What do Drag Queens do? 17 things top Drag Queen do. (2024)

17 things top Drag Queens do.

What do Drag Queens do? 17 things top Drag Queen do. (1)

1. Performing at clubs and events

Drag queens are performers who dress in flamboyant costumes and often exaggerate feminine traits such as makeup and mannerisms.

They often lip-sync or sing while performing, and they may also dance or do comedy routines. Drag queens typically perform at clubs or events that cater to LGBTQ+ audiences, but they can also be found at mainstream venues such as hotels and nightclubs.

Some drag queens are famous for their outrageous costumes and outrageous personalities, while others are known for their impressive singing or dancing skills. Whatever their style, drag queens add excitement and glamour to any event.

2. Selling merchandise

One of the things that drag queens do to make money is to sell merchandise. This can include anything from t-shirts to makeup brushes to jewelry. Some products that they use and endorse are hip pads, butt pads and products such as Pals Breast Forms.

Any successful drag queen knows that one of the most important elements of their look is a good set of breast forms. Not only do they help to create the desired silhouette, but they also provide support and shape.

Drag queens have a variety of brands to choose from, but one of the most popular is Pals Breast Forms.

What makes Pals Breast Forms so popular with drag queens is the fact that they are so realistic and comfortable. They also come in a variety of sizes to suit every queen.

Drag queens will often set up a table at their shows and invite people to browse their wares. They may also sell merchandise online through their website or social media platforms. Drag queens typically take a percentage of the sale, so the more they sell, the more money they make.

In addition to making money, selling merchandise also helps to raise awareness of the drag queen's brand and increase their fan base.

3. Creating a more loving world for all!

At its core, drag is about celebrating individuality and promoting acceptance. By embracing their own uniqueness, drag queens help others to do the same.

In a world where so much emphasis is placed on conformity, they remind us that it's OK to be different. And when we're confident in who we are, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

So the next time you see a drag queen sashaying down the street, remember that she's not just there to look fabulous - she's also there to remind you that you are fabulous too. And together, we can create a more loving world for all.

4. Doing regular day jobs to support their drag career

In addition to performing, many drag queens also work regular day jobs to support their drag careers. This can include a wide range of different occupations, from waitressing and bartending to graphic design and event planning.

While some queens may only work part-time jobs, others may work full-time in their chosen field and only perform on nights and weekends. No matter what type of job they have, working a regular day job helps drag queens to finance their performances and costumes, as well as paying for any makeup, hair, and beauty supplies they need.

In some cases, queens may even work with fellow drag performers or designers to create their looks. Whether they're serving drinks or designing fliers, working a day job is an important part

5. Getting involved in activism and charity work

Drag queens have always been at the forefront of the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, using their platform to fight for equality and visibility.

In recent years, many drag queens have also become involved in activism and charity work outside of the LGBTQIA+ community. For example, many drag queens have worked with organizations that support refugees and undocumented immigrants. They have also been active in the fight for racial justice, partnering with organizations that work to promote diversity and inclusion.

Drag queens use their unique position to make a difference in the world, and their involvement in activism and charity work is one of the many ways they are making a positive impact.

6. Using their platform to raise awareness for important causes

Drag queens are often known for their outrageous sense of style and their over-the-top performances. However, there is more to being a drag queen than just looking glamorous and putting on a show.

Many drag queens use their platform to raise awareness for important causes. For example, RuPaul's Drag Race contestant Gia Gunn came out as transgender during the show's sixth season. In doing so, she helped to increase visibility for the transgender community and break down stereotypes about what it means to be transgender.

Similarly, drag queen Miz Cracker is an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness. She has been open about her own struggles with anxiety and depression, and she uses her platform to encourage others to seek help if they are struggling. Drag queens like G

7. Staying true to themselves and their artistry

Being a drag queen is about more than just putting on a dress and a wig; it's about becoming a character that is larger than life. To do this, drag queens must stay true to themselves and their artistry.

This means being authentic to who they are and what they want to portray. It also means perfecting their craft to ensure that they are always putting their best foot forward. From choosing the right outfit to applying makeup, every detail must be carefully considered.

Of course, staying true to oneself is not always easy, but it is essential if one wants to be a successful drag queen. By staying true to their vision and never compromising, drag queens can amaze audiences with their artistry and create unforgettable moments.

What do Drag Queens do? 17 things top Drag Queen do. (2)

8. Finding creative ways to make money

Drag queens are creative people who often have to find creative ways to make money. One way they do this is through performance art.

Drag queens often perform in clubs, bars, and other venues. They may also perform at private parties, corporate events, and other special occasions. In addition to performing, drag queens may also sell merchandise such as t-shirts, CDs, and DVDs.

Some queenstown even offer private consultations where they help people with hair, makeup, and wardrobe. Whatever the case, drag queens are always finding new and innovative ways to make money.

9. Making sure they are always prepared for gigs

Being a drag queen is not just about putting on a fabulous outfit and hitting the stage. It's also about being prepared for anything that might come up during a gig.

If you're new to the world of drag, you might be wondering what kinds of things you need to get started. Of course, you'll need some basic makeup supplies and a good wig, but there are also some items that are specific to drag queens.

For example, many queens like to use Pals Breast Forms to create a more feminine silhouette. These forms can be attached directly to the skin or worn under a bra, and they come in a variety of sizes to suit different body types.

In addition to breast forms, queens also often use padded panties or butt pads to achieve the ideal figure. With the right accessories, any queen can create a stunning look that will wow her audience.

Finally, they bring along a few personal items, like their favorite perfume or a photo of their family, to help them feel comfortable and confident while performing. By being prepared for anything, drag queens can focus on giving their best performance and entertaining their fans.

10. Constantly networking

While the drag queen community may seem insular, it's actually quite tight-knit. Second only to performing, drag queens are constantly networking.

Whether it's online or in person, queens are always making connections and building relationships. After all, networking is essential for any performer looking to book gigs and build a following. By connecting with other queens, a drag queen can learn about new opportunities, get advice on makeup and costuming, and find potential collaborators.

In a community as competitive as drag, it pays to have a strong network of support. So if you're ever feeling lonely as a queen, just remember that there are plenty of other queens out there who are more than willing to connect.

11. Pursuing their dreams relentlessly

Drag queens are often known for their over-the-top looks and performances, but there's more to being a drag queen than just putting on a show.

Pursuing your dreams relentlessly is one of the key things that drag queens do. They set their sights on what they want and refuse to give up until they get it. This tenacity is what helps them stand out from the crowd and achieve their goals.

Whether it's landing a coveted performance spot or snatching the crown at a pageant, drag queens go after what they want with a fierce determination. So if you're ever feeling lost or like you can't achieve your dreams, remember that drag queens never give up. They pursue their dreams relentlessly until they make them a reality.

12. Living their life to the fullest

While drag queens are often known for their outrageous costumes and performances, there is much more to the art form than meets the eye.

For many queens, drag is a way of life that allows them to express themselves in ways they never could before. It is a form of self-expression that is unapologetically bold and beautiful. In a world where conformity is often the norm, drag queens celebrate individuality and creativity.

For these reasons, living one's life to the fullest is an important part of being a drag queen. After all, what good is art if it cannot be enjoyed by everyone? Drag queens remind us that life is meant to be lived with passion and purpose. So, the next time you see a queen strutting her stuff down the

13. Encouraging others to do the same!

When it comes to drag, there are endless possibilities for self-expression. From makeup and wardrobe to dance and performance, drag queens have the freedom to create their own unique looks and styles.

This creativity can be contagious, inspiring others to explore their own identities and express themselves in new and exciting ways. In addition to providing entertainment, drag queens can play an important role in promoting self-acceptance and encouraging others to be proud of who they are.

By celebrating individuality and promoting acceptance, drag queens play a vital role in building inclusive communities and creating a more loving world for all.

14. Providing entertainment and bringing joy to others!

One of the most important things that drag queens do is provide entertainment and bring joy to others. For many people, drag queens are a source of escape from the everyday grind.

They allow people to forget their troubles for a little while and just have fun. Drag queens also help to create a sense of community. Many people who might not otherwise feel connected to others find themselves drawn to the drag scene because of its inclusive and accepting nature.

Whether they are performing on stage or interacting with fans, drag queens play an important role in making the world a more joyful place.

What do Drag Queens do? 17 things top Drag Queen do. (3)

15. Enjoying every minute of it!

One of the best things about being a drag queen is that you get to express yourself in a fun and creative way.

Whether you're doing a lip sync performance or strutting your stuff on the runway, you get to let your personality shine through. And what's more, you get to do it all while looking fabulous! Of course, being a drag queen isn't all about glitz and glamour.

It takes hard work and dedication to perfect your look and your act. But when you're up on stage and enjoying every minute of it, all that hard work is worth it. So go ahead and enjoy being a drag queen! It's one of the best things you'll ever do.

16. Inspiring others to be their own unique selves!

One of the most important things that drag queens do is inspire others to be their own unique selves.

By breaking down gender norms and embracing their own fabulousness, drag queens send a powerful message that we should all celebrate our individuality.

In a world where conformity is often prized, drag queens remind us that it's OK to be different. And when we're confident in who we are, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

So the next time you see a drag queen sashaying down the street, remember that she's not just there to look fabulous - she's also there to remind you that you are fabulous too.

17. Never giving up on their dreams!

Drag queens are known for their over-the-top personalities and fabulous sense of style. But what many people don't realize is that behind the glitz and glamour is a hardworking individual who has devoted their life to perfecting their craft.

For most drag queens, the journey to becoming a successful performer is long and difficult. They face rejection and ridicule from the mainstream world, and often have to rely on odd jobs and loans from friends to make ends meet.

Despite the challenges, they never give up on their dreams. And eventually, their hard work pays off. They find an audience that appreciates their talent, and they become one of the most popular performers in the drag scene.

So the next time you see a drag queen on stage, remember that she's not just there to entertain you - she's also there to inspire you. Never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Final Thoughts

Drag queens are a force to be reckoned with. They are creative, hardworking individuals who have devoted their lives to perfecting their art.

Despite the challenges they face, they never give up on their dreams. By breaking down gender norms and embracing their own fabulousness, drag queens send a powerful message that we should all celebrate our individuality.

In a world where conformity is often prized, drag queens remind us that it's OK to be different. And when we're confident in who we are, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

So go ahead and embrace your inner drag queen - she's waiting to come out and shine!


What skills do you need to be a successful drag queen?

Charisma and stage presence

Charisma and stage presence are essential skills for any drag queen.A drag queen is essentially a performer, and the ability to captivate an audience is key.

Of course, these are not the only skills a drag queen needs. Things like makeup artistry and fashion sense are also important.

However, charisma and stage presence are what really set a successful drag queen apart from the rest. With these skills, a drag queen can command attention and hold an audience spellbound.

Additionally, these skills can help a drag queen to build a strong following and to create an unforgettable stage persona.

In short, any aspiring drag queen needs to focus on honing their charisma and stage presence if they want to be truly successful.

Singing and lip syncing ability

Anyone who has ever watched RuPaul's Drag Race knows that being a successful drag queen requires more than just a fabulous wardrobe and makeup skills.

To truly shine on the stage, a drag queen needs to have both singing and lip syncing ability. While some queens are born performers, others need to put in hours of practice to perfect their craft. And while there are no hard and fast rules, there are a few tips that can help any aspiring drag queen hone their skills.

It's important to choose songs that fit your voice and range. Then, you'll need to work on your enunciation and learn how to project your voice.

Finally, don't be afraid to put your own spin on things- after all, part of being a drag queen is being unique!

Acting skills

In addition to being able to apply makeup and style hair, successful drag queens also need to have acting skills.

This is because a big part of being a drag queen is putting on a performance. Drag queens need to be able to talk to an audience, work the crowd, and keep them entertained.

They also need to be able to improvise and think on their feet. Without good acting skills, it would be very difficult for a drag queen to be successful. Of course, not all drag queens are the same, and there are many different styles of drag.

Some drag queens focus more on comedy, while others focus on dance or lip-syncing. But no matter what type of drag queen you are, if you want to be

Makeup and hair styling abilities

Drag is not a look that can be achieved with just any old makeup kit. It takes skill, artistry, and a whole lot of practice to perfect the techniques needed to create the dramatic looks associated with this over-the-top performance style.

In addition to being able to do their own hair and makeup, successful drag queens also need to be able to style wigs and create custom looks.

While there are no formal training requirements, many queens learn through trial and error, or by studying YouTube videos and other online tutorials.

With dedicated practice, anyone can develop the skills needed to become a successful drag queen.

Fashion sense

To be a successful drag queen, you need to have a great sense of fashion. This doesn't mean that you have to spend a lot of money on clothes, but you do need to be able to put together looks that are both stylish and appropriate for the occasion.

You also need to be able to style your hair and makeup in a way that compliments your outfit and makes you look your best. And, of course, you need to be able to walk in high heels!

Being a drag queen is all about putting your best foot forward, so if you can develop a strong sense of style, you'll be well on your way to success.


Performing drag is an art form that takes talent, practice, and a whole lot of confidence. While the basics of drag queen makeup and costume design can be learned relatively easily, it takes time and effort to perfect the craft.

Wearing the right clothes is important for anyone who wants to project confidence, but it is especially important for drag queens. After all, they are performing in front of an audience and need to look their best.

One way to ensure that they look their best is to wear Pals Breast Forms. These forms help to create the illusion of a larger chest, which can be very helpful for creating a more feminine look. In addition, the forms are made from a comfortable material that helps to ensure that the queen stays cool and comfortable during her performance.

As a result, wearing Pals Breast Forms is a great way for drag queens to boost their confidence and improve their performance.

Finally, if you're interested in pursuing a career in drag, the best way to learn is by studying the queens who inspire you and trying out different looks and styles until you find what works best for you.

With dedication and practice, anyone can develop the skills needed to become a successful drag queen.

What do Drag Queens do? 17 things top Drag Queen do. (2024)
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