What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (2024)

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When most homeowners think about a roof, they think about the shingles they see from the street. However, a roof is much more than that.

Your roof is a combination of different materials and components coming together to form a complete roof system. One of these crucial roofing components is ice and water shield.

Here at Bill Ragan Roofing, we want every homeowner to understand the materials that make up their roof. Because of this, we’ll be covering the information you need to know about ice and water shield.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn what ice and water shield is and 3 things you need to know about it.

What is ice and water shield?

Ice and water shield is a waterproof membrane used to protect your roof from ice and water damage. Its main purpose is to protect your roof decking if water gets underneath your roofing material (asphalt shingles, metal roof, etc.).

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (1)

It’s crucial to have ice and water shield installed on/around certain areas of your roof, like roof valleys, around penetrations, and on roofs that have a 2/12, 3/12, or 4/12 pitch. Because of its importance, every roof needs to have it.

There’s also a code if you live in an area above the snow line in the US. This code requires ice and water shield along the edges of your roof to prevent leaking from ice damming after a heavy snow or ice storm.

If you live in an area that sees heavy snow, you’ll most likely have 2 rows of ice and water shield along your roof’s rakes and eaves per local codes.

3 things to know about ice and water shield

Now you know what ice and water shield is and why it’s important to your roof. However, there’s still more you need to learn about it. Let’s get to the 3 things you need to know about ice and water shield.

1. The 3 types of ice and water shield

There are 3 types of ice and water shield: granular/sand surface, smooth, and high heat.

Granular or sand surface ice and water shield is used in roof valleys and is the thinnest of the 3 types. Even though it’s not as thick, it serves the same purpose and does the job well.

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (2)

Smooth surface ice and water shield is used on low slope roofs. This type fits the situation I mentioned in the first section when a roof has a 2/12, 3/12, or 4/12 pitch.

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (3)

High heat ice and water shield is made of cotton-like fibers that’s used primarily on metal roofs. Because of the material it’s made of, it won't stick to metal as it expands and contracts.

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (4)

This prevents the metal panels from destroying the integrity of the ice and water shield. While high heat ice and water shield is used on metal, it’s also used with premium roof systems (slate and cedar shake) to add extra protection.

2. Upgrading your roof with ice and water shield

Remember, you’ll most likely have the ice and water shield code I mentioned earlier if you live in an area that sees heavy snow. However, adding ice and water shield around the edges of the roof is also an upgrade you can add to your replacement.

You might think this isn’t important, and if you live somewhere that never sees snow, it’s not. But when we get heavy snow in the Middle Tennessee area, we can count on phone calls about water getting into homes.

The main culprit is always the same, ice damming. The truth is, there’s nothing you can do to stop the leak except wait for the snow and ice to melt off your roof.

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (5)

However, you can prevent leaks from ice damming by adding ice and water shield at the edges (rakes and eaves) of your roof that goes 2 feet past the interior walls of your home. Be aware; you can only add this upgrade when getting a roof replacement.

If you’re experiencing ice damming now or have experienced it before, add this upgrade to prevent it in the future. Just keep in mind that it will add to the cost of your new roof.

3. The cost of ice and water shield

The price of roofing materials fluctuates constantly and can be different depending on the area you live in. Because of this, it’s impossible to give you an exact cost number for ice and water shield.

However, I can give you a general idea of the cost depending on the type you're using.

Granular or sand ice and water shield starts at $50.00 per row of material, 3 feet by 33 feet. Smooth ice and water shield costs around $100.00 per square (100 square feet of roof area) to go under a low slope roof.

High heat ice and water shield will be a little more expensive and costs around $125.00 per square. While these prices aren’t exact, they do give you an idea of what to expect from a price point for adding ice and water shield to your roof.

The rest of the roofing materials that make up your roof

Now you know what ice and water shield is, the types, cost, and more. Remember, it's a crucial roofing material that every roof needs to have.

However, it’s not the only roofing material you need to know about. Because you’re about to invest a lot of money into a new roof, doesn’t it make sense to know exactly what you’ll be paying for?

If you answered yes, we have another article breaking down the 9 roofing materials that will be part of your roof replacement.

Since 1990, the team at Bill Ragan Roofing has helped homeowners in the Nashville area with all of their roofing needs. You can count on our high-quality workmanship that comes with a lifetime warranty to give you a roof that will last for decades.

Check out 9 Materials Included With Your Roof Replacement to learn the crucial components you’ll be paying for when it’s time to replace your roof.

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (6)

What is Ice and Water Shield on a Roof? (3 Things to Know About It) (2024)


What does ice and water shield do for a roof? ›

Ice and water shield is a self-adhering waterproofing underlayment that is used in roofing to help prevent damage caused by ice dams and wind driven rain.

What is ice and water shield made of? ›

Grace Ice & Water Shield® is a premier membrane composed of two waterproofing materials—an aggressive rubberized asphalt adhesive backed by a layer of high density cross laminated polyethyl- ene. The rubberized asphalt surface is backed with a foldless release paper that protects its adhesive quality.

How long does ice and water shield last on a roof? ›

Ice & Water Shield® HT has been formulated and tested to be UV stable for up to 120 days, ensuring the building stays safe and dry during long and unpredictable construction cycles.

What happens if you don't use ice and water shield? ›

Shingles and other roofing materials have been specifically designed to redirect the flow of water and ice towards the necessary gutter and drainage systems. However, horizontally propelled rain, hail, and snow can easily seep towards the crannies and crevices of your shingles if left unchecked.

Do you need underlayment with ice and water shield? ›

Water trapped by ice dams can make its way beneath shingles, and the underlayment is necessary to protect against this seepage. In fact, ice and water shielding is even more important on low-sloped roofs or in roof valleys, particularly in snowy areas.

Do I need ice and water shield on roof? ›

It's crucial to have ice and water shield installed on/around certain areas of your roof, like roof valleys, around penetrations, and on roofs that have a 2/12, 3/12, or 4/12 pitch. Because of its importance, every roof needs to have it. There's also a code if you live in an area above the snow line in the US.

Can ice and water Shield get rained on? ›

Yes! So long as the underlayment has been installed correctly to ensure that it forms a watertight barrier, and as long as it hasn't been left exposed to the elements too long, ice and water shield can get wet. It's designed to be the last line of defense against moisture to prevent damage to the roof deck.

Can ice and water shield be exposed to sunlight? ›

GCP's underlayments (GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD®, GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® HT, GRACE ULTRA™, GRACE SELLECT™, GCP granular underlayment, Roof Detail Membrane™, TRI-FLEX® and TRI-FLEX® 15) are not meant to be left permanently exposed to the sun.

What is the difference between underlayment and ice and water shield? ›

An ice and water shield is a fully-adhered roof underlayment, which in layman's terms means it sticks to your roof. It's not going to blow away in a strong wind or shift from the pressure of snow and ice. It's also self-healing.

Can you nail through ice and water shield? ›

That way, when the remaining layers of roofing are installed, e.g. starter strip, roofing shingles, etc., the nails are able to go through the underlying ice & water barrier without creating an avenue for water to get beneath the roofing system and into the roof decking or the attic.

Does ice and water Shield go behind gutter? ›

It should be installed behind the gutter and over the top of the fascia board, eliminating the gap between the fascia board and first roof board. When installed correctly, the ice and water shield will extend up the roof from the fascia board to a minimum of 2” past the exterior wall.

Does ice and water Shield go over drip edge? ›

Furring strip behind drip edge question

"Grace, the manufacturer of Ice & Water Shield, advises that its peel-and-stick membrane should be installed before the drip edge.

Can you put ice and water shield over old shingles? ›

Don't put Ice & Water Shield over old shingles - Deseret News.

Can you put two layers of ice and water shield? ›

“In parts of the country where severe ice dams and wind- driven rain can cause leaks, use two layers of Grace Ice & Water Shield around the eaves – one directly on top of the other with the flashing or perimeter metal in between the two membrane layers.”

Can you cover a whole roof with ice and shield? ›

That said, you can cover your entire roof with an ice and water shield, and it could help prevent leaks if you live in an area with extreme winds. But if you do, make sure you also add a ventilation system to your attic to prevent condensation.

How long will ice & water Shield last without shingles? ›

As mentioned above, Plystik Plus will last up to 180 days when left exposed. Without exposure to the elements, Plystik Plus offers a limited lifetime warranty, which means that with proper installation, you'll get decades of use from it.

Does ice and water Shield prevent ice dams? ›

Does ice and water shield prevent ice dams? No. Ice & water shield will not prevent ice dams. You'd get it installed simply to minimize the chances of leaks if you do get an ice dam.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.