What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (2024)

What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (1)

Posts: 1372 - Karma: 33

Karma: 33

Posts: 1372


Seriously, what they hell does it mean when someone scratches your palm during a hand shake. My best guess has always been that it has to do with the whole hairy palms/masturbating thing, but I've had family members do it, which would be weird. They laugh when they do it too, like its a dirty joke.

So what DOES it mean?

May 19 2010 6:44PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (2)

Posts: 464 - Karma: 79

Karma: 79

Posts: 464


that they have aids and they're trying to give it to you

May 19 2010 6:45PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (3)

Posts: 1499 - Karma: 32

Karma: 32

Posts: 1499


absolutely nothing. they just do it to be annoying...

May 19 2010 6:45PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (4)

Posts: 5670 - Karma: 18

Karma: 18

Posts: 5670

No Life

it means they have the maturity of a 7 year old.

May 19 2010 6:45PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (6)

Posts: 313 - Karma: 125

Karma: 125

Posts: 313


^ This.

May 19 2010 6:46PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (7)

Posts: 508 - Karma: 16

Karma: 16

Posts: 508


It means they want to rape you. Use extreme caution.

May 19 2010 6:48PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (8)

Posts: 23795 - Karma: 13,003

Karma: 13,003

Posts: 23795


it's just trying to weird you out. no meaning behind it. it's clearly working though

May 19 2010 6:50PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (9)

Posts: 1372 - Karma: 33

Karma: 33

Posts: 1372


Thats actually extremely disappointing. I was hoping it would actually be something weird or funny. oh well.

May 19 2010 6:58PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (10)

Posts: 5682 - Karma: 64

Karma: 64

Posts: 5682

No Life

I watched a discovery channel thing about hypnotism where they said that you could begin a hypnosis by doing that to someone.

May 19 2010 7:06PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (11)

Posts: 14265 - Karma: 8,624

Karma: 8,624

Posts: 14265

Crazy Fool

You're not talking about a slap & tickle are you?

May 19 2010 7:26PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (12)

Posts: 6284 - Karma: 49

Karma: 49

Posts: 6284

No Life

your grandma tickles your palm when she shakes ur hand? and you dont understand what that could mean? thats weird man and just so you know when she stares at you and licks her lips it has nothing to do with the food... she is literally eye f*cking you

May 19 2010 7:40PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (13)

Posts: 1372 - Karma: 33

Karma: 33

Posts: 1372


Actually its usually my weird uncle. But i do appreciate the many visuals that gave me.

May 19 2010 8:35PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (14)

Posts: 6410 - Karma: 86

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (15)

May 19 2010 8:37PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (16)

Posts: 1992 - Karma: 39

Karma: 39

Posts: 1992


im a fan of the dead fish over the palm tickle, the dead fish just makes people feel dirty, its so fun to do to mess with people

May 19 2010 8:48PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (17)

Posts: 5579 - Karma: 950

Karma: 950

Posts: 5579

No Life

no its not.

May 19 2010 9:00PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (18)

Posts: 8184 - Karma: 2,673

Karma: 2,673

Posts: 8184

Crazy Fool

i lol'd for a good 2 1/2 minutes there

May 19 2010 9:04PM

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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? (19)

Posts: 1507 - Karma: 92

Karma: 92

Posts: 1507


they are slowly but surely rubbing away your hand's pigment, and soon your palm will be translucent.
at that point they will have succeeded in making you much much more awesome.
stop whining and thank them.

May 19 2010 9:11PM

0 0

All times are Eastern (-4)

What does it mean when someone  scratches your palm? (2024)


What does it mean when someone scratches your palm? ›

THAT is a request for sexual favors… BIG TIME sexual overtones there. WHILE they are shaking your hand one of their fingers scratches your palm… literally requesting a response from you. USUALLY it's guys scratching a girls palm…but…i've shaken hands with guys who have scratched my palm.

What does it mean when a guy shakes you and scratches your palm? ›

It means that he's attracted to you and would like to have sex without all the preliminary social niceties and ritual protocols. This is mostly a guy thing, but women will occasionally do it as well.

What to do if someone scratches your hand? ›

These guidelines can help you care for minor cuts and scrapes:
  1. Wash your hands. This helps avoid infection.
  2. Stop the bleeding. ...
  3. Clean the wound. ...
  4. Apply an antibiotic or petroleum jelly. ...
  5. Cover the wound. ...
  6. Change the dressing. ...
  7. Get a tetanus shot. ...
  8. Watch for signs of infection.

What is the snap after a handshake? ›

In Liberia, the snap handshake or finger snap is a gesture of greeting, in which two people shake hands in the conventional Western way, but end the handshake with a mutual press of the fingers that creates a "snap" sound.

What does it mean when a woman shakes your hand? ›

A tight handshake from a girl can mean a few different things. It could be a sign of confidence or respect, or it could be a sign that she is interested in you.

What does it mean when someone shakes your hand but doesn t look at you? ›

No eye contact: Not making eye contact during a handshake may signal to the other person that you are not forthcoming. 7. Missed: "The miss" is a handshake that somehow doesn't come together. While awkward, the other person feels just as responsible, so remember that it was accidental.

Should a man shake a woman's hand first? ›

Historically, men were not expected to shake hands with a woman, but today, everyone is expected to shake hands with everyone in business. And a man should give a woman the same firm handshake he gives a man. In social situations, however, a man should wait for a woman to extend her hand first.

Is a handshake flirting? ›

"The least flirtatious and romantic touches were the shoulder push, shoulder tap, and handshake. Thus, touching that is gentle and informal, and that occurs face-to-face or involves “hugging” behaviour, appears to convey the most relational intent."

What can happen if someone scratches you? ›

Most cuts and scratches go away over time, but some lead to scars and infections. If a wound becomes infected, it must be treated in order to avoid serious damage. A severely infected wound may require amputation. In rare cases, an infected wound can be fatal.

Can you get something if someone scratches you? ›

Sometimes, a cut, scratch, or scrape starts out as no big deal, but then gets infected. A skin infection happens when germs get into the skin. If you notice any of these signs of infection, call your doctor right away: redness around the cut.

What is our secret handshake? ›

The typical secret handshake involves placing one's fingers or thumbs in a particular position, one that will be recognized by fellow members while seeming to be a normal handshake to non-members.

What is friendship handshake? ›

For more than 2,000 years, the handshake has been a sign of friendship, peace and unity. Whether used in diplomacy, sportsmanship or on informal occasions, it signifies trust and respect, although history can rescind it.

How many seconds is a finger snap? ›

Finger snaps last only about seven milliseconds — that's roughly 20 times as fast as the blink of an eye, says biophysicist Saad Bhamla of Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

What kind of body language goes best with a handshake? ›

Shaking Hands - Body Language At Work
  • When shaking hands, look directly into the other person's eyes.
  • Smile.
  • Stand when being introduced to someone and when extending your hand.
  • Make sure your right hand is free to shake hands. ...
  • Keep your body squared off to the other person – facing him or her fully.
Sep 28, 2011

How do you do a dominant handshake? ›

The Hand-on-Top Technique.

As you're going in for the dominating handshake, respond with your palms up at first; then, place your other hand — the left one — over your companion's hand to form a "Double-Hander" and simply straighten the handshake to a more equal position.

What does a left handed shake mean? ›

The left-handed Scout handshake is a formal way of greeting other Scouts and is used by members of Scout and Guide organizations around the world. The handshake is made with the hand nearest to the heart and is offered as a token of friendship.

Should you make eye contact while shaking hands? ›

6. Give three up-and-down shakes that only travel 1-2 inches up and 1-2 inches down. 7. Keep eye contact the entire handshake until you let go and keep a gentle smile on your face.

Why am I shaking when someone is looking at me? ›

Stress hormones like epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine flood your body, which can increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and the blood flow to your muscles. Muscles may also tense up as they prepare to take quick action, which can lead to shaking or trembling.

Why is a left handed handshake disrespectful? ›

In Indonesia, the left hand is traditionally perceived as the hand used to clean oneself after going to the toilet. When shaking hands, offering a gift, giving or receiving something, eating, pointing or touching someone, among other things, it is considered proper etiquette to only use the right hand.

Should you shake a girls hand or hug? ›

The first time you meet someone, especially in a professional context, shaking hands is usually always the best approach. In time, you might turn to hugging, but perhaps it's better to stick with shaking hands – this way, you don't run the risk of overstepping any personal boundaries.

Is a fist bump disrespectful? ›

A fist bump can also be a symbol of giving respect or approval, as well as companionship between two people. It can be followed by various other hand and body gestures (such as immediately opening the palm and spreading the fingers for “knucks with explosions”) and may be part of a dap greeting.

Is shaking someone's hand respectful? ›

Handshakes are a sign of agreement, mutual respect or a simple hello. But they can also come loaded with meaning and aggression.

What is considered flirty touching? ›

Touching is a powerful way to communicate your attraction to someone and can help build a sense of intimacy between you. Flirty touching can range from a subtle light touch on the arm to a more intimate embrace.

Where do you touch a girl to flirt? ›

Put your hands around her waist from behind.

Touch her gently so you don't startle her. If you two get really comfortable she might even let you slide your hand down a little lower. Once she's comfortable with you putting your hands on her waist, grab her and swing her around. Then, she'll be facing you.

Why does it feel good when someone scratches you? ›

Nerve cells tell your brain something hurts, and that distracts it from the itch. It can make you feel better in that moment, but 1 in 5 people say scratching makes them itch somewhere else on their body. Sometimes the pain from scratching makes your body release the pain-fighting chemical serotonin.

What if a girl scratches you? ›

It's An Attempt To Get Into You Deeply

During an intense love making session, both men and women literally try to get into each other and scratching is a symbolical way of expressing the desire to go deep into the other person.

Why do humans like being scratched? ›

Yosipovitch found scratching activated areas of the brain associated with memory and pleasure, while at the same time it suppressed areas associated with the sensation of pain and emotions. "It puts in that message to continue it.

Can human scratches leave scars? ›

Whenever your skin is injured – whether by accident or from surgery – your body works to repair the wound. As your skin heals, a scar may form, as this is a natural part of the healing process. Here are dermatologists' tips for reducing the appearance of scars caused by injuries such as skinned knees or deep scratches.

How long do human scratches take to heal? ›

Most scrapes heal well and may not need a bandage. They usually heal within 3 to 7 days. A large, deep scrape may take 1 to 2 weeks or longer to heal. A scab may form on some scrapes.

How long do scratches stay on your body? ›

Minor scrapes may be uncomfortable, but they usually heal within 3 to 7 days. The larger and deeper the scrape, the longer it will take to heal. A large, deep scrape may take up to 1 to 2 weeks or longer to heal. It's common to have small amounts of fluid drain or ooze from a scrape.

What is a sneaky pinky handshake? ›

Sneaky Pinky

Brings hands together as if in a 'normal' handshake but intersect pinkies on bottom (this let's you know they're part of the club and triggers progression of secret handshake).

What are the three keys to a handshake? ›

Handshake consists of three different types of body language- eye contact, touching hands and facial expression.

Do you hold hands with platonic friends? ›

While in many Western nations this could be seen as unconventional social behavior, for them it's a perfectly normal activity. There is nothing sexual or specifically romantic about holding hands in India. Rather, it's an expression of platonic love between two or more individuals.

What handshakes can tell you? ›

Those with a firm handshake were more extraverted and open to experience and less neurotic and shy than those with a less firm or limp handshake. The researchers say these results demonstrate that personality traits, assessed through the self-report, can predict specific behaviors assessed by trained observers.

What does a handshake hug mean? ›

Together they created a gesture of solidarity, with movements symbolising "I'm not above you, you're not above me, we're side by side, we're together." After the war, this hug quickly became a standard greeting among black men.

What is the loudest finger snap? ›

The Guinness World Record for the loudest finger snap is 108 decibels by Bob Hatch in California, in 2000, which is considered comparable to a rock band loud. What affects the pitch of the snap?

Why do people snap and not clap? ›

Swapping snapping for clapping might have originated in Roman times but gained popularity with poetry readings in the 1960's. Some sororities are fond of the method, too. The snapping at poetry readings, was used to signify appreciation for the poet.

What is a shy person's body language? ›

If you are nervous, you might frown, look worried or look away. If you are wary or uneasy, you might look guarded, defensive or cross your arms. If you feel shy or unsure, you might cover your mouth or face with your hand or look at the ground.

How do you say goodbye in body language? ›

Waving the hand to say "hello" or "goodbye" is done by moving the fingers down towards the wrist and back to an open palm position while keeping the palm facing out. Another way to say "goodbye" is done by wagging the fingers. That motion (wagging fingers) is also used to say "no."

What is the body language of a man not interested? ›

Look out for body language cues that signal that he is uncomfortable or disinterested in your interactions. He may try to move away from you, cross his arms in front of him, or turn away from you while you are talking. He may also try to avoid physical contact, like a hug or you touching his arm, he is not interested.

How long should you shake someone's hand before releasing your grip? ›

Grip with a slight firmness (like a gentle squeeze) as you raise your hand slightly up and down for the shake. Release the hand after 3-4 seconds. Always reciprocate the same amount of pressure you are receiving from the other persons hand.

What is the alpha handshake? ›

“Alpha Male Handshake” refers to someone purposefully crushing your hand and / or yanking your arm. It is one of the bluntest Power Moves out there: very basic and purely physical.

What does a lingering handshake mean? ›

The Lingering Handshake This one is firm with a warm grasp and two or more pumps. The end of the handshake pauses or lingers, which may either denote openness and sincerity or suggest that the person has something up his/her sleeve.

Should you shake someone's hand with your left hand? ›

Give a firm shake with the right hand and you may use the left hand to touch them on the shoulder or elbow region, but sometimes the “correct” use of the left hand is not to use it at all.

Why do you shake with your right hand only? ›

Use the right hand.

Most people are right-handed. As such, the right is the default hand we use for handshakes. You would only shake with the left hand if the other person had a physical issue that prevented using the right one.

What does the palm pinch handshake mean? ›

Like the claw of a lobster, the other person's thumb and fingers touch the palm of your hand: a slight pinch. It is a handshake with no personality or energy. Meaning: The person fears connecting with you at a deep level and may find it generally difficult.

What does it mean when a guy is shaking around you? ›

Sign #2: They Shake When You're Around Them

If you notice that they shake, or tremble, more when around you, they might have a crush on you. This is simply due to nerves, or anxiety because they like you so much.

What can you tell by a man's handshake? ›

Those with a firm handshake were more extraverted and open to experience and less neurotic and shy than those with a less firm or limp handshake. The researchers say these results demonstrate that personality traits, assessed through the self-report, can predict specific behaviors assessed by trained observers.

What is the most respectful handshake? ›

The Proper Handshake Quick List
  • If possible, initiate the handshake.
  • Keep your body square with them.
  • Make strong eye contact and smile.
  • Make palm-to-palm contact.
  • Match their level of firmness.
  • Hold the grip for one second longer than you're used to.
  • Start talking before letting go.

What is the dominant handshake in body language? ›

The opposite of submissive handshake is the dominant handshake. This happens when you place your arm above the palm of the other person and hence, your palm is facing down. This is called “palm down thrust”. This handshake conveys authority and dominance on your part.

Why do guys do the handshake hug? ›

“It really evolved as a way for men, especially young men, to show their affection for each other in a way that's culturally accepted.” Part of the reason the greeting has become so popular now is because our ideas about sexuality, as a culture, are more flexible, Floyd says.

How do you tell a guy is nervous around you? ›

He's nervous

Look for signs like unexplained laughter, sweaty palms and fidgeting. Guys always want to be in control of their emotions—we like to be in charge. If he has trouble doing that around you, it's most likely because you make him nervous and excited.

What are the signs that he likes you? ›

22 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts
  • He leans toward you during conversation.
  • He angles his body toward you in the room.
  • He finds small ways to compliment you.
  • He makes eye contact.
  • He steals a glance at you.
  • He singles you out in a group.
  • He seems drawn to you in the room.
Nov 26, 2021

Do you shake when you're in love? ›

Phase 1: Falling in Love – Limerence

In 1979, Dorothy Tennov coined the term “limerence” for the first stage of love, characterized by physical symptoms (flushing, trembling, palpitations), excitement, intrusive thinking, obsession, fantasy, sexual excitement, and the fear of rejection.

Why do guys fist bump a girl? ›

A fist bump (also known as a bro fist or power five) is a gesture similar in meaning to a handshake or high five. A fist bump can also be a symbol of giving respect or approval, as well as companionship between two people.

What are the handshake signals? ›

In computing, a handshake is a signal between two devices or programs, used to, e.g., authenticate, coordinate. An example is the handshaking between a hypervisor and an application in a guest virtual machine.

How to do a powerful handshake? ›

9 tips to develop your professional handshake
  1. Keep your hands ready for a handshake. If you think there's a need to shake hands with someone, get your hands ready for the occasion. ...
  2. Know when to extend your hand. ...
  3. Offer sincerity. ...
  4. Greet the person. ...
  5. Aim for the web. ...
  6. Keep the pressure moderate. ...
  7. Make it brief. ...
  8. Repeat before leaving.
Feb 3, 2023

Does handshake show respect? ›

- In business, the first thing we do when we meet someone is shake hands. While it seems simple enough, this “first impression” greeting sends a powerful message about you and your respect for others. For the most part, the western-style handshake is the accepted form of greeting in the international business world.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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