of health education, clinical dietetics, and psychology. With over 25 years of holistic wellness experience, she practices Holistic Health Psychotherapy. She combines her psychology, diet, and fitness knowledge to help those struggling with depression, weight gain, eating disorders, life transitions, and relationships. Dr. Tovar holds a BA in Environmental Biology from The University of Colorado Boulder, an MS in Nutrition Science from California State University, Los Angeles, and a PsyD in Clinical Health Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles. This article has been viewed 85,883 times.

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      Updated: December 20, 2023


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