What is incident handling checklist? | DataGuard (2024)

In this blog post, we'll cover:

  • What is incident handling checklist?
  • Why is an incident handling checklist important?
  • What are the steps in an incident handling checklist?
  • What are the key components of an incident handling checklist?
  • Strengthen your information security to prevent incidents
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is incident handling checklist?

An incident handling checklist is a predefined set of steps and actions designed to guide organisations in responding to security incidents effectively.

It serves as a crucial tool to ensure that all necessary procedures are followed promptly and accurately in the event of a security breach. By outlining specific tasks and responses in advance, the checklist helps streamline the incident response process, minimising confusion and ensuring a swift resolution.

Having a structured approach through the checklist enhances coordination among team members and facilitates better communication during high-pressure situations. Emphasising the importance of preparation and consistency, an incident handling checklist enables organisations to maintain a proactive stance in managing security incidents and mitigating potential risks.

Why is an incident handling checklist important?

The incident handling checklist holds significant importance as it provides a systematic approach for organisations to manage and respond to security incidents promptly and efficiently.

By following a well-structured incident handling checklist, organisations can ensure that all necessary steps are taken in a coordinated manner, from initial detection to containment and resolution. This checklist acts as a guide, outlining key tasks, responsibilities, and communication channels to be utilised during a security incident.

It aids in maintaining consistency and standardisation across different incident responders, enabling a cohesive and unified response strategy. This standardised approach helps in minimising confusion and delays in incident response, ultimately reducing the impact of security breaches on the organisation.

What are the steps in an incident handling checklist?

The incident handling checklist encompasses several key steps, including preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident review, to ensure a comprehensive and structured approach to incident response.

During the preparation phase, the focus is on establishing incident response policies, procedures, and a dedicated team. This step involves creating communication channels, identifying critical assets, and ensuring all necessary tools are available.

In the identification stage, the goal is to detect and classify the incident by analysing alerts and conducting investigations. Containment involves isolating and limiting the impact of the incident to prevent further damage.

Eradication focuses on removing the root cause of the incident and fixing vulnerabilities. Recovery involves restoring systems to normal operations and implementing lessons learned. The post-incident review is essential for assessing the incident response process and identifying areas for improvement.


Preparation is a crucial phase in incident handling, involving activities such as incident response team training, resource allocation, and defining roles and responsibilities to ensure readiness for security incidents.

By investing time and resources into incident response training, organisations can equip their teams with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively respond to security incidents. Team preparedness plays a vital role in ensuring a coordinated and efficient response, reducing the impact of potential threats.

Establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the organisation helps minimise confusion during high-pressure situations, ensuring that each team member knows their responsibilities and can act swiftly when an incident occurs.


Identification is a pivotal step in incident handling checklist that involves assessing the severity of security incidents, classifying them based on predefined criteria, and determining their potential impact on the organisation.

This phase requires a thorough evaluation of the security incident's severity level to understand the degree of harm it poses to the organisation's resources and operations. By categorising incidents into various classes based on factors like data sensitivity, impact scope, and potential financial losses, responders can prioritise their actions effectively.

Conducting an impact analysis helps in gauging the overall consequences of the incident on business continuity and reputation, enabling teams to allocate resources and responses according to the criticality of the situation.


Containment in incident handling checklist focuses on limiting the spread of security incidents, leveraging automated response mechanisms, and initiating escalation processes to control and mitigate the impact of breaches.

By swiftly responding to security incidents during the containment phase, organisations can prevent the situation from escalating further and causing additional harm. Rapid response is crucial to isolating compromised systems or networks and preventing attackers from moving laterally. Automation tools play a key role in containment by enabling real-time threat detection, response actions, and the enforcement of security policies.

Having well-defined escalation procedures ensures that incidents are promptly escalated to appropriate personnel for timely resolution, minimising the potential damage to the organisation's resources and reputation.


Eradication entails identifying and eliminating the root cause of security incidents through detailed analysis, utilising specialised response tools, and implementing corrective measures to prevent recurrence.

After the initial containment phase, the incident handling checklist moves into the eradication stage, where the focus shifts to conducting a thorough root cause analysis. This involves deeply analysing the incident timeline, system configurations, and any potential vulnerabilities that may have been exploited.

By leveraging advanced forensic tools and techniques, security teams can gain insight into how the incident occurred and the specific vulnerabilities that were targeted. Once the root cause is identified, remediation actions are formulated and implemented to correct any underlying issues and fortify defences against similar threats in the future, ultimately enhancing the organisation's overall security posture.


Recovery in incident handling checklist focuses on restoring affected systems and services, coordinating response efforts across teams, and communicating recovery progress as per the predefined communication plan.

During the recovery phase, the main priority is to bring back the affected systems to their normal functioning state as quickly and efficiently as possible. This involves closely coordinating with different teams to ensure a unified response and streamline efforts.

Effective teamwork is crucial during this stage to allocate tasks, troubleshoot issues, and implement solutions efficiently. Clear communication strategies play a vital role in keeping all stakeholders informed about the progress of the recovery process, minimising confusion and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Lessons learned

Lessons learned stage in incident handling checklist involves conducting post-incident reviews, identifying areas for improvement in incident response procedures, and implementing feedback mechanisms to enhance future incident handling capabilities.

During the post-incident review process, teams examine the root causes of the incident, evaluate the effectiveness of their response strategies, and pinpoint any gaps or weaknesses that need to be addressed.

By dissecting the incident thoroughly, organisations can uncover valuable insights that can guide them in refining their incident response protocols and bolstering their overall resilience.

Improvement strategies often revolve around updating SOPs, providing additional training to staff, and enhancing communication channels both within the team and with external stakeholders.

Incorporating feedback mechanisms ensures that lessons learnt are translated into actionable steps for continuous enhancement of incident handling practices.

What are the key components of an incident handling checklist?

The key components of an Incident Handling Checklist include 8 key elements. Contact information plays a vital role as it ensures that all necessary parties are notified promptly, facilitating a swift response. Incident classification helps in categorizing the severity and nature of the incident, guiding the response team on the appropriate actions.

A detailed communication plan is crucial for keeping all stakeholders informed and coordinated throughout the incident resolution process. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the incident response team promote efficiency and ensure that tasks are delegated effectively.

Proper documentation through detailed procedures and evidence collection is essential for analysis and future prevention. Post-incident analysis allows for a thorough review of the incident handling process and enables learning from the experience.

Here are all 8 components in more detail:

1. Contact information

Contact information is a critical component of the incident handling checklist, ensuring seamless communication and coordination among incident response team members and stakeholders.

Keeping contact information updated is vital for ensuring that key individuals can be reached promptly in the event of a security incident. This allows for quick decision-making, swift response actions, and effective mitigation of potential threats.

By having accurate contact details readily available, the incident response team can collaborate efficiently and share crucial information without delays. Timely communication helps in containing and resolving security breaches faster, minimising the impact on the organisation's operations and reputation.

2. Incident classification

Incident classification involves categorising security incidents based on their severity, impact, and priority levels to enable organisations to allocate resources and respond effectively to different types of incidents.

By systematically classifying incidents, organisations can streamline their incident handling processes. The criteria for categorising incidents typically include the extent of data or system compromise, potential financial losses, regulatory compliance implications, and the impact on business operations.

Prioritising responses becomes vital as it allows organisations to address high-impact incidents promptly, minimising the potential damage. With a well-defined incident classification system, resource allocation can be optimised, ensuring that the most critical incidents receive immediate attention while lower-priority incidents are managed efficiently and effectively.

3. Communication plan

A communication plan is a crucial element of the incident handling checklist that outlines communication protocols, escalation procedures, and stakeholder notification strategies during security incidents.

Having clear communication channels is essential for ensuring that key information is disseminated effectively and efficiently across all teams involved. Establishing proper escalation paths helps in promptly addressing and resolving incidents before they escalate further.

Stakeholder engagement plays a vital role in keeping relevant parties informed and engaged throughout the incident response process, fostering transparency and collaboration to mitigate potential negative impacts.

4. Incident response team roles and responsibilities

Defining incident response team roles and responsibilities is essential in the incident handling checklist to ensure clarity, accountability, and effective coordination among team members during security incident response.

By clearly outlining roles and responsibilities, team members can understand their specific functions and areas of focus, allowing for a seamless and efficient response process. This helps in avoiding confusion, duplication of efforts, and delays in decision-making.

Establishing decision-making authority within the team hierarchy empowers individuals to act swiftly and confidently when responding to incidents. Collaborative responsibilities ensure that team members work together cohesively, leveraging each other's expertise and resources to effectively mitigate and resolve security threats.

A well-defined structure for roles and responsibilities enhances the team's overall effectiveness in handling security incidents.

5. Incident response procedures

Incident response procedures in the checklist are structured workflows and guidelines outlining the steps to be followed during different phases of incident handling, ensuring consistency and efficiency in response efforts.

These procedures play a crucial role in guiding team members through the necessary actions to take when an incident occurs. By providing clear directions and predefined steps, they help streamline the response process and minimise potential errors.

These standardised procedures serve to enhance incident resolution outcomes by establishing a systematic approach that ensures an appropriate and timely response. Incorporating well-defined incident response procedures in the incident handling checklist is essential for maintaining organisation and effectiveness in managing security incidents.

6. Evidence collection and preservation

Evidence collection and preservation is a critical aspect of the incident handling checklist, involving the systematic gathering, documentation, and storage of digital evidence to support incident investigations and potential legal proceedings.

Proper evidence collection and preservation practices play a crucial role in ensuring that the integrity and admissibility of digital evidence are maintained throughout the investigation process.

By following established procedures for evidence handling, such as maintaining a clear chain of custody and adhering to forensic soundness principles, investigators can significantly enhance the credibility and reliability of the evidence presented in court.

This helps to prevent tampering, loss, or contamination of digital evidence, ultimately strengthening the case and increasing the likelihood of successful prosecution.

7. Incident reporting and documentation

Incident reporting and documentation in the checklist involve the timely and accurate recording of incident details, actions taken, and outcomes to facilitate post-incident analysis, compliance requirements, and knowledge sharing.

Comprehensive incident reporting is crucial as it provides a structured approach to handling security breaches or disruptions. When incidents are documented thoroughly, it allows organisations to create detailed audit trails, enabling them to track the sequence of events leading up to and following an incident.

This documentation plays a vital role in improving incident response practices by allowing teams to analyse past incidents, identify trends, and refine their response strategies accordingly. Having a well-documented incident log contributes to the creation of a robust knowledge base, providing valuable insights for future incident management.

8. Follow-up and post-incident analysis

Follow-up and post-incident analysis phase in the checklist involves conducting thorough evaluations, identifying root causes, and implementing corrective actions based on lessons learnt from incidents to enhance future incident response capabilities.

This stage is crucial as it allows organisations to delve deeper into the underlying issues that led to the incident, thereby preventing future occurrences. By analysing the incident thoroughly, it becomes possible to identify weaknesses in the security infrastructure, human errors, or other vulnerabilities that might have been exploited.

Instituting corrective measures based on these findings not only strengthens the organisation's overall security posture but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

A proactive approach to incident handling is essential in today's dynamic threat landscape, where threats evolve rapidly and require constant vigilance and adaptation.

Strengthen your information security to prevent incidents

A solid incident handling checklist is a great tool for IT leaders, but the ideal scenario is one where incidents never occur in the first place.

If you want to strengthen information security in your organisation, check out DataGuard'sall-in-one information security platformor reach out to us for a free consultation.

Book your free consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is an incident handling checklist important?

An incident handling checklist is important because it helps organisations respond quickly and effectively to security incidents. It ensures that all the necessary steps are taken in a timely manner, reducing the risk of further damage and potential legal consequences.

Who should have access to the incident handling checklist?

Ideally, all employees in an organisation should have access to the incident handling checklist. However, only designated personnel, such as IT and security professionals, should be responsible for following and executing the checklist in the event of an incident.

What are some common items included in an incident handling checklist?

Some common items included in an incident handling checklist are initial response protocols, communication plans, containment procedures, evidence collection and preservation guidelines, and incident reporting procedures.

Is the incident handling checklist a one-size-fits-all solution?

No, the incident handling checklist should be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of each organisation. It should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any changes in technology, threats, and regulations.

Where can I find a template for an incident handling checklist?

There are many templates available online for an incident handling checklist. However, it is important to carefully review and customise the checklist to fit the unique needs and environment of your organisation.

Originally published updated

What is incident handling checklist? | DataGuard (2024)


What is incident handling checklist? | DataGuard? ›

The incident handling checklist encompasses several key steps, including preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident review, to ensure a comprehensive and structured approach to incident response.

What is the incident handling? ›

Incident handling is a generalized term that refers to the response by a person or organization to an attack. • Actions taken to protect and restore the normal operating condition of computers and the information stored in them when an adverse event occur, with well defined procedures which involves several stages.

What are the five stages of incident handling? ›

5 steps to building an effective incident response plan
  • Step 1: Preparation. Preparation is key to an effective response. ...
  • Step 2: Detection and analysis. Take steps to put security safeguards in place. ...
  • Step 3: Containment, eradication, and recovery. ...
  • Step 4: Post-incident activity. ...
  • Step 5: Test your incident response process.
Mar 20, 2024

What are the four main steps of the incident handling process? ›

The NIST incident response lifecycle breaks incident response down into four main phases: Preparation; Detection and Analysis; Containment, Eradication, and Recovery; and Post-Event Activity.

What is the incident handling process of SOC? ›

Following an incident, SOCs conduct a thorough analysis to identify exploited vulnerabilities and security gaps. Detailed reports are prepared to document the incident, its impact, the response actions taken, and lessons learned to prevent future occurrences.

What is incident handling checklist? ›

Incident handling checklist is your cybersecurity lifeline. It outlines a set of steps and key components to follow in the event of a security breach or incident. Each stage from preparation to post-incident analysis are integral to ensure a timely and thorough response.

What are the 7 phases of incident handling? ›

Implementing a well-defined incident response strategy — including steps like preparation, detection and analysis, containment and mitigation, investigation and forensics, communication and reporting, recovery, lessons learned, and future protection — empowers organizations to proactively safeguard their assets and ...

What are the 5 C's of incident management? ›

There is a simple method or approach to problem-solving and incident analysis that applies whether the problem is big or small. This approach is called the 5Cs. The 5Cs are Conditions, Correlations, Contributions, Causes, and Corrections. Listed below is the detail and order in which they should be considered.

What are the 3 correct steps to handle the incident? ›

Incident Response Frameworks
  1. Step #1: Preparation.
  2. Step #2: Detection and Analysis.
  3. Step #3: Containment, Eradication and Recovery.
  4. Step #4: Post-Incident Activity.
Jul 7, 2023

What are the three incident handling categories? ›

Containment, Eradication, and Recovery

Moreover, merely disconnecting the attacking host from the data source may backfire; NIST suggests that the incident response team have a specific containment plan for each type of attack they anticipate based on risk assessments and analyses.

What are the 4 R's of incident management? ›

Repair, Resolution, Recovery and Restoration are the 4 R's mostly used during the Incident Management process. While ITIL is very particular about the terms and terminology, there seems to be enough confusion while discussing these four terms.

What is incident management in simple words? ›

Incident management is a process used by IT operations and DevOps teams to respond to and address unplanned events that can affect service quality or service operations. Incident management aims to identify and correct problems while maintaining normal service and minimizing impact to the business.

What is incident handling procedure? ›

Incident handling service for IT is an organized and systematized process used to address cyber attacks and security breaches. The goal of this security approach is to mitigate and possibly, dodge the damage of a potential security theft and hacking within an IT structure or department.

What are the three functions of incident handling? ›

Answer: Incident reporting incident analysis and incident response.

What does an incident handler do? ›

This role investigates, analyzes, and responds to cyber incidents within the network environment or enclave. Personnel performing this role may unofficially or alternatively be called: Incident Handler. Incident Responder.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.