This is what makes people British, survey claims (2024)

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Having a barbecue as soon as the sun comes out, shouting ‘wahey’ when someone spills a drink in the pub - and being proud of where you are from are among things which make people typically British, according to a survey.

Research carried out among 2,000 adults revealed the top 40 typically British traits, which include having a stiff upper lip, being tolerant and being culturally aware.

Other classic British activities are dunking biscuits in tea, talking about the weather and saying sorry too frequently.

The study was commissioned by Sky Arts to launch Art 50, where 50 artists have created pieces to show what it means to be British.

The results also identified differences between generations.

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More than half of those over 60 see putting the kettle on in a crisis as typically British, compared to just 36 per cent of millennials.

And while 42 per cent of pensioners consider it British to be proud of where you are from, just 19 per cent of younger adults agree.

Phil Edgar-Jones, director of Sky Arts, said: “As a nation, there are various traits and activities which people believe define Britishness.

“But many people think this definition is changing over time, especially thanks to the Brexit referendum and our exit from the EU.

“There is so much which is great about Great Britain, but the country is constantly evolving, leading to a different meaning to the phrase ‘being British’.”

The study found talking about the weather is the most British trait, followed by queueing for things, Sunday roast dinners and putting on the kettle in a crisis.

A love of fish and chips, going to the pub and having a dry sense of humour are also thought of as typically British, along with good manners and not complaining about bad food in a restaurant.

But while 78 per cent of Britons would describe themselves as being typically British, the poll revealed that half think the meaning of being British has changed over time.

Almost one in three think the definition of ‘typically British’ has changed since the Brexit referendum and another 33 per cent think it will evolve again following our departure from the EU.

And 29 per cent of Britons do not feel they are able to show how proud they are of being British as much as they did before the referendum.

Despite this, 47 per cent are proud to be British, with another four in 10 saying they feel this way ‘a little bit’.

Meanwhile, a total of 13 per cent of those surveyed said they are not proud of being British at all.

But according to the research, carried out via OnePoll, while 44 per cent of the nation would describe themselves as British, 38 per cent would say they are English instead.

Just 20 per cent of Scots surveyed described themselves as being British compared to a third of Welsh folk and 37 per cent of those from Northern Ireland.

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In comparison, half of those in Yorkshire describe themselves as British rather than any other nationality, along with 49 per cent of Londoners.

Researchers also found that the Brexit negotiations have left more than one in 10 wishing they had voted differently in the referendum after seeing how everything has played out so far.

If there was another vote now, 37 per cent of those surveyed would vote to leave while 46 per cent would vote to remain.

However, more than one in 20 said they have no idea how they would vote while seven per cent said they would not vote.

It also emerged Queen is the music act most likely to leave us feeling proud to be British, beating The Beatles, Elton John and David Bowie.

Mr Edgar-Jones added: “Having received over 1,000 applications, the Art 50 board commissioned 50 projects from both established and up and coming artists, from all over the UK, and across all ages and art-forms, that get to the heart of British identity: Who are we?

"The series, which is being produced by Storyvault Films, really celebrates the diversity and creativity of our nation and we are proud to be able to offer our customers a series that celebrates identity in the wake of Brexit.”

Art 50 appears on Sky Arts every night at 9pm from Monday 25 and Thursday 28 March.

Top 40 signs of being British

  1. Talking about the weather
  2. Queuing
  3. Having a roast dinner on Sundays
  4. Putting the kettle on in a crisis
  5. Liking fish and chips
  6. Using tea as a cure/fix for everything
  7. Saying 'sorry' too frequently
  8. Saying please and thank you
  9. Dunking biscuits in tea
  10. Going to the pub
  11. Having a stiff upper lip
  12. Having a dry sense of humour
  13. Having good manners
  14. Sarcasm
  15. Eating fry ups for breakfast
  16. Being proud of where you are from
  17. Pulling together in a crisis
  18. Not complaining in a restaurant when the food is poor
  19. Having meals based on what day it is - like Fishy Friday
  20. Having a barbecue as soon as the sun comes out
  21. Holding the door openunnecessarilyfor someone when they're far away so they end up running towards it
  22. Wearing shorts and sunglasses the second the sun comes out
  23. Respecting our elders
  24. Moaning about our commute
  25. Saying ”right” before you're about to do something
  26. Being tolerant
  27. Being squashed on the train by a larger person and pretending you don’t notice when they are half sitting in your seat
  28. Shouting “WAHEY” when someone drops a drink in the pub
  29. Never letting your emotions get the better of you
  30. Putting ketchup on everything
  31. Uttering 'Aaaah' after taking a first sip of a cold beer
  32. Loving to hate the Royal Family
  33. Eating cucumber sandwiches
  34. Always clearing your plate at dinnertime
  35. Refusing to eat non-Heinz baked beans
  36. Being culturally aware
  37. Not swearing or using bad language
  38. Respecting LGBT culture
  39. Being open with your feelings and emotions
  40. Being supportive of immigration


This is what makes people British, survey claims (2024)


What percentage of people are proud to be British? ›

A survey commissioned by Channel 4 from Ipsos found that more people (45%) are proud to be British due to the country's history than they are because of the Royal Family (28%).

What are the beliefs of British people? ›

The UK's official religion is Christianity, and churches of all denominations can be found throughout the UK, such as Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and Methodist. The main other religions are Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.

What makes people proud to be British? ›

A quarter of Britons think that our hardworking attitude (26%), tolerance to other sections of society (25%) and our patriotism (24%) are the best attributes of the British. Whilst 18% say one of the best characteristics is that we are law abiding and 13% say we keep to ourselves.

What is a typical British behavior? ›

The English are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. We are famous for our politeness, self-discipline and especially for our sense of humour. Basic politeness (please, thank you, excuse me) is expected.

What do British people value the most? ›

These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. As part of the Prevent strategy Total People will be promoting Fundamental British Values to reflect life in modern Britain. These 4 fundamental British values are: Democracy.

Are Brits the most polite? ›

Good manners are expected in the UK

“If Britain is famed anywhere for “unrelenting politeness”, it is nowhere more so than in Britain itself, where the national reputation for good manners is treated as a badge of honour.”

What are the 5 major British values? ›

British Values
  • Democracy. A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.
  • The rule of law. The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.
  • Individual liberty. ...
  • Mutual respect & tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

What are the 4 British values? ›

Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.

How is British culture different from American culture? ›

For example, the British tend to have a reserved and formal demeanor, while Americans are known for their friendliness and informality. Additionally, there are differences in cuisine, fashion, and social norms between the two cultures.

What are the good qualities of British people? ›

Research carried out among 2,000 adults revealed the top 40 typically British traits, which include having a stiff upper lip, being tolerant and being culturally aware. Other classic British activities are dunking biscuits in tea, talking about the weather and saying sorry too frequently.

How can I impress a British? ›

Here are a few tips to boost those chances.
  1. Dress the part. Many English women fancy a good night on the town, and if you're going to be by her side you'd better be presentable. ...
  2. It's all about the humor. ...
  3. And common courtesy. ...
  4. Be confident and outgoing. ...
  5. Speak her language (and maybe even another one)

Why is British culture so unique? ›

British culture is influenced by the combined nations' history; its historically Christian religious life, its interaction with the cultures of Europe, the traditions of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and the impact of the British Empire.

What is the British mindset? ›

The British are very polite. They communicate more indirectly, respectfully and diplomatically than some others. The British would never openly reject an idea from an interlocutor or an employee.

What are some popular stereotypes of British? ›

Common stereotypes
  • Politeness.
  • Humour.
  • Tea.
  • Lack of emotion.
  • Teeth.
  • Food.
  • Monolingualism.
  • Anti-social behaviour abroad.

What are cultural traits in Britain? ›

Humour, tradition, and good manners are characteristics commonly associated with being English. The secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport is the government minister responsible for the cultural life of England.

What are the 9 British values? ›

British Values Statement
  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

What is the British value of respect? ›

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Respecting the values, ideas, and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own on others. Examples are: Embracing diversity. Promoting awareness of religion, traditions, cultural heritage and preferences.

What country finds Brits most attractive? ›

Italy, France and the USA rank close behind the UK and Canada (third and joint fourth ranks respectively). The UK achieves the highest attractiveness ratings in Kenya and the Ukraine (both 88 per cent) and lowest in Japan (55 per cent).

Are Americans more friendly than Brits? ›

Americans tend to be friendly

Often, Americans tend to be more friendly. This does not mean that the English are unfriendly but because they tend to develop so-called “negative politeness”.

Who are the friendliest people in Britain? ›

Liverpool. One of the best cities to live in the UK for social vibes, Liverpool has a cosmopolitan vibe with a large community of locals and expat residents who make the city welcoming for all. Liverpudlians are generally some of the friendliest people in the world, with our readers certainly agreeing.

What exemplifies British values? ›

British values are defined as including: “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.”

How do you remember British values? ›

We help children to remember the British Values through the thumb and finger model. Thumb – democracy – up or down to give opinion. Middle finger – Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs – tallest finger pointing to God. Little finger – Individual Liberty – sticks out on its own.

What are the British values pledge? ›

' In an increasingly familiar litany, British values are said to be: democracy; rule of law; individual liberty; equality; freedom of speech; mutual respect, tolerance and understanding of different faiths and beliefs.

What are the 5 British values poster? ›

Promote tolerance, respect, liberty, democracy and justice with our British values poster. All of our posters are printed on thick 230gsm matte paper with high quality ink, which gives the displays a really vibrant look!

What are the British values and virtues? ›

Cardinal virtues (prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude) and theological or Christian virtues (faith, hope and love) are essential to mutual respect and dignity in a free society.

What do British people do differently? ›

A quick online search for 'the most British things' brings up a vast array of Britishisms but the most common seem to be: saying sorry, queueing, (bad teeth), separate hot and cold water taps, roast dinners, and tea and crumpets with the Queen. Naturally, everyone in the UK has tea with the Queen at least once.

Is it better to live in England or America? ›

Overall, the cost of living in the U.K. is 0.49% lower than in the United States. Rent overall is about 22.55% lower in the U.K. You would need $4,700 per month to finance a modest lifestyle in London, compared to $5,822 for the equivalent lifestyle in New York City.

What is the main difference between American and British? ›

The most significant differences between British and American English are in their pronunciations, their vocabularies, and their spelling. There are grammatical differences, too, but these are less important and harder to describe, so we will pass over them for today.

What are three British strengths? ›

British strengths included having an much larger and more experienced army, the strongest navy in the world, and alliances with Native Americans.

How do Brits show affection? ›

Brits also like to keep their displays of affection private. For example, North American people tend to hug and kiss people in public, whereas Brits like to do their cuddling and romancing behind closed doors.

What accent do Brits find most attractive? ›

The accents Brits find the sexiest have been revealed - and it's Mancunian that's topped the list. Research by Best Casinos, which polled some 2,500 people, found that a Manchester twang is considered the most attractive by more than 50 per cent.

What is the life style in the UK? ›

The U.K. is a highly multicultural country and generally respectful of all beliefs and cultures. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability is against the law. Many expats are attracted to the U.K. because of this diversity, finding it a welcoming and friendly place to live.

Which is the most unusual British tradition? ›

Britain's quirkiest traditions
  1. Cheese Rolling. ...
  2. Maypole Dancing. ...
  3. Bog Snorkelling. ...
  4. Weighing of the Mayor. ...
  5. Cornish Hurling. ...
  6. Wife Carrying Race. ...
  7. Nettle Eating Championship. ...
  8. Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival.
Mar 29, 2022

What is England's main culture? ›

English culture, like the individual cultures of the other nations that make up the United Kingdom, is heavily influenced by its imperial past. Admittedly, this is not a great part of British and European history but does form the basis for many cultural elements you'll come across in England today.

Why do the British talk like that? ›

But after the Revolutionary War, upper-class and upper-middle-class citizens in England began using non-rhotic speech as a way to show their social status. Eventually, this became standard for Received Pronunciation and spread throughout the country, affecting even the most popular British phrases.

Why are British so stoic? ›

The British have earned a reputation for remaining stoic and maintaining a 'stiff upper lip' through tough times. This has been largely shaped by the hardships faced during the First and Second World Wars, as well as the post-war period.

What are UK girl stereotypes? ›

Irrational or hysterical (60 per cent) Better suited to housework and/or should take care of the home(72 per cent) 'Bossy' if they are being assertive (61 per cent) Not good at sports (53 per cent) or DIY/fixing things(60 per cent)

What are Southern stereotypes in England? ›

Northern and Southern stereotypes

The stereotype portrays northerners as being more outgoing, forthright and gregarious; southerners as being more wary, noncommittal and reserved.

What percentage of USA is Britishers? ›

23.3% of the total U.S. population. Predominantly in the South, Northeast and Interior West regions.

How many Brits are proud of the empire? ›

There is certainly evidence to support this. In a YouGov poll in 2014, 59% of respondents said that the British empire was something to be proud of, while only 19% thought it was a source of shame.

What percentage of the world was British? ›

By 1913, the British Empire held sway over 412 million people, 23 per cent of the world population at the time, and by 1920, it covered 35.5 million km2 (13.7 million sq mi), 24 per cent of the Earth's total land area. As a result, its constitutional, legal, linguistic, and cultural legacy is widespread.

What percent of people are British? ›

the United Kingdom population is equivalent to 0.87% of the total world population.

Which US state is most like England? ›

New York State's land area is approximately 47,000 square miles. England's is 50,000. New York City and London have 8.8 million and 8.9 million inhabitants respectively. England is part of the island of Great Britain.

Which US state has the most British? ›

Moreover, the state with the highest number of so-called "English Americans" is California, with over 2.5 million residents in the Golden State identifying as descendants of English ancestors.

What is the most English state in America? ›

English Americans (historically known as Anglo-Americans) are Americans whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England.
Colonial English American population in 1790.
State or TerritoryEnglish
New York163,47052.00%
North Carolina190,86066.00%
18 more rows

Which country has the most British influence? ›

The largest proportional concentrations of people of self-identified British descent in the world outside of the United Kingdom and its Overseas Territories occur in New Zealand (59%), Australia (45%), Canada (30.6%), the United States (11%), South Africa (2.6%) and parts of the Caribbean.

How do Brits feel about colonialism? ›

The British public are generally proud of their country's role in colonialism and the British Empire, according to a new poll. At its height in 1922 the British Empire governed a fifth of the world's population and a quarter of the world's total land area, but its legacy divides opinion.

Was the British Empire more powerful than America? ›

As economic historian Adam Tooze writes in his book The Deluge, for a century, the British Empire had been the largest economic power in the world; in 1916, its output was overtaken by that of the United States.

What percentage of Britain is white? ›

Government data about the UK's different ethnic groups. 82% of people in England and Wales are white, and 18% belong to a black, Asian, mixed or other ethnic group (2021 Census data).

Did Britain conquer 90% of the world? ›

At the height of its empire, almost a quarter of the world succumbed to British rule. Yet this figure is dwarfed when time is disregarded and the British empire's incursion record is viewed as a whole. Over its history, a new study found, Britain has invaded almost 90 percent of the world's countries.

What ethnicity is British? ›

The United Kingdom is an ethnically diverse society. The largest ethnic group in the United Kingdom is White British, followed by Asian British. Ethnicity in the United Kingdom is formally recorded at the national level through a census.

What percent of America is white? ›

As of July 1, 2022, United States Census Bureau estimates that 75.8% of the US population were white alone, while Non-Hispanic whites were 59.3% of the population.

Did the Romans leave DNA in Britain? ›

THEY came, they saw, they conquered. But while the Romans, Vikings and Normans ruled Britain for many years, none left their genetic calling cards behind in the DNA of today's mainland Caucasian population.

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