What (and what not) to wear with dungarees | Dickies® Life UK (2024)

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What (and what not) to wear with dungarees | Dickies® Life UK (2024)


What should I wear with dungarees? ›

Canvas pumps or classic-cut leather trainers in white or neutral tones are perfect for pairing with your dungarees for a relaxed look. You could also go for leather sandals and rolled-up legs for a casual summer festival vibe or dress up with heels for a high-fashion look.

Can you wear a belt with dungarees? ›

Many of the styling tips that work for long dresses can be equally effective with overalls, and adding a belt is one of them. In addition to defining the waist, a belt can also break up a solid color pair of overalls, and a simple belt with metallic buckle will dress up a basic pair of dungarees.

Can you wear dungarees at 60? ›

I'd say 4 is the cut-off for dungarees. Go for it! My mum's in her 60's and has several pairs, I think they look great. Get them if you like them!

What tops go with dungarees? ›

Forget the plain white T-shirt, and think out of the box when it comes to styling your dungarees. If you're a double denim-devotee, layer your pair over the top of a shirt in a contrasting shade, or you could even wear your dungarees with a white ribbed tank top and Western boots for maximum country-girl vibes.

Do I wear trousers under dungarees? ›

Traditional Overalls: Traditional denim or cotton overalls often have a loose, relaxed fit and are designed to be worn over other clothing. Many people choose to wear pants or shorts underneath for added coverage and comfort, especially if the weather is cold or if they prefer not to have bare legs exposed.

How do you style a dungaree? ›

You could shop for the trouser-dungarees with checkered print and pair it with a crisp black-collared women's shirt to keep it uptight for the meetings or you could tuck the suspenders into the pants of one of your cotton dungarees and pair it with a formal blouse and black pumps to make it your trendy desk-look that ...

How do you make dungarees look cute? ›

I prefer a wide-leg dungaree that I can dress up, like this black pair from Frame. A monochrome look is foolproof – I've styled mine with a cream roll-neck and ankle boots. To add interest, I've layered a textured, cropped jacket over the top.

What jackets go with dungarees? ›

Remember that your dungarees are overalls, not an overcoat. You can style up your look with a tailored winter coat, a faux leather jacket, scarfs, hats, gloves... The works! The beauty of dungarees lies in their simplicity.

Do dungarees suit everyone? ›

Because dungarees stretch the whole length of the body (top and bottom) they are elongating and give the illusion of being taller and slimmer. They are therefore popular with petites and those wanting to disguise their tummy areas.

How tight should dungarees be? ›

Dungarees should never be too tight (a double whammy of dated and unflattering). Overalls are meant to be relaxed, not constrictive (although even the roomiest pair will, we admit, require a little wrangling when you visit the Ladies') .

Can a 70 year old wear dungarees? ›

I think many women my age would shy away from them, perhaps thinking they wouldn't be flattering or that they could look foolish. But if you like trouser suits, you can wear dungarees. Just pick the right pair, team them with a nice pair of heels and they won't look remotely as if you're a child or a decorator.

Is 55 too old to wear dungarees? ›

There is no age limit for wearing overall but still there are some tips which you can follow for better appearance. If you are over 25 then wear them with heels to look modern. If you pair overalls with sneakers, you will look younger.

Can a 70 year old woman wear overalls? ›

The consensus was that women over 50 are not too old to wear overalls. Most people had the opinion that you should be able to wear what you want but there were also many complimentary opinions. One man even said if his wife wore overalls, he'd be “all over her”! Overalls make me happy!

Are dungarees unflattering? ›

In essence dungarees are pretty unflattering so wearing anything voluminous underneath is a no-no. A skinny knit, tee or Victorian style blouse will all work well. 4. Dungarees come in a huge amount of variations from unusual fabrics like silk and leather to flared and shorter styles.

How do you wear dungarees at 40? ›

Often dungarees are synonymous with a younger audience but the truth is you can wear dungarees at any age. For a grown-up casual outfit, wear slightly oversized denim dungarees with a chic cashmere crew-neck jumper.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.