The Ultimate Pimple Treatment Is Hiding in Your Junk Drawer (2024)

The Ultimate Pimple Treatment Is Hiding in Your Junk Drawer (1)

Photo: ImaxTree

It’s a sucky fact of life that zits don’t stop happening once you exit your teen years. The only difference withexperiencing them as an adult is that you’ve probably developed a proven way to deal with them. After grappling with pimples for a couple decades, I can confidently say that I’ve discovered the ultimate coping mechanism. It just happens to be way more unorthodox than, say, slathering on some tea tree oil, jojoba oil, or using Glam Glow’s Supermud as a spot treatment (all preferred methods of other StyleCaster staffers).

I’ve found the most effective way to make blemishes disappear overnight is by covering them with Scotch Magic Tape. (Yes, the office supply.) Itbasicallyhermetically seals the offending area, keeping gunk and inflammation at bay.

But before you run to your nearest tape dispenser, we need to set some ground rules: 1) Always wash your hands and face prior to application, 2) use a topical acne treatment before sticking on a small strip of tape, and 3) attempt this only before going to bed. Not only is it inadvisable to walk around in public with transparent tape stuck to your face, but it’s also important to take advantage of the long window of sleep to allow the zit to heal in an airtight environment.

The bigger surprise is thatyou’re also going to need to pop the pimple first. We know: This isnormally not sound advice, but I’ve found it’s the way this gonzo approach works best. Just make sure to prod at only those pimples that are genuinely ready to be expressed (gently—no forcing!) and then hands off until the next morning. When you peel away the tape, you’ll exfoliate dead skin in the process; prepare to be amazed at how well this all works.

As much as I wholeheartedly recommend this, know that dermatologists do not. “This method can be irritating to the skin given the chemicals Scotch tape contains,” warns Dr. Dennis Gross. “There is also the potential for skin damage, such as a tear, when the tape is peeled off the surface.”

While I’ve experienced neither side effect personally, Dr. Francesca Fusco of Wexler Dermatology raises another concern: “Occluding a bacteria-laden pimple could put that pimple at risk for more infection,” she cautions. “[Scotch tape] would exfoliate a layer or two of epidermis, but you can dothat with friendlyand clean tapes and products specifically for skin.”

Ironically, it was Clearasil acne stickers that inspired my husband—now a doctor (admittedly,not a derm, but ananesthesiologist who doles out medical advice for a living)—to come up with this hack as a teenager. If you’d rather play it safe, there are a handful of adhesive blemish covers cropping up on store shelves, including the one below from 3M—you know, the company that makes Scotch tape.

The Ultimate Pimple Treatment Is Hiding in Your Junk Drawer (2)

Photo: Courtesy of Nexcare

Nexcare Acne Absorbing Covers, $7.99; at

The Ultimate Pimple Treatment Is Hiding in Your Junk Drawer (3)

Photo: Courtesy of Sephora

Peter Thomas Roth Acne-Clear Invisible Dots Blemish Treatment, $30; at Sephora

The Ultimate Pimple Treatment Is Hiding in Your Junk Drawer (2024)


What helps bring a pimple to a head? ›

Warm compresses and acne stickers can help to bring a pimple to a head so that the sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria can exit to the skin's surface. Using ice can relieve inflammation. If blind pimples occur frequently or are particularly inflamed and painful, a person should seek advice from a dermatologist.

Does putting duct tape on pimples work? ›

As much as I wholeheartedly recommend this, know that dermatologists do not. “This method can be irritating to the skin given the chemicals Scotch tape contains,” warns Dr. Dennis Gross. “There is also the potential for skin damage, such as a tear, when the tape is peeled off the surface.”

What is a pimple with a hard white core? ›

Pustules are a type of pimple that contains yellowish pus. They are larger than whiteheads and blackheads. Pustules appear either as red bumps with white centers or as white bumps that are hard and often tender to the touch. In many cases, the skin around the pustules is red or inflamed.

How do you get rid of a huge pimple with no head? ›

How do you treat blind pimples?
  1. Don't squeeze or pop. Blind pimples are too far below the skin to pop. ...
  2. Use a product containing benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria under the skin. ...
  3. Apply a warm compress. Warm compresses can help ease pain. ...
  4. Wear an acne patch. ...
  5. Apply tea tree oil. ...
  6. Apply raw honey.

How do you get rid of a pimple with no head in 24 hours? ›

How can I treat blind pimples?
  1. Apply warm compresses: Place a warm, wet washcloth over the area and hold it there for about 10 minutes, several times a day. ...
  2. Place an acne sticker on the area: An acne sticker has medication (such as salicylic acid, which treats pimples).
May 4, 2022

What will cover up a pimple overnight? ›

Try a spot treatment or pimple patch

You've probably seen these emergency pimple treatments at the drugstore — usually an extra-strong solution of salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide. And yep, they can actually get rid of pimples overnight.

Can I put Neosporin on pimple overnight? ›

“If you pop the pimple, it becomes a micro-wound,” explains Kazin. At this point, it's best to apply a little antibiotic ointment like Neosporin ($6, at night to help speed up healing. Allowing it to “breathe” during the day without anything on it, if possible, will also help it mend faster.

How do you pop a pimple without a needle? ›

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, then apply pressure to both sides of the clogged pore using your fingers. With a little pressure, the blackhead should pop out.

What is a stone pimple? ›

Hard pimples develop when dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria enter the skin's surface. Once under the skin, bacteria can multiply quickly. This can cause the skin to become irritated and even infected. Hard pimples appear as raised bumps on or under the skin's surface. Sometimes, they're filled with pus.

Why was there a hard thing in my pimple? ›

Nodular acne is a severe type of acne. It causes hard lumps or knots (nodules) to develop deep under your skin. The nodules start below the surface and appear on the skin as red bumps. These bumps usually don't have a whitehead or blackhead at the center.

What is the hard pus that comes out of pimples? ›

Pimple pus is made from sebum (oil) that gets trapped in your pores, along with a combination of dead skin cells, debris (such as makeup), and bacteria. When you have inflammatory acne lesions (such as pustules, papules, nodules, and cysts), your immune system activates in this area, resulting in noticeable pus.

How do you dry out a pimple in an hour? ›

A small crushed-up aspirin paste to a pimple helps with drying up the spot and inflammation. Toothpaste—the opaque kind, not gel—can be used to dry up pimples. Ice to a red pimple gives immediate blood vessel constriction and helps with redness.

Does putting a hot towel on a pimple work? ›

A hot compress has the opposite effect. Pores relax or dilate in the presence of heat. Warmth and moisture help loosen the contents inside the pores and draw excess oil and dirt to the surface. People can treat large, inflamed pimples by alternating hot and cold compresses.

What is under skin cyst pimple? ›

Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne that causes painful, pus-filled pimples to form deep under the skin. Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog skin pores. With cystic acne, bacteria also gets into the pores, causing swelling or inflammation. Cystic acne is the most severe type of acne.

Can you pop a pimple with no head? ›

If you're going to pop your zit on your own, it's about using common sense. Don't pop unless there's a definite head. Be gentle. Don't keep squeezing if nothing's coming out.

How long does it take for a pimple with no head to go away? ›

Most pimples go away on their own, but it may take some time. Deep pimples (pimples under your skin with no head that may feel hard to the touch) may take a few weeks to go away, if not longer. It's better to see your healthcare provider at the first sign of pimples and follow their treatment suggestions.

How do you get rid of deep pimples? ›

How to treat deep, painful pimples
  1. DO wash your skin before treating it. ...
  2. DO apply ice to reduce pain and swelling. ...
  3. DO apply a product that contains 2 percent benzoyl peroxide to the pimple. ...
  4. DO apply a warm compress once a whitehead begins to form. ...
  5. DON'T pop, squeeze or pick at the blemish.
Sep 11, 2018

Can salicylic acid get rid of blind pimples? ›

While active ingredients like salicylic acid and lactic acid might not be able to work as well on a blind pimple as they do on a regular whitehead or blackhead, they can help to make the process faster.

How do I get rid of a huge pimple in a few hours? ›

  1. 6 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast. ...
  2. Apply Ice to the Pimple: ...
  3. Apply a Paste of Crushed Aspirin to the Pimple. ...
  4. Use An Over-the-Counter Acne Spot Treatment. ...
  5. Use Makeup with Salicylic Acid to Conceal Pimples. ...
  6. Apply a Face Mask for Acne. ...
  7. Get a Cortisone Injection to Quickly Get Rid of a Pimple.
Dec 6, 2021

Does hydrogen peroxide help acne? ›

There's no evidence that hydrogen peroxide can safely and effectively cure acne. In reality, hydrogen peroxide may actually increase scarring on the skin by interfering with the wound-healing process. It can also cause skin irritation and burns if used at too high of a concentration.

Does honey get rid of pimples? ›

Honey is by no means a magical cure-all for acne. However, it can have antibacterial and soothing effects that may curb irritation or redness caused by blemishes. If you're looking for an at-home remedy, honey might be a great place to start.

What to do after popping a pimple? ›

Clean up. After you've popped the pimple, wash your face and hands a second time with antibacterial soap, and then apply a small amount of alcohol to the remains of the blemish—this will help keep bacteria from repopulating it.

Is it better to leave a pimple or pop it? ›

Squeezing also can lead to scabs and might leave you with permanent pits or scars. Because popping isn't the way to go, patience is the key. Your pimple will disappear on its own, and by leaving it alone you're less likely to be left with any reminders that it was there.

Can hot water pop a pimple? ›

The steam and heat from the water stream will help relax pores and soften the skin around the pimple. You'll notice the area is a lot more pliable after spending 10 minutes in the shower.

Should you pop pimples when they are white? ›

1. Don't poke too early. Wait until your pimple has a firm white head. That means the pus is close to the surface and ready to be drained.

What are pimple pearls? ›

Those disagreeable-looking white, round things are milia. Also called milium cysts, milk spots, oilseeds, or pearl acne, no matter what you call them, milia are decidedly unattractive, small or moderate-sized, round or dome-shaped, white or yellow bumps that are easily visible beneath the skin.

What is a pimple ball? ›

These balls were white, hollow and covered with little protrusions we called “pimples.” They cost only ten cents and were found at most corner variety or candy stores. half-ball was played with a half of the pimple ball. Now, there are some legends with regard to the origin of the half-ball.

How do you pop a big underground pimple? ›

Soak a clean washcloth in water that is hot, but not too hot to touch. Apply the warm compress. Hold the warm compress on the blind pimple for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat the application three to four times a day until the blind pimple comes to a head and releases the pus.

What is the hard yellow ball from a pimple? ›

What Is a Pustule? A pustule is a bulging patch of skin that's full of a yellowish fluid called pus. It's basically a big pimple. Several conditions, ranging from something as common as acne to the once-deadly disease smallpox, can cause pustules.

Why does my pimple have 3 heads? ›

However, multiple sebaceous oil glands can be connected to each pore, so the sebum clogged beneath your initial pimple can lead to nearby pores getting clogged. This, in turn, leads to multiple pimples in one spot.

What happens when you pop a pimple and blood comes out? ›

You can cause a blood-filled pimple by damaging blood vessels around an existing pimple. This often happens when you pop, squeeze, pick or over-exfoliate a pimple. Blood-filled pimples usually heal on their own if you prevent further damage and keep the area clean.

What happens to pus in a pimple if not drained? ›

While waiting is never fun, it's worth it when it comes to pimple-popping. Basically, what happens if you don't pop a whitehead is that it goes away on its own, usually in 3 to 7 days. It may happen that you wake up one morning and notice the pimple is gone.

Why do some zits explode? ›

When a pore becomes clogged or a pimple forms under your skin, your hair follicles can fill up with pus or sebum (oil). Eventually, the hair follicle can burst, breaking the clog away from your pore and beginning the healing process. This is your body's natural mechanism for dealing with clogged pores and acne.

How do you dry out a pimple that won't pop? ›

The best way to make a zit go away fast is to apply a dab of benzoyl peroxide, which you can buy at a drug store in cream, gel or patch form, says Shilpi Khetarpal, MD. It works by killing bacteria that clogs pores and causes inflammation. You can buy it in concentrations ranging from 2.5% to 10%.

Should I ice or heat a deep pimple? ›

By using warm treatments first, you can help remove any debris that's trapped in your pores. After applying warmth for 5 to 10 minutes, you can then follow up with ice for one minute to decrease inflammation and swelling. You can repeat this process daily as needed until the pimple clears up.

Should you ice a blind pimple? ›

Ice the offending spot

Most of the time when you discover an invisible pimple, it will still be small. Take this opportunity to ice it by holding a clean cold pack to the area for three rounds of five minutes on, ten minutes off. The cold will help to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Which ice cube is best for pimples? ›

Tomato ice cubes are best if you have oily acne prone skin. If used consistently, this will drastically reduce breakouts on face and balance the oil on your face. All you've got to do is take one big tomato along with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and one glass of water.

How do you draw out a cyst? ›

Try applying a hot, wet compress to the cyst a few times a day. The heat will help pull out the pus, allowing the cyst to drain. This can relieve pain and itching. You might also try soaking the area in a warm, shallow bath.

What foods cause cystic acne? ›

Examples include white bread, corn flakes, puffed rice, potato chips, white potatoes or fries, doughnuts or other pastries, sugary drinks such as milkshakes, and white rice. Findings from small studies suggest that following a low-glycemic diet may reduce the amount of acne you have.

What does deep cystic acne look like? ›

Cystic acne often looks like boils on the skin. Other identifying characteristics include: large pus-filled cyst. large white bump.

Why isn't my pimple forming a head? ›

A blind pimple, also known as cystic acne, is a pimple that lives beneath the surface of your skin and doesn't come to a head. It is often in the form of a red, painful bump beneath the skin. Blind pimples are caused by oil getting trapped beneath the skin.

What dries out pimples the fastest? ›

The best way to make a zit go away fast is to apply a dab of benzoyl peroxide, which you can buy at a drug store in cream, gel or patch form, says Shilpi Khetarpal, MD. It works by killing bacteria that clogs pores and causes inflammation.

What pops a pimple overnight? ›

Try a spot treatment or pimple patch

You've probably seen these emergency pimple treatments at the drugstore — usually an extra-strong solution of salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide. And yep, they can actually get rid of pimples overnight.

How long does it take for a deep pimple to come to a head? ›

While it might seem that pimples form overnight, it actually takes between 1 – 2 weeks for an acne spot to fully develop.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.