What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (2024)

When opening a brokerage account, you can choose a cash account, a margin account, or both. With a cash account, you invest your own money when buying stocks and other securities. A margin account lets you borrow money from your broker to buy securities, using the assets in your account as collateral. Trading on margin gives you more money to invest, which can boost your gains. But it also amplifies your losses, so it's essential to understand how it works.

What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (1)

What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (2)

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What is margin?

Margin is the cash, cash equivalents, and securities you deposit into your brokerage account as collateral to use money borrowed from your broker to buy additional securities. The total amount you have available to invest—including your own cash and the borrowed money—is called your buying power.

What is margin trading?

With a margin account, your broker lends you money against the value of the securities in your account—much like a bank lends you cash against the equity you have in your home. Margin trading, or buying on margin, is when you buy securities with borrowed money. Under Regulation T (aka "Reg T") of the Federal Reserve Board, you can borrow up to 50% of an investment's purchase price, but your broker might require a higher initial margin.

Components of margin trading

Three key rules govern margin trading: minimum margin, initial margin, and maintenance margin. While brokerage firms can establish their own "house" requirements, they can't be less restrictive than the rules set by the Federal Reserve Board, the securities exchanges, and self-regulatory organizations (SROs) such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

1. Minimum margin (your deposit)

Minimum margin is the smallest amount of money you can deposit before trading on margin. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requires you to deposit at least $2,000 or 100% of the purchase price of the margin securities, whichever is less.

2. Initial margin (the amount you can borrow)

Initial margin is the percentage of the purchase price your own money must cover when buying securities on margin. Under Reg T, you can borrow up to 50% of the purchase price of margin securities. So, if you bought $10,000 worth of stock, you would pay $5,000, and your broker would lend you the other $5,000.

3. Maintenance margin (the amount you need after you trade)

Once you buy margin securities, your broker imposes a "maintenance" requirement on your margin account. The maintenance margin is the minimum amount of equity you must always maintain in your account. Per FINRA rules, the maintenance requirement must be at least 25% of the current market value of the margin securities.

How does margin trading work?

Margin trading doesn't happen automatically. Here are the basic steps to get started.

Apply for a margin account

Most brokerage firms offer margin accounts. If you don't have a margin account already, you can apply for one with your broker of choice. You'll fill out an online application and answer a few questions about your financial situation, investment knowledge, risk tolerance, and financial objectives. Public.com now offers margin accounts.

What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (3)

What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (4)

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Make the minimum margin deposit

Once your account is approved, you'll have to deposit a minimum of the lesser of $2,000 or 100% of the purchase price of the margin securities, though your broker may require more.

Find out which securities are marginable

Not all securities can be bought on margin or used as collateral for a margin account. While each broker can define which securities are marginable, the list generally includes most:

  • Securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
  • NASDAQ/AMEX securities.
  • Mutual funds you've owned for at least 30 days.
  • Investment-grade corporate, municipal, and government bonds.

Consider the interest

Like all loans, margin loans involve interest. Margin interest rates are usually lower than those on unsecured personal loans and credit cards. The interest charges accrue each month to your account, and you can repay the loan at your convenience with no fixed repayment schedule. Sometimes, you can deduct the interest if you use the margin to buy taxable investments and itemize your deductions at tax time (consult a tax professional for help). For these reasons, margin loans can be a flexible and affordable way to borrow.

Still, the interest you pay lowers your returns, increasing the amount your investment must earn to break even. Interest rates vary significantly by broker, so consider this expense when comparing your margin account options.

Understand margin calls

You'll receive a margin call from your broker if your account falls below its maintenance margin requirement. A margin call is a demand from your broker to increase the equity in your account—either by depositing cash or margin-eligible securities into the account or selling securities in the account. If you don't satisfy the margin-call requirements, your broker can sell (liquidate) your positions to bring the equity in your account up to or above the required level.

Importantly, your broker can do this without consulting you first. For this reason, it's essential to understand your broker's rules—and never ignore a margin call. Read your margin agreement and know how much your portfolio can decline in value before prompting a margin call.

Example of margin trading

Here's an example illustrating how margin can work in your favor or against you. We don't include commissions, fees, or margin interest for simplicity's sake.

Say you have $10,000 cash in your brokerage account. You want to buy a stock that costs $100 per share, so you use your $10,000 to purchase 100 shares. A year later, the stock price increases to $120, and you sell your position for $12,000—earning a $2,000 profit.

Now, assume you start with the same $10,000, but have margin privileges. In that case, you could buy 100 shares with your $10,000 plus another 100 shares on margin. The following year, the stock price increases to the same $120, and you sell your 200 shares for $24,000. After repaying the $10,000 you borrowed, you end up with a $4,000 profit—twice the amount you earned without margin.

Of course, margin trading also magnifies your losses. Say the stock price falls to $90 the next year, and you close out your position for $18,000. Once you repay the $10,000, you have $8,000 left of your initial investment—meaning you lose $2,000. Without margin, you would have lost just $1,000.

The pros and cons of margin trading


  • Magnifies your profits
  • Boosts purchasing power (leverage)
  • Repayment flexibility
  • Lower interest rates than other loans
  • More investing options (short selling, options)


  • Magnifies your losses
  • Interest charges
  • Margin calls
  • Forced liquidation (risk of not meeting margin call)

Advantages of margin trading

A key benefit of margin is that it boosts your buying power, resulting in larger profits on winning trades. Margin loans also offer lower interest rates and more flexibility than other loans because there's no fixed repayment schedule. A margin account also enables you to trade certain options strategies and participate in short selling—when you attempt to profit from securities that decline in value.

Disadvantages of margin trading

Trading on margin can boost your profits, but the trade-off is that it also amplifies your losses. Margin also comes at a cost: You'll owe interest on the money you borrow, no matter how your investment performs. Margin calls are another drawback. If you're unable to meet a margin call, your broker can liquidate your positions and revoke your margin privileges.

What are the risks involved in margin trading?

A primary hazard of margin trading is leverage risk: Margin can amplify your losses as dramatically as it can increase your wins. Margin-call risk is another danger. As noted, if the equity in your account falls below your broker's maintenance margin requirement, you'll get a margin call. If you don't respond promptly, your broker can sell securities in your account to increase the equity (aka "forced liquidation")—and they don't have to notify you first.

What strategies are used to maximize returns on margin?

Several basic tips and strategies can help you maximize your returns when trading on margin:

  • Only trade on margin once you've gained experience and understand how the market works.
  • Leave a cash cushion in your account to limit the chance of a margin call.
  • Consider capping your leverage to limit your potential losses.
  • Use stop-loss orders to exit losing positions automatically at a predetermined price.
  • Remember that margin loans involve interest and shop around if your broker's rate seems too high.

How to decide if margin trading is right for you

Margin trading is best suited for experienced investors who are comfortable with the risks and understand how to use margin safely. Newer investors are generally better off using a cash account while learning about the financial markets.

You also need to be the kind of investor who enjoys being actively involved in the market; margin trading is not a “buy it and forget it” activity.

Tougher requirements for active traders

If you’re a really active investor, you’ll encounter much higher minimum equity requirements for your margin account. Most investors hold their investments for months or years, expecting to buy low and sell high. However, some active investors and traders prefer getting in and out of the market quickly, attempting to profit from small, frequent price fluctuations. Because short-term trading is generally riskier than buy-and-hold strategies (for both the trader and the brokerage firm), the margin requirements are higher for anyone designated as a "pattern day trader."

Your broker can designate you as a pattern day trader if you execute four or more "day trades" within five business days. A day trade is when you buy and sell (or sell and buy, in the case of short selling) the same security on the same day in a margin account. FINRA rules require brokers to impose special margin requirements for pattern day traders, with a minimum equity requirement of $25,000 instead of the usual $2,000 for most investors.

TIME Stamp: Experienced investors willing to invest the time can profit from margin trading

If your stocks do well, you can make more money trading on margin than with a cash account. The reverse is also true: You can lose more money, much faster, if your margin investments tank.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a margin call?

A margin call is a demand from your broker to meet the account's maintenance margin requirements. You'll receive a margin call if you trade for more than your account's buying power, the value of your margin account decreases, or your broker raises its house maintenance margin requirements.

To meet a margin call, you can deposit cash or margin-eligible securities into the account or sell securities to increase your account equity. If you don't meet a margin call, your broker has the right to sell the securities you bought on margin without notifying you—potentially at a substantial loss.

What are the requirements for margin trading?

There are three requirements for margin trading. The first, minimum margin, is the minimum amount you must deposit before trading on margin. FINRA sets the minimum at $2,000 or 100% of the purchase price of the margin securities, whichever is less.

The second requirement, initial margin, is the percentage of the purchase price covered with your own cash. Reg T lets you borrow up to 50% of the purchase price.

The third requirement, maintenance margin, is the percentage of your own funds that you have to keep in your account when you own margin securities. FINRA sets the minimum at 25% of the securities' current market value.

What is 5% margin trading?

Some instruments, including Forex, give traders access to substantial leverage through margin. When the leverage is 20:1, or 5% margin, you can trade $20 for every $1 of available margin in your account. So, for example, if you have $100 in your account, you could buy $2,000 worth of an asset.

Should beginners trade on margin?

Margin increases your buying power, but it also magnifies your losses. For this reason, it's generally advisable to use margin only once you gain investment experience and proficiency, and are no longer a beginner.

The information presented here is created independently from the TIME editorial staff. To learn more, see our About page.

What Is Margin Trading? 2024 Guide (2024)


What is margin trading for dummies? ›

Trading on margin means borrowing money from a brokerage firm in order to carry out trades. When trading on margin, investors first deposit cash that serves as collateral for the loan and then pay ongoing interest payments on the money they borrow.

What are the tricks for margin trading? ›

Margin trading involves higher risks, and protecting your capital should be a top priority. Avoid putting too much of your available margin balance into a single trade. Diversify your investments across multiple assets to spread the risk. Use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and protect your profits.

What are the rules for margin trading? ›

The margin requirement for this stock is 10%, which means you need to maintain 10% of the total trade value in your account as a margin. Without the Peak Margin Rules, you would only need to maintain 10% of the total trade value at the time of entering the trade, which is ₹2,000 (10% of 100 shares * ₹200 per share).

Is margin trading worth it? ›

Margin trading is risky since the margin loan needs to be repaid to the broker regardless of whether the investment has a gain or loss. Buying on margin can magnify gains, but leverage can also exacerbate losses.

What is an example of margin trading? ›

For example, if you made a trade by borrowing 50% on margin, half of the trade is funded with borrowed capital. Now say the stock you invested in lost 50%, you would have a loss of 100% in your portfolio. Add to this any commissions and fees and you've lost more than the money you put in.

How do you calculate margin for dummies? ›

The margin is the gross profit divided by the total revenue, which creates a ratio. You can then multiply by 100 to make a percentage. In this formula: Net sales can be used interchangeably with revenue for the sake of this formula — it is simply how much money was generated from selling products, goods, or services.

Is margin trading smart? ›

While margin loans can be useful and convenient, they are by no means risk free. Trading on margin enables you to leverage securities you already own to purchase additional securities, sell securities short, or access a line of credit.

Is margin trading more risky? ›

Margin trading enables investors to increase their purchasing power by providing more capital to invest in shares. However, it is riskier than other forms of trading. As such, an investor should tread carefully when he or she is buying on margin.

How to make money using margin? ›

Buying on margin involves getting a loan from your brokerage and using the money from the loan to invest in more securities than you can buy with your available cash. Through margin buying, investors can amplify their returns — but only if their investments outperform the cost of the loan itself.

What Cannot be traded on margin? ›

Non-marginable securities include recent IPOs, penny stocks, and over-the-counter bulletin board stocks. The downside of marginable securities is that they can lead to margin calls, which in turn cause the liquidation of securities and financial loss.

How much money do you need for margin? ›

To purchase a security on margin, FINRA (a government-authorized regulator of brokerage firms) requires that you have at least $2,000 or 100% of the security's purchase price (whichever value is less) deposited into your account. This is called the margin minimum.

Can I trade without using margin? ›

So the answer is YES! you can effectively day trade in the absence of margin. If you are confused about what is margin in intraday trading, then to sum it up in simple words, it is similar to a bank loan.

When you invest $500 to buy $1000 worth of stock on margin? ›

Answer. When you buy stock on margin, you borrow money from your broker to purchase more shares than you could with just your own funds. In this case, you invested $500 and borrowed another $500 to buy $1000 worth of stock. If the value of the stock drops by 50%, then the value of your investment is cut in half to $500 ...

Is it better to trade on margin or cash? ›

Cash accounts provide stability and simplicity, while margin accounts offer the allure of increased opportunities and flexibility. You should approach margin trading with caution, fully understanding the mechanics and risks involved.

What happens if you lose margin money? ›

When the value of a margin account falls below the broker's required amount, the investor must deposit further cash or securities to satisfy the loan terms.

Is buying on margin risky? ›

On its website, it says that margin accounts "can be very risky and they are not suitable for everyone." Before opening a margin account, the SEC suggested that investors should fully understand that "you can lose more money than you have invested," and they may be forced to sell some or all of their securities when ...

Is margin trading better than stock trading? ›

Margin trading, a stock market feature, allows investors to purchase more stocks than they can afford. Investors can earn high returns by buying stocks at the marginal price instead of their market price. Your stockbroker will lend you money to buy the stocks, and like any other loan, will charge an interest rate.

How to use margin to make money? ›

Buying on margin involves getting a loan from your brokerage and using the money from the loan to invest in more securities than you can buy with your available cash. Through margin buying, investors can amplify their returns — but only if their investments outperform the cost of the loan itself.

Is margin trade profitable? ›

Trading on margin can boost your profits, but the trade-off is that it also amplifies your losses. Margin also comes at a cost: You'll owe interest on the money you borrow, no matter how your investment performs. Margin calls are another drawback.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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