The Love Triangle | American Experience | PBS (2024)

Murder of the Century | Article

The Love Triangle


In this interview, Paula Uruburu, associate professor and chair of the English department at Hofstra University, describes Nesbit, White, Thaw, and the murder of the century. Her research into the depiction of women in literature, art, music at the turn of the century led her to Nesbit, the most fascinating woman of her day. Professor Uruburu is currently writing a biography of Nesbit calledAmerican Eve.

The Love Triangle | American Experience | PBS (1)

Who was Evelyn Nesbit?
In December 1900 she came to New York City at the tender age of 15 as an artist's model, with nothing but her looks, and became an overnight sensation. To the reporters who followed her mercurial rise as a celebrity -- before there was any visible evidence of a singular talent to justify it, at first -- hers seemed a fairy-tale existence. Nesbit generated more newspapersales and publicity than William Randolph Hearst himself could have imagined. She was a modern-day Cinderella who overnight became the glittering girl model of Gotham. She was Gibson Girl turned "Florodora" Girl as she made the natural leap from studio to stage.

Herself a product of the Victorian past but with an approach to life that was unconsciously modern, she embodied the nation's paradoxes. At times she seemed the picture of nineteenth-century sentimentality and purity, but her bewitching smile promised something new and forbidden. Two years after her arrival in New York, Stanford White, New York's premier architect and arbiter of taste, would kneel, hands trembling, to kiss the hem of the $3000 kimono he bought for her.

How did Nesbit become a celebrity?
Starting in Philadelphia, where she was discovered at the age of 14, and then in New York City, Nesbit was the sole bread-winner for her family as an artist's model. Her mother gave up any notion of securing a job for herself as a seamstress, as she had originally intended, and instead lived off the earnings Evelyn made, first as a model for painters and sculptors, and then in the more lucrative field of posing for photographers, magazine illustrators, and advertising. Evelyn's younger brother, Howard, was initially sent to live with various family members back in Pennsylvania. Evelyn increased her earnings by the age of 16 by becoming a chorus girl in the hit musical "Florodora." She still modeled in the daytime and performed at night, and was able to earn enough to pay for room and board and life's necessities for herself and her family.

How famouswas she?
Much like Marilyn Monroe later in the century, Evelyn Nesbit was an icon of her age, created and consumed by the public's insatiable appetite for private sin and public scandal. She was America's first bona-fide sex-goddess.

As model and actress she played at numerous parts, but her starring role came in 1906 with the real-life sensational murder in Madison Square Garden's rooftop theater of Stanford White, her former benefactor and ex-lover, by her demented husband, Harry Thaw, in defense of her honor -- albeit more than three years after the fact. The subsequent trial cast her forever in the popular mind as "the girl in the red velvet swing".

Yet even as her startling testimony on the witness stand helped push America into the modern era, almost as quickly as her star rose, it fell victim to the very culture that created and consumed her. The scandal, media fire storm, and first "trial of the century" in which she was the central figure, inflamed the nation -- and continues to reverberate throughout American popular culture.

Whowas Stanford White?
White was the dynamic, personable fifty-two-year-old architect of the firm McKim, Mead and White, which had transformed New York City with elegant public buildings, structures and private homes of the rich. His projectsincluded Madison Square Garden, Tiffany's, the Washington Square Arch, and Cornelius Vanderbilt's mansion.

The impressive buildings, structures, and homes designed and built by McKim, Mead and White which still exist in Manhattan, on Long Island, in Westchester, and in Newport, Rhode Island, are a testament to his skill and artistry as an architect.

See Also
Edith Nesbit

A perpetual and influential patron of the arts —both highbrow and low —who orbited freely in all social circles, White was an extravagant spender and bon vivant. His appetite for all things beautiful and pleasurable was well known to Mrs. Astor's400, the Bohemian artists of lower Manhattan, and countless denizens of Broadway, where a word from White could give a girl the coveted chance to emerge from the back row of the chorus.

What was Nesbit and White's relationship?
At first it was avuncular. Having seen her perform in a musical called "Florodora," White became Evelyn's (and her mother and brother's) benefactor. He provided her with a kind of allowance, a beautifully decorated apartment, and extravagant gifts. Then, after convincing Evelyn's mother to visit friends and relatives back in Pittsburgh, one night White seduced Evelyn. Depending on which account you believe, he drugged and raped her, or got her drunk and took advantage of the 16 year old, whereupon she became his mistress for nearly a year until their relationship ended and she was sent off to a girl's school in New Jersey at age 17.

Who was Harry Thaw?
He was the son of a Pittsburghmillionaire who stood to inherit part of a $40 million fortune until his obsession with a man he considered his social and romantic rival, Stanford White, prompted him to shoot White on June 25, 1906, in Madison Square Garden's rooftop theater, in front of hundreds of horrified patrons. Thaw believed White had ruined his wife, Evelyn Nesbit. By most accounts, Thaw was a cocaine addict, or at least showed signs of drug abuse which caused him to have a wild-eyed stare most of the time. His drug abuse also seems to have fueled in him a kind of sadism that he took out mostly on women -- beating them with dog whips (as he did to Evelyn) and scalding them with boiling water in hotel bathtubs.

How did Thaw enter the picture?
Thaw, who was jealous of Stanford White's social position in New York, began pursuing Evelyn, first anonymously with gifts that ranged from flowers and silk stockings to a piano, then more openly. But Evelyn refused his advances. Then came Thaw's golden opportunity to insinuate himself into Evelyn's life when he sent a doctor to the girl's school in New Jersey to perform an emergency appendectomy on her. Later Thaw took Evelyn and her mother on a recuperative trip to Europe.

Why did Nesbit marry Thaw?
I think she realized her opportunities for a respectable marriage were severely limited, given her lack of social position --and recent past as White's mistress. Thaw's relentess pursuit of her, combined with his wealth and seemingly real affection for her welfare, eventually persuaded her to marry him in April 1905. Those who want to paint her as simply a gold digger should realize she resisted Thaw's proposals for nearly two years after breaking up with White.

How did people react to news of the love triangle and murder?
The reaction was initially a combination of shock and Victorian moral outrage at the scandal of a married man having seduced and then carried on an affair with an under-age chorus girl. White was painted as the lecherous villain of the stage melodramas, Evelyn as a poor girl from the country defiled by his venery, and Harry as the knight in shining armor defending his wife's honor.

What happened at the trial?
The first trial in 1907 ended with a hung jury. A second trial a year later ended with Thaw being found insane, and sent to the Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane in upstate New York. Thaw escaped to Canada, briefly, and was finally released from the asylum in 1915.

The public viewed him as a hero. In great part this was because his mother put the Thaw family fortune to use by defending her son at every turn and portraying him sympathetically. A film paid for by the Thaw family showed a biased view of Harry's heroic defense of American womanhood. As more and more facts emerged about the number of girls White had probably seduced in his lifetime, Harry's act did seem like a heroic one to the public. The press became increasingly dominated by this real life drama, and Americans watched it play out like a Victorian melodrama, with good triumphing over evil.

Why do you think people are still fascinated with the story?
It has all the elements -- sex and violence, love and betrayal, a teen-aged girl involved with a married man, an insanely jealous husband driven to murder. Moreover, it involves a supremely beautiful girl who was an icon of her age, the fall of the rich and powerful, the cult of celebrity that is now so familiar, but which at the time was brand new.

Have you met descendents of Nesbit, Thaw or White?
I met Evelyn's daughter-in-law, her grandson, Russell, who is a lawyer in California, and have spoken with her granddaughter, Terry, who lives in Haifa. I have spoken with other Nesbit relatives as well, and the oldest generation all tell the same story —that is, they want to be as far removed from the scandal as possible. That has been made difficult by the story's endurance in popular culture and its periodic emergence in various forms (the 1955 film, The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing, E. L. Doctorow's novel, Ragtime, in the 1970s, the film version of the novel in the 1980s, and the stage musical, "Ragtime," in the 1990s).

The younger generation (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) are less worried about being associated with scandal and are eager to know as much as they can about their family history. In the case of the Nesbit and Thaw relatives I've spoken to or corresponded with, they know very little of the facts of the case since their parents' generation tried to keep a lid on a family scandal that they wanted to forget.

I've met Stanford White's granddaughter, the writer Suzannah Lessard. She wrote a book titled Architect of Desire which chronicles her own reaction to her family's history and the role her grandfather's appetites and murder played in creating a pattern of behavior that affected subsequent generations.

Is it true that some have claimed to see Evelyn Nesbit's ghost?
Yes. The owners of one of the Thaw family summer homes in Cresson, Pennsylvania, which has been turned into a hotel, claim that patrons have seen a beautiful young woman, looking very much like a Gibson girl, walking its halls, which they believe to be Evelyn.

The Love Triangle | American Experience | PBS (2024)


What is the solution of love triangle? ›

Communication is key when navigating through a love triangle. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and honestly with all parties involved. Avoiding difficult conversations or resorting to passive-aggressive behaviour will only exacerbate tensions and prolong the pain.

How are love triangles solved? ›

Some people solve their love triangles by practicing ethical non-monogamy, instead of ending the relationships. Think about how your decisions will affect your friends, family, and the other person you're seeing (if you're in the center of the triangle).

Do love triangles ever work out? ›

A love triangle is messy, and unless all parties agree to this relationship, it will usually not end well. Before you get into such a situation, think long and hard about the possible consequences for all three of you. Feelings and emotional well-being are at stake.

What is the love triangle situation? ›

A love triangle is a scenario or circ*mstance, usually depicted as a rivalry, in which two people are pursuing or involved in a romantic relationship with one person, or in which one person in a romantic relationship with someone is simultaneously pursuing or involved in a romantic relationship with someone else.

How do you resolve a love triangle? ›

Strategies for Achieving Closure
  1. Don't Play Games: Playing games to win someone's affection is rarely effective and can even backfire. ...
  2. Communicate Openly: Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to a complicated love triangle. ...
  3. Know Your Limits: ...
  4. Respect Your Decisions:

How do I remove myself from a love triangle? ›

The two spectacular ways to quit the love triangle

Quiet Departure: Without making it dramatic, simply decide to distance yourself. Don't make a scene, don't send long texts; just reduce your presence. This isn't about giving them the cold shoulder or punishing them; it's about demonstrating your self-respect.

Do love triangles happen in real life? ›

Love triangles are also a common byproduct of infidelity, such as when someone has an affair or develops feelings for someone they have cheated on their partner with. They might also emerge when you're dating someone in an open relationship, but desire to become their only partner.

What is the love triangle method? ›

The Triangle Method is all about your eyes and the other person's eyes and mouth. You are first supposed to look at one of the eyes of that person. Then you quickly shift to looking at that person's mouth, followed by glancing at their other eye. The three body parts form the so-called Golden Triangle.

Why do people like love triangles so much? ›

Perhaps, viewers connect so much to love triangles because they see the humanity in the situation. Rather than a one-true-love trope where two people meet and it's perfect from the start, this trope shows the turbulence of a real relationship, and this situation leaves one person alone.

Is there a love triangle in fated to love you? ›

Yes, the love triangle was not as good as it should have, which would have increased the intensity of the love story, but well, it is what it is. Plus, the mystery of the sister was interesting.

What are triangle tricks in love? ›

TikTok videos claim that "The Triangle Method" is a foolproof way to make someone fall for you. It involves quickly looking at one of the person's eyes, then the mouth, then the other eye. It may facilitate eye contact, a demonstration of interest, and motivates lean-in for a kiss.

Are love triangles healthy? ›

In addition to the physical risks, love triangles can also take a toll on mental health. Jealousy, insecurity, and constant emotional turmoil are common themes in such situations. Feelings of inadequacy or fear of abandonment can lead to anxiety and depression.

What to do when stuck in a love triangle? ›

  1. Recognize your role in a triangle relationship. In a triangle love affair, you can find yourself in different roles. ...
  2. Understand the purpose of a triangle relationship in your life. ...
  3. List your alternatives. ...
  4. Accept there isn't a perfect solution. ...
  5. Focus on caring for yourself.
Feb 2, 2023

What is the psychology of love triangles? ›

Psychologist Robert Sternberg's theory describes types of love based on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is important to recognize that a relationship based on a single element is less likely to survive than one based on two or more.

How to win the love triangle? ›

Here's how you can knockout the competition in a love triangle and hopefully, win the girl:
  1. Your soft side. When a woman has two men fighting for her attention, men often think that they have to show how tough and manly they are to emerge the top dog. ...
  2. Pick up the phone. ...
  3. Don't play games. ...
  4. Be direct. ...
  5. Be confident. ...
  6. Speak up.
Feb 25, 2016

Why do I end up in love triangles? ›

Love triangles are also a common byproduct of infidelity, such as when someone has an affair or develops feelings for someone they have cheated on their partner with. They might also emerge when you're dating someone in an open relationship, but desire to become their only partner.

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