The Pay Is Awful, but Judging Barbecue Has Its Rewards (Published 2006) (2024)



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The Pay Is Awful, but Judging Barbecue Has Its Rewards (Published 2006) (1)

Franklin Square, N.Y.

ON a Saturday morning, 56 people filed into a nondescript office building on Hempstead Turnpike here to learn how to eat barbecue. And how to taste it, smell it, prod it and otherwise determine whether it is worthy of honor — and cash prizes.

As barbecue competitions become more popular around the country, skilled judges are increasingly in demand, especially in the Northeast, which has no great history of the smoking pit.

The number of contests sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society, competitive barbecue's most influential governing body, has risen in the past five years, to 220 a year from fewer than 60, said Carolyn Wells, the executive director. So the organization has been training more judges — 8,000 have been sworn in over the past decade — but until recently few New Yorkers were among them.

The students here, mostly local men who spend many weekends little more than an arm's length from their backyard barbecues, had paid $70 each to cover the five-hour class and membership in the Kansas City Barbecue Society. (Members of the society paid only $45, for the class.) After studying the rule book and signing the judges' code of conduct, they would qualify to rate events like the fourth annual Grill Kings competition, with 50 teams, at Belmont Park on July 15 and 16, and the second annual Hudson Valley Ribfest from Aug. 18 to 20 in New Paltz, N.Y.

As the instructor, Jerry Mullane, outlined the scoring system, students learned that the rules of barbecue are not intuitive, but they are exacting.

"How much sauce can you have?" Mr. Mullane asked, pointing to the bottom of a plastic-foam box like the ones competitors use to deliver meat to tables of six judges. "We say a 50-cent piece." That is, bigger than a dab, smaller than a puddle.

Students patiently scribbled notes as Mr. Mullane, a restaurant owner from suburban Philadelphia and a longtime judge, listed acceptable garnishes: parsley and cilantro, yes; red leaf lettuce and crinkly greens, no.

Stomachs were growling by lunchtime, when each table was presented with a dozen meat-filled boxes: three variations each on chicken, ribs, pork shoulder and brisket. But hunger did not cloud the students' criticism.

Debbie Knicos, who runs a cookie business out of her Long Island home and barbecues on a kettle grill she converts to a smoker, raised an eyebrow at a box of haphazardly arranged chicken thighs.

"There's no lettuce," she whispered, penciling in low marks for appearance, moderate marks for taste and tenderness.

"In places like Kansas City everyone's a judge, and they let people out of work to judge," Mr. Mullane told the class. Events in New York, like the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party, where some of the country's top pit masters cook in Madison Square Park, are more about bonhomie than championship titles.

Still, interest is growing in the Northeast. "We used to be a clique," said Mr. Mullane, who started judging around the country 10 years ago with his wife, Linda, after their son left for college. Now there are new judges at every event, he said.

Barbecue judges are not paid, but many believe that the smoked meat they consume — about two pounds at each contest — is fair compensation. Mr. Mullane, a man whose girth suggests a sincere love of food, revealed tips for getting even more.

"If you get there on Friday you're going to have a great time," he said, describing the night-before party that unfolds while competitors are cooking. "The best way to get food is to say, 'Wow, that's a great smoker!' "

Many of the students were looking for cooking tips, too. After learning that perfectly cooked brisket should expand and contract and that ribs should not fall from the bone, Walter Ejnes, the president of a medical education company, revised his recipe. "I overcook my ribs," he wrote via e-mail after the event. "One hour less on the smoker might make them even better."

During breaks, the students hobnobbed with the competition barbecuers who prepared the meat for the class: Phil Rizzardi, who competes for Barbecue Brethren, a Long Island team, and Nancee Gell of Norwalk, Conn., whose team, representing Purple Turtle Catering, won top prize at Grillin' on the Bay in Brooklyn in March. It was the first competition in New York City sanctioned by the New England Barbecue Society, which follows Kansas City Barbecue Society rules.

Mr. Rizzardi said later that he was a little dubious about the class. A grease fire did in the ribs, he said, but that did not keep many students from awarding top marks. No experience beyond the class is required for certification.

"It kind of concerns me!" Mr. Rizzardi said. "These are our future judges of America."

The ribs, overcooked and charred, didn't go unnoticed by a few competitors who were among the student body, hoping to glean what judges are looking for.

"I wanted to see the inside of the game," said Lou Elrose, a k a Big Lou, a retired New York City police officer who cooks on the competition circuit with Adam Perry Lang, the chef at Daisy May's BBQ USA in Manhattan. Mr. Lang won the grand championship last year at the Great Pork BarbeQLossal in Des Moines, the first New Yorker to do so.

Mr. Lang, like most restaurateurs who moonlight as competitive barbecuers, has taken the judging class. He arrives at competitions early to shop local supermarkets and eat at local barbecue places, in an effort to understand the mind-set of local judges. "You want to know your audience," he said.

He uses sweeter flavors when competing in Kansas City, more vinegary undertones in the South. And he relies on tips he has picked up on the circuit, like injecting meat with marinade to keep it moist.

Judges warn, however, that if dark liquids are injected, they could streak the meat, drawing demerits for appearance. Not Mr. Lang's award-winning pork butt recipe, which has a hint of soy-spiked fruit. But he doesn't inject his meat at his restaurant.

"Competition barbecue," he said, "is its own art form."



The Pay Is Awful, but Judging Barbecue Has Its Rewards (Published 2006) (2024)


How much do the judges make on BBQ pitmasters? ›

Barbecue judges are not paid, but many believe that the smoked meat they consume — about two pounds at each contest — is fair compensation. Mr. Mullane, a man whose girth suggests a sincere love of food, revealed tips for getting even more.

How is BBQ judged? ›

Some of it made sense. For instance, four official BBQ categories are judged in the main KCBS-sanctioned contests: chicken, pork, pork ribs and beef brisket. Judges are to assess this quartet of carne on three criteria: taste, tenderness and appearance.

How do you judge barbeque ribs? ›

Ribs – believe it or not – should not fall off the bone. If all of the meat slides off with the first bite, they're too tender. Judges are looking for a bit of bite to the meat. There are no set requirements in this category.

What makes a barbecue barbecue? ›

In North America, pitmasters BBQ foods by roasting or smoking them over wood or charcoal at low temperatures for several hours, transforming whole roasts and tough cuts into tender, succulent pieces of meat. Because the cooking process, equipment, and meals are so entwined, they're all referred to as BBQ.

Who won $50,000 on BBQ Pitmasters? ›

The Rescue Smokers of Sycamore, Robby Royal and Raymond Poore, won the BBQ Pitmasters Grand Championship and a $50,000 prize, as well as an invitation to the Kingsford Invitational BBQ Competition later this year. "We beat an amazing Kansas City team, Squeal Like a Pig.

Who is the best pitmaster in the US? ›

Who is a famous grill master? Aaron Franklin is a world-famous BBQ pitmaster who took the world by storm and is hands down, the best-known grillmaster. He started his own restaurant Franklin Barbecue with a $99 smoker before being termed as the ultimate BBQ pitmaster.

What does the Q stand for in BBQ? ›

It's an informal way. The acronym BBQ most commonly means barbecue (with a “C”). While barbecue is the “usual” spelling, the variant barbeque (with a “Q”) has been gaining popularity. Other common abbreviated spellings of the word are “Bar-B-Q,” “Bar-B-Cue,” “Bar-B-Que,” or simply “Cue.”

What do judges look for when judging food? ›


Based on a product's flavor, appearance, texture and aroma, and how these qualities come together as a whole. Flavor How pleasant are the taste and aftertaste of the product? Appearance Is the product aesthetically appealing? Texture How is the consistency and mouthfeel?

Is BBQ a Southern thing? ›

Barbecue as a cultural tradition spread from the South and was incorporated into several Midwestern regions such as western Missouri. Variations of these ideals by region are reflected in the great diversity of barbecue styles and traditions within the United States.

What is the 3 2 1 method of barbecuing ribs? ›

Essentially, 3 2 1 ribs go like this: 3 hours of smoking the ribs directly on the pellet grill. 2 hours wrapped in foil, still cooking on the grill. 1 hour of cooking, unwrapped and slathered in barbecue sauce.

How to win a BBQ competition? ›

Winning Tips for Competition BBQ
  1. Don't be a Perfectionist to make perfect BBQ. ...
  2. Get to know your Meats. ...
  3. Build a crash kit for making rubs and sauces. ...
  4. Keep your cool when managing your temperatures. ...
  5. Dress to Impress when Competing. ...
  6. Prepare for Serving right from the Start. ...
  7. Quality test your dish from start to finish.
Mar 22, 2023

What do Southerners call a barbecue? ›

Barbecue vs Cookout: How It Changes Down South

For Southerners, the meanings of barbecue vs cookout are quite drastic than other areas of the country. Down South, a “cookout” means grilling food outside. The cookout menu features foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, and other easy foods.

Why is BBQ called BBQ? ›

The Origin of 'Barbecue'

The history of the word barbecue goes back to the indigenous people of North and South America, the Spanish word barbacoa was used by the Taínos who inhabited Hispaniola, Jamaica and Cuba. Barbacoa was used to describe the slow cooking of meat over an open flame.

What state has the best BBQ? ›

States With the Best Barbecue
  • Texas. According to Food and Wine Magazine, some of the best barbecue restaurants can be found in Texas. ...
  • Missouri. Missouri is another state well-known for its style of barbecue. ...
  • North Carolina. In the western part of the state, the focus is on wood-smoked pork. ...
  • Tennessee.

Who are the judges on BBQ Pitmasters? ›

Professional judges like 3 time world BBQ champion Myron Mixon and Tuffy Stone, score the food prepared by the contestants on taste and tenderness. The best team advances to the next round to get one step closer in becoming the BBQ PITMASTERS GRAND CHAMPION and win $50.000 in prize money.

Who are the judges on the backyard BBQ? ›

Backyard BBQ
  • Anne Burrell.
  • Tina Cannon.
  • Bobby Flay.

What happened to Kevin on BBQ Pitmasters? ›

In the two decades since Bludso turned from corrections to cooking, he has become one of the most celebrated BBQ pitmasters in America, opening several restaurants (including an American BBQ restaurant in Melbourne, Australia), launching a line of sauces and rubs, and appearing on successful shows like "American ...

What do they do with the leftover food on BBQ showdown? ›

Johnson said that truthfully, the food that's baked or cooked on these reality shows often gets thrown away. “We can't donate any of them, and that is a bummer,” she noted. “There are really strict rules in place, for a good reason, when it comes to food donation.”

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.