What a body image expert really thinks of the Barbie movie (2024)

We FINALLY got to see the Barbie movie after the world’s most epic marketing campaign. But what most parents are wondering is: Should we take the kids to see it?

You might expect a body image expert to hate the Barbie movie. Here’s why I don’t…

For a start, I got to go out on a Thursday night, and I was very excited about that. I try to get away with “I’m going out with my friends” when my girls (8-year-old twins) ask me where I’m going, but it’s not enough. I run with: “I’m going to watch the Barbie movie to see if I should take you to see it.” They are satisfied. The older one (boy, age 10) grunts into his iPad. Little does he know that now that I’ve seen it, I will definitely be making him watch the Barbie movie – somehow.

I was ready for the pinkness and the prettiness and the funness of it all. I’d watched the trailer (many times), and I thought that would be what I got. But in all of the marketing, there was very little talk in terms of what the movie was actually about. In the packed cinema, full of mostly mums and middle-aged women, all wearing pink and all giggling with the excitement of getting to watch this film, the lights dimmed, but what we got was nothing like I expected. It was so much better.

A matter of proportions

Before I had kids (the only time I was a ‘perfect’ parent), I was firm in my stance that I would not, absolutely not, allow my kids to have Barbies. I wish I had a photo of the fake smile and thinly concealed terror I had when my girls received one at age three, given to them by friends at Christmas. Those dolls soon went ‘missing’, but over time, as I realised that I couldn’t control everything anything in my house, and after looking deeper into the research in this space, I changed my stance.

We now have a box full of Barbies, none of which are wearing any clothes, and whose teeny, tiny high heels are scattered around every corner of my house. When people find out what I do, I often get questions about whether they should ‘let’ their kids have Barbies, and my short answer is: “The dolls are fine, it’s the media we need to worry about, but let me explain…”

For a long time, Barbie was thought to be bad for body image. After all, she represents a body shape that is the epitome of unrealistic. Research has shown that her proportions would occur in less than 1 in 100,000 adult women and that, if she were life size, her waist would be 20cm smaller than a reference group of women in residential treatment for anorexia nervosa.

The doll’s manufacturer, Mattel, claims the proportions were created for the ease of dressing and undressing the doll, and were never intended to replicate the realistic size and shape of an adult woman.

Over the past 10 years, experimental research studies have found that young girls’ body image was not affected by playing with Barbie dolls. College students, on the other hand, had a decline in their body image after playing with Barbie in another study.

Other studies found that body image was not affected, but that playing with Barbie did increase girls’ preferences for a thin body, and girls ate less after playing with Barbie than with Lego, which is also a concern.

What a body image expert really thinks of the Barbie movie (1)

So playing with the dolls might not be an issue, but seeing images of Barbie is another story. Girls who viewed images of Barbie had poorer body image and wanted to be thinner than those who were shown pictures of an Emme doll (with proportions aligned with a US size 16) or images that weren’t of dolls.

What a body image expert really thinks of the Barbie movie (2)

We know that children learn by observing, absorbing and imitating the things they see around them, and that their early ideas about weight and appearance are shaped by their family, their peers and the media. Most people don’t realise just how early it starts. Research with 3-5 year olds indicates that they already clearly associate larger figure sizes with more stereotypically negative characteristics, such as being naughty and mean.

When kids have these rigid ideas about which bodies are ‘good’ and ‘bad’, and are exposed to messages that reinforce the importance of thinness in women, this can lead to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders – as they start to try to change their bodies to look like the ones that are held up as being ‘beautiful’ and ‘valuable’ in society.

She’s everything, he’s just Ken… or is he?

Of course, this isn’t just all on Barbie – her sidekick Ken and his plastic six-pack have been blamed for boys’ body image problems too, even though Ken’s proportions are far more realistic (estimated to occur in 1 in 50 men). Many people still think of body image as being a ‘girl problem’, but the research is now generally showing that boys are just as dissatisfied with their appearance, they just a) don’t talk about it as much, and b) do different things to try to change their bodies.

There is a classic research study, published in 1999, that found that the size of superhero figurines for boys increased in size significantly from the 1970s to 1990s, to go beyond what is physiologically possible for men to actually look like. No one has conducted an updated version of that research, but it hasn’t got any better. In fact, now that they have CGI and other special effects, the actual characters in the superhero movies are much larger than they have ever been. This means that young boys get this association in their head that being really big and muscular is what being a ‘real man’ looks like.

And this is what I didn’t expect from the Barbie movie – such a brilliant exploration of the messages that boys are shown about what it means to be a man, and just how quickly that can get out of hand.

What a body image expert really thinks of the Barbie movie (3)

But… what about us?

As I looked around the cinema, it dawned on me. This was not a movie for children. This was a movie for us. The 30- to 40-something mums who grew up in a world that was very different to the one we have now.

In our world, throughout the ‘80s, ‘90s and noughties, we were bombarded with images of thinness and ‘perfection’ on movie screens, magazines, TV and billboards. We got a very clear picture of the impossible standards for how we ‘should’ look, compared our own bodies to what we saw and drank in the message that if your body looked a certain way, you would end up lonely and unlovable. We spent years trying to change, control, hide and hate our bodies into submission to conform to these standards, and it cost us a lot.

We panic about giving our kids Barbies, and taking them to see the Barbie movie, because we don’t want our kids to grow up with the same loathing of our bodies that we have, or to waste the same amount of time missing out on life because of the way they think they look.

But we forget that actually WE are a stronger influence on our kids’ thoughts and feelings about themselves, their bodies and their worth. We are there constantly, not just for the running time of a feature-length film. It’s the things WE say that matter to our kids, because we matter to our kids. There’s a lot of evidence that parents impact kids’ body image way more than Barbie does.

And things have changed in the media too. We now see a much broader range of shapes, sizes, colours, abilities and identities represented on our screens.

The Barbie movie, though still visually dominated by Margot Robbie’s physical form, recognisable as that unachievable beauty standard of our youth as ‘stereotypical Barbie’, questions this very standard. The other Barbies, with their unique talents and diverse appearance, are considered much more special.

Seeing the wide range of Barbies – all as beautiful and sparkly as the rest – made me so relieved. Hearing the messages of our youth deconstructed in the incredible performances of a stellar cast made me want to stand up and cheer. And it’s fun. And funny.

As I watched the film unfold, I smiled at the realisation that this movie is the de-programming we (the mums) need. And it is now, more than ever, that the women who were so excited to wear pink and get out on a school night, need to hear the key messages that come through in this film. What each woman takes away from this film is likely to be different from the next, but for me, it’s this: You are not perfect. The world isn’t perfect. And that’s OK. We can come together to create change.

The most exciting thing? That in the world right now, things don’t have to be either/or – things can be both/and. You can have a fun, funny movie that is also deeply feminist. You can wear pink and giggle and change the world. You can be both. Not in the “you can have it all but you have to do it perfectly” way that we were sold female empowerment in the ‘90s – but in the “let’s question that” way of the now.

It’s a YES from me

You need to convince everyone you know to see this film. Yes, even the ones who think it’s not for them. Especially them. And especially the boys and men.

As I walked back to my car after the movie and bumped into a pink-clad gaggle of school mums I knew, we stopped to chat.

“But do you think the kids will even like it, they might get bored?” one asked. “Hmm, most of it will go over their heads,” another added.

“Before we go to see it with the kids I will have to sit them down and teach them all about the patriarchy,” joked another. And she was kind of joking, but THIS is the true power of the Barbie movie.

Because those of us who, at age 40+, have never really been taught about feminism, gender equality or the patriarchy, will now have to do the best we can to explain it to our kids.

This film gives us the perfect opportunity to ask (developmentally appropriate) questions about why Ken thought he needed power and control (and horses) to be considered a real man. This film literally role models girls and women working together to unpack and undo patriarchal systems of control by working smarter and working together.

This film gives us an opportunity to have conversations where we can reinforce positive messages – that everyone is unique and special in their own ways, that we need to focus on who we are more than what we do, that we need to be kind to ourselves, and we need to support each other rather than tearing each other down – all wrapped up in a pink, shiny box with a big bow on it.

“Yessssssssss,” says one of my girls – who pretended to be asleep until I got home so she could ask me if they would get to see the Barbie movie. She’s excited for the pinkness and fun. She might not fully grasp the big ideas in this film, and they might get a bit wriggly in the scenes with the inspirational speeches in them, but I’m still going to take them.

We can’t protect young people from all the things that will damage their body image and their self esteem. But the best thing we can do to reduce the impact is to teach them how to critique the messages they are receiving – and this film helps with that.

What a body image expert really thinks of the Barbie movie (2024)


Does the Barbie movie talk about body image? ›

It revels in the themes of body love and self-acceptance bumping up against society's unrealistic expectations for women, highlighting how the normative societal patriarchy can negatively impact both women and men.

What is the Barbie body image study? ›

The majority of studies have been conducted in Western countries, primarily focusing on white young girls. These studies have identified that exposure to Barbie or similar thin-type dolls can contribute to lower body esteem and a greater internalization of the thin ideal.

What do people think about the new Barbie movie? ›

For those who hailed it, there was a manic quality to the “Barbie” enthusiasm, less an “I enjoyed” and more of an “I endorse.” How fabulous its consumer-friendly politics, its I-can't-believe-they-let-us-do-this micro-subversions, its prepackaged combo of gentle satire and you-go-girl gumption.

What is the body diversity in the Barbie movie? ›

In the film, Barbie's appearance has been updated to reflect a more diverse range of body types, skin tones, and hairstyles. This shift not only allows young girls to see themselves represented in the doll but also challenges society's narrow definition of beauty.

What is the message in the Barbie movie? ›

All in all, the movie uses Barbie and the world we know to point out problems like patriarchy, feminism, and how women have to constantly fight the battles of feeling good or worthy enough.

What does the Barbie movie say about gender roles? ›

The film premiered in theaters July 21, conveying a message to viewers about the significance of women taking action to defy gender roles and societal expectations in order to advocate for their rights.

Did they change Barbie's body? ›

Barbie introduces three new body types: curvy, tall and petite. New Ken body types and a range of diverse features including a man bun, cornrows, and freckles. Dolls reflecting permanent physical disabilities, including a doll with a wheelchair and prosthetic leg, are added.

Does playing with dolls like Barbie negatively influence a girl's body image? ›

The experimental “Barbie body image effect” didn't persist when the older girls in the sample were re-tested, but the researchers still cautioned that “early exposure to dolls epitomizing an unrealistically thin body ideal may damage girls' body image.”

Why did people not like the Barbie movie? ›

Women were enjoying their stories being told by other women — then anti-men criticism entered. There is currently unwarranted backlash from men towards “Barbie,” calling the movie anti-men and man-hating. These critics claim that the movie portrays men as weak and un-masculine.

What did people say about the Barbie movie? ›

It was a world where women were proud, and wanted to be something. Greta Gerwig did a fantastic job at displaying both the extreme beauty of women, while also demonstrating what women have to go through in this world. Barbie made me proud. 'The film was motivational to many, including myself.

What do men think about the Barbie movie? ›

The majority of people who watched the movie say they either loved or liked it. Overall, 62% of women loved Barbie and 31% liked it, while 50% of men say they loved the movie, and 43% liked it.

What's the meaning behind the Barbie movie? ›

The message is actually directed at women who used to play with Barbies (hence the prominence of America Ferrera's Gloria, who gets the main speech) when they were kids, and reassures them that they can still look back fondly on their childhood toys and be part of a new, better, more modern, more feminist-leaning era.

Why are girls rejecting the new curvy Barbie? ›

Notably, when asked why they would not want to play with her, at least 25 percent of the girls said it was because curvy Barbie was fat, chubby, or "big." The tendency to idealize thin bodies and show negative attitudes toward fatter bodies has implications for how children treat each other.

Why is the Barbie movie so diverse? ›

It's about challenging stereotypes and breaking social norms. In the past, Barbie has faced criticism for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and leaving out a whole bunch of cultures and ethnicities.

What is the moral of the Barbie movie? ›

Overcoming insecurities. In a world where body shaming and insecurities run rampant, the Barbie movie offers insights into overcoming such challenges. The movie depicts various characters who have to navigate their own insecurities and how they come up stronger in the end.

What's the big deal about the Barbie movie? ›

This is a movie that acknowledges Barbie's unrealistic physical proportions—and the kinds of very real body issues they can cause in young girls—while also celebrating her role as a feminist icon.

What does the Barbie symbolize? ›

According to sociologist Mary Rogers, Barbie is “brimming with multiple meanings”. She is not just a toy, rather, she signifies how women had ever more choices opened to them as the twentieth century progressed. As Prown has put it, when a “society undergoes change… this manifests itself artifactually”.

What is the hidden message in the Barbie movie? ›

When we look at the beginning of the film, Barbie is insecure of herself and who she is in the world. As the story continues, she begins to embrace her individuality and abilities. This sends an influential message to all audiences watching, encouraging them to be themselves, no matter what.

What does the Barbie movie represent in society? ›

The “Barbie” movie is a powerful story about womanhood and the patriarchy that we experience. Barbie is portrayed as who you think she is, the embodiment of the “perfect” woman. She lives in Barbie Land – a world where women run everything.

What is the feminist message in Barbie? ›

You have to be thin, but not too thin,” she begins (Barbie was not updated for the Ozempic moment), kicking off a list of all the things women have to do and be just to obtain a modicum of respect: “You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail,” and so on.

What are the main themes of the Barbie movie? ›

Body Image and Self-Esteem: A Relevant Discourse

One of the central themes in the Barbie film is the exploration of body image and its impact on self-esteem.

What are the social issues in the Barbie movie? ›

It delved into many problems, such as women being objectified, society being dominated by one gender, and how Barbie has affected young girls' self-esteem, while also having witty jokes and comedic relief. However, the movie also shows how the patriarchy hurts everyone involved, including men.

What is Barbie movie supposed to be about? ›

Starring Margot Robbie as the title character and Ryan Gosling as Ken, the film follows them on a journey of self-discovery through Barbieland and the real world following an existential crisis. It is also a commentary regarding patriarchy and the effects of feminism.

What is the fuzzy thing in Barbie movie? ›

Bibble is one of the main characters in the Barbie: Fairytopia series. He is Elina's pet puffball and sidekick. He is voiced by Lee Tockar.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.