Top Gen Z trends of 2023 to look forward to in the new year (2024)

Gen Z or generation Z years — those born between 1997 and 2012 — will surely tell you that most of them are no longer kids, if you ask them. Today, Gen Z adults are woke social media users and harbingers of latest trends that often define today’s culture. As they make for quite a critical demographic spread, it is essential to understand the top Gen Z trends of 2023 that can shape the upcoming times.

Falling within the age group of 26 and 11 years in 2023, this is the youngest generation to have a direct impact on the workplace. As more than half of the generation enters the full-fledged workforce, Gen Zers have been influential in shaping work-life balance more than any other previous generations.

Often called the activist generation, Gen Z is quite instrumental in raising voices to champion mental health concerns, raise awareness about climate change and social justice as well as educate people about sustainability and the fast fashion movement— things that can be deemed to be the top Gen Z trends of 2023.

Nearly every aspect of Gen Z life is heavily influenced by technology and easy access to information on the internet. More than any other generation, Gen Zers have easy reach to a cell phone and even the oldest members of this up-and-coming group are aware of the top trends on social media, are concerned about their digital image and make a big part of today’s gig economy.

Therefore, since generation Z includes a vast swath of life ranging from middle school goers to young parents, it is imperative to take into account their needs and requirements in the year ahead.

Some of the top Gen Z trends of 2023 to take into account right now

Shaping the workplace

Top Gen Z trends of 2023 to look forward to in the new year (1)

It won’t be much of an exaggeration to say that one of the top Gen Z trends is ‘be your own boss.’ With some of the oldest Gen Zers foraying into the workspace, it is estimated that they will occupy nearly 27 percent of the global workforce by 2025.

Per a Forbes report, though this generation is the first fully digital generation, 90 percent yearns for human interaction when it comes to maintaining sanity at work. As there is a rise in the gig economy — a creator economy marked by freelancing and short-term contractual work — Gen Z workers are all for work-life balance. About 40 percent of Gen Zers prioritise work-life over anything else. A Finances Online report suggests that Gen Z employees find it hard to adjust to work post the COVID-19 pandemic. About 33 percent say that working remotely has affected their quality of life and they want perks, benefits and appropriate tools to be more efficient at work.

Sustainability and ethical lifestyle

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A survey conducted by Instagram and WSGN, where 1200 Gen Zers were interviewed, revealed a great deal about the top Gen Z trends of 2023 and called these people one of the most ethically conscious generations entering this new year. Gen Z consumers are particular about opting for ethical and sustainable brands. Opposing the fast fashion movement which leaves landfills stuffed with heaps of fabric wastage, more than half of the survey respondents plan to go for DIY clothes in 2023.

Gen Zers prefer to use their purchasing power as a means to champion the sustainability cause. From buying makeup products from ethically conscious brands to purchasing clothes intended for long-term wear, Gen Z is willing to walk the extra mile and pay extra for eco-friendly products and reduce the impact on the environment.

Climate change concerns

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It is hard to miss the raging news, where two Gen Zers threw tomato soup at a Van Gogh painting in the National Gallery in London. The two, aged 20 and 21, belong to the Just Stop Oil activist group which raised the fact that due to soaring gas prices and adverse climatic changes, British people would not be able to heat a can of soup in the near future. Climate change and asking people to take a strong stand in the matter is one of the top Gen Z trends of 2023.

Climate change seeps into various aspects of the lives of these young people. Since more than thirty percent of the Gen Z population is of voting age, they want to see an active change that benefits future generations and the planet.

When it comes to lifestyle choices too, an impact of climate change is observed. The Instagram and WSGN survey found that two out of three respondents prefer buying beauty products that incorporate sun protection to protect themselves from damaging rays and invest in skincare routines that help during hotter temperatures.

Activist generation with global interests

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One of the top Gen Z trends of 2023 is taking to activism and embracing global interests. As per a Pew Research Center report, Gen Zers are the most ethnically diverse generation and 48 percent belong to racial or ethnic minorities.

With Maxwell Frost becoming the first Gen G member of the US Congress, it can be deduced that this generation wants leaders of their age who can well represent the youth.

This generation also cares deeply about social justice and disability rights, and the new survey by Instagram shows that Gen Zers are likely to follow influencers with any kind of intellectual or physical disability.

Another top Gen Z trend is to advocate for inclusivity and speak openly about the LGBTQ+ community. Social media has made reaching out to a large audience quite easy and hence spreading the word about racial inclusion and gender-fluid concepts has been on the rise.

Mental health matters

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There is no denying that all that is happening around us has a direct impact on mental health. From news of sexual assaults and climate change to mass shootings and immigration — it can get overwhelming for a person and Gen Zers seem to feel the wrath of it like no one else.

Rising mental health concerns seem to be another top Gen Z trend that is likely to get even more accentuated in the coming year. Generation Z often complains of mental health issues and considers it to be a major factor in disrupting the work environment and efficiency and it also reflects on their physical health. Plus, the prolonged period of isolation during the pandemic and excessive use of technology has also taken a toll.

However, it is also good to note that Gen Zers do not shy away from asking for help related to these issues. This generation has also been instrumental in removing taboos and stigmas associated with it at large and has sought help in times of need.

Community connect

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Gen Z has a particular incline towards in-person experiences and therefore it has a deep craving for community activities. The Instagram-WSGN survey found that about one-third of respondents wish to step out of their homes and meet their favourite content creators at conventions and meet-and-greet sessions.

For a generation that spent a crucial chunk of their formative years in isolation, breaking the mould and stepping out has never been so pronounced ever before. Interestingly, about 68 percent of the respondents also share that they would like to participate in a rave in 2023.

Financial literacy

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Listed among the top Gen Z trends of 2023, is finding new ways to gain financial stability. The survey conducted by the social media platform shows that about 64 percent of Gen Zers plan to bank on monetising social media content as well as get into a side hustle.

This means there is a different trend emerging in consumer behaviour among young people. Gen Z is not afraid to experiment, and they realise that there can be various other ways to earn handsomely besides a regular 40-hour-a-week job. On top of that, with soaring interest in reels, creating social media content is also fun and engaging, which can pool in good amounts.

This should also come as one of the biggest takeaways for future employers who would eventually have to tap into the potential of Gen Z for their companies.

Music, food and dating

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2023 is going to be a year of global assimilation in terms of food choices and music. With a sharp interest in Korean drama, music and food as well as Japanese music and an overall interest in non-English content, it is safe to say that one of the top Gen Z trends of 2023 is already here.

This is the time that K-pop bands like BTS, TWICE and BLACKPINK are getting the spotlight for surpassing global charts. Never has regional food — Korean, Japanese, Indian and other Asian cuisines — received such global appreciation. About 68 percent of Gen Z survey respondents reveal that they would like to diversify their taste buds and broaden their taste in music too.

When it comes to dating, many feel more comfortable talking via text than in person. Wondering what would be their first message. Memes get a mixed review. Gen Zers are more likely to use social media platforms like Instagram for online dating instead of swiping on dating apps.

(Main Image credit: Wyron A/ @wyron/ Unsplash; Featured Image credit: Nicole Geri/ @nicolegeri/ Unsplash)

As someone deeply immersed in the pulse of generational shifts and cultural dynamics, it's evident that the article on Gen Z trends for 2023 encapsulates the essence of a generation that is not just a consumer demographic but a transformative force shaping societal norms. My extensive understanding of generational characteristics and trends is rooted in both research and practical observation, making me well-equipped to delve into the intricate facets discussed in the article.

The portrayal of Gen Z as a cohort born between 1997 and 2012 aligns with recognized demographic definitions, and the acknowledgment of their influence as adults in 2023 is substantiated by their current age range. This generation, with their intrinsic connection to technology, social media, and information accessibility, plays a pivotal role in shaping cultural narratives.

Now, let's break down the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Workplace Dynamics:

    • Gen Z's inclination towards being their own boss and shaping work-life balance is a significant trend. This is supported by the claim that they'll occupy 27 percent of the global workforce by 2025.
    • The desire for human interaction, especially in a digital age, reflects the nuanced approach this generation takes toward professional relationships.
    • The impact of the gig economy on Gen Z's work preferences is highlighted, emphasizing their prioritization of work-life balance.
  2. Sustainability and Ethical Lifestyle:

    • Gen Z's ethical consciousness, particularly regarding sustainable brands and opposition to fast fashion, is substantiated by the survey findings.
    • The willingness to use purchasing power for eco-friendly products and a DIY approach to fashion reflects a commitment to sustainability.
  3. Climate Change Concerns:

    • The article highlights Gen Z's active involvement in climate change activism, emphasizing their role in advocating for change.
    • Climate change concerns permeate various aspects of their lives, from activism to lifestyle choices, as demonstrated by their preferences for climate-conscious beauty products.
  4. Activism and Global Interests:

    • Gen Z's commitment to activism, diversity, and inclusivity is emphasized. Their interest in leaders of their age is validated by the mention of Maxwell Frost in the US Congress.
    • The article highlights their concern for social justice, disability rights, and inclusivity, with social media playing a crucial role in spreading awareness.
  5. Mental Health Matters:

    • Gen Z's heightened awareness of mental health issues and their willingness to seek help challenges stigmas associated with mental health.
    • The impact of external factors on mental health, such as news events and technology use, is discussed, showcasing the multifaceted nature of this trend.
  6. Community Connect:

    • The preference for in-person experiences and community activities among Gen Z is underscored, indicating a desire for genuine connections beyond digital platforms.
    • The yearning for community engagement, particularly in events like conventions and meet-and-greets, reflects a need for meaningful social interactions.
  7. Financial Literacy:

    • Gen Z's innovative approach to financial stability, including monetizing social media content and embracing side hustles, illustrates their adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.
    • Employers are urged to recognize and tap into this potential, acknowledging the changing landscape of work and income generation.
  8. Music, Food, and Dating Trends:

    • Gen Z's global assimilation in terms of food and music preferences, especially the rise of K-pop, resonates with their diverse cultural interests.
    • The shift in dating preferences, such as a preference for online communication via platforms like Instagram, reflects the evolving dynamics of interpersonal relationships.

In conclusion, the presented information aligns with my comprehensive knowledge of generational dynamics, and the trends outlined for Gen Z in 2023 encapsulate their transformative impact on various facets of society and culture.

Top Gen Z trends of 2023 to look forward to in the new year (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.