Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (2024)

ByEditorial Team Reading Time: 7 minutes

We’ve all likely “been there faced that”: the dreaded lowball Poshmark offer. You list this gorgeous jacket for instance, that once upon a time you paid upwards of 200.00 for. Five years later, said jacket doesn’t necessarily “suit” your style anymore. As it’s only been just gently worn, you’re figuring you can probably net at least 80.00 for it, give or take.

It is perfectly staged, backlit, front lit, in fact, it is lit from every which way possible. This is going to be a great one, you think to yourself. A nice little money maker. You post it and wow, does it look amazing there in your closet—a flagship item perchance…

People immediately start to like it, you’re getting some shares, a fair amount of shares actually. You are in posh post heaven. And then…the next day an offer comes in. A ridiculously lowball offer. They want to buy your once coveted jacket for $5.00. Are they kidding? Do they understand what it cost you initially? Do they see the quality of the item? Are they some sort of clothing novice psycho?

Table of Contents hide

1. Know the Market – How Do You Price Things on Poshmark?

2. Decline or Counteroffer – Is it Rude to Decline an Offer on Poshmark?

3. Don’t View it As Yours Anymore

4. Can You Negotiate Offers on Poshmark?

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Make it Known that You Stand Firm on Your Poshmark Pricing

A few things to consider…

Lowball Poshmark offers sadly are somewhat common. It is the nature of the beast. People love to negotiate; they love to try and get a deal on top of what is already a deal. In this way, some people feel as though they’ve “won.” There is a psychological aspect to the lowball offer—regardless of platform, Poshmark or any other.

CHECK OUT: Is Poshmark Better than Ebay???

Ultimately, beyond of course trying to get a better price, there is the power aspect to low balling someone or haggling with them regarding the cost of an item. If in fact you accept their offer or come close, then they have the upper hand. They’ve proven their superior negotiating skills— a definite power trip in that respect for the low baller in question.

So how do you deal with these frustrating Poshmark interactions? Great question, and one we’re sure just about everyone who’s ever sold on the Poshmark platform has come up against at one point. Below are five strategies for dealing with the ultra-annoying lowball offer.

1. Know the Market – How Do You Price Things on Poshmark?

In other words, it’s going to take a little homework on your part. You have to understand the value of an item prior to posting it. And not just within the Poshmark universe. Know what that item costs in the store as well.

A big no-no is listing something for a price that a user could just go to the store and get new or buy new online for almost the same price as yours.

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (1)

Poshmark users range…some are newbies and really aren’t all that savvy as far as understanding price points. And then there are others who are all over that platform; they know where related items stand as far as price. They are not going to offer you what you’re asking if other poshers have similar or identical items for much less.

You want to toe that line between being profitable and being realistic. So when a buyer does make a lowball offer, take the time to consider whether or not, first off, you’re priced where you need to be. Maybe they’re seeing something you’re not.

2. Decline or Counteroffer – Is it Rude to Decline an Offer on Poshmark?

It is okay to simply decline the offer without making a counteroffer. Especially in light of some inexplicable number. Let’s say you have an item listen for 75.00 and they offer you 3.00. They are likely not a serious buyer or they’re into being an obnoxious purchaser who inevitably is going to waste a lot of your valuable time in an endless back and forth. Click decline and move on!

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (2)

That said, if it is a lowball offer, yet somewhat closer to the original price point, then it could potentially be worth feeling out. Engage in the following strategy:

  • Counteroffer with a number quite a bit higher than theirs and closer to yours. This will enable you to still be polite and submit a counteroffer, but at the same time you are gauging their interest/seriousness.
  • If they still insist on an unacceptably low number, then decline and be done with it. However, if they raise their price by at least 50% say, then it could be worth engaging with them.
  • At this point maybe you go the same amount down that they came up—as long as it is still profitable to you.

3. Don’t View it As Yours Anymore

Ask yourself, is an emotional attachment clouding your judgement a bit in terms of what you’re willing to sell something on Poshmark for? It’s human nature, we get attached to our “stuff.” And with some items of clothing especially, it can be damn hard to separate ourselves from them enough to price fairly.

Additionally, because of this inherent attachment that you may have, you take great offense when the lowball offer does come in. That’s not to say that the offer is the right one, or that you should sell for what they’re suggesting, but then again, is your listing colored by your love of the garment in question?

A lot of poshers also adopt the mindset of “I know the right buyer will eventually come along.” This is so cute—wishful thinking, but cute. If this is what you’re mantra-ing to yourself as you sit there with a relatively inactive item and a series of lowball offers, then it is probably you that needs to reassess at that point. Drop the emotional attachment.

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (3)4. Can You Negotiate Offers on Poshmark?

Instinctively, you’re probably pissed off when that lowball Poshmark offer comes in. It’s understandable. You get excited at seeing that “congrats” message letting you know someone wants to buy your stuff. It is an adrenaline rush on a number of levels. And so, when you open it up and see it is a pitiable offer, your hopes are not only dashed but inevitably a feeling of anger takes their place.

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (4)

This is not the place (or the platform) to engage in a battle of words with the offending buyer. Step back, take a deep breath, see if you can understand why they may have submitted said offer (refer back to the fact that your pricing may be too high, or emotional attachment is clouding your judgement on this one).

Poshmark is all about a sense of community and what type of community are you fostering if you instantly attack those who send you what you conceive to be an unfair offer. Poshmark can be a great business opportunity—a potential side gig blooming into something more…it could happen. But if you don’t approach your customer interactions professionally, your business endeavor will be doomed before it can even get off the ground.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Make it Known that You Stand Firm on Your Poshmark Pricing

Here’s the thing, when it comes to lowball offers there is black and white and shades of grey. Which is to say, sometimes as mentioned, your pricing may be a little off. Sometimes the customer may be completely right especially if they are conversant with the Poshmark platform. Then again, sometimes you may be 100% accurate in terms of where you have your item priced. When you know this—when you’re confident in your preliminary research, don’t be afraid to own it.

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (5)

Some new poshers especially are so eager for a sale that they will bend over backwards and come down in price—way down. However, if similar items are priced where yours is, then there is no need to. This is probably just a user who is looking for the ultimate bargain, the queen of all power trips and is consequently attacking your item to get it. Just say no. Don’t let them beat you up on price if you know that you are being fair. End of story.

A few things to consider…

As you do set out to arrive at that fair and profitable price, always keep in mind the time and energy that keeping up with your Poshmark closet takes. Not to mention, the effort and cost that comes in with the delivery of a sold item.

You are in this to make money, right? If you are giving your products away for less than what your time and effort are worth, then where is the money making in that model? Exactly—there is none. And all that will happen is that you will get discouraged and your closet will remain stagnant.

On the flip side, be careful not to set your pricing too high. Remember, people on the Poshmark platform do tend to be looking for deals. If you have a closet full of astronomically priced items, it’s likely you’re not going to see a ton of action. That again, will lead to frustration and your eventual early retirement.

Do your homework, know your product, check out the competing items and then price accordingly. Happy poshing!

Ultimate 5 Ways To Handle Lowball Offers on Poshmark (2024)


How do you respond to lowball offers on Poshmark? ›

If you don't accept low ball offers then what you can do is to give counteroffers instead of declining them and this needs to be based on your pricing strategy. As you should always counter a lowball offer with an acceptable price and be properly done with it.

What is the 30 minute rule on Poshmark? ›

The 30 Minute Method was developed so that the average Posher could complete the entire task in 30 minutes of work. If you have hundreds or thousands of items in your closet, sharing your entire inventory multiple times daily can be incredibly daunting.

Is 40% off a lowball offer Poshmark? ›

An offer is considered a lowball if it is less than 50% of the listing price. So, if you are a buyer and are offering $40 on a $100 item, do not expect to get a good response.

Why do people send low ball offers on Poshmark? ›

Everyone wants a bargain. One theory I have is that a lowball offer is a way for the buyer to figure out what is your bottom line lowest offer you'll accept. That might be the intention, and sometimes…in response to these offers, I've countered with the lowest I'll accept, and it works… sometimes.

What is the best response to lowball? ›

Acknowledge it's a low ball offer

Don't respond immediately; instead, let them know you'll get back to them. Then consider what tactic could work best. One approach is to simply say that you're willing to negotiate, but that you need to hear a serious starting offer.

How do you respond to a ridiculously low offer? ›

The first step is to say thank you. Maintain a respectful tone and tell the hiring manager how much you appreciate them for taking the time to interview you. However, make it clear that the salary they're offering is too low for you to accept — that you know your worth and you're willing to stand by it.

What is the 3 hour rule on Poshmark? ›

You can cancel an unshipped order placed through Buy Now within 3 hours of the order being placed.

What is considered a reasonable offer on Poshmark? ›

What is a good price to send an offer to a liker? When making a Poshmark offer it is at a discounted price for a limited time. The item price should be at the least 10% of the retail price (you can use the calculator tool to generate easy discount calculations) and offer a shipping discount.

What is the busiest time of day on Poshmark? ›

Most Poshmark users are active during parties and in the evenings. You've got a better chance of getting someone's attention during those times, so save your thumbs for then! Try to share to at least one party per day.

What counts as lowballing? ›

What Is Lowballing? A lowball offer is a slang term for an offer that is significantly below the seller's asking price, or a quote that is deliberately lower than the price the seller intends to charge. To lowball also means to deliberately give a false estimate for something.

Is 50% a lowball offer? ›

There is no set definition of a low-ball offer, but most real estate experts place it between 20 to 50 percent below the asking price.

Is 20% off a lowball offer? ›

The seller may think any price below the asking price a lowball offer if the listed price is already at the bottom of what they want. It's generally accepted that asking over 15% off the sale price is lowballing.

Should I ignore lowball offers? ›

Countering, rather than ignoring, a low offer is often the smartest strategy. A counter to a lowball offer "shows buyers you're willing to work with them," says Eric Snyder of Tangent Realty in Boca Raton, Fla. After all, he reasons, "it's not about where buyers start, it's where they end up."

Is it OK to counter offer on Poshmark? ›

Remember, if you do not like an offer, you can do nothing as it will eventually expire after 24 hours, or you can always counteroffer and let them know that you are firm with your listed price or offer.

Can you decline an accepted offer on Poshmark? ›

If the seller has already countered, simply select Decline. Accepted offers are binding and cannot be cancelled.

What are lowball tactics? ›

Low-balling is a technique designed to gain compliance by making a very attractive initial offer to induce a person to accept the offer and then making the terms less favorable. Studies have shown that this approach is more successful than when the less favorable request is made directly.

How do you counter lowball? ›

How to Respond To A Lowball Salary Offer
  1. Ask for more time to think about the offer. ...
  2. Negotiate for a higher salary. ...
  3. Consider the company's overall package. ...
  4. Negotiate for more benefits. ...
  5. Create a plan for performance reviews. ...
  6. Don't be afraid to walk away.

How do you make a low offer without insulting? ›

Lowballing 101: How to Avoid Insulting a Home Seller when Making a Low Offer for Their House or Condo
  1. Make a List of Necessary Improvements. ...
  2. Explain Any Issues with the Location. ...
  3. Provide Pricing for Comparable Homes in the Area. ...
  4. Consider the Seller's Reasons for Selling.

How do you respond to a low offer example? ›

Thank you for getting in touch! I'm excited to review the details when I receive the written offer. The salary is a bit lower than I was expecting, so I'll need a few days to see if I can make it work.

How do you get a seller to accept a low offer? ›

How To Get A Seller To Accept Your Lower Offer
  1. Connect with a local Realtor. ...
  2. Learn the seller's motivation. ...
  3. Make your offer attractive financially. ...
  4. Fine-tune your contingencies. ...
  5. Be prepared to negotiate.
Apr 14, 2017

How do you make a low offer more attractive? ›

There are other ways to show financial strength that don't involve raising your offer price.
  1. Put down a strong down payment. ...
  2. Put down a higher earnest money deposit. ...
  3. Offer to pay some (or all) of the sellers' closing costs and title insurance fees. ...
  4. Include a pre-approval letter. ...
  5. Home inspection contingency.
Jun 23, 2021

How long is Poshmark jail? ›

How do I get out of it? All you have to do to get out of Poshmark share jail is to stop sharing your items for 24 hours. That's it.

What are the best hours to list on Poshmark? ›

Top sellers agree that posting at night is best. People are off work, browsing online. When you list items at night, you're more likely to sell your items at full price.

What is the average selling time on Poshmark? ›

The fastest selling category is Jewellery at 1.8 hours to sell an item and the slowest is Skirts at over 70hrs to sell a garment. As for the simple average time it takes to sell an item on Poshmark – it is currently at 18.5 hours.

What is a good sell through rate on Poshmark? ›

A great benchmark is a 1% sell-through rate. If you have 1000 items in your closet you can expect to sell around 10 items daily. Keep in mind those 1000 items need to have the right price, great photos and need to be desired brands.

Why don't people respond on Poshmark? ›

They likely missed the comment or are inactive. Poshmark doesn't do a very good job of removing sellers and listings from inactive accounts. Poshmark has been around since 2011, so that's 12 years of inactive sellers piling up.

What happens if you offer 4.99 shipping on Poshmark? ›

Introducing $4.99 shipping on all orders.

This means that all orders, no matter the price, will ship at the same low rate of $4.99. We know your buyers will be very excited about this change, which means more sales for everyone. Think of this as a permanent shipping promo!

How often should I share my closet on Poshmark? ›

You should share your own closet at least 2-3 times a day to keep it on top of the app and your follower's feed. The ideal time depends on your target market, but most Poshers do it in the morning, during lunchtime, and at night or after working hours. Sharing items on Poshmark also refresh your closet.

What is the best day to send offers on Poshmark? ›

If you have a larger closet on Poshmark sending an offer can be a lot of work on top of all of the daily sharing in your closet. We like to send offers twice a month, typically near the 1st and 16th of the month. Think about when a potential buyer may receive their paycheck.

When should you accept order on Poshmark? ›

After the order is delivered, we offer a 3-day window from the time of delivery to inspect your item(s). If there are no issues with your order, we ask that you accept the order through the Order Details page to release payment to the seller.

What is lowballing technique examples? ›

A classic example of low-balling is when a car dealership lists a car for $14,000 to get you to agree to buy it and later changes the price to $16,000. The low-balling technique is commonly used among salesmen and advertisers. It was first demonstrated by Robert Cialdini and colleagues in the 1970s.

Is 25% off lowballing? ›

Some real estate experts say that any offer that is more than 25% less than your list price counts as lowball.

What is the rule of thumb when making an offer on a home? ›

The rule of thumb is usually between 5 and 10 percent of the home price. Bear in mind that you could lose the money if the deal falls through, so it's important not to put up so much that you'd be ruined if you lost the cash.

When should you accept a low offer? ›

8 Times to Accept a Lowball Offer
  1. Your Home Has Been on the Market Too Long. ...
  2. Your House Is Priced Too High Compared with Others. ...
  3. You Have Already Purchased Another House. ...
  4. You Are in a 'Buyer's' Market. ...
  5. The Buyer Is Offering Other Incentives. ...
  6. Your House or Property Needs Attention. ...
  7. Your Real Estate Agent Is Out of Touch.

Can you barter on Poshmark? ›

We've got you covered! Make An Offer allows you to privately negotiate the price of an item by contacting the seller directly. All offers are binding! As soon as you make an offer, a page will pop up for you to provide (or confirm) payment information.

How low is too low for haggling? ›

Don't lowball.

While (almost) everything is negotiable, and you are allowed a lot more “give” in expensive items, overzealous haggling will turn off the seller. A good rule of thumb is any offer below 25 percent of the ticket price is a slap in the face.

What is too low of an offer? ›

“The rule I've always followed is to never go more than 25% below the listed price,” he says. “Chances are, after fees, commission, and sentimental value, the sellers are already hurting. If you dip below that point, they may disregard your offer entirely.”

What items sell best on Poshmark? ›

Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and GUCCI were all in the top five top-selling brands of 2022. Vintage is also a top-selling brand on Poshmark (and all across reselling marketplaces). Generally, if a vintage item is a popular brand, sellers will use the actual brand.

Why do sellers ignore your offer? ›

The Offer Was Too Low

Most sellers won't acknowledge an offer that's 10% less than the market value. It's insulting to them, and they don't want to deal with the back and forth of a counteroffer. Some sellers may even be offended by the lowball offer like you are trying to take advantage of them.

Is it rude to offer below asking price? ›

As a home buyer, you have every right to offer less than the asking price if you feel it's too high. On the other hand, the seller has every right to reject your offer, if they feel it's too low. So be sure to do your homework and tread carefully.

Can I send the same offer on Poshmark? ›

Sellers cannot send a new Bundle offer for a single-item Bundle if the buyer has received an Offer to Likers for that same listing.

How do you counter offer a buyer on Poshmark? ›

To match a buyer's previous offer:
  1. Go to the Offer Details page.
  2. Below the buyer's offer, select Accept Offer.
  3. The counter offer will be sent back to the buyer for them to accept or decline.

What happens if seller declines offer on Poshmark? ›

If you counteroffer or decline an offer, the buyer will be notified immediately so they can respond. Do I have to respond to all of the offers? No, you don't have to take action when you receive an offer. If you don't counteroffer or decline the offer or counteroffer, it will expire automatically in 24 hours.

Who pays for Poshmark returns? ›

If the return request is approved, Poshmark will send the buyer a prepaid shipping label to return the order back to the seller. Once the order is delivered back to the seller, we issue a full refund, including any shipping and tax paid, back to the buyer's original form of payment.

How do you negotiate a lowball offer? ›

Below are 6 ways to handle a lowball salary offer:
  1. Ask for more time to think about the offer. ...
  2. Negotiate for a higher salary. ...
  3. Consider the company's overall package. ...
  4. Negotiate for more benefits. ...
  5. Create a plan for performance reviews. ...
  6. Don't be afraid to walk away.

Should you counter a lowball offer? ›

Countering, rather than ignoring a low offer is often the smartest strategy, it shows buyers a willingness to work with them. Warner agrees, and says it doesn't matter where a buyer starts with their offer, but where they end up.

How do you respond to a high counter offer? ›

Common responses to a candidate's counter offer letter.
Elements to include in your counter offer response are:
  1. A professional greeting.
  2. A message stating whether you accept the candidate's offer.
  3. Your enthusiasm for them to join the team.
  4. A summary of the new terms you're offering.
  5. Reasons they should work for your company.

What is a reasonable low offer? ›

What is considered a lowball offer? As a rule, anything below 10 percent of the initial asking price is considered a lowball offer. A lowball offer for a house listed at $500,000 would fall around $450,000. That being said, the market determines what is considered low balling.

What's a reasonable offer on Poshmark? ›

What is a good price to send an offer to a liker? When making a Poshmark offer it is at a discounted price for a limited time. The item price should be at the least 10% of the retail price (you can use the calculator tool to generate easy discount calculations) and offer a shipping discount.

What should you not do on Poshmark? ›

Please don't buy or sell any goods or services through Poshmark other than fashion, accessories, new personal care products, select home goods, select pets' items, and select electronics. These listings clutter the marketplace and make shopping more difficult and less enjoyable for others.

How do you negotiate gently? ›

Here's how to negotiate properly and do well:
  1. Never go first. No matter what happens, never go first in the negotiation. ...
  2. Always be respectful. ...
  3. Counter-offer. ...
  4. Walk away from the deal. ...
  5. Sleep on it. ...
  6. Try a different angle. ...
  7. Allow the other person silence to think. ...
  8. Don't ever answer your own questions.
Jun 1, 2018

How do you politely make a lower offer? ›

Top eight phrases to use when negotiating a lower price
  1. All I have in my budget is X.
  2. What would your cash price be?
  3. How far can you come down in price to meet me?
  4. What? or Wow.
  5. Is that the best you can do?
  6. Ill give you X if we can close the deal now.
  7. Ill agree to this price if you.
  8. Your competitor offers.
Jun 15, 2022

What is the low ball technique? ›

Low-balling is a technique designed to gain compliance by making a very attractive initial offer to induce a person to accept the offer and then making the terms less favorable. Studies have shown that this approach is more successful than when the less favorable request is made directly.

Can you offer 20 percent below asking price? ›

As a home buyer, you have every right to offer less than the asking price if you feel it's too high. On the other hand, the seller has every right to reject your offer, if they feel it's too low. So be sure to do your homework and tread carefully.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.