The Queen's bizarre bath time rules that prevent her washing like the lower class (2024)

The Queen's strict bath time routine has some rather strict rules to it, making sure she can avoid showering.

In a bid to avoid stepping in a shower to get clean, Her Majesty reportedly has her maid run her a bath every morning at around 7:30am.

While the monarch is waiting for her bath to be drawn, she'll enjoy a cup of Earl Grey tea, while listening to BBC Radio 4.

Before she submerges herself in the tub of her favorite bathroom at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Balmoral Castle or Sandringham, the temperature of the water must be checked and ensured to be "tepid".

According to royal author, Brian Hoey, the Queen's staff will check the heat of the water with a thermometer—and when it comes to depth, the bath has to be filled to precisely seven inches.

The Queen's bizarre bath time rules that prevent her washing like the lower class (1)

(Image credit: Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images)

"While Her Majesty is enjoying her first cup of tea, her maid will go into the adjoining bathroom to draw the bath, which has to be exactly the right temperature: tested with a wooden-cased thermometer, and no more than seven inches of water," he told the Daily Mail.

After bathing, the matriarch of the monarchy is said to fix her hair and get dressed in an outfit laid out for her, before heading downstairs for breakfast at 8:30am.

But her strict bath time etiquette isn't for relaxation. The Queen is believed to steer clear of showering because of a rather strange view, first reflected by her sister, Princess Margaret.

The Queen's bizarre bath time rules that prevent her washing like the lower class (2)

(Image credit: Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

Royal expert, Craig Brown, revealed that Margaret and her royal relatives viewed shower time as something strictly for those needing a quick wash before dashing off to work.

"She always took a bath because she and other royals believe showers are for people who are rushing out the door to get to work," he told W magazine.

The Queen's bizarre bath time rules that prevent her washing like the lower class (2024)
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