The Origin and History of Soap (2024)

The Origin and History of Soap (1)No one really knows when soap was discovered, but there is a wonderful story surrounding its beginning.

According to Roman legend, soap was named after Mount Sapo, an ancient site of animal sacrifices.

After an animal sacrifice, rain would wash animal fat and ash, that collected under the ceremonial altars, down to the banks of the Tiber River.

Women washing clothes in the river noticed that if they washed their clothes in certain sudsy parts of the river after a heavy rainfall their clothes were much cleaner. Thus the emergence of the first soap – or at least the first use of soap as the legend goes.

Although this explanation seems possible, evidence of the legendary Mt. Sapo, which was supposed to exist somewhere near Rome, has never been found.

Soap in the Early Years

The word "sapo" first appears in a book written in Latin titled "Natural History" by Pliny the Elder an academic from Pompeii. It was like an early set of encyclopedias of the ancient world, written around 77 AD. In book 28, chapter 51, Pliny writes:

There is also soap (sapo), an invention of the Gauls for making their hair shiny. It is made from tallow and ashes, the best from beechwood ash and goat fat, and exists in two forms, solid and liquid; among the Germans, both are used more by men than by women.

The earliest known written soap recipe was written on clay tablets and is credited to the ancient Babylonians. A soap-like material found in clay cylinders during the excavation of Babylon a city in ancient Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is evidence that soapmaking was known as early as 2800 B.C. Inscriptions on the cylinders indicate that fats (rendered from a slaughtered cow, sheep, or goat) were boiled with wood ashes and water.

The Origin and History of Soap (2)An Egyptian scroll called the Ebers Papyrus dated 1550 BC indicates that ancient Egyptians bathed in a combination of animal and vegetable oils mixed with wood ash, which would have created a soap-like material that was used for treating skin diseases, as well as for washing. It is well documented that Egyptians regularly bathed.

Moses gave the Israelites detailed laws governing personal cleanliness. Biblical accounts suggest that the Israelites knew that mixing ashes and oil produced a kind of gel that could be used on hair. Soap is mentioned twice in the Bible, but it is generally agreed that the Hebrew word “borith,” which has been translated as soap, is a generic term for any cleansing agent made from wood or vegetable ashes.

Soap became hugely popular throughout the Roman Empire, around 100 BC to 400 AD. When the ruins of Pompeii were excavated, an entire soap factory was discovered in the rubble.

Bathing habits all over Europe rose and declined with Roman civilization. When Rome fell in 467 A.D., so did bathing. It is believed that the lack of cleanliness and poor living conditions contributed to the many plagues of the Middle Ages.

There were areas of the medieval world where personal cleanliness remained important. Daily bathing was a common custom in Japan during the Middle Ages in Europe. In Iceland, pools from hot springs were popular gathering places.

By the second century A.D., the Greek physician, Galen, recommended soap for both medicinal and cleansing purposes.

Soap in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Not until the seventh century did soapmakers appear in Spain and Italy where soap was made with goat fat and Beech tree ashes. During the same period, the French started using olive oil to make soap. Marseille soap has been made in the south of France for more than six centuries.

The recipe was first officially recognized in 1688 during the reign of Louis XIV, the “Sun King." Eventually, fragrances were introduced and specialized soaps for bathing, shaving, shampooing, and laundry began to appear. There is a story that King Louis XIV of France executed three soapmakers for making a bar that irritated his very sensitive Royal skin.

While the English began making soap during the 12th century, in 1633 King Charles I granted a 14-year monopoly to the Society of Soapmakers of Westminster.

The Origin and History of Soap (3)According to Alison Sim, in her book “The Tudor Housewife,” wealthy ladies of the Tudor period (1485-1603) used scented toilet soap or ‘Castile soap’ for their daily washing. This soap, made with olive oil and imported, was very expensive. A household instruction manual written during this period included recipes for soap which suggests that people of all levels of society were interested in personal hygiene.

During the reign of Elizabeth I, soap consumption in England was greater than in any other European country. It seems that Queen Bess set the fashion herself, for it was reported that the Queen took a bath every four weeks "whether it was necessary or not."

In the 17th and 18th centuries, just as the soap industry was gaining momentum in England, it became the subject of a series of restrictions and crippling taxation on soap. Eventually, the Victorian Era came around, and with it, a new interest in personal hygiene. It was not until 1853 that Gladstone abolished the tax on soap allowing soap to be available and affordable to more people.

Two discoveries by French chemists helped elevate the progress of commercial soap making. In 1791, the French chemist Nicolas Leblanc discovered a process for transforming common salt (sodium chloride) into an alkali called soda ash. Since alkali was critical in the manufacture of soap as well as other products, this discovery became one of the most important chemical processes of the nineteenth century. In 1811, Chevreul discovered the chemistry behind the relationship of glycerin to fatty acids. With the advent of the industrial revolution, the stage was now set for mass soap production.

Soap in the 19th Century

In the 19th century, Louis Pasteur proclaimed that good personal hygiene would reduce the spread of diseases which helped increase the demand for soap.

In the United States, by the beginning of the 19th century, soap-making was one of the fastest-growing industries. Rural Americans made homemade soap using a process developed during Colonial times. They would save ashes from their fires for months. When they had enough fat leftover from butchering hogs they would make soap. (Picture of Pioneer Courtesy of Sam Lattuca/Williamson County Historical Society)

The Origin and History of Soap (4)Old-fashioned lye was made using hardwood ashes, a barrel or ash hopper, and rainwater. Holes were drilled in the bottom of a barrel. The barrel was placed on a grooved stone slab that rested on a pile of rocks. A layer of gravel was placed over the holes. Then a layer of straw, twigs, and sticks was placed on top of the gravel as a filter to prevent the ashes from getting into the solution.

After filling a barrel with hardwood ashes, rainwater was poured through the ashes to leach out the brown lye liquid which would flow into the groove around the stone slab and drip down into a container.

Some soapmakers used an ash hopper for making lye instead of the barrel method. Using the same basic process, the lye dripped into a container located underneath the hopper.

The most difficult part of early soapmaking was determining if the lye was the correct strength. The “lye water” was considered the proper strength to make soap when an egg or small potato placed in the solution floated about halfway beneath the surface of the solution. If the egg or potato floated on top, the lye was too strong. If it sank quickly, the lye was too weak. Some early soapmakers used goose or chicken feathers to test their lye. If a feather inserted in the lye water began to dissolve in it, then the lye water was at the right strength.

Modern Day Soap

During World War I, commercial soap, as we know it today, came into existence. The injuries of war brought an increased need for cleaning agents. However, at the same time, the ingredients needed to make soap were scarce. German scientists created a new form of "soap" made with various synthetic compounds and as a result, detergents were born. By the 1950′s, detergent sales had surpassed soap sales in the United States.

Most commercial "soaps" available today are actually detergents, which are made with petroleum by-products. Since these "soaps" are detergents, by law they cannot be called soap. Chances are that when you see a soap called a "body bar," it is not soap at all.

After the Great War and until the 1930s, soap was made by a method called batch kettle boiling. Commercial soap makers had huge three-story kettles that produced thousands of pounds of soap over the course of about a week. Shortly thereafter, an invention called the continuous process was introduced and refined by Procter & Gamble. This process decreased soap-making production time to less than a day. Large commercial soap manufacturers still use the continuous process.

Commercial soap manufacturers also learned that they could remove the natural glycerin in soap which gives it moisturizing properties. They sell it or use it in other higher-priced products like the moisturizers and creams you need when their soap dries out your skin. Removing the natural glycerin also extends the shelf life of the soap so that it can sit in the storehouse or on store shelves for many years.

The Origin and History of Soap (5)Today there is a heightened awareness of the possible adverse effects of many of the synthetic additives and chemicals in commercial soap. Educated consumers are turning to natural soaps like ours. Even large companies are starting to advertise "natural ingredients" in their products.

But Beware! The addition of one or two natural ingredients does not make a product "all-natural.” It is virtually impossible for large companies to create natural, handmade soaps.

Chagrin Valley Handcrafted Natural Soaps are made in small batches with natural and certified organic ingredients.

While Great Grandma used a raw egg to determine the amount of lye needed, we work with specialized charts and computer programs to determine the correct proportions of ingredients to use in the soap-making process. In addition, we use accurate scales that allow us to measure ingredients by a tenth of an ounce. The result is mild and carefully crafted handmade natural soap.

Click here to learn "How We Make Soap At Chagrin Valley"

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The Origin and History of Soap (2024)


The Origin and History of Soap? ›

Ancient Mesopotamians were first to produce a kind of soap by cooking fatty acids – like the fat rendered from a slaughtered cow, sheep or goat – together with water and an alkaline like lye, a caustic substance derived from wood ashes. The result was a greasy and smelly goop that lifted away dirt.

When was the first soap invented? ›

It is uncertain as to who was the first to invent soap. The earliest recorded evidence of the production of soap-like materials dates back to around 2800 BC in ancient Babylon.

What did humans use before soap? ›

Before soap, many people around the world used plain ol' water, with sand and mud as occasional exfoliants. Depending on where you lived and your financial status, you may have had access to different scented waters or oils that would be applied to your body and then wiped off to remove dirt and cover smell.

What did they use for soap in biblical times? ›

There are also Biblical accounts of the Israelites making soap gel from ash lye and vegetable oils showing that the importance of personal hygiene was realised. Scripture reads that Moses gave the Israelites laws governing personal cleansing through the use of 'borith' - Hebrew for soap - shortly after their Exodus.

How did Native Americans make soap? ›

Local tribes in the Southwestern Borderlands used the sap from Yucca and Gourd roots as shampoo and body cleanser. Until the introduction of commercialized soap-making, plants were the only soap medium used by Indigenous peoples of New Mexico and Arizona as well as by the Spanish settling in New Mexico.

What is the oldest soap name? ›

Pears (soap)
Pears brand logo
Product typeSoap, Face wash
CountryLondon, United Kingdom
Related brandsLifebuoy, Lux, Dove
6 more rows

What is the oldest handmade soap? ›

Syria's “green gold” is said to be the oldest soap in the world, with some of its traditional manufacturing processes dating back thousands of years. The hand-made soap gets its name from the city of Aleppo, located in Northwestern Syria, where it is manufactured in ancient underground tracts.

When did humans start bathing daily? ›

The oldest accountable daily ritual of bathing can be traced to the ancient Indians. They used elaborate practices for personal hygiene with three daily baths and washing. These are recorded in the works called grihya sutras which date back to 500 BCE and are in practice today in some communities.

What was used in ancient times instead of soap? ›

In prehistoric times people cleaned themselves with just plain water, clay, sand, pumice and ashes. Later, ancient Greeks bathed regularly and early Romans did also.

How were clothes washed before soap? ›

Garments were typically beaten over rocks, scrubbed with abrasive sand or stone, and pounded underfoot or with wooden implements.

What did the Romans use instead of soap? ›

Not even the Greeks and Romans, who pioneered running water and public baths, used soap to clean their bodies. Instead, men and women immersed themselves in water baths and then smeared their bodies with scented olive oils. They used a metal or reed scraper called a strigil to remove any remaining oil or grime.

What did Mayans use for soap? ›

Along with other byproducts of the palm, cohune oil is believed to have been used by cultures in southern Mesoamerica since the pre-Columbian era, in particular by the Maya. Uses of the oil include as a lubricant, for cooking, soapmaking and lamp oil.

What did Egyptians use for soap? ›

Egyptians used a scented paste consisting of ash and clay for soap, and the Ebers Papyrus, a source for medical knowledge, instructed people to mix animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts for washing and treating skin diseases.

What did Native Americans use instead of soap? ›

For thousands of years, Southwestern Indian tribes used yucca to wash clothing, hair, and as a ceremonial bath. Yucca soap produces an interesting lather.

Why did humans start using soap? ›

Soap likely originated as a by-product of a long-ago cookout: meat, roasting over a fire; globs of fat, dripping into ashes. The result was a chemical reaction that created a slippery substance that turned out to be great at lifting dirt off skin and allowing it to be washed away.

What kind of soap did pioneers use? ›

Early Settlers

People in the 18th and 19th centuries made their own soap. They'd save tallow from butchering and grease from cooking for the fat. They'd reserve wood ashes to make potash, the alkali.

What is the oldest American soap brand? ›

1. Caswell-Massey (1752) Dr. William Hunter started this perfume and soap company as an apothecary shop in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1752.

What was the first American soap? ›

The first daytime TV soap opera in the United States was These Are My Children in 1949, though earlier melodramas had aired in the evenings as once-a-week programs. Soap operas quickly became a fixture of American daytime television in the early 1950s, joined by game shows, sitcom reruns and talk shows.

Which country invented soap? ›

This history of soap is a long one, dating back thousands of years to Ancient Babylon. Humans have built on that knowledge to create the soaps and detergents we use to clean dishes, laundry, our homes and ourselves today.

What is the lifespan of homemade soap? ›

There's no set shelf life for handmade soap. A lot depends on the oils used and how it's stored. Like a fine wine or cheese, soap that is stored in a cool, dark place gets better with a little aging.

What does old soap smell like? ›

You can tell if soap has gone rancid because it has a stale or acrid smell. It also develops spots.

What soap did people use in the 1950s? ›

Lifebuoy was one of the most popular soaps in the United States from approximately 1923 to the mid-'50s, when perfumed soaps took over the market.

How often did people bathe in 1776? ›

Mid-Atlantic colonials might have bathed three or four times a year. New Englanders, on the other hand, may have only accomplished a body wash once a year. It was too cold to slip into a tub more often than that in their climate.

Why did Europeans stop bathing? ›

Renaissance Baths and Toilets

The waves of bubonic plague that blighted Europe repeatedly during the middle ages contributed to suspicion that bathing might expose the body to disease, and this fear culminated in England's remaining public bath-houses being closed by Royal decree of King Henry VIII in 1546.

How often do humans really need to bathe? ›

Many doctors say a daily shower is fine for most people. (More than that could start to cause skin problems.) But for many people, two to three times a week is enough and may be even better to maintain good health.

Why is soap called soap? ›

Here, it is revealed that Soap got his nickname not because he is fastidious in the shower, but because he is good at "cleaning house". In fact, this is something he does with "remarkable speed and accuracy in room clearance techniques and urban warfare tactics". Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's accolades trailer.

Did Romans clean themselves with olive oil? ›

Soaps were not around in the times of the Roman Empire. Instead when Romans went to bathe they rubbed olive oil all over their bodies and then scraped it off with a strigil, carrying away all the dirt and grime with it and leaving the skin silky and moisturized.

What are the 3 main ingredients in soap? ›

There are 3 key ingredients in soap: oil or fat, lye and water.

How did people keep clothes white before bleach? ›

Every wash included a “bluing” stage, wherein the white clothing would be boiled or scalded with water tinged with blue dye. This was a technique used to make yellowing cloth appear whiter.

How often did people wash their clothes in the 1800s? ›

There were huge changes in domestic life between 1800 and 1900. Soap, starch, and other aids to washing at home became more abundant and more varied. Washing once a week on Monday or "washday" became the established norm.

How did pioneers wash their clothes? ›

Water was hauled from nearby streams to wash all clothes by hand with homemade soap. Filling a large pot with water, the women would heat it over a fire. When the water was boiling, lye soap would be added along with the dirty clothing. This was then stirred, by hand, like the motion of a washing machine.

What did Romans use for toilet paper? ›

If you went to the toilet in ancient Rome, you would not have any toilet paper. Instead you may have used a sponge (Latin: tersorium) to wipe. These ancient devices consisted of a stick with a vinegar- or salt water-soaked sponge attached. They were often shared!

What did the Romans brush their teeth with? ›

The ancient Romans also practiced dental hygiene.

They used frayed sticks and abrasive powders to brush their teeth. These powders were made from ground-up hooves, pumice, eggshells, seashells, and ashes.

What did the Celts use as soap? ›

The Celts made their soap from animal fat and plant ashes and they named the product saipo, from which the word soap is derived. Soap has become an essential part of our personal hygiene and daily life.

What is a Mexican soap? ›

telenovela, Latin American serial drama similar to a soap opera in plot development but having a broader audience and airing during prime time rather than daytime. Telenovelas are characterized by a continuing melodramatic story line and a permanent cast.

What did Greeks use for soap? ›

Not even the Greeks and Romans, who pioneered running water and public baths, used soap to clean their bodies. Instead, men and women immersed themselves in water baths and then smeared their bodies with scented olive oils. They used a metal or reed scraper called a strigil to remove any remaining oil or grime.

Did the Egyptians have soap? ›

The Ebers papyrus (1500 BC) from Ancient Egypt refers to the earliest use of soap for cleaning and treating the human body. The document describes combining animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts to form a soap-like material, which was successfully used for treating skin diseases, as well as for washing.

What did ancient Chinese use for soap? ›

Traditionally, residents of North China used the buds of the Chinese honey locust, known as zaojia, to freshen up. However, after the fall of the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), refugees who had fled south to the country's new capital in the eastern city of Hangzhou were cut off from their supply.

How did Egyptians keep clean without soap? ›

Dating from around 1500 BCE, the Ebers Medical Papyrus describes another beauty secret of the ancient Egyptians. A mixture of animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts appears to have been used not only for washing, but also for treating various skin conditions.

What soap did Africans use? ›

Traditional black soaps were a simple combination of water, plantain skin ashes, palm oil, and cocoa powder. Later in time, recipes including other ingredients such as tropical honey or shea butter started to become more popular.

Why do Native Americans have long hair? ›

For Native Americans, long hair equates to POWER, VIRILITY, and PHYSICAL STRENGTH. Beliefs and customs do differ widely between tribes, however, as a general rule, both men and women are encouraged to wear their hair long. Long hair ties the people to Mother Earth, reflecting Her long grasses.

How did Native Americans keep their hair clean? ›

The roots of young yucca plants were used for shampoo. The crushed roots were soaked in water to make a hair wash. Other methods involved peeling the bark of the root, which was rubbed in a pan of shallow water to make suds to rub into the hair and scalp.

How did Native Americans stay clean? ›

Like the Wampanoag, most Native Americans bathed openly in rivers and streams. And they also thought it was gross for Europeans to carry their own mucus around in handkerchiefs. Most Native people's teeth were also in much better shape than Europeans'.

How did slaves make soap? ›

Georgia Giwbs (a former slave) said that the process of making the lye to create the soap included slowly mixing water with oak wood ashes to create an oak ash lye to begin the task of laundry. In some other instances, women made their lye soap via animal skin as opposed to ashes.

Are humans supposed to use soap? ›

The good news, though, is that soap is pretty much unnecessary. Yep. You don't need to use conventional soaps in your daily hygiene routine. All you absolutely need, bare bones, to stay clean is water.

Why did people in the 1800s not use soap often? ›

5. People rarely used soap to wash their bodies before the late 19th century. It was usually made from animal fats and ashes and was too harsh for bodies; the gentler alternative, made with olive oil, was too expensive for most people. 6.

What did people clean before soap? ›

Before soap, many people around the world used plain ol' water, with sand and mud as occasional exfoliants. Depending on where you lived and your financial status, you may have had access to different scented waters or oils that would be applied to your body and then wiped off to remove dirt and cover smell.

What did medieval people use instead of soap? ›

Generally it was made in the manorial workshops, of accumulated mutton fat, wood ash or potash, and natural soda. Laundresses might also use a solution of lye and fuller's earth or white clay.

How did Cowboys make soap? ›

People made soap with animal fat, vinegar, ashes, and lye. It would get you clean if you did not mind some of your skin sloughing off with the dirt! Since the cowboy usually washed in a river on the trail drive, it hardly mattered what his skin looked like after washing.

What is the oldest bar soap? ›

Aleppo soap is probably the oldest bar soap in History. Made in Syria thanks to a simple recipe that has not changed for more than 2000 years: the main base of saponified olive oil to which laurel bay oil is added.

What was used as soap before soap? ›

Soap likely originated as a by-product of a long-ago cookout: meat, roasting over a fire; globs of fat, dripping into ashes. The result was a chemical reaction that created a slippery substance that turned out to be great at lifting dirt off skin and allowing it to be washed away.

What was soap like in the 1700s? ›

In the 18th century soap came in two forms: hard soap and soft soap. Hard soap traveled easier around the house but soft soap was cheaper and easier to make at home. Not all soap was home made; soap boilers manufactured soap in bulk and both hard soap and soft soap were available to purchase in stores by the pound.

Did people have soap in the 1700s? ›

To provide a little background information, soap was a necessary all-purpose supply to keep in any 17th-century home. You used the same basic lye soap to wash yourself, your dishes, and your laundry.

What is the oldest soap brand in the US? ›

Caswell-Massey, founded in 1752, is the first fragrance and personal care product company in America.

How did humans shower before soap? ›

Not even the Greeks and Romans, who pioneered running water and public baths, used soap to clean their bodies. Instead, men and women immersed themselves in water baths and then smeared their bodies with scented olive oils. They used a metal or reed scraper called a strigil to remove any remaining oil or grime.

How did the Pilgrims make soap? ›

In order to make soap, the colonists would combine the lye and rendered fat in a kettle and heat the mixture to a boil. After 6 to 8 hours, a soapy mass formed at the top of kettle which was liquid soap.

Did medieval people bathe with soap? ›

And yes, they used soap—in fact, soap was often made at home and widely available as a trade good as early as the 9th century in Europe. It was made of animal fat and wood ash, and sometimes scented with fresh herbs like sage and thyme. Bathing was often a community activity.

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