Transvestic Disorder - Psychiatric Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition (2024)

(Cross-Dressing; Transvestism; Transvestic Fetishism)

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  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Key Points

Transvestism involves recurrent and intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing, which may manifest as fantasies, urges, or behaviors. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or significant functional impairment.

Transvestism is a form of paraphilia, but most cross-dressers do not meet the clinical criteria for a paraphilic disorder; these criteria require that the person's fantasies, intense urges, or behaviors cause distress, impair functioning, or harm others. The condition must also have been present for 6 months.

"Cross-dresser" is a more common and acceptable term than "transvestite." Cross-dressing and transvestic disorder are extremely rare in birth-sex females.

Heterosexual males who dress in women’s clothing typically begin such behavior during late childhood. Up to 3% of men have cross-dressed and been sexually stimulated by it at least once, but far fewer report regular cross-dressing. Cross-dressing is associated, at least initially, with intense sexual arousal. Sexual arousal that is produced by the clothing itself is considered a form of fetishism Fetishistic Disorder Fetishism is use of an inanimate object (the fetish) as the preferred method of producing sexual excitement. However, in common parlance, the word is often used to describe particular sexual... read more and may occur with or independent of cross-dressing.

Personality profiles of cross-dressing men are generally similar to age- and race-matched norms.

When their partner is cooperative or willing to participate, cross-dressing men may engage in sexual activity in partial or full feminine attire. When their partner is not cooperative, they may feel anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame because of their desire to cross-dress and may experience sexual dysfunction in their relationship. In response to these feelings, these men often purge their wardrobe of female clothing. This purging may be followed by additional cycles of accumulating female clothes, wigs, and makeup, with more feelings of shame and guilt, followed by purges.

Diagnosis of Transvestic Disorder

  • Specific Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria

Diagnosis of transvestic disorder requires the following:

  • Patients have been repeatedly and intensely aroused by cross-dressing; arousal is expressed in fantasies, intense urges, or behaviors.

  • These fantasies, intense urges, or behaviors cause significant distress or impair functioning at work, in social situations, or in other important areas.

  • The condition has been present for 6 months.

Treatment of Transvestic Disorder

  • Social and support groups

  • Sometimes psychotherapy

Most cross-dressers do not present for treatment. Those who do are usually brought in by an unhappy spouse, referred by courts, or self-referred out of concern about experiencing negative social and employment consequences. Some cross-dressers present for treatment of comorbid gender dysphoria Diagnosis Sex and gender are not the same thing. Sex refers to a person's biologic status: male, female, or intersex. Sexual identity refers to the sex to which a person is sexually attracted (if any)... read more , a substance use disorder Overview of Substance Use Substance-related disorders involve substances that directly activate the brain's reward system. The activation of the reward system typically causes feelings of pleasure; the specific characteristics... read more , or depression Depressive Disorders Depressive disorders are characterized by sadness severe enough or persistent enough to interfere with function and often by decreased interest or pleasure in activities. Exact cause is unknown... read more .

Social and support groups for men who cross-dress are often very helpful.

No drugs are reliably effective, although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been tried and occasionally are beneficial in patients with a substantial obsessive-compulsive component to their presentation.

Psychotherapy, when indicated, is aimed at self-acceptance, family therapy, and modulating risky behaviors.

Later in life, sometimes in their 50s or 60s, cross-dressing men may present for medical care because of gender dysphoria symptoms and may then meet diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria Gender Dysphoria Sex and gender are not the same thing. Sex refers to a person's biologic status: male, female, or intersex. Sexual identity refers to the sex to which a person is sexually attracted (if any)... read more .

Key Points

  • Most cross-dressers do not meet the clinical criteria for transvestic disorder.

  • Diagnose transvestic disorder only if cross-dressing causes significant distress or impairs functioning, and the condition has been present for 6 months.

  • Cross-dressers who present for treatment are usually brought in by an unhappy spouse, referred by courts, or self-referred out of concern about experiencing negative social and employment consequences of their behavior.

  • No drugs are reliably effective; psychotherapy and support groups may help.

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Transvestic Disorder - Psychiatric Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition (2024)


What is the DSM criteria for transvestic disorder? ›

Transvestic Disorder DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria

For at least six months they must experience intense and repeated sexual arousal from cross-dressing and/or the idea of cross-dressing. These cross-dressing fantasies and behaviors must cause emotional, social, or occupational problems.

What is transvestic disorder DSM 5 302.3 f65 1? ›

Transvestic disorder is a specific paraphilic disorder in which the individual is sexually aroused by the act of cross-dressing as the opposite gender, and yet finds the act of dressing and the resulting arousal distressing (The American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

What is a transvestic disorder? ›

(Transvestic Disorder)

Transvestism involves recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning. Most cross-dressers have transvestism rather than transvestic disorder.

What is an example of a transvestic disorder? ›

Having the desire to cross-dress in order to be sexually aroused. Using cross-dressing to relieve tension. Inability to elicit sexual excitement unless wearing attire, accessories, or other objects of the other sex. Playing the other sex when cross-dressing.

What is the difference between transvestic disorder and transvestism? ›

Transvestism involves recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning. Most cross-dressers have transvestism rather than transvestic disorder.

What is the difference between gender dysphoria and transvestic disorder? ›

If you are experiencing gender dysphoria, you may feel more comfortable wearing clothes initially designed for other genders. However, gender dysphoria does not explicitly relate to sexual arousal from wearing these clothes, unlike transvestic disorder.

What is the differential diagnosis for transvestic disorder? ›

The differential diagnosis should include nonconformity to stereotypical sex role behaviors, transvestic fetishism, gender dysphoria not otherwise specified (with a concurrent congenital intersex condition), and schizophrenia.

What is the DSM 4 criteria for gender dysphoria? ›

The DSM-IV describes gender identity disorder as a persistent and strong cross-gender identification and a persistent unease with ones sex. Gender identity disorder is not diagnosed if these symptoms co-occur with a physical intersex condition.

Is there a cure for transvestic disorder? ›

Doctors diagnose transvestic disorder when people are greatly distressed by or cannot function well because of their desire to cross-dress. No drugs are reliably effective, but psychotherapy, when needed, may help people accept themselves and control behaviors that could cause problems in their life.

Who is the typical person with transvestic disorder? ›

Most people who experience transvestic disorder are heterosexual men. One of the most common reasons people seek treatment for transvestic disorder is because it interferes with their romantic relationships or marriages with women.

What are the 8 paraphilic disorders? ›

The chapter on paraphilic disorders includes eight conditions: exhibitionistic disorder, fetishistic disor- der, frotteuristic disorder, pedophilic disorder, sexual masochism disorder, sexual sadism disorder, transvestic disorder, and voyeuristic disorder.

Is transvestism a gender? ›

Transvestism and gender identity are two distinct, separate identities, and wearing the clothes that are associated with the gender that a person identifies with is not considered cross-dressing.

What does transvestic mean? ›

Definition of 'transvestic'

1. a person who seeks sexual pleasure from wearing clothes that are normally associated with the opposite sex. 2. any cross-dresser. See cross-dressing.

Is transvestite the same as cross-dressing? ›

Cross-dresser: A term for people who dress in clothing traditionally or stereotypically worn by the other sex, but who generally have no intent to live full-time as the other gender. Transvestite: A term for a cross-dresser that is considered derogatory by many.

What does paraphilia mean? ›

Paraphilias are persistent and recurrent sexual interests, urges, fantasies, or behaviors of marked intensity involving objects, activities, or even situations that are atypical in nature.

What causes dysphoria? ›

Dysphoria is a psychological state that is often caused by or accompanies a mental health condition. Stress, grief, relationship difficulties, and other environmental problems can also cause dysphoria. Most often, dysphoria is a mood, which means someone can have fleeting moments of dysphoria.

Can body dysphoria be confused with gender dysphoria? ›

Those with body dysmorphia have a distorted view of how they look, while those with gender dysphoria suffer no distortion. They have feelings of anxiety and depression, as they truly know who they are on the inside, despite this not fitting with their biological sex.

What is the best treatment for gender dysphoria? ›

Treatment for adults
  • psychological support, such as counselling.
  • cross-sex hormone therapy.
  • speech and language therapy (voice therapy) to help you sound more typical of your gender identity.

What is the most common type of paraphilia? ›

The most common paraphilias are pedophilia (sexual focus on children), exhibitionism (exposure of genitals to strangers), voyeurism (observing private activities of unaware victims), and frotteurism (touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person).

What is the new diagnosis for gender dysphoria? ›

The original stated “gender identity disorder” in the DSM-5 was renamed “gender dysphoria.” In actuality, DSM-5 dropped the former term describing a pathology, and replaced it with the latter classification, which could be used to diagnose distress caused by gender mismatch.

Do you need to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria to transition? ›

The “diagnosis” of gender dysphoria has become a requirement for receiving medically necessary gender-affirming care for patients, even though the diagnosis doesn't apply to all trans people.

Do you need a medical diagnosis for gender dysphoria? ›

A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment.

What is dual role transvestism? ›

Dual-role transvestism is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who wear clothes of the opposite sex to experience being the opposite sex temporarily, but don't have a sexual motive or want gender reassignment surgery.

What is the typical profile of a transvestite? ›

What is the typical "profile" of a transvestite? They are generally married, heterosexual males. Which group of disorders involves a lack of sexual interest and/or aversion to genital sexual activity?

Which paraphilia is often found in serial killers? ›

Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.

What paraphilias are illegal? ›

Certain paraphilias – such as paedophilia, voyeurism and exhibitionism – are illegal if enacted, although it is not illegal to have fantasies or urges to enact.

What is it called when a woman dresses like a man? ›

/ˈtɒmbɔɪ/ Other forms: tomboys. A girl who dresses or acts in a stereotypically boyish way is often called a tomboy.

What is a synonym for transvestic? ›

cross-dresser. drag queen. trannie (informal, mainly British) ladyboy.

What is tucking for cross-dressing? ›

What is tucking? Tucking is defined by the Transgender Health Information Program as ways one can hide the penis and testes, such as moving the penis and scrotum between the buttocks, or moving the testes up into the inguinal canals. The inguinal canals make up the body cavity where the testes sit before birth.

What are the Diagnostic criteria for transsexualism? ›

Criteria: Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults

A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender. A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one's assigned gender)

What is an individual diagnosed with transvestic disorder? ›

Transvestic disorder primarily presents in heterosexual men, and experts say it is distinct from hom*osexuality. Individuals with transvestic disorder do not experience a desire to be of the other gender or generally feel an incongruence between their experienced gender and their natal gender.

What is the DSM-5 criteria for gender dysphoria in adults? ›

A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one's designated gender) F. A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one's designated gender)

What is the ICD-10 criteria for gender dysphoria? ›

Please note that per ICD-10-CM inclusive notes for F64. 0, code F64. 0 covers both “gender identity disorder in adolescence and adulthood” and “gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults.”

How to get professionally diagnosed with gender dysphoria? ›

Your health care provider might make a diagnosis of gender dysphoria based on: Behavioral health evaluation. Your provider will evaluate you to confirm the presence of gender dysphoria and document how prejudice and discrimination due to your gender identity (minority stress factors) impact your mental health.

What is the ICD 11 criteria for gender dysphoria? ›

It includes a strong desire to be a different gender than the assigned sex; a strong dislike on the child's part of his or her sexual anatomy or anticipated secondary sex characteristics and/or a strong desire for the primary and/or anticipated secondary sex characteristics that match the experienced gender; and make- ...

How do you treat transvestic disorder? ›

Doctors diagnose transvestic disorder when people are greatly distressed by or cannot function well because of their desire to cross-dress. No drugs are reliably effective, but psychotherapy, when needed, may help people accept themselves and control behaviors that could cause problems in their life.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.