The Seven Skies (2024)

Muslims believe in the existence of seven skies or heavens. The seven skies serves as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the universe, and the power and majesty of Allah.

Here are the seven heavens in Islam…

The Seven Skies (1)

Image credit Anajat Raissi

1/ Jannat Al Adan:

The first level of Jannah is Jannat Al Adan. The meaning of Adan is ‘residence’ and ‘eternal place’.

The Seven Skies (2)

Image credit Ali Alirezai

2/ Jannat Al Firdaws:

Jannat Al Firdaws is the second level of Jannah and the most prestigious level. The meaning of Firdaws is “Garden which has all kinds of plant”.

The Seven Skies (3)

Image credit Ash Diler

3/ Jannat An Naeem:

Naeem means a prosperous and peaceful life, living in wealth, happiness and blessings.

The Seven Skies (4)

Image credit Ali Alirezai

4/ Jannat Al Mawa:

The meaning of Mawa is “a place to take refuge; dwelling, home”.

Image credit Ali Alirezai

5/ Dar Ul Khuld:

The fifth level of Jannah is called Dar ul Khuld. Khuld means being Eternal, immorality, eternity or everlasting.

The Seven Skies (6)

Image credit Ali Alirezai

6/ Dar ul Maqaam:

Dar ul Maqaam is the sixth level of Jannah according to the scholars and it means “an essence place to stay”, a land to dwell eternally or the safe place to live.

The Seven Skies (7)

7/ Dar us Salam:

The seventh level of Paradise is Dar us Salam. Dar us Salam means “home of peace and safety”, adobe of well-being.

The Seven Skies (8)

And among the seven skies, the sky of the earth, which is the nearest to us is ornamented with stars.

“We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars”

Holy Qur’an, as-Saffat , 37/6

The Seven Skies (9)

Al Bukhari and Sahi say:

“Jannah has one hundred levels and between each level is remoteness like the remoteness between the earth & the sky”

The Seven Skies (10)

Sources of inspiration & information

The Seven Skies (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.