What does it mean to see shoes in a dream? (2024)

According to many scholars of Islam, seeing shoes in a dream is referred to as a woman. We have explained different meanings depending upon the situation.

1- According to Ibn Sirin رحمة الله عليه the greatest dream interpreter of Islam, wearing new shoes means that the dreamer would marry a woman.

2- Wearing someone else shoes in a dream means that he would marry a widow.

What does it mean to see shoes in a dream? (1)

3- The color of the shoes in a dream means the nature of the wife;

  • Black Shoes: Quarrelsome nature.
  • Red Shoes = Happy Nature.
  • Yellow Shoes = Woman would fall sick.
  • White Shoes = Beautiful Woman.
  • Multi-Colored Shoes = Multi-Talented Woman.
  • Green Shoes = Death of the dreamer.

4- According to Ibrahim Karmani رحمة الله عليه wearing leather shoes in a dream means that he would marry a noblewoman.

5- Broken shoes in a dream mean sadness and sorrow, and humiliation.

6- Wearing tight shoes in a dream means that his woman would be quarrelsome and would cause damages and destruction.

7- Wearing an old shoe in a dream is better than the new one.

8- If he is not traveling because he does not have a shoe, means that he will get a new maid.

Disclaimer: The material used for the interpretation of dreams has been extracted from the Ibn Sirin book for dream interpretations. You can read the book here.

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What does it mean to see shoes in a dream? (2024)
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