The Sims 4 Painter Career (2024)

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Rewards for Masters and Patron of the Arts

The Sims 4 Painter Career (3)
Career Branches: Master of the Real and Patron of the Arts

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If you want to be a Professional Painter in The Sims 4, taking on the Painter Career Track is wise. As you level your Painting Skill, you can gain extra perks that will help you make more income. While you could work at the Easel and make a respectable living, and even masterpieces, your odds of excelling at the Profession are much higher should your rise in the ranks as a Pro Painter. Take on the Career by using your Sim's Phone or Computer.

How to: Painter Career Cheats
Press Control + Shift + C then type testingcheats on and press enter. You can now get promotions with careers.promote painter - you can also see all Career Cheats or visit a full list of Cheats in The Sims 4.

Sell to Art Gallery
Taking the Painting Career lets you sell all kinds of Paintings to the Art Gallery, which buys your paintings for 20% more than their face value. Normally, only Masterpieces can be sold there. If you own The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack, you can consider selling your paintings via Retail so that you can mark them up even higher. Paintings are replaced once sold, so you can build up a nice stock then make a store. Just remember that you need money to open it and pay employees.

Getting Inspired
Getting inspired is important to Painting, as it increases the likelihood your Sim will produce Masterpieces and is the Ideal Mood for the Career. The abilities 'Research Art Reference', 'Gather Inspiration', and 'Critically Assess' will help your Sim get Inspired, as will Dialog options with other Sims and the many objects you'll get that put off Inspired Emotional Auras. Learn more by reading about the Painting skill, but this Career compliments the Skill perfectly and helps you make the most of it thanks to these interactions.

Hiring an Agent
You will also be able to hire an agent. Call the Agent to occasionally get bonus money ($80, $200, $500). It seems you could make a career of calling the agent most of the day, at least once you're level 8-10 in the Career. It gets better the higher you are, as the agent will gradually tell you he has nothing for you less often. At level 9, I called multiple times in a row and got a donation each time. If the Agent says they got you a deal to sell to a collector for higher than market value, just take the money that is given with the call. You always get 50% more from Masterpieces. The $500 IS the bonus money as far as I can tell, so I'm not sure what the game is talking about!


Painter Job Levels and Career Unlocks

It should be known that the 'Painting' Daily Task is equally completed with large or small paintings. It's a requirement to paint for several hours, and large can accomplish this as well as small.

Painter Career Levels 1-6

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
1Palette Cleaner$21/hourMon-Fri 9AM-5PM$168/dayPaint Paintings.Sell to Art Gallery
2Art Book Collator$23/hourMon-Fri 9AM-5PM$184/dayPaint Paintings. Reach Level 2 Painting Skill$422, Picture Perfect Art Lighting, Research Art Reference on Computer
3Hungry Artist$26/hourTue-Sat 9AM-5PM$208/dayPaint Paintings. Reach Level 4 Painting Skill$464, Study of the Human Form - find in Family Inventory (Buy Mode) and Enable Emotional Aura after hanging it to get Inspired almost 100% of the time.
4Watercolor Dabbler$29/hourMon-Wed, Fri-Sat 9AM-5PM$232/dayPaint Paintings. Reach Level 5 in Painting Skill$510, Easy-Breezy Easel, Ability to Critically Assess Paintings
5Canvas Creator$35/hourSun, Tue-Wed, Fri-Sat 9AM-5PM$280/dayPaint Paintings. Reach Level 6 in Painting Skill$587, Painting Canvas Storage Rack, Gather Inspiration from Art, Hire Agent from Phone
6Imaginative Imagist$44/hourWed-Sun 9AM-4PM$308/dayPaint Paintings. Reach Level 7 in Painting Skill$845, Vase of Sunflowers, New CAS Parts

Painter Career Branches: Master of the Real and Patron of the Arts

Look below to see the benefits of both branches. Both have their strengths, but my personal preference is Master of the Real for its better Easel, shorter work hours, and Inspiring Decor. The bed from Patron of the Arts is nice, but the Easel is less likely to put out Masterpieces than the other - but it is still a respectable percentage rate. I did succeed in many Masterpieces with Patron. There are just more with Master of the Real, and the jobs' pay differences become moot when you are selling Paintings worth $4-7,000 or more.

Patron of the Arts

The Sims 4 Painter Career (4)Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!

The Sims 4 Painter Career (5)
Patron of the Arts Career Rewards

Choosing 'Patron of the Arts' Painter Career Branch
Upon taking the job, you'll get $1,088, and an Artiste Supply Taboret. The Taboret is worth $1,688 and has an Inspiring Decor rating of 8. You can gather inspiration from it and choose whether its +8 Inspiration is active by enabling/disabling the Aura. At level 10, you gain access to the Rustic Dream Bed, the current-most-expensive, but not best Bed for de-stressing, at level 10. It has an Inspirating Decor rating of 6 and, again, its Aura can be enabled if chosen. This Career Track's Daily Task is to view paintings, which can be done by going to the art gallery or looking at your own paintings after their completion (or your own collection that you've built up till then). Really, you can look at the same paintings over and over to finish. See the other benefits of choosing Patron of the Arts below.

In order to level the Charisma Skill. use a mirror and practice speech while Confident (brush teeth).

Patron of the Arts Career Branch

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
7Color Theory Critic$70/hourSat-Sun and Tue-Thu 9AM-3PM$420/dayCreate Paintings. Reach Level 8 in Painting Skill, Level 2 Charisma$1,088 and an Artiste Supply Taboret
8Fine-Art Aficionado$126/hourSat-Sun and Tue-Thu 9AM-2PM$630/dayCreate Paintings. Reach Level 9 in Painting Skill, Level 4 Charisma$1259, Pre-Owned Painter's Easel
9Composition Curator$227/hourWed, Sat-Sun 10AM-4PM$1362/dayCreate Paintings. Reach Level 10 Painting, Level 6 Charisma$2203, Stack of Canvases
10Patron of the Arts$328/hourSat-Mon, Wed, 11AM-4PM$1640Create Paintings. Go to Work!$3273, Rustic Dream Bed, New CAS Parts

Master of the Real

The Sims 4 Painter Career (6)
Master of the Real Painter Career Rewards

Master of the Real Benefits
Master of the Real is more for those who want to excel at Painting, due to the fact it gets the best Easel in the game - Painting Quality 9 vs 7 for the one from 'Patron'. There is also less work to be done at the top level, and you'll only go in 2 days a week. This leaves more time for painting while giving all the benefits of being involved in the Painter Career Track. This branch also gets the Taboret for Inspiring decor, along with the Premium Prima Ballerina Statue and the Flegel Studio Floor Lamp. The CAS Parts you get are similar to what is pictured above, only not as dirty.

Buy a Chess Table, Observatory, or Microscope in order to level the Logic Skill and do so while Focused (browse simpedia on computer).

Master of the Real Career Branch

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
7Artist En Residence$65/hourMon, Wed-Thu, Sat, 10AM-7PM$585Paint Paintings. Reach Level 8 in Painting Skill, Level 2 Logic$1,088 and an Artist Supply Taboret
8Professional Painter$140/hourSun, Tue, Thu-Fri, 10AM-3PM$700Paint Paintings. Reach Level 9 in Painting Skill, Level 4 Logic$1,399, Deluxe All-Season Easel
9Illustrious Illustrator$280/hourMon, Wed, Fri, 10AM-3PM$1400Paint Paintings. Reach Level 10 in Painting Skill, Level 6 Logic$1,678, Premium Prima Ballerina
10Master of the Real$492/hourMon, Thu, 10AM-3PM$2460Paint Paintings. Go to Work!$2,937, Flegel Studio Floor Lamp, New CAS Parts

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The Sims 4 Painter Career (7)

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The Sims 4 Painter Career (9)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (10)



Sep 2015

First Poster


Thank you!!!


The Sims 4 Painter Career (11)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (12)



Nov 2015


I did this career and maxed to level 10 in the Master of the Real branch before leaving it to go max the Detective career. I came back to this career because I wanted to unlock the items from the Patron of the Arts branch, but I soon realized my career is somewhat stuck at level 4, and there is a note below the level and description in the work tab that says Master of the Real +2. Is there anyway I can bypass this to unlock the stuff fairly?


The Sims 4 Painter Career (13)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (14)



Dec 2015


If you just want to unlock the career items you can use:
(it unlocks ALL)
It is also possible to just cheat in one specific object,
Search for that yourself though ^^


The Sims 4 Painter Career (15)


Tayshelaran Draquin

The Sims 4 Painter Career (16)



May 2023

Tayshelaran Draquinsays...

@Cindy i do not know if you can do both branches with one sim it might work better with two sims, wich is the method i will use.


The Sims 4 Painter Career (17)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (18)



May 2016


I noticed that when you have (i think) The Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, you start at hungry artist rather than palette cleaner.


The Sims 4 Painter Career (19)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (20)



Jan 2016

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Most Likes


Depending on the sim you can start at level 1, 3 or 4 of any career. A new sim with no reward traits will start at level 1, a sim who received an A at high school will start at Level 3 and a sim who has the Connections reward trait will always start at Level 4. The Sims 4 Painter Career (21)


The Sims 4 Painter Career (22)



The Sims 4 Painter Career (23)



Nov 2016


I believe what Cindi is asking is how to unlock both branches in a given career.

You can not do this without cheats or mods. Once you reach the point in a career where you must choose between two branches, your choice is set. When you choose a path, that will be e only one you can take. Even if you leave that career and max a new one. If you go back to a previously maxed career you will pick that career up at the beginning of the path choice you already picked.

If you check mod the sims, they have a mod that will t you go back to a previous career and unlock the path you didn't choose last time. Allowing you to unlock both paths for every career.


The Sims 4 Painter Career (24)


Rapid Systems

The Sims 4 Painter Career (25)



Oct 2020

Rapid Systemssays...

Master of the Real branch pays less each week but you only have to work 2 days a week. Sims who choose the Patron of the Arts have to work 4 days a week. Almost every object you get as a reward for your promotion can enable an emotional aura so your Sims in the room can become inspired.

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The Sims 4 Painter Career (2024)


Is painting a good career in Sims 4? ›

Quick Links. Designed for the most creative Sims and paying well at the higher levels, the Painter career in The Sims 4 can very easily become one of the more lucrative. Choose between making your own Masterpieces or curating others, surround yourself in all things aesthetic, and make a living in the world of art.

Which Painter branch is better in Sims 4? ›

The Master of the Real Branch focuses on art for art's sake. A crucial reward object is the Deluxe All-Season Easel which has the highest painting quality rating in the game.

What is the highest paying career in Sims 4? ›

The highest-paying career in The Sims 4 is the Military career track. Both the Covert Operator and Officer branches offer the same financial rewards, and those who successfully rise through the ranks will earn §16,880 per week in either of the jobs, be it Grand Marshal or Sim-in-Black.

What is the cheat code for the Painter career in Sims 4? ›

Type the cheat code “testingcheats true” and hit enter. Type “careers. promote Painter” for an instant promotion.

Should you sell masterpiece painting Sims 4? ›

A masterpiece can be worth a lot of Simoleons in The Sims 4, but it value does not increase over time or when the Sim who painted it dies. The only perk of keeping a masterpiece is its increased ambience value.

What paintings make the most in Sims 4? ›

Larger paintings, even if the artwork and quality is the same, sell for more Simoleons than smaller ones. As your Sim levels the Painting skill in The Sims 4, they unlock new art styles they can begin to experiment with. In general, styles learned at higher skill levels sell for the most Simoleons.

What is the most profitable thing to grow in Sims 4? ›

The Dragon Fruit is one of the most valuable plants in The SIms 4. It's worth a whopping $250 Simoleons, just as a base value. If you tend to it carefully and evolve and fertilize the plant you can earn up to $695 per plant. It's also a key ingredient in grafting Cow Berries.

What skill on Sims 4 makes the most money? ›

The current highest-paying career in Sims 4 is the Military path, available with The Sims 4 Strangerville Pack. There are two options on the Military Career path, but both will pay out the same when maxed, so the decision to go for either Grand Marshal or Sim-in-Black is entirely up to the player.

Can you sell paintings in Sims 4? ›

Also jpkarlsen, once you get enough levels in painting, you can sell any painting of any quality to the art gallery, not just master pieces. My other sim can sell it with no problems, his own and hers, no matter the quality.

How do you get masterpiece paintings in Sims 4? ›

By raising your Sim to Very Inspired and then having them paint, you increase the odds of creating a masterpiece. Doing other inspiring activities such as molding clay, taking a thoughtful shower, or viewing a bonsai can help a Sim feel inspired.

How to increase painting skills in Sims 4? ›

Type "stats. set_skill_level major_ painting x" in the cheat box, and hit enter. Players should also replace "x" in the cheat with the skill level they wish to reach. The Sims 4 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

How do you make money from paintings in Sims 4? ›

Larger paintings, even if the artwork and quality is the same, sell for more Simoleons than smaller ones. As your Sim levels the Painting skill in The Sims 4, they unlock new art styles they can begin to experiment with. In general, styles learned at higher skill levels sell for the most Simoleons.

What can you do with paintings in Sims 4? ›

Painting is a skill in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Sims can make small, medium, or large-sized paintings. A finished painting can be named, hung on the wall, or sold either from the easel, inventory, or consignment store. Sketches made from the drafting table or sketchbook cannot be consigned, however.

How to make an excellent painting in Sims 4? ›

To increase the painting level of your Sim, just keep painting until the green bar above their head is filled. There will be better chances to achieve a masterpiece by repeating the type of painting you have used the most.

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