What Book Genre Should You Write? | Gatekeeper Press (2024)

So, you’ve decided to write a book! Now it’s time to figure out what book genre is the best for you. For some writers, this is obvious. You might already have an idea that fits into one genre. For others, it can be a challenge to figure out.

Sometimes the book you want to write fits into multiple book genres—or doesn’t fit into any genre! If you’re stuck, you can consider writing in one of the most popular genres listed below.

We’ve compiled a list of book genres to inspire you!

Most Popular Book Genres in 2022

According to data provided by the Alliance of Independent Authors in 2022, book sales are on the upswing. In 2021, book sales of 825.7 million units tallied a whopping $26 billion at the cash register, representing an 8.9% bump over 2020. Interestingly, print sales outsold eBooks at a rate of four to one, further highlighting the 8% decline in eBook sales year over year.

So, what is the most popular book genre? It’s interesting to note the difference between most “popular” book genres and most profitable book genres. For example, children’s books continue to garner the largest slice of the fiction genre pie, dominating the field with 39% percent of the books sold.

However, when it comes to the most profitable book genre in the fiction category, the prize goes to romance/erotica. To make sense of this, consider that the retail price of a children’s fiction book is a fraction of the romance novel’s price tag.

Below, see the best-selling genres in both the non-fiction and fiction categories:

Bestselling fiction genres:

  • Children’s fiction
  • Modern literary fiction
  • Fantasy fiction
  • Classic literary fiction
  • Mystery fiction

Bestselling non-fiction genres:

  • Memoirs & biographies
  • Self-help books
  • Spiritual & Religious books
  • Health, fitness, and dieting
  • Politics and social sciences

Here’s a closer look at what genres land on the most bestseller lists!


Romance books are easily the most profitable genre, with no sign of slowing down. The most recent data confirms that this genre pulled in $1.44 billion in sales in 2021. This genre is easy to write because romance books usually follow a pretty simple formula.

The book starts with a protagonist and a love interest, but a conflict prevents them from immediately being together. The two characters work to overcome the conflict, and the story closes with a happily ever after.

Of course, not all romance books do or will follow this formula. Instead, it’s up to the author to make the formula feel original or change it to work best for their story.

Romance books sell exceptionally well in eBook format, too.

Children’s Books

Children’s books have very strong sales but usually sell for a lower price, coming in at a cool $1 billion in sales. This genre is a good choice if you want to include illustrations or have a young audience in mind.

Keep in mind that picture books sell better in print, however. So, if you plan to publish eBooks, children’s picture books may not be the best genre for you. Middle-grade books sell well as eBooks and might be a better alternative.

Writing and publishing children’s books requires you to understand what kids are currently reading. You must be able to write at a level that children can understand and enjoy. Avoid the children’s book genre if you want to write something with complicated language.

Some sub-genres that are popular among children’s books include:

  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Contemporary/Realistic Fiction

Thriller, Crime, & Mystery Books

These are the most popular book genres that sell in print, with sales of $299 million in 2021. So, if your goal is to focus on publishing print books, the mystery, thriller, and crime genres are great choices.

The appeal of these genres is that they all have a puzzle to solve by the end of the book. These genres have readers on the edges of their seats. Keep your readers turning the pages with a maze of a plot.

The mystery/thriller/crime genres are great for writing series! If you want to write a series, consider one of these page-turning genres.

Young Adult

Young adult is more an age category than a book genre, and the target audience is teenagers. Young adult books represent about 3% of the fiction genre sales.

Writing for young adults can be a lot of fun because so many genres are selling well. If you’re lucky, the subject or subgenre you write in might become one of the latest trends.

You are likely familiar with the vampire and dystopia trends in the YA market. Bestselling books like Twilight, The Hunger Games, and Divergent are all popular movie adaptations from the past few years.

Many young adult books have high selling potential. Even better? Your book could have a good chance of being adapted to film.

YA readers often read on their phones or tablets. So, eBooks are a hit in this market, but print books still sell well.


Are you super creative? Do you love building new worlds? If yes, then fantasy might be the best pick for you!

Create your world by diving into the fantasy genre, which commands 13% of the fiction genre pie. This genre can be applied to children’s, young adult, or adult categories. Fantasy is successful for all age groups.

Most Profitable Book Genres in 2022

Whether you prefer romcoms or serious historical romance, the romance genre can provide excellent earning potential. However, while romance and erotica take the top prize as the most profitable book genre and sell well in both print and eBook formats, there are still plenty of other options to consider if romance is not your thing.

Publisher’s Weekly provides a plethora of specific sales data for the publishing industry, comparing book sales in 2020 to those in 2021. The takeaway is that there is a broad range of genres to consider when looking at the business aspects of authorship.

For example, if you’re gifted with a vivid imagination, consider fantasy fiction or sci-fi, which accounted for sales of $590 million. If you love intrigue and weaving a complex tale, why not try your hand at a mystery or thriller, a genre that pulled in almost $80 million.

Maybe you excel in a specific field, have deep knowledge about a historical figure, or are an expert communicator—if so, give non-fiction a go, as there is abundant money to be made in those genres. In fact, more than 400 million non-fiction books were sold in 2021, representing a 4.4% increase over 2020. Within that category, there were some rock stars in 2021. Non-fiction business/economic book sales were up 19%, and travel-related books were up even more with an astounding 23.3% increase.

What Genre Should I Write?

Deciding which genre to write your next book in is not as much a financial decision as it is a practical one. After all, if you don’t know a lick about finance, you probably won’t be penning a best-selling non-fiction business book. It is always best to gravitate toward a genre you not only enjoy reading but that you also have a particular skill set or talent for.

If you happen to be a diverse writing savant and can adapt chameleon-like to a range of different genres, then, by all means, take a look at the sales trends before homing in on your target.

Another thing to consider when asking yourself, “What genre should I write?” is whether you are planning to create a book series. A book series is well suited to the mystery, young adult, and fantasy genres, which may help guide your decision.

Work With Gatekeeper Press to Publish Your Book

You can be successful with any genre. Consider writing in your favorite genre. Or try writing a book and seeing where it ends up. Maybe your book will turn out to be a successful cross-genre masterpiece.

Write the best book you possibly can. Pick the genre that feels right. With hard work and a dedicated professional publishing team, any book can be a bestseller.

Get a quote or free consultation from Gatekeeper Press. Regardless of your chosen genre, we can help you successfully publish your book.

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What Book Genre Should You Write? | Gatekeeper Press (2024)


What genres do publishers want? ›

But at the same time, few authors aren't interested in putting their book in front of as many interested readers as they can.
Bestselling Publishing Genres
  • Romance. There's a clear first on this list, and it is the romance genre. ...
  • Sci-fi and Fantasy. ...
  • Mystery, Thriller, and Crime Novels.

What genres do better in self-publishing? ›

Science fiction and fantasy are often the go-to genre for writers wanting to make a name for themselves as published authors, so it's no surprise that almost half of the books in these genres are self-published.

What genre of writing sells the most? ›

The bestselling book genre is romance and the most profitable fiction book genre. Religious & inspirational books are the most popular non-fiction genre, whilst thrillers are the most popular audiobooks.

What genres are publishers looking for 2022? ›

Romance continues to dominate and is still the most profitable fiction genre worldwide. Crime/ Mystery comes in second place, with religious and Inspirational titles leading the way in most popular non-fiction.

What genre is the hardest to write? ›

Comedy. Comedy is generally considered the hardest of all the genres to write. The problem is that it's so subjective. Just because you say funny things to your mates down the pub, doesn't mean you can write funny things down and they'll still be funny on paper.

What book genre is easiest to sell? ›

Romance. Romance books are easily the most profitable genre, with no sign of slowing down.

Is self-publishing still worth it? ›

So, is self-publishing worth it? Absolutely, and Gatekeeper Press can show you the ropes. Gatekeeper Press is a full-service self-publishing house that provides authors with an opportunity to see their books in print, something they may never get to experience through the traditional publishing route.

What genre of book sells the most on Amazon? ›

Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Epic. Romance > Fantasy.

What type of authors make the most money? ›

Report: How Much Authors Make
James PattersonThriller novelist$86 million (2018)
JK RowlingYoung Adult author$54 million
Stephen KingHorror author$27 million
John GrishamLegal Drama author$21 million (2018)
25 more rows
Feb 4, 2020

What is the least popular book genre? ›

10 Not So Popular Genres of Fiction | Lesser Known Fiction Genres...
  • Magical Realism.
  • Theatre of the Absurd.
  • Cli-fi.
  • Nordic Noir.
  • Bildungsroman.
  • Dystopia.
  • Dalit.
  • Bangsian.
May 4, 2022

What genre of books are trending in 2023? ›

Religious and inspiration books are the bestselling nonfiction genre ($720 million).
The genre fiction categories that generate the most sales are:
  • Romance ($1.44 billion)
  • Crime/Mystery ($728.2 million)
  • Science fiction/fantasy ($590.2 million)
  • Horror ($79.6 million)

Should a writer stick to one genre? ›

Once a writer is ready for publication, however, they'll benefit most by sticking with one genre, writing it well, and steadily building a base of loyal readers. Jumping around at an early stage before having a substantial readership could end up confusing and alienating readers.

What are the 7 types of books? ›

What are the different types of books?
  • Adventure stories.
  • Classics.
  • Crime.
  • Fairy tales, fables, and folk tales.
  • Fantasy.
  • Historical fiction.
  • Horror.
  • Humour and satire.
Apr 22, 2022

Can an author write multiple genres? ›

While some writers focus on a single genre, there are many writers who dabble in multiple genres. You might write poetry as well as short stories, and possibly even essays. Or the differences in what you write may be more obvious: spine-tingling thriller novels AND warmhearted children's books.

What are publishers looking for in 2023? ›

Click the links below to jump to the publishing trend you want to read first, or scroll to read them all.
  • Artificial Intelligence Gains a Foothold In Writing.
  • AI Art Gains Steam.
  • AI Narrated Audiobooks Proliferate.
  • AI Drives Debate in the Publishing Industry.
  • New Formats and Serial Fiction Heat Up.
Jan 3, 2023

What is the best month to publish a book? ›

February and March are generally good times to release a book because the weather's not great, so people will be stuck inside, browsing the web and looking for something to read. Generally, people won't want to read a dark book when the sun's shining.

How do I get my book noticed by publishers? ›

Getting your book traditionally published is a step-by-step process of:
  1. Determining your genre or category of work.
  2. Finding appropriate agents or publishers for your work.
  3. Preparing your submissions materials (a query letter or proposal, usually).
  4. Submitting your materials to agents or editors.
Jun 12, 2017

Which type of writing is fastest? ›

Tip: Cursive handwriting is often faster than print. More connected letters allow for a smoother and faster transition between words.

What is the most intense form of writing? ›

Literary Genres - Types of Genres: Poetry is the most intense form of writing. It allows a writer to express his or her deepest emotions and thoughts in a very personal way. It relies heavily on figurative language, rhythm, and imagery to relay its message to readers.

What is the hardest part of a book to write? ›

Your new novel is progressing nicely. Perhaps you're 30,000 or 40,000 words in — far enough along to establish a rhythm. You have a clear idea of how the story ends and you're excited to take the journey that will get you (and your characters) to the big finish.

What makes a book a #1 best seller? ›

Most publishing studies reveal that a new book, on average, will sell around 250 copies and no more than 2000 copies in its lifetime. Since this is what the majority of books do, then selling more than this amount would technically make your book a bestseller.

What qualifies as a best selling book? ›

To achieve bestseller status on the Times not only do you have to sell at least 5,000 – 10,000 copies in one week, but these sales have to be diverse sales. That is, you cannot sell 10,000 books to a pre-existing list of followers through a personal website or thousands from only one marketplace like Barnes and Noble.

What kind of self published books sell? ›

Romance, science fiction, and fantasy books are the best-suited for self-publishing.

What are the risks of self-publishing? ›

Here are some disadvantages to self-publishing:
  • Less visibility: One of the biggest advantages afforded to traditional publishers is a higher author platform for their writers. ...
  • Higher costs: Traditional publishing services pay for editing, design, printing, and marketing costs for print books.
Nov 16, 2021

Can you get rich self-publishing? ›

There are millions of self-published titles going up on Amazon every year, but (crucially) the number of people writing those books that take home $50,000+ a year is still only measured in the thousands. Despite the low odds, and the enormous amount of work involved, it can be done.

Can a self-published book be a bestseller? ›

So the answer is yes, your book can become a bestseller even if you choose the self-publishing option. But for this, you'll have to ensure it's very well edited, has an eye-catching cover, and also, you must invest in a good book promotion strategy.

What kind of books sell best on KDP? ›

Best sellers on Amazon KDP.
The kind of content you can publish using Amazon's KDP:
  • Journals & planners.
  • Recipe Books.
  • Children's Books.
  • Coloring Books.
  • Comics.
  • Poetry.
  • Textbooks.
  • Book Series.
Aug 8, 2022

What kind of books sell fast on Amazon? ›

What types of books sell best on Amazon?
  • Textbooks. If there was a “gold standard” of used books that you can sell on Amazon, it'd definitely have to be textbooks. ...
  • Niche books. ...
  • Comic books. ...
  • Collectibles. ...
  • Non-fiction. ...
  • Hardcovers.
Jan 20, 2022

What is the most liked book genre? ›

Romance: Romance novels are perhaps the most popular genre in terms of book sales. Romance novels are sold in grocery store checkout lines, in monthly shipments from publishers to readers, and online, as well as via self-publishing services. Readers tend to be loyal to their favorite authors within the romance genre.

How much do first time authors make? ›

How much can authors expect to earn from their books? A first-time author with a traditional publishing deal might expect an advance of $1,000-$10,000 and 5-18% royalties once they “earn out” their advance. Self-published authors do not receive advances, but their royalties can reach up to 70% for ebook editions.

Are authors in high demand? ›

Job Outlook

Employment of writers and authors is projected to grow 4 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 15,200 openings for writers and authors are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

What percentage of writers are successful? ›

The top 2% or so of authors make a good living and the most successful authors – including self-published authors – make a tremendous amount of money.” Greenfield's co-author, professor Dana Weinberg, agreed that “The question of money is a tricky one. Publishing a book for sale is a matter of both art and commerce.

Is it worth writing a book? ›

Conclusion. Writing a novel is definitely worth it if that's your dream career path. If you want to write a book but are unsure whether or not it's worth it because you're uncertain about your abilities, don't worry too much about it. Just sit down and write the story you want to tell and get started.

What is the least read book in the world? ›

THE English Bible is the bestselling book – but it is also the least read book. l Apply correctly.

How many genre can a book have? ›

Well, it's to the horror section for you! As more authors pump out cross-genre books, it can be tricky to track how many genres actually exist. There is no hard, fast number. Some librarians might say there are 14 or 15 genres of books, while some authors might quickly list off a few dozen.

What is the easiest genre to publish? ›

Romance is overall the easiest and most profitable to self-publish but actually quite difficult to publish traditionally. Commercial / Genre fiction in general is easier and more profitable than Literary fiction. YA (particularly Fantasy and Sci-Fi) is very hard to get published right now.

What are the top selling novel genres 2022? ›

They are:
  • Romance. The genre has one of the most faithful readerships. ...
  • Mystery. This genre churns out bestsellers, series, and standalone books. ...
  • Fantasy and Science Fiction. These two genres seem to be distant but are still closely related. ...
  • Young Adult. ...
  • Pandemic. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
  • Women.

What are publishers looking for in an author? ›

Publishers are looking for authors with a deep understanding of their subject and the credentials to back it up. They want new insights into difficult topics or a novel way to look at a familiar subject. Subject matter expertise trumps just about every other item on this list in terms of importance.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.