Top 5 Color Combinations for a Color Palette - Transformation Marketing (2024)

Top 5 Color Combinations for a Color Palette - Transformation Marketing (1)

Picking the right color combinations for marketing materials can be a challenge. Not everyone has an instinct to pick the right colors that complement each other. Other times, marketers may just need inspiration. Knowing how to choose the right color combinations is essential to an excellent marketing design. It is also good to know some popular color combinations for times when you may be out of ideas. In this article, we will give you some tips for picking great color combinations for your palette. We will also give you our top five color combinations for a marketing color palette.

Picking the Right Color Combinations

When creating a color scheme, base the rest of the scheme around the most prominent color. Try to keep lighter colors up top and darker colors near the bottom. You can consult the color wheel to see which colors share a similar feel. The color wheel also shows you which colors “go together.” You can see for yourself whether colors clash or complement.

The nearer two colors are on the color wheel, the more natural they will feel together. Remember that your marketing materials’ color scheme will say a lot about you. It will help tell the story of who your company is. It also tells your audience what to expect when interacting with your brand. Your color scheme is the first characteristic many consumers will notice about your marketing materials. Making sure your materials immediately catch the eye is vital to success.

Well-matched colors show that your company takes its image seriously. Creating an appealing color palette for your marketing materials is an important way to show customers you care about how they see your brand. But picking something bland just to be safe is also detrimental to your brand’s appeal. You watch your color palette to be cohesive but also unique. This sets you apart from the competition.

Our Top 5 Color Combinations

1. Red and yellow

Red and yellow are a classic, bold color combo. Together, they communicate life and energy. This color combo easily draws the reader’s eye toward logo centers and flyer highlights. Red and yellow are both vibrant, dominating colors. Make sure to use them in moderation.

2. Pink and purple

Pink and purple are warm, playful colors. They also show some determination. Brighter pinks can add an energetic feel. Purple and darker pinks can be a more mature counterweight. Blogs, beauty salons, and more utilize pink and purple for color schemes all the time.

3. Yellow and black

Yellow and black can be lighthearted (think of the classic smiley face) or more serious. Depending on how you use these colors, they can convey energy and entertainment. It is no wonder that black and darker grays are popular in the entertainment industry. These colors often add a mysterious quality that does not take itself too seriously.

4. Purple and Orange

Purple and orange are a less common color combo. These can be riskier because they can sometimes clash. However, if used strategically, weird color combos can really work. Warmer oranges and purples can give an elegant touch. Together, these colors can communicate warmth and light. Dark combinations are also good for home furnishing brands, fashion, beauty, and cultural organizations.

5. Green and Blue

Green and blue are calm, empathetic colors. They can be tranquil, like with more sea-colored blues and greens. They can also have some spark to them with brighter blues and greens. These colors give off youthful, energetic vibes. Brighter greens and blues are popular in fashion, entertainment, and media. This is because both colors complement well to catch viewers’ attention.

Closing Thoughts

Transformation Marketing is a full-service marketing agency near Lincoln, NE. Our team not only can help with branding and graphic design, but also web development, search engine optimization, blog writing, programmatic advertising, social media marketing, and so much more. Visit our website or call 402-788-2896!

Top 5 Color Combinations for a Color Palette - Transformation Marketing (2024)


Top 5 Color Combinations for a Color Palette - Transformation Marketing? ›

Black, white and gray—popular marketing colors in all industries—are particularly prevalent in marketing & PR thanks to their classical, even formal, associations. It also helps that they cater to every market, making them a safe bet for attracting clients of every industry.

What color combinations are best for marketing agency? ›

Black, white and gray—popular marketing colors in all industries—are particularly prevalent in marketing & PR thanks to their classical, even formal, associations. It also helps that they cater to every market, making them a safe bet for attracting clients of every industry.

What are the most popular color combinations? ›

23 Popular Color Combinations Loved By Over 90,000 People
  1. Blue, green and pink ( 9,588 ♥️ ) ...
  2. Orange, cream and dark blues ( 2360 ♥️ ) ...
  3. Aqua and blues ( 2520 ♥️ ) ...
  4. Blues and yellow ( 3323 ♥️ ) ...
  5. Red, cream and green ( 3430 ♥️ ) ...
  6. Blue, green and pink ( 2774 ♥️ ) ...
  7. Shades of green ( 8251 ♥️ ) ...
  8. Dark blue, red and green ( 5427 ♥️ )
Aug 24, 2022

What are the 5 types of colors? ›

Three Primary Colors (Ps): Red, Yellow, Blue. Three Secondary Colors (S'): Orange, Green, Violet. Six Tertiary Colors (Ts): Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, which are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary.

What colors make you feel marketing? ›

Different colors have different psychological effects on consumers – red encourages appetite, blue provides a sense of security, green stimulates harmony, orange promotes enthusiasm, purple is associated with royalty, and so on.

What color combinations are best for a business professional audience? ›

The colors black, white and gray can also look very professional and corporate. Some companies however are better off using brighter, bolder colored t-shirts for advertising. Blue shirts give off a vibe that is honest, caring and conservative. This color can be a great base to a logo that is white, gray or red.

What Colours stand out for marketing? ›

14 best colors for marketing
  • Red. Red is a highly popular color in marketing because it's bold, captures attention and can evoke powerful psychological responses. ...
  • Green. Green can evoke feelings of harmony, health, loyalty and safety, making people feel welcome and secure. ...
  • Blue. ...
  • Pink. ...
  • Purple. ...
  • Yellow. ...
  • Gold. ...
  • Orange.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the 3 color rule combination? ›

The premise of the 3-color rule is not combine more than three colors in your outfit at any one time. The exceptions are black and white — they don't count, as they aren't technically colors, so they can be intermixed without actually adding a color to your outfit.

What are the 7 basic color schemes? ›

What are the seven types of color schemes? The seven major color schemes are monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, square, and rectangle (or tetradic).

What is the best color for business? ›

Blue is the most popular color choice for the top brands. It is thought to put people at ease, as it reminds them of the sky and the ocean. Blue is also associated with trust, security, and confidence which make a great combination for the brands that want these elements in their message.

What are the popular colors in technology? ›

That being said, there are four general, bold colors that industry leading technology companies seems to rely on: blue, white, black and red; no other color appears in more than 12% of logos.

What are the 4 types of color schemes? ›

The four main types of color schemes are monochromatic, two-color, three-color, and four-color.

What are the 12 complementary colors? ›

So, let's explore the 12 split-complementary color schemes in fabrics!
  • Red, Yellow-green, Blue-green. ...
  • Red-orange, Green, Blue. ...
  • Orange, Blue-green, Blue-purple. ...
  • Yellow-orange, Blue, Purple. ...
  • Yellow, Blue-purple, Red-purple. ...
  • Yellow-green, Purple, Red. ...
  • Green, Red-purple, Red-orange. ...
  • Blue-green, Red, Orange.
Nov 22, 2011

What are the 12 complementary Colours? ›

To make it simpler, here are 12 basic split-complementary color schemes you can work with: Red + Blue-Green + Yellow-Green. Orange + Blue-Purple + Blue-Green. Red-Orange + Blue + Green.

What are the 3 true primary colors? ›

Primary colors include red, blue and yellow. Primary colors cannot be mixed from other colors. They are the source of all other colors. Secondary colors are mixed from two primary colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel.

What are the 5 colors and their meanings? ›

Red: Passion, Love, Anger. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature.

What is the 5 colour process? ›

Pioneered by printing giants Ricoh, the 5th colour printing process works by adding an additional cartridge of toner to the standard four; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (or Key), hopefully you've heard CMYK mentioned at some point.

Which color combination attracts the most attention? ›

The highest-converting are bright primary and secondary colors — red, green, orange, and yellow. Reds are attention-getting.

What is the most eye catching color? ›

Red and orange seem to be the clear winner when it comes to eye-catching colors. These colors tend to stand out and are therefore used on many warning signs or safety equipment. Yellow is another color that comes in a close second to red and orange in popularity.

What Colour is most motivating? ›

The Color Psychology of Orange

Orange is also known to be a color of motivation, which lends a positive attitude and general enthusiasm for life.

What color attracts buyers? ›

According to data by Kissmetrics, colors influence how we interpret what we purchase. If you're looking to attract impulse buyers, look to red, orange, black, and royal blue. Shoppers on a budget, however, will find navy blue and teal hues appealing.

What is 4 colors communication style? ›

The 4Colors™ method helps understand how you react to others, but also how they react. Each individual is a unique blend of 4 different behaviour styles and represented by colours for a better understanding: red, yellow, green and blue. Anyone is a mix of the 4 colours that interact with each other.

What 3 colors are appropriate for business professional suits? ›

So to recap, the suit colours that are most appropriate in corporate settings are Navy, Charcoal and Dark Grey. We discussed the fact that black is more formal, so this leaves the other common suit colours of mid grey, light grey and blue suits.

What are the power colors for business? ›

Power colors are rich, dark tones of black, blue, green, red, and brown*. Black and navy are the best power colors for business because they have an air of authority.

What colors should not be used in marketing? ›

5 Colours To Avoid In Your Advertising Campaign
  • Green/yellow on white background. ...
  • Rainbow or Neon colours. ...
  • Blue, Red, or Purple on Black background. ...
  • Coloured Text with Textured Background. ...
  • Blue, Yellow, or Magenta on Red background.
Mar 2, 2016

What is brand strategy color? ›

Your positioning and pricing strategy can also come into play when choosing your brand colours. Black, navy blue, royal purple, and deep or dark green are common choices that signify sophistication and luxury. Oranges and yellows can convey bargains or fast-moving deals.

What is the color rule for 4 colors? ›

It states that 60% of the room should be a dominant color, 30% should be the secondary color or texture and the last 10% should be an accent.

What is the color blend rule? ›

The Two-Primary Rule
  • Colors that fall between the same two primary colors on the color wheel will blend into equally bright colors.
  • Colors that fall into different two-primary segments will blend into duller colors. The farther apart on the color wheel they are, the duller the color blend.

What are the three colors that Cannot be mixed? ›

Primary colors - The most basic colors on the color wheel, red, yellow and blue. These colors cannot be made by mixing.

What is the color harmony rule? ›

Direct harmony, also known as complimentary colors, means pairing your key color with the color sitting on the opposite side of the color wheel. Red and green, blue and yellow, and orange and green are the primary examples of direct harmony.

What is the color scheme theory? ›

In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in various artistic and design contexts. For example, the "Achromatic" use of a white background with black text is an example of a basic and commonly default color scheme in web design.

What color brings success? ›

ORANGE. Orange is a bold invigorating color suggesting strength, endurance and success. It represents enthusiasm, encouragement and determination.

What colors bring success? ›

(Gold symbolizes success, triumph, luxury, and abundance)

Gold is often used as a brand color for businesses selling luxurious and expensive products. It's also frequently used in combination with navy blue or black in brands with men as their target audience.

What color signifies success? ›

Purple. Purple is the color of royalty, success, wealth, and wisdom.

What are innovation colors? ›

The study proved that the colour blue boosts our ability to think creatively; reaffirming the notion that blue is the colour of innovation.

What is the most impactful color? ›

Red is the most powerful color amongst all. It has a tendency to stimulate mind and attract attention.

What is the color of digitalization? ›

If we searched the term "Digital" on google images, the results are dominated by the color blue. Same applies to the term "Technology". Why is Blue the dominant color in Digital or Technology?

How many unique combinations of 5 colors are there? ›

You can choose each color as many times as you like. You have five colors to choose from for the first room, five for the second and five for the third. This gives a total of 5×5×5 = 125 possibilities.

How many different color combinations are there? ›

RGB and HEX are similar in a way that allows you to enter 3 numbers for a Red, Green and Blue value. And the maximum value for each number is 255. The maximum value for 6 hexadecimal digits in base 10 is 16,777,215. If you also add #000000 you get 16,777,216 as the total number of possible color combinations.

What is color scheme or color combination? ›

A color scheme is based on color theory, like a monochromatic scheme. A color palette refers to the actual colors that you've chosen, based on your color scheme. So if you chose a complementary color scheme, the color palette would include colors by name or by paint color. It's more specific to your project.

How many complementary color schemes are there? ›

Complementary colors

How many complementary color schemes are there? There are 6 in total. Three of the schemes are made up of a combination of the primary and secondary colors while the other 3 are made up of the tertiary colors.

What are the possible combinations of 5 options? ›

Note that your choice of 5 objects can take any order whatsoever, because your choice each time can be any of the remaining objects. So we say that there are 5 factorial = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 ways to arrange five objects.

What are all the possible 5 digit combinations? ›

Answer and Explanation: There are 115,511,760 five-number combinations using the numbers 1 through 43 if we are only allowed to use each number once in a sequence. If we are allowed to repeat numbers in a sequence, there are 147,008,443 five-number combinations.

What are all the possible combinations of 5 objects? ›

(For k = n, nPk = n! Thus, for 5 objects there are 5! = 120 arrangements.)

What are the best 4 color combinations? ›

  • 41 Best Color Combos To Create Visual Masterpieces. ...
  • Yellow and Navy Blue. ...
  • Off-white and Cherry Red. ...
  • Dark Cerulean and Warm Orange. ...
  • Seafoam, Navy Blue and Salmon. ...
  • White, Celery Green and Wasabi Green. ...
  • Blue, Indigo and Maroon. ...
  • Teal, Salmon, Dark Turquoise and Yellow.
Apr 26, 2022

What are the 7 major color schemes? ›

The seven major color schemes are monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, square, and rectangle (or tetradic).

What color should not be combined? ›

Red and green

The number one reason to not use these two colors in your design is accessibility. To people who are partially red-green color blind, these colors look identical and different at the same time. Also, these colors clash on packaging and decrease conspicuousness so they can make a person feel unsettled.

What are 4 examples of complementary colors? ›

Examples of complementary color combinations are: Red and green; yellow and purple; orange and blue; green and magenta.

What are the best color combinations for readability? ›

Their general findings were: 1) Black and white were consistently rated as the most readable; 2) Color combinations that included black were rated more readable than those that did not; and 3) Darker text on lighter backgrounds were rated higher than lighter text on darker backgrounds.

What are the 4 split complementary color scheme? ›

Examples of split complementary color schemes: Red, blue-green, and yellow-green. Blue, red-orange, and yellow-orange. Yellow, blue-purple, and red-purple.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.